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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mtnman428

  1. mtnman428

    Self-pay payment problems

    I'm glad to hear that it all worked out!
  2. I was just wondering about the general calorie intake on average that everyone was instructed (or is) to eat?? How much is too much, and what do you think is too little?? I just started solid foods yesterday, and have not yet had a fill. I do feel some resrtiction, but not much. Should I be eating 1200 calories for now? I mean, calories can always vary depending on what we eat (like, I can eat the same amount of pizza as chicken, but spend more cals on the pizza) So what would be a good # for me to keep up? Will I need room to lower my calorie intake to keep losing after fills; which, would mean I should probably be at the higher calorie end for now??? Thanks all!
  3. Thanks...I'll try to follow your advice then, because you look great! I don't know if I'll ever be able to run, even when I was thin (years ago) I didn't, maybe because of my 4'11.5" height and short legs!!! But I have been walking, and can also re-start the elliptical now.
  4. mtnman428

    HELP with eggplant

    I'm kind of a "plane jane" eater when it comes to recipes. I like to make 2 simple things with eggplant. Either eggplant parmesan, which you can make a few different ways, or I also like to marinate it in a bit of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, then cook it in Pam spray or grill it. For the eggplant parm, you can just slice it up like that, then layer it with your favorite sauce and some mozzarella cheese, then bake it. You can also do the same, but coat the eggplant in egg white then breadcrumbs or flour and cook it first, then layer w/sauce and cheese.
  5. mtnman428

    What is is about Mexico?

    Yeah Mexico is about anywhere from $6500-9000 for surgery, but in the US it is much more anywhere from low $10,500-30,000+! Plus most of the Dr.'s in Mexico have been practicing the Lap Band for longer than the Dr.' in the US, thus have more experience. It was available in Mexico years before it was FDA approved in the US in 2001. That is how I started researching and ended up going to MX because I lost my health coverage here in the US. That and the Tequila, lol!
  6. mtnman428

    needing surgery in mexico...need advice

    I just want to start by saying: I have no personal knowledge of Juarez; however, I watched the movie, Bordertown (with Jennifer Lopez); which, was based on true events and that took place in Juarez. Like I said, I have never been to Juarez, and I do not know how big it is, but the movie was an eye-opener! Also I read in one of these posts that a popular Lap Band surgeon in Juarez was gunned down and killed. I'm not trying to discourage anyone form going there, but I would like to encourage all to be very careful no matter where they decide to go, please!
  7. That's great to hear, because I was wondering the same thing. I wasn't sure because my nutritionist just said not to gulp or chug, so I was confused! She said to just take sips, but then I was feeling thirsty! So I'm glad that you asked this question for us!
  8. Hi everyone! I just have a question about solids. I've been on liquids (clear, then full) for 21 days since surgery now. Today I start solids. I do not have a fill. I'm just wondering what kind of food to eat? I don't want to mess up and PB on my 1st day/week. Do most foods go down OK since I don't even have a fill yet? I'll take the advice to take small bites and chew, chew, chew. But what? What's a good choice for breakfast, lunch and dinner??? Thanks all! :biggrin::thumbup:
  9. mtnman428

    What did you eat on 1st day of solids??

    Thanks everyone! Keep the ideas coming. Armywife, are you Greek (or do you just like the Gyros)? I only ask because I am Syrian (and French). I didn't even think of Gyros. Good idea.
  10. mtnman428

    Drinking while eating

    My Dr. also says to wait 1 hour after eating and suck on ice cubes if thirsty (Dr. Ortiz too). Although his nutritionist also told me that if I need a sip of water or something (hot food, coughing, etc..) that I could do that, but not everyday. She also said that if I'm out at a restaurant and want to sip wine or a drink with dinner that would be fine too...just not all of the time.
  11. mtnman428

    Self-pay payment problems

    Hi, I was self-pay too. I also had some trouble getting the money up front right away. I used a balance transfer check on my credit card, so had to wait for that money. Anyways, after I had put my $500 down payment the Center wanted the final payment 2 weeks before surgery too. I called the center and spoke to them and told them that I could not pay the balance until the day before surgery (when I arrived in MX by a Cashiers check). They didn't act extremely happy, but they understood and told me that as long as it was paid before surgery, then I'd be fine. So maybe you can do the same, just call and explain your situation. As long as you have already put your down-payment and pay the balance before surgery I think they will accept that. After all, they're not going to turn away money. Good Luck!:biggrin:
  12. I'm guessing it was Morphine in my drip, but they didn't really say. When I was released the following day, I went home with a 2 day supply of Supradol. When that ran out they said to use liquid Tylenol if needed. I did take it for a couple of days, but I don't think that I even really needed it. I didn't have much pain just a little port soreness. At first I had no CO2 pains in my shoulder, I think because I walked quite a bit for the 1st few days after surgery, then I didn't walk on the 4th or 5th day, then the next day I got the shoulder gas pains. The walking really helps with them. I started right back to walking and they felt better, but still there a little.
  13. mtnman428

    needing surgery in mexico...need advice

    Hi, I too was self-pay with no money to spare!!! I did go to Dr. Ortiz and am happy with my decision. The price is $7950, BUT if you are OK with a semi-private recovery room (which they don't really advertise) (and you'll most-likely be asleep thru recovery anyways-I was) it is $7700. That'll save u $250! Or if you can find someone else that wants surgery too, then you get a multi-discount with a private room for $7500 each. My sister almost came to do it with me, but didn't in the end. They do have payment plans that can maybe help you. Your flight would be to San Diego, so it is cheaper than flying into Mexico, so think about that too. Let me know if you have anymore questions, and Good luck whatever you decide! :crying:
  14. Ditto what Jachut said. Yes, my Dr. said that this phase is for the band to heal properly in place! The body should be concentrating on healing and have as little digestion as possible. Also you will not see or know the damage right away until it is too late. I'm not trying to scare you, you probably haven't done much damage yet-if you haven't really been eating all the time, but you REALLY shouldn't further chance it. There are a few great 3-5 minute videos on Youtube.com right now (that were just posted a few days ago) from my doc-Dr. Ortiz. He actually talks about this exact subject. You should watch it.
  15. mtnman428

    Band Ailments?

    You could also try Prune juice and/or Metamucil. Good luck.:wink2:
  16. Hi, I was banded on 7/24 and I'm still on full liquids (1 protein shake per day, cream soups, tomato soup, yogurt smoothies, etc...). I can start eating solid foods on 8/14...a couple of days. No mushy stage for me. My Dr. doesn't do it that way. I've actually been at a stand-still with my weight these last few days, even though I've only been having between 650-800 calories per day and walking most days! Maybe my calories are too low and hopefully once I start eating I will lose again.:wink2:
  17. My Dr. said that it was fine to have coffee and tea after surgery, but while I was on the clear liquids stage I could only have it with CoffeeMate/non-dairy creamer. Now that I'm on full liquids I can have it with milk or half & half again (in moderation).
  18. mtnman428

    Anyone tryed situps ?

    My Dr. told me besides walking, he wanted me to wait 3 weeks post-op to do exercise and 3 MONTHS post-op for Ab work, so I'd wait to do the sit-ups until at least then and just concentrate on cardio. :wink2:
  19. Did u already try Fillcentersusa.com? I'm not sure if they take a payment plan or not, but they should. Also try calling around to your local Lap Band surgeon's offices and see if they'll take you and also take a payment plan. Good luck!
  20. mtnman428


    My nutritionist said to drink prune juice (assuming that you are on liquids or even if you're on solid food.) Also try some Metamucil/fiber supplement. I got Equate (Walmart brand) "Fiber Therapy", it is 100% natural Psyllium Husk Fiber, bulk forming laxative and dietary supplement. I'm not sure if you are supposed to take them in pill form, so I also have Metamucil powder form that you add to water to drink (I got the orange flavor). These things worked for me. :wink2: Good luck!
  21. mtnman428

    Small Bites & Chewing

    A PB is a Productive Burp. It is when you swallow food that cannot stay down for some reason or another (ex: not chewing enough, too big of a bite, wrong type food, etc...) It regurgitates back up. I've had no fills or solid food yet, so I cannot describe how it feels, but it doesn't sound too exciting!:wink2:
  22. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Janet, I'm doing well thanks for checking! I'm just a little frustrated because I have actually gained a Lb in the last 2 days, and I'm only still on full liquids!!! I know that this is something to be expected, but it is quite annoying. I have been following the rules and have not been drinking in tons of calories. I've also been walking. I'm only actually between 650-800 cals per day. Do you think this is why? Should I up my liquid cals?? It's not like I have been really hungry either. I figured when I get to solid food, then I'd be eating 1000-1200 cals per day. I'm thinking and hoping it will all work itself out.:wink2:
  23. mtnman428

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    OH! Thanks WBB. I have heard of that before. I just couldn't put 2+2 together for some reason.
  24. mtnman428

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    OK, I tried to figure it out myself, but I just can't...what does this disgusting DS stand for??? It sounds gut wrenching and awful, so I must know! :thumbup:
  25. mtnman428

    Small Bites & Chewing

    So I have a question kind of brought on by this post. I start solid foods on Wednesday, and I'm just wondering what to try and start with and should I really buy a baby fork and spoon??? I''ve heard the take very small bites and chew, chew, chew advice; which, I will take, but what should I start with for my first day?? Chicken, burger, eggs, toast, canned veggies, raw veggies????? I don't want to be PB'ing my first meal. Although does that even happen before any fills? Thanks...maybe I should've put this in a new thread.

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