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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by julie.ann

  1. HI everyone,

    I'm now at 49 lbs down, that was a nice surprise the last time I weighed myself. I'm going to change my picture soon. I'll try to post a "before" & "after" pic soon. I'm even amazed how much different I look.

    As for my wife,=.... She does not say much but I know she has thought about it. Time will tell.

    Love to all,


    Great! I can't wait to see the pics!

  2. Well I weighed in later in the morning last week and I recorded a 0.3 loss. This week I have 1.7 lb loss. I am so close to that goal of no longer being overweight. I know what I started doing wrong. I started focusing on a big goal when I have to focus on ONE POUND AT A TIME. When I started doing that I started eating better and losing weight. I am not going to make it to the gym today. I hate that. The first day I've missed in weeks (except Sunday when they are closed)

    Onward and upward....I mean downward! :thumbdown:

    How is everyone else doing?

    Jill, be sure you aren't too tight. You don't want to fall into soft calorie syndrome.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I made it back.

    There's Good news & there's Good news.

    I have not been losing for the past 2-3 weeks but have been losing "inches", but have started losing again. Even better news is I am now OFF all my blood pressure meds AND all my Diabetic meds, also cut my cholesterol meds in half. I have my next appt with my family Doc in Sept and "might" be able to get off the rest of my meds. It sure is strange to get up in the morning and all I have to take is my Vitamins, etc.

    I’m now down 47 lbs. I see my post op-Doc (Dr. Low) on June 30th. I’m not sure if she will give me a fill or not. Well see.

    I see everyone is doing very good.

    Keep up the good work,



  4. I think I might have a gain for the first time since last October. Crap!

    I ate like crap last weekend and had my birthday on Monday. I have to get it in gear. I think that I need to tell myself just 15 more pounds because I am getting tired of this weight loss journey. I'm ready to get to maintenance.

    I will see my family for the first time since December at the end of next month. They don't know that I have lost all this weight. I decided to tan and look really good when I go down. Well now the "girls" are a little burnt. Wow that is a new experience. It sucks!

    Next week I have to do better!

  5. I forgot to mention.... even mashed potatoes are causing me pain. I tried to eat them and I don't even like potatoes!!! :blink:


    Are fluids going down ok? Is that causing you pain? First of all stay hydrated. If you haven't slipped and you are just very tight all of the sudden then stress could make that worse.

    I would call the doctor. If not today then first thing Moday morning and stay on liquids. Again stay hydrated and get some protien drinks to keep strong. You don't want to stop calorie intake or else by the time you get to the doctor you will be weak. Sometimes it takes a few days...even up to two weeks for my fill to really hit its full power. That could be the case. I think that being too tight is a possiblity.

    Keep us informed. I know that I don't post much, but I do follow along. Take care.

  6. Does the carb diet work with the lapband?

    I was banded cec lost 41 so far and need

    something to jump start me! Thanks

    You mean high protien low carb? ABSOLUTELY! Really that is what we should be on anyway. Think of the bandster guidelines.

    Eat Solid Protien first

    Follow with veggies.

    We can't eat much so if you ALWAYS start with solid Protein and not eat unless you are hungry that will take care of things.

    It works amazing. You still have to eat healthy when you aren't watching your carbs, but it will cut the weight fast. I eat lean meat mostly and that helps too.

    Really any healthy lifestyle of eating will work great with the band as long as you stay away from the soft and liquid calories.

  7. MYTURN:

    I know that is frustrating. Maybe you need to cut out all carbs to get a jumpstart.

    I can't believe my scales said 179.5 today. GOOD-BYE 180's!!!! The weekend is the hardest for me so I will have to try to be extra good so those numbers don't come back on the scale!

    I can't wait to surprise my family next month with my weight loss!

  8. The pouch test is going back to the basics. It will help get carbs out of your system to help with cravings and the theory is that if you slow down and give your pouch time to rest it may help shrink a little if you are stretched.

    Some will do this to jump start their loss, some do it after they fall off the wagon to get back into the lifestyle.

    You should be able to search it and find more on it. That's just the little I've heard of it.

  9. I live in Pratt. I use the term obese based on BMI. That is generally how the medical community measure obesity.

    >40 BMI is Morbidly Obese

    30-39 is Obese

    25-29 is Overweight

    <25 is Healthy

    I think I could use a tad out of my band, but my doc is 7 hours away and I don't want to go that far. I just have to be careful.

    I get support from this website and I have recently told some friends that I have been banded.

    I'm glad to hear things are going so well for you. Let me know how the support group is.

  10. Hello all! I am a *new* member of the 100 lbs to loose club. I am currently 265 and before surgery I was 279.8. Lost 15 on the pre-op and a few more on the post -op liquid phase. When I say few I truly mean a few. Lowest I reached was 262.

    I have lost inches, and that is the NSV I am holding on to. Glad I have that to hold on to because truth be told, even thought I focused on having no expectations, I have found I have them all the same.

    I keep reminding myself this is a "life" change and it will not happen over night. My heart knows this but my head will not get on board. Speaking of head.....darn that head hunger.

    So, here I set, had my first fill on Monday. My band took a fill of .7 cc's. Dr. McBride began the fill with 1.5 cc's and backed it out until the liquid did not get caught up. I hope the fill settles in nicely and I will have some assistance. I am really wanting to have some help with my non existent *FULL* button.

    I am not trying to be a downer, *BUT* I really was bummed that I did not loose more on the 21 day liquid phase. (Self talk - inches lost...inches lost!!!)

    So, recap started 280 lost 15 solid lbs. Feeling like I am hanging on the the 15 and having head hunger issues. I am newly banded as of 4/24/09.

    I am keeping the faith that this will work for me. Anyone else relate to where I am?

    Yiou know Angie I think that everyone fights this to certain degrees. This is why my weight loss has slowed. The best way to battle cravings is to get it out of your system. The more sweets I eat the more I crave. A couple of days ago I decided that if I was craving sweets I would satisfy that with a chocolate Protein shake. I know....no liquid calorites allowed, but it is the lesser of the two evils until I get those carbs out of my system. The same with bread Pasta rice and potatoes. I don't eat them and haven't in so long that it doesn't bother me anymore.

    I would also suggest an online food journal if you don't have one already. I use www.sparkpeople.com. Thedailyplate and lapband also have free versions as well. It has really helped me to be accountable for every little bite I put in my mouth. I think about putting it in my food journal and seeing my calorie count and carb count increase and I know it isn't worth it.

    I also try to weigh daily and update my ticker with EVERY TINY LOSS. I know daily weigh ins aren't for everyone, but they work better for me. I was slipping. I wasn't weighing everyday and not keeping strict accounting of what I ate and I could tell. My weight loss slowed to 1/2 lb even one week. I haven't had a gain yet, but in the first 5 months I was very very good and averaged about 3 lbs a week. Even in the past 3 days the weight loss is better and I am making better choices because I am back to following my rules.

    Low carbs is the way to melt off the fat. You also have to realize that you can't go back to high carbs, just a balanced diet. Again my food journal has helped me to learn what that is.

    Good luck. You have the drive and in my opinion you have fought half the battle and that is learning the difference between real hunger and head hunger! I believe it is the people that can't tell the difference that don't succeed.

  11. Well I joined the century club last month! Happy to be here! I am slowing down because I am getting lax in following the rules. I am getting happy with how and I look and less motivated, but I trudge on. I love the gym and if I could run without my hips hurting I thought about doing a half a marathon.

    Maybe some day.

  12. Julie. I don't know how things are for you now but I would recommend Dr. Kirshenbaum in Co.


    He accepts self pay only and his price (unless it has changed in the last month or so) is only $9950.

    I went through www.surgeryloans.com

    I don't know with bad credit how it is at the least the price is less than most and he is the BEST. I love him and it is worth the 7 hour drive for me. His fills are only $15 after the first 3 months so it costs less to drive there, spend the night and come back than it does to get a fill in Wichita (which is very close to me.)

    Good luck. I love my band!

  13. I am weighing in at 181.9 today. That is my lowest so far. I haven't been eating very good with my daughter making bad descions and dealing with her 15 yr old atitude. The last two days have been better and I am back on track. I'm still hitting the gym and you should see my arms! I have definition! I started a weight training program that I had them build for me. WOW! What a difference.

    I'm off tothe gym. Have a great week end. I can't wait to hear how everyone else is.

    BTW.....I have LESS than 40 lbs till goal!!!!

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