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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by julie.ann

  1. I know what you mean Bella. I talk about this all the time. I know someday I will get PS, but I have another 4 1/2 years until I have my lapband surgery paid off so I will have to wait until then unless something else happens.

    Depressing to know that it will be 5 years before I can get this extra gross skin taken care of and my breast will keep sagging until then too. I think I would even be happy with my body now if I could have PS. I think I would be able to fit into a size 10 then (I am wearing a size 12 now) and I never even thought about wearing a size smaller than that.

    I am getting to the point where I can tell a difference in my shoulders and face. I even wore a tank top when I went golfing with my hubby yesterday!!! That is a NSV!

  2. Every time I have gone for a fill I go to the thrift store Unique. It is close to the office and Natalie and Mary recommended it. I haven't left yet without finding something there. The jeans are less than $5. It is huge and you can try it all on. I love going there. I have it saved in my Garmin right beside Dr. K's address.

    I figure if I am going to drive 7 hours then I better get to shop too. :)

  3. well to see my food journal you could log into www.sparkpeople.com and my user name is NURSEMOM5.

    Breakfast - Morning Star Sausage Patty or 3 Pieces of bacon AND 2 poached eggs (egg whites only) OR 1/4cup Southwestern Egg beaters (this is my favorite!).

    lunch - chicken salad (My own quick recipe that only has 3 ingrediants) and 1/2 cup cottage cheese OR Roast Beef and cottage cheese

    Supper - Stuffed chicken breast (Bacon and American Jack Cheese) I may top it with steamed onions and peppers and a slice of american cheese.

    Basiclly I put a good source of solid Protein with something else. I like to add cottage cheese to my meals to help change textures and it helps the solid protein go down. Besides I love cottage cheese. Drink Pink Limade Crystal Light (Well the wal-mart brand.) It takes care of my sweet tooth most of the time and tastes great without adding calories into my day.

    I eat a high protein low carb diet. My calorie intake is low, but I'm not hungry. The high protein helps with that. No bread, Pasta, rice or potatoes and no I don't miss it anymore. I will splurge every once in a while and have thin and crispy pizza (yes I know that is bread...that's why I said splurge) but regular pizza leave the crust on my plate and I just eat the toppings off becuase otherwise I'll get stuck. Pizza and cookie dough are my two biggest weakness so I know I have to keep them out of the house. If I have to bring Cookies some where for school or church I don't make homemade anymore because of that.

    I keep track of what I eat and try not to eat unless I am hungery...I mean my stomach is empty. That is the tough part.

    I hope that helps.

    BTW I lost another lb last night and I have 8 lbs until I am no longer obese!!!!!

    I did have popcorn at the movies last night and pizza for lunch today, but I have been hitting the gym and watching my portions so I will be okay and will continue to be on the way to my goals.

  4. Well today is 7 months since surgery. I have lost 102 lbs and 8 lbs in the last month. That is the least in one month I have lost since surgery. I'm not down about it. I have been eating more like I will for the rest of my life and been straying from my high Protein low carb diet that has worked for me in amazing ways.

    I still haven't told my family and I have managed to keep my weight loss a secret from them. I plan to visit Florida in the last week in Florida and surprise them. I would LOVE to be in the 160's. Can't even imagine that! I guess I will have to stay on track.

    Well I'm off to go grocery shopping and hit the gym. Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks I'll try. I've always been very broad across my back. All my life even if I weighed 30 lbs less than my sisters I couldn't fit into their shirts. Maybe that is why I have such a hard time. I figured I would need to wear some kind of corset for support. (Luckily to even out the playing field I never had to worry about my hips.)

    I'll try this one. Anyone else had good luck?

  6. Just dropping in to say YAY! I have lost 100 lbs which makes my Memorial Day Goal!!!!

    The weight is coming off more slowly becuase I haven't been sticking to my high Protein diet like I was. I am still losing and that what matters and it really is more on a lifetime diet. I know I have been eating in a way that will drop the weight off quickly. I have still been working hard, but high protein will drop the weight faster than any other type of diet that I have found. I have lost about 7 lbs this month instead of 10-13lbs.

    I am still following most of the bandster guidelines most of the time. I am less than 43 away from goal so I could still make my goal of being half the person I was just one year post op. We will see what happens.

  7. Put me down for a loss. I have lost 100lbs. Our daughter is being very selfish with bad behavior. (She is 15.) It has driven me to eat today, but back on track as of right now.

    I love being in the century club. It has really been coming off slow the last month or so!

  8. Just popping in to say 100 lbs gone FOREVER!!!!

    I decided to do a fat girl happy dance when I lost 100 lbs, but it seems I may have to settle for just a happy dance since the fat girl seems to have left the building!



  9. so just a question, I went to my "yearly" visit to my gyno's office, and I weighed in at 241. I talked with he nurse and they said the scale is calibrated so it is accurate. My scale said 247 this morning, and dr k.s scale usually puts me a little over what my scale says. Which one should I go by? Of course I WANT to go by my dr's scale cuz it says less. Or should I invest in a new scale?

    I don't think it matters. As long as you use one scale to monitor you will know if you lose or not. That is what matters.

  10. lbt just sent my msg half through typing!

    I know that this is stopping my weight loss as i am now in starvation mode, i cant go to the gym as i have no energy.... I think i might get a timer to remind me to eat.

    Any suggestions would be really welcome!


    At the very least keep a protien shake nearby. Get your solid protien when you do eat. Make the calories count!

  11. I got banded 2-5-08 starting weight was 258, i hit my all time low on 5-8-09 at 203 and blew it last week. I ate a lot of things I shouldn't have and drank a lot of soda. I'm not sure why I self destructed, but I am pretty angry with myself because I gained about 5 pounds back. Also it just makes me feel depressed when I lose control like that. Especially since my progress has been slow as it is. The only positive I can say is I'm doing excellent with my work outs 5 days /week. I just want to stop destroying my progress!


    Becareful with soda. If the carbonated beverages stretch your pouch there may be no going back. It is one thing to eat unhealthy and then get back on the wagon. Please don't do anything that you can't reverse.

    I have had some bad weekends so far in May. Forget it. It is in the past. Don't dwell on it. Resolve to move forward. You can do it!!!

  12. Cheryl,

    When I stop keeping such close tabs on what I eat at sparkpeople.com I can tell I stop losing like I should. It really took 3 months for it to become a lifestyle, but I know it will only take a week to undo all that self teaching.

    I haven't been as focused and the weight loss is slowing. It is hard. I have changed things up at the gym and had them make me a work out schedule 3 days a week. I have only done it twice already. The other days i can make it to the gym I will do cardio and maybe abs.

    Hang in there. Remember your basics. Protein first then veggies. No drinks with your meal and stop as soon as you start to feel full....or don't feel hungry anymore.

    The biggest mistake I make and hardest thing I struggle with is not eating unless I am hungry.

    Hang in there! A fresh start starts now.

    BTW I also think it helps to have a ticker to update. Everyday I lose....even if it is just .2 lbs I come on here and update to see the loss. It is positive reinforcement. When I loose...Like today...I think this is the least I have weighed in 9 years! WOW! It helps me to work. I also weigh daily on my wii fit and it graphs my progress. Daily weighing isn't for everyone...but it is great for me.

    Come back on the web site everyday. Read some blogs....write some blogs. As I have slowed down this month I have found myself visiting the site less and weighing in less. The last few days have been good and look at me. I'm here visiting more often again!

  13. I also have not been checking in to lapbandtalk very often either. My surgery was October 7, 2008. Bimbabe, I really understand what you posted. I hit six months and the weight just stopped coming off. I am stuck at 65 lbs and need to lose at least 30 more. I was overfilled and then had to have some removed and since then, I have had terrible heartburn (something I never had before surgery) and a metalic taste in my mouth. In the morning I can only drink a smoothie---nothing goes else goes down. I also seem quite bloated in my stomach area. I have an appointment with my surgeon on May 27th. I sure hope they can figure out what went wrong. I had been doing so well until right around Easter. Hang in there. There is a lady in our group who had surgery in early 2008 and lost well for about six months, then went six months without losing anything and now she is losing again. I have also considered going on the "pre-op" diet for a couple of weeks to try to get back on track. But I eat so little now and exercise five days a week, I can't imagine it would help. I do have plenty of energy and feel better now than I have felt in many years.

    Sounds like you are still too tight. Be careful and let us know how things go. Maybe your doctor can see you sooner.

  14. I just wanted to add that the phone consult I had with Dr. K was the clincher for me too. I felt like he understood what I am feeling and really knew his stuff. He was very candid and personable.

    It has been 6 1/2 months and I have't regretted my desicion a single day! I don't know when I will make it back to see Dr. K and his staff. It has been over a month and I can't imagine needing a fill anytime soon, but I look forward to it when I do have to make the long trip out there. It have been worth every minute I have put into this journey and every dollar!

  15. Well things are essitially unchanged this week. I am getting back to the basic rule of if I am not hungry then I don't eat. I had a very good day yesterday. I am really havng to take small bites and chew well to keep from getting stuck. My meals are not large and can last me 4-5 hours, but I have to make sure I don't snack. That has been a problem for me in the past 2 weeks.

    I am not down on myself because I had gained a few lbs and lost that so I'm actually on the downward slope again. I got a workout schedule made up for me at the gym so I am anxious to see if that helps me become more defined and lose inches.

    I am close to the century mark and ANYTIME I concentrate on the numbers and not the process I stop doing well. So back to the process and the numbers will follow. I also am working on being better about recording my food intake on www.sparkpeople.com because I have always said that that is the best tool for my weight loss with the exception of the band.

  16. Hi everbody, i was banded in oct. 24, 2008, had a fill two weeks ago, can only eat 5 to 6 bites and i'm chokeing. I have lost 31 pounds and have had 4 fills, i think i have 4.25 cc, i just have to get up from the table and walk around until i no longer fill like i'm choking, miserable feeling, what am i doing wrong?

    I feel that way too depending on what I eat. I have really tried to push it lately for some reason. I have had to accept the fact that Pizza Crust is no longer something I can eat. i ate some crackers one day and followed it with a swig of Water (I know...I was SOOOO thirsty) The crackers with the water made a thick paste in my stomach and I had to just walk away for quite a while.

    Turkey breast has gotten harder to eat. Moist chicken breast still isn't bad at all.

    No bread, Pasta, Rice or Potatoes to that thinks don't get stuck. Tiny bites and chew. I cut up my meat to pieces like I would give a two year old. I mix textures. That really helps me. I might have problems with roast beef, but if I mix it with cottage cheese I can eat it without any problems.

    If I make poor food choices I would choke every meal. I'm not saying that is your problem, but that is my advice.

    I hope that helpss.

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