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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mtnman428

  1. I agree with BJean and JoJoBananas! Many abortions are done early term, and I'm pretty sure, are not as gruesome as that video made it out to look. I watched the video and it did not change my mind to be pro-choice. There are laws against when it is too late to abort, so an "alive baby" was already taken into consideration for the time limit within the law. Let's not go backwards with our rights (and freedoms)here people. Everyone should worry about themselves and stop trying to interfere in other people's right to choose what is best for themselves. There are much worse things happening in this world to be concentrating on than reversing a law that has already been made, or more importantly, reversing the right for woman to make their own decision about their body!
  2. Hi Carrie_Nah I'm two weeks post op from being banded by Dr Ortiz. I had no problems medically or otherwise with my trip. Medical Do your research on Dr Ortiz. His clinic was newer and cleaner than most medical establishments I've seen here in Canada. Non-medical Some people hear TJ or Mexico and have visions of some lawless place. From my experience, you can be as safe as you want. The Clinic picks you up at the airport, takes you directly to the clinic. They take you directly to the hotel, they pick you up and take you back to the airport. If you're adventurous, you can take a cab to the tourist area. I wouldn't travel alone but I would say the same about New York City. We walked around outside the hotel a bit in daylight but wouldn't at night. Just take reasonable precautions. People at the clinic, the hotel and Revolution Ave (the tourist zone) pretty much spoke english and were very nice. We also went to the local mall - walked there in daylight, cabbed back that evening. Grabbed a starbucks and caught a movie. No one spoke english but it was fun. My wife has had three trips to TJ this year (her band, her 1st fill and she came with me for my band) and had no troubles on any trip. Everyone's experience is different but I would not hesitate to recommend TJ and Dr Ortiz. Good luck.
  3. Oops. I saw that I somehow commadeered Cujo's machinr. The comments above are from LAPBANDY
  4. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yeah, I too would like to try this Quiche recipe, but doesn't quiche usually have a crust at the bottom? Or is that the idea to have no crust?
  5. I had glue too, but what (I think) some people are talking about with "stitches" are the stitches on the insides (also). Some people do still get stitches on the outside too though. The band (mine) is stitched, in one spot to the stomach, and the port is also stitched to the abdominal wall (or muscle?). So I assume that they mean it depends on how many stitches the Dr. used for those things because some doctors vary in their technique. I wish you good luck tomorrow Jo Ann!
  6. I've heard it said of specialists that when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


    Has anyone considered non-band related problems? It sounds like Crohns or Celiac's disease which often start in early adulthood.


    The band is a foreign body that your immune system might be attacking. That's pretty rare but I've read that it can happen.


    Good luck with your next appointments and I hope you start feeling better soon.

  7. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I'm so glad that I could help new2me! :cool2: Boos02, I'm going thru that right now too, arghhhh!:cursing: So far today I've been doing well, and I must keep it up. But from Saturday-Monday I kinda had a free-for-all with food! I think I may have already posted this here, but it all started with my niece's wedding Saturday, then I just kept going.:w00t: I hope that a fill will help this from reoccurring! Right now, I'll just have to depend on will power! I'm about 5 weeks out too. Good luck to us!
  8. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    I hear you Ellen! I was doing so well; UNTIL I went to my nieces wedding on Saturday, then just didn't completely get back on track since then!!!! For my first few weeks I had some restriction (no fill yet) and no huge desire to eat. But now and after the wedding I just almost went back to my old dieter mentality; which, is "Oh well I've already screwed up I might as well eat what I want now". I say almost because I have controlled it some. I have not been to the gym since Friday, but I am going today-I just put my gym clothes on. I hope this does get better after my 1st fill. Until then, I will just have to get back on track and count my calories. Sorry it is not advice, but I just wanted to share that you are not alone and vent. :thumbup:
  9. mtnman428


    Anwa, I had the same question awhile ago...I can't really describe how (I had to follow directions), but I can tell you where to find the directions! Go to the search box and type in "How do I insert a ticker?" and the how-to thread will come up (originally posted by haffdime). Good luck!:crying:
  10. mtnman428

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Wow, way to go Josh! Eyespy, I almost feel the same way. I have not had a fill yet, and did have some restriction in the beginning, but not anymore. Now I could probably almost eat whatever I wanted to. I have just been on my own calorie-counting diet and exercise to lose weight. I was doing fine and still losing, but now I just hit the "dieter's roadblock" I went to a wedding over the weekend and I'm still in that mode!!! So today the scale said that I was 2#s up!!!! I have not exercised since Friday. I do know that I must get back on track, and tomorrow I will go to the gym! I hope that when I do get a fill that will help. :crying:
  11. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    New2me, I love my Tanita Body Fat scale, and I've had it for years. It has the metal strips at the spots for your feet, so it measures your weight and body fat %. The directions will explain that the body fat % will fluctuate with the time of day and amount of liquid in your body, but the weight is always accurate. Mine has lasted for so long (knock on wood). I'm tempted to buy another 1 though, just because of all the new cool models that Tanita has put out with even more features. I think I got mine at Sports Authority, but they sell them at quite a few places now, and online will probably be the cheapest. Good luck!
  12. mtnman428

    Hi!! I'm new..and approved!

    Kathy, so far, please do NOT be afraid/scared of the Lap Band! I was too for so long before I decided to get it. Now that I do have it (only 31 days since), and the few days after I got it, I said "Piece of cake"! It really wasn't that bad at all. I had hardly any pain and my incisions seem to be healing nicely (knock on wood!). My weight loss is starting to taper off, but I will be getting a fill soon. Good luck to all!:biggrin:
  13. If you are thinking of Mexico, consider Dr Ortiz at the Obesity Control Centre in TJ. That who did mine and my wife's and we had great experience.
  14. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, I hope all is well with Andrew and that he has a speedy full recovery.
  15. Hey Rufus Not sure how OHIP in works in Ontario but in Alberta there is some Health Care zero cost available but you need high BMI (40+) plus co-morbidities plus a multi-year qualification program. The Toronto clinics are supposed to be good but I think they are all private so you would be self-pay.
  16. I bet you used the computer at the nurses station didn't you?:wink2: LOL How did it go?
  17. mtnman428

    Hi!! I'm new..and approved!

    OMG! I hear ya...I lost about 90 LBs. in 2002-2003 on my own (for about the 2nd time in my life), then I gained it all back +++some by 2006! I had even told myself that I wasn't going to let that happen to me again! It's like an alien just took over my body/mind while I regained it all. :cursing: Anyways, now I have my band and I really hope that I'm successful with it for good!:wink2: I can't wait to be thinner again! Good luck to you and your success too. Keep us posted.:tt2:
  18. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    LOL...I assume bananas are fine to eat. I only said that I ate 1 today because Dianne said that she couldn't eat them, so that got me to wondering if they would be problematic after my fill(s). :cursing:
  19. mtnman428

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I was going to ask if anybody PBs on their post-op before a fill though, but I read that you did Diane. Then I read someone else say that doesn't usually happen. I thought I'd just been getting lucky so far without a PB yet. I even ate a banana (among other things) today...but unfortunately after my fill, I'm sure it'll be coming!:cursing:
  20. mtnman428

    I'm here to help...

    Hahaha-Ellen you've started a big question...seems as if we are all wondering the same thing! :wink2: I made my ticker reflect my total weight lost so far, since my pre-op diet, but I was just thinking if I should've made it go from Banded on.... Well I also put all my details over my ticker. I suppose we could have 2 tickers, now I'm getting wacky! :cursing:
  21. I completely agree with Cobrien! Harlito, no offense, but in our society it is not as hard as you think it is for the man to just walk away, and many men do. Then there is not much recourse for the woman, especially if the man has nothing in his name...you can't get blood from a stone. Certain men do not care about a tarnished reputation. I am definitely not saying that all men are like this, just arguing the point of how easy it actually is for a man to walk away from. :cursing:
  22. mtnman428

    Why did they change the home page???

    True, true....but it's good again anyways!
  23. Why did they change the home page?? I liked looking at all of the new threads right up front!
  24. mtnman428


    Dr Ortiz banded me last week. No problems...so far. If you use the search function on "ortiz" you should get tons of testimonials, probably all positive. The facility is top notch, the location is easy access from San Diego airport, everyone there were excellent.
  25. mtnman428

    oily skin

    I did not experience any of that, that I noticed. But it is still early on and you've only been banded a couple of days. For now, I'd chalk it up to the surgery and the trauma that your body has just been thru. It could also be from the change in your diet, although that has only been a couple of days too, except for whatever you did for a pre-op diet. I would think that it will go back to normal in a few days to weeks. I was swollen and bloated for about 2 weeks from the surgery and my body holding onto everything because it was in shock + the high sodium in all the broth that I was consuming!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
