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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mtnman428

  1. I don't think that I had a catheter, but I was given these big, baggy blue thongs to wear!!!
  2. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    And Janet, thanks for sharing some of your life experiences with us all. That truly does help us to understand how you are so helpful to us thru your knowledge and life experiences. I agree that we are all the same deep down.
  3. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Ellen, I'm still thinking of you, and I'm sure that you found the right words today. Your friend is still supporting you from heaven.
  4. mtnman428

    Does anybody NOT throw up?

    Slimgirl and Isullivan68, a PB is a Productive Burp, as I understand it, to regurgitate food (involuntarily). If you take too big of a bite, don't chew well enough, eat to fast, etc... the offending food comes back up. I have not had a fill yet-in fact, I'm still on full liquids, so I have not experienced a PB yet (hopefully I won't for awhile, or at all). Also I have not thrown up or felt nauseous after surgery.
  5. I was just banded on 7/24. I brought a duffle bag with PJs and Gas-x and magazines....but I slept for most of the night, then when I was up I had to go for a walk to get the blood flowing. I never even bothered to change into my own nightgown, I just stayed in the hospital gown. Maybe bring slippers. I did use mine because they only had the papery ones. Also, YES you should bring/buy some loose clothing to wear home the next day just to be comfortable. If you plan on wearing a bra, get a loose fitting sports bra without underwire. I wore loose sweatpants and a big T-shirt with a loose sports bra underneath. Just to keep clear of your incisions, plus my stomach stayed swollen and bloated for more than a week. Good luck!
  6. mtnman428

    Hello to all

    Hahaha, you're going to have so many suggestions that you won't know where to start! I like the Milk Chocolate flavor Muscle Milk Light. There are 5 other flavors too. They sell it at Vitamin World or you can get it cheap online too at Vitacost.com It is 195 calories with 26g of protein.
  7. I flew 4 days after being banded, and it was fine. BUT what's this Physician's card about Aspirin that you got?? My Dr. didn't give me anything like that, but I have heard it is bad for the stomach. Does it say to never take it??
  8. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Ellen, I'm so sorry for your loss. I cried just reading it. I'll keep you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. Aside from the, "everyone heals at their own pace", which, is true; I'd say 5 days would be good if you can afford that much time. I'm unemployed (at the moment), so it's hard to say exactly when I would've been ready. However, I was only given 2 days of Supradol (or something like that-pain med), then instructed to take Liquid Tylenol if need be. I did take it but sometimes skipped doses, and don't really feel it would've been absolutely necessary to take. I'm 15 days out now. After the 1st day I was walking around and site seeing. I did have mild discomfort, but nothing too serious. Although, do listen to the advice to walk, walk, walk because it really does help with the CO2 pains. I thought that I just wasn't experiencing them, but then I skipped 2 days of walking and had gas pains in my shoulder. The walking keeps them at bay. The other thing I noticed was that my stomach stayed bloated and swollen for at least 7 days (and still is some). I 1st drove 3 days afterwards and that was what made it weird because my stomach was bigger after surgery. I had to move my seat around.
  10. I'm new to this, so I don't have too much insight, but do you have your period? I found out that people on here were right about that. I have no fills yet, but when I got my period for the 1st time (post band) I was so full and tight. I didn't even want to drink. Just a thought.
  11. I soooooo relate to this post! :ohmy: I have always been the same way, a "no-gray-area" mentality! I'm hoping that the band will change this and give me a healthier approach to eating. I mean before "on a diet" I would allow myself something "bad" as long as it was in my calorie range, but the minute I went to a restaurant or ate something that I could not calculate the exact calories of, I'd go off the deep end and just binge cheat for the next week or so until another "Monday" rolled around! But what I am finding so far (I'm only 2 weeks out, and still on full liquids) is that I STILL find myself counting calories (because it does feel safe-especially in this liquid phase), but I wanted to get the band, so that I would not have to live my life writing down every little morsel that goes into my mouth! But at the same time, I feel that that is the only way to guarantee success and stop at my calorie quota. So I don't know what to do either. My Dr. did tell me not to count calories. Help:confused: What have you successful bandsters done?? Did you count calories or just eat by satisfaction?
  12. mtnman428

    1 week out w/ ????

    Hi, I'm only a little over 2 weeks out. I think that if you wait and heal a bit longer then you should be able to sleep on your side soon. I couldn't for the first maybe 4 days, but then I could. I've read alot of posts that people say that they couldn't sleep on their side for a little while. It is most likely either your port (that is attached to your abdominal wall, so needs time to heal) or maybe it is CO2 gas pains that get worse when you lie on your side. I think that it will go away with time like mine has. Good luck.
  13. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Lovegrapes, I was banded on 7/24, and for the 1st week or so I had no desire to really eat either. Even now, I'm only on full liquids, and I do start to feel slight hunger at times, but I don't have a real desire to eat like before. My thin brother brought home Chinese one night then pizza the next and I didn't really feel like I was missing out. The lack of desire to eat is not as strong as the 1st week out though. So in my opinion, this will probably pass as we heal. Penny, I think that many Dr.'s have different rules than their peers. Whose to know which Dr. is right and which is wrong? I guess we just have to trust them, abide by their rules and hope and pray that they're correct! My doc had me do 8 days of clear liquids, then on day 9+10 add yogurt smoothies, then from day 11-21 (I'm on now) full liquids, like, cream soups, protein shakes, etc... There is no mushy or pureed stage in my diet. After the full 3 weeks he wants me to start on solids. He said that will help me heal better and be less hungry later on and not stretch the pouch. I was thinking the same thing as you, but I guess we won't really know right away. I hope our post-op instructions work and get us to goal! Good luck! :ohmy:
  14. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Great job and you look awesome!!!!
  15. mtnman428

    The Lap Band and Dating

    Hahaha, I hear ya about the gas...but sometimes I actually just hope for it now (to be expelled):wink_smile:!!!!
  16. mtnman428

    The Lap Band and Dating

    OMG!!! I feel for you. One of my previous posts was a question about LB and dating. So what ended up happening with your date, and did he know something was up?? Once I can actually start to eat solid foods, I will start practicing!!!
  17. mtnman428

    seriously considering lap band surgery

    Oh that's cool...it's such a small state. I'm from Warwick. I started researching LB in December or January 08'. I was working and pretty sure that my health coverage was going to cover it. I went to a free (mandatory for Dr. Pohl) 3 hour seminar on Valentine's Day. It was very helpful. Before I could proceed I lost my job and health coverage! So I too became a self-pay, and that is when I decided on Mexico and Dr. Ortiz. I had watched him on Oprah, then started researching him and Dr. Rumbaut (because at 1st I was very skeptical of Mexico surgery). I also bought and read his book, Lap Band For Life. After months of research and scraping together money (credit cards!), I called and spoke with Carolyn (patient coordinator) for about an hour and a 1/2 with tons of questions. We spoke a couple times, then in mid June I booked it for 7/24/08. I left myself time for the 2 week pre-op diet. Now, yay, it is already done (the band insertion anyway)! The price is $7950 for a private room and $7700 for a semi-private room. These prices include pick-up and drop off at the San Diego airport and 3 day stay at the Hotel Lucerna. The only other thing that I really had to pay for was the airfare ($506). I can't really answer the food part too much, as I am still on liquids. I just started on full liquids actually, last night. One thing that people were right about, so far though is that when you get your period (sorry-TMI) you do get more of a full/tight/bloated feeling. I didn't even want to have my 1/2 cup of tomato soup last night, so I saved it til about 4 hours later!!! :cool2: Other than that, not too many problems. I've had a few minor concerns and questions that I've emailed Dr. Ortiz about. Haven't had much pain, just some slight discomfort/soreness at times. Also at first I had none of the CO2 gas pains in my shoulder because I was walking (site seeing) all around Mexico since the day after surgery until I left. When I got home I took it too easy and didn't go for a walk for 2 days, then I felt the gas pains in my left shoulder, so now I have been walking (slow-2.7-2.9mph) on the treadmill everyday for 30-35 minutes, and take gasx to keep the gas away! Hope this helps!
  18. mtnman428

    seriously considering lap band surgery

    Hi, I just had surgery 11 days ago with Dr. Ortiz (as my doc). He was came in and spoke with me before surgery to answer my questions. He was friendly and helpful. My surgery was over before I knew it. I felt better than expected. I didn't see him again after my surgery, but the other Dr.'s and nurses came in to check on me several times. I have emailed him questions since, and he has replied quickly. I also emailed him and said "hey you never came in to see me after surgery", and he said that he did, but I was asleep and stayed asleep for quite awhile after surgery; which, is true because I did not wake up until it was dark out. I also asked other people there and he went in to see them afterwards, so it was just my sleepyhead ways. Overall, I was very happy with the OCC and (so far) would do it all the same. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Good Luck!:smile:
  19. mtnman428


    So far so good thanks, and the same to you!
  20. mtnman428


    Hi, I've only been slowly walking on the treadmill for 30-35 minutes per day at about 2.8-2.9 mph (less than 1 mile), but I'm only 11 days out from surgery. My doc said that I could resume (real) exercise after 3 weeks, so I assume that would be fine. You should really just monitor it by how you feel while doing it, and if you feel that your body is handling it. You could also double check with your Dr.'s office. Caloriesperhour.com has a great walking (and activities) calculator. It will calculate how many calories you have burned, when you put in a few different variables, like, your weight, height, etc... Hope this helps!
  21. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Orea, you get to be on full liquids already? I had to wait until today...my 11th day! =( On the 9th I did get to have a yogurt smoothie, 10th day I started 1 protein shake and today I incorporated the cream soups and stuff. These docs are all so different.
  22. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, I'm am now 11 days post-op and have lost 9 lbs., BUT this was not the case at first! I was asking the same thing as you at first because the 1st 5 days I lost nothing. Everyone is different, but right now I think our bodies are just getting over the surgery and holding onto everything for now. Once the bloating and swelling goes down-you should be good! Hope it's OK to give my 2 cents even though I'm not Janet, I just wanted to share my experience. Good luck!
  23. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Janet, I have a couple of questions for you (if you know the answers please). 1.) I was just banded 10 days ago, and my doc said liquid Tylenol if needed (after my 2 day supply of pain meds were out). I have used all of my expensive liquid Tylenol up. My question is, can I take the Tylenol EZ tabs that I have (coated and smaller, supposed to be easier to swallow)? I'm still on liquids otherwise. Is it too much digestion to take the tabs?? I don't have pain now really (but just incase). 2.) I had started another thread about "How do I know if I have a blood clot in my leg after surgery"? I was self-pay with no insurance. I had some slight cramping in my left then right calf a few days ago. Also my legs and feet were swollen off and on, but now they have not been (could have been from high sodium in broth). I've been walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day. So do you know how I could tell without an expensive Dr.'s appointment? And when is the chance for them after surgery reduced? Thanks!!!
  24. mtnman428


    I think that it would be fine, but I am not a Dr. I'd also say though, to wait the usual 3 weeks (most other things were 3 weeks). You probably shouldn't expose your incisions to the tanning bed so soon. My Dr. told me to wait at least 3 weeks to put Mederma or anything else on them. Mederma also makes a formula with sunscreen in it, so if you do go after time, then you should either cover your scars or put sunscreen on them (or both).
  25. Hello everybody! I have a crazy question. Are blood clots common/probable after this surgery? I was just banded on 7/24/08, and was feeling fine for the most part. Then last night I had a short, slight cramping in my left calf, that went away after a few seconds. My legs and feet have also been swollen off and on (but not really today), which I was attributing to the high sodium in the chicken broth. But lying in bed last night it was scaring me to think about a clot going to my heart! I had the surgery in Mexico (self-pay) and do not have health coverage here right now. I didn't want to just go to a Dr. for 1 cramp, then have to pay a big bill for nothing, but I also don't want anything bad to happen either. I'm also feeling the gas pains in my shoulder now and hadn't really before. Am I just being paranoid?? Thanks. PS) I also hadn't gone for a walk the last 2 days, but did the first 4 and today too.

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