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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    The unspoken rule

    "Something and lots of soda seems to work best for me. My husband calls me his cheap date, Cheap means different here." What's it mean in the UK? I'm fairly versed in U.K colloquialisms (been to the UK a lot - friends live there) and I'm not aware of a different meaning! I'd love to know. 😁
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    "And my butt? Yeah, we don't know her anymore" I love the way you phrased it, made me laugh. I don't know mine anymore either..I feel abandoned by her...I fed her, supported her and had a close working relationship with her and what's she do for all that!? POOF gone and sagged off 😖 😠 you'd think carrying around 100's of extra pounds we would have built up muscles to support a perfect peach! Now all I have is a prune.
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    It could possibly be premenopausal or if you're dehydrated.. Your gums recede due to not having enough moisture aka dehydration. 😕
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Portion size question, 3 months post op

    I hope it helped...
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Water intake issue?

    It just goes to show everyone is different, warm water makes me nauseated. I prefer (as does my stomach) either hot or cold drinks!
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Portion size question, 3 months post op

    I don want to contradict your surgeons office, but I will say what I do and what my pamphlet states they gave me: most (not all) state 3oz of protein, approx 1/4 to 1/2 cup non starch veggies and 2 tablespoons of starchy veggies...or close to this give or take. It also depends on if you're male or female. On average at 3-6 months out 800 calories ( until I start maintenance that's all I get a day) - again depending on male or female. I've included a picture out of my program book...again there are different programs out there. I hope this helps some...At 8 months out I eat no more than 800 calories a day based on the pictures you see.
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    "despite probably being the most "fit" i have ever been since my 20's, i still feel unbelievably weak compared to my heaviest days. i swear i can't open jars anymore nor can i carry multiple bags or groceries at once like i used to." THIS!!! Why? I work out, weights etc..but darn I'm so weak..I too can't open jars...bag packages to save my life, wth is up with that?? I also have injuries galore and boy am I clumsy! Your post made me laugh because I'm right there with you and understand all too well! Plus the side view of no butt..yeah perfect description, again the same for me...its kinda sad... No butt anymore..I used to have the perfect peach... Put on some weight...lost some weight and POOF! Gone!
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Water intake issue?

    Yes, its fairly common! Try taking smaller sips and space it out a bit more. If it continues I'd contact your bariatric surgeons office and see what they have to say. Also, before WLS did water do this? Water always made me a bit nauseated, so I add flavor which helps. Good luck, I hope you this is your only bump on your journey!
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Dent In tummy

    Agreed, impossible to even hazard a guess since its to vague..sorry.
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    Ahhh I hope so!! <fingers crossed>
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What you should know about WLS they don't tell you

    Wow, what a horrible experience for you! I'm sorry you went through all that. Hopefully you're doing better now.? Its amazing when you start putting things together despite knowing WLS is life changing - it is in more ways than we can imagine. Thank you for sharing!
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What do you put in your coffee?

    I put heavy cream in - old keto diet habit and I don't eat enough fats as it is, then I add my protein powder and my digestive resistant maltodextrin. That's it! If I want more flavor, I use my "chocolate flavored" nespresso blend coffee..not any chocolate added its just the flavor of these particular beans and I froth my heavy cream. Also, make sure your coffee is truly decaf, most have some. Look for those that are water processed they contain the least amount of caffeine grams!
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Almost 3 years out!

    Congratulations! Its always nice to see hard work that pays off. Good luck on your skin removal surgery! I'm hoping one day to do the same if I can afford it, although my doctor has already started a paper trail to help (she had WLS so understands)!
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    running or walking?

    I walk. A family friend, who just happens to be a world renowned orthopedic surgeon told me years ago "whatever you do for exercise don't run." He stated that its horrible for your joints (after all its how he makes his money) and for health benefits walking is better over all. He said the calorie burn isn't that much higher running and if you walk at a quick pace you receive the same benefits without the wear and tear and your body will thank you when you're older. So, its what I do!
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I unfortunately only spent a few months following surgery without being overly hungry, but after about the three month mark it came back with a vengeance, so I decided to do some research. I now consume Non digestive or Resistant meladextrin. Its a corn fiber that your body can't digest so; no calories, good fiber and probiotics purported to help with the following: Resistant maltodextrin is believed to enhance gut health by [19, 29, 30]: Promoting the growth of good gut bacteria Improving stool weight, consistency, and bowel movements According to some researchers, resistant maltodextrin has potential against obesity, diabetes, and heart disease because, in various studies, it has [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]: Reduced belly fat and body weight Decreased food intake Increased satiety hormones (glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY) Lowered the production of the “hunger” hormone (ghrelin) Reduced blood sugar levels and insulin resistance Blocking the growth of cancer cells and tumors ** hasn't been proven** Decreasing endotoxins, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers (TNF-a, IFN gamma, MDA) Increasing protective antibodies and anti-inflammatory substances (IgA, butyrate, IL-10) In clinical studies of over 200 people, resistant maltodextrin enhanced the growth of good gut bacteria, including [19, 29, 44, 47, 48]: Bifidobacterium Ruminococcus Eubacterium Lactobacillus Lachnospiraceae Bacteroides Holdemania Faecalibacterium As a resistant starch, this type of maltodextrin will help keep your blood sugar level stable after meals. In a meta-analysis of over 900 people, resistant maltodextrin blocked the increase of blood sugar after meals (postprandial glycemia) [37]. resistant maltodextrin decreased blood glucose and insulin levels. It increased a weight-loss protein called adiponectin that blocks glucose production. 3) Obesity In several clinical studies of over 300 overweight people, resistant maltodextrin reduced body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat. In one 12-week clinical study of 30 people with metabolic syndrome, it decreased waist circumference and belly fat [31, 55, 35]. In clinical studies of over 160 overweight men, resistant maltodextrin decreased feelings of hunger, increased satiety, and reduced and food intake. In another study on 32 healthy people, it decreased levels of the “hunger” hormone (ghrelin), lowered feelings of hunger and improved satiety [31, 32, 33, 34]. In rats, resistant maltodextrin reduced body weight, belly fat, and suppressed excess food intake [56, 6, 50 I found numerous research studies that pretty much said the same things above..so I figured I'd give it a try. It has no flavor and desolved completely so I just add it to my water plus it has no calories and helps regulate Ghrelin (hunger hormone). It really seems to help! I just make sure its non GMO etc etc. Perhaps it can help you, I figured it couldn't hurt and I do feel less hungry...still by try but less.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Did you cheat too?

    Its all about muscle memory, you've eaten a certain way far longer than your "militant" way. Plus, eating very strict structured ways isn't easy to maintain - be easy on yourself. Being constantly vigilant can't be done, our brains aren't able to maintain that at all times, slip ups occur. You need to retrain yourself, which is what the prediet is supposed to start you doing - changing your muscle memory and making new ones, but it took years to develop your old bad habits, it will take some time to reprogram yourself! I eat very structured and pretty much the same food all the time and boy does my mind rebel! Its human nature to want what we can't have and to want a variety that tastes good (no matter how many times my dietician says celery and faux noodles taste good - they don't! Take that Jennifer!) You know what and how you should be eating, instead of berating yourself leading to self anger and hatred of the "failures" take baby steps. You know you've done it before! I still don't get my required H20 in and I'm six months PO. Just don't compare yourself to others on here that say they do get all their requirements in, you do what you can do. Its too daunting looking at going from a small amount to I'll do my full required water ounces tomorrow. Looking at the full amount knowing you haven't done it - sets you up for being angry at yourself. Just add a few more ounces each day than you did the last day, same for protein goals. Celebrate each addition as a victory! Lastly, I never had the honeymoon period people talk about, my hunger came back quick (and no it wasn't "mind hunger" despite what ppl told me). I seldom feel full, I just eat the mandated size limits and stick to it knowing I'll just have to be hungry. Is it tough? Heck yeah, but I tell myself being hungry is better than being fat and I didn't go through all this to not do it. Remember, we are all different and walk our own paths on this journey - you just have to walk yours as best you can from day to day, take baby steps before you run! Try different food combos on your pureed phase to keep it interesting, count your liquids in your soups and protein drinks - they count and add up. Add protein powder to everything like I do to get your protein in. You've got this!
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Chewing Gum

    It causes gas bubbles, you chew..you produce saliva, you swallow saliva with air - you get air bubbles in your new smaller stomach taking up valuable room for nutrients. Plus, you're healing - air in your stomach can when you add liquid and food cause pressure on your sutures when you're trying to heal! Add to this that when you produce saliva you start to produce stomach acids for digestion, this acid and enzymes can cause heart burn and ever ulcers.
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Will I ever be able to drink while eating?

    One reason for having to wait 30 minutes to drink after eating or not consume liquids while eating is to prevent the diluting of digestive enzymes. These enzymes are vital to the process of digestion. Watering down the enzymes will disrupt the process and can cause problems like acidity and heartburn damaging your throat and stomach. If the enzymes are watered down - less broken down food - less nutrients are absorbed. Also, liquid added to your new stomach (sorry I refuse to call it a "pouch"), causes food to flow through the stomach quicker than your stomach nerves can trigger the " full" feeling". It also causes the stomach to empty quicker leading to less absorption of nutrients and possibly eating more because the full perception isn't achieved. At least this is how it was explained to me. As you are always going to have (hopefully) a smaller stomach and the need for as many of the nutrients you eat to be fully absorbed - waiting to drink should be a lifetime practice. Although, sometimes I find it difficult to stick to this as well!
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    ~ 4 Years Out - Struggle Bus is REAL

    Exactly this. A lot of Baritastic patients go into this thinking its a "diet" its not! Its a new LIFETIME way of eating. It is nothing more than nourishment to keep your body healthy. "Diets" are meant to be a temporary way to lose weight, bariatric surgery is a permanent way to eat. I'll try and heed your words of warning!
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Look in the forum search bar for "3 week stall." Its very normal and common to stall out right where you are in the program. There are hundreds of posts covering this, hopefully knowing this will help.
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Sugar Cravings - Please help!

    You're welcome! There are thousands of icreami protein recipes out there, so its always a new taste/flavor! Just keep in mind it takes 24 hours to make so you need to plan ahead and just keep it ahead of a craving. I also recommend the Greek yogurt bars, 13-16 grams of protein, no sugar added and the same calories as well..Greek yogurt! Good luck!
  22. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Sugar Cravings - Please help!

    Did you have your one year labs? How were your blood sugar results? Sometimes new cravings are the result of body dynamics changing and its trying to get your attention. There has been research that has shown cravings can change every seven years. For me I used to crave sweets, now (before surgery as well) it was salty crunchy snacks...perhaps its just a change for you. When I do crave sweets I have a Greek yogurt "mint chip ice cream" pop which is about 90 calories, or a sugar free fudgcicle - 60 calories, or a tablespoon of no sugar added dark chocolate chips - 60 calories. I also purchased an icreami and make ice cream out of protein drinks to get that sweet itch taken care of! Cravings are both what people on these forums call "mind hunger" and/or they can also be triggered by what your body is needing. Either way its still annoying when you're watching what you eat. I personally have never found "eat a piece of fruit" to work for me, plus fruit has just as much sugar as some treats so its not really doing you any favors ( other than possibly healthier) so if I'm craving a "sweet" I have one of the things I mentioned above. I figure I've given up so much as it is and also gained a healthier body that I would rather have a healthier sweet option opposed to being harassed by a craving. 😋 As long as you keep it healthier and minimal - no harm unless you're worried about the "slippery slope". I personally just tell myself I've been through so much now - why f*** it up now? This keeps me on the straight and narrow path. Good luck and if you need to - ask your dietician about it. I hope this helps some. I know some ppl will suggest drinking more water, exercise when feeling these craving etc. none of which have worked for me..but give them a try they might for you!
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    I stayed one night and I'm glad I did, I went into the bathroom, used the toilet and was busy tying my gown back up - my gown (had come lose), when next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor looking at the wall tile! Apparently my blood pressure dropped extremely low causing me to pass out. I cracked my head and my knee requiring an X-Ray and CAT scan of my head...Had I gone home it could have been bad, at the very least a trip via ambulance back to the hospital. I'd stay at least overnight just to make sure all is well, it would be beneficial if you can afford it.
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Navigating Eating Out

    Be the squeaky wheel..keep calling your dieticians office until you get a call back, show up in person or contact your insurance company and tell them the office isn't fulfilling their medical obligation to you which was part of your requirements for your surgery. Explain you've done your part and you expect them to fulfill theirs! If they can't offer you a dietician at your normal office have them recommended one or ask your insurance company for a replacement. I don't know if you had to, but I had to sign a "contract" with my Bariatric team stating I'd follow the plan, attend all my appointments etc.. They're required to fulfill their end as well. If there's one thing I've learned about healthcare; YOU have to be the annoying squeaky wheel, your own pushy advocate to get the care you deserve.

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