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Posts posted by julie.ann

  1. Hey there! Sorry I didn't see the thread earlier. I used to Celebrate by going out to eat, so now I don't know. I was banded on Oct 29th and I plateaued for two months, but just got a fill and I am losing again!!!

    I thought about getting myself an old fashion nurses uniform for my bandiversary and wearing it to work at the hosptial for Halloween. (Not too sexy, nothing see through! :thumbup:) I was thinking more stockings and heels with a white dress uniform and a cap.

    I can't believe it is coming up already!

  2. Well guys. I FINALLY had a fill. I am losing again and I am back down to my lowest again. Yay! WOW I needed this a while ago! I didn't think so...I was wrong. I eat 1/2 c. of food and I am stuffed. It is nice to have that again!

    Keep us all posted on how you are doing and for those of you October Bandsters that are looking at surgery...well....one year from now this is the chair you will be sitting in. It has a great feel to it! :blink:

  3. Sure. Usually I nibble on some cottage cheese and chicken salad out in my vehicle and if that goes well I go to TGI Friday's and have the sizzlen chicken and cheese.

    I forgot to nibble on the food in my blazer and I also usually let everything settle for about an hour or two, but my appt was late in the day and I was in a hurry to get out of town.

    I'll never be in a hurry again. Things seem to be doing well. I am wondering if I may be tighter in the morning now. I never have been before. Every fill is different and I will take this one day at a time. I am at the lowest today than I have been in 6 weeks. I needed to see that! I have been on a platuea for about 2 months. Feels good to think I may be losing again!

  4. OK Julie Ann - you've been my inspiration and the little slips you're describing are insignificant compared to your success! Also, you're cointinuing to work out. You know, I just got back from a little mini vacation and I lost 1/2 pound -- that never happened before! And I drank a little, and had some deserts too. My husband calls that "life." And, girl, you have to live it! You can't be perfect all the time - at least I can't. Don't worry. Take a baby step towards "better behavior." For instance cut out all the sweets, or cut out the popcorn and say only 1 bite of "x". And get that fill. You'll fee better in no time!!!!

    Oh you guys make me want to cry. You are all so sweet and supportive and I couldn't have done what I have done so far without all of you. I need to come back here more often and write down on sparkpeople what I am eating. I gave an appt for a fill on Monday. I plan to get back to basics with that fill and remember why I am doing this.

    I love all the positive attention I get. Okay, maybe not ALL the attention I get. Sometimes it is a little weird, but sometimes I wonder if all that positive attention is part of the reason that I have become too comfortable at this weight...at this size. I LOVE that I am a size 12. Don't get me wrong, I never thought it would happen. I never thought I would be this size, but I want MORE!!!!! um wait.... I want LESS!!!!

    hehe. I crack myself up.

    Thanks guys. I love you all. (My band-family I will never meet) God bless you!

  5. Well I am going to post this here and in my blog. I want to put this out to all of you because you are in the same step in this long journey that I am.

    I have really been having a hard time. June 27th was my lowest weight. I might have hit it one other time. I weigh about 3 lbs more than that. I maintained my weight for a few weeks, actually about a month before my vacation. I gain 3 lbs on vacation and lost it since I got back.

    I know this is all great. I guess it is. That is what I would tell most people. My probelm is that I have lost that edge that I gained with this decision. I am still working out 3-6 days a week. Good work outs and I am really happy with how I am doing at the gym. My problem is what I am eating. I do pretty well and then I do something to really screw it up. Ice cream, Cookies, popcorn. ugh! I used to not have any problem passing it up. Now I can't see to say no. I wonder if I just need to purge my system of the carbs or be less happy with my weight.

    I lost my restriction on my vacation. I ate a pretzel and homeade pizza dough. Now you all know that I shouldn't be able to eat that. So I realize that my restriction is gone. I do still have appetite supression which is SO important. I have been able to eat too much. I haven't been pushing my limits, but I don't get full very fast. Before vacation I have had to really watch what I eat and take very small bites so I was afraid that I was too tight, but now I am starting to doubt that was the fact. I think I just need to be more careful about what I eat and the bites I take.

    I think I am going to call my doctor tomorrow for an appt. My doctor is 7 hours away. It sucks to go that far and I haven't been there since April. I guess that is what I need to do.

    Any advice from any Smashing Pumpkins? All comments welcome!

  6. Well I am going to post this here and in my blog. I want to put this out to all of you because you are in the same step in this long journey that I am.

    I have really been having a hard time. June 27th was my lowest weight. I might have hit it one other time. I weigh about 3 lbs more than that. I maintained my weight for a few weeks, actually about a month before my vacation. I gain 3 lbs on vacation and lost it since I got back.

    I know this is all great. I guess it is. That is what I would tell most people. My probelm is that I have lost that edge that I gained with this decision. I am still working out 3-6 days a week. Good work outs and I am really happy with how I am doing at the gym. My problem is what I am eating. I do pretty well and then I do something to really screw it up. Ice cream, Cookies, popcorn. ugh! I used to not have any problem passing it up. Now I can't see to say no. I wonder if I just need to purge my system of the carbs or be less happy with my weight.

    I lost my restriction on my vacation. I ate a pretzel and homeade pizza dough. Now you all know that I shouldn't be able to eat that. So I realize that my restriction is gone. I do still have appetite supression which is SO important. I have been able to eat too much. I haven't been pushing my limits, but I don't get full very fast. Before vacation I have had to really watch what I eat and take very small bites so I was afraid that I was too tight, but now I am starting to doubt that was the fact. I think I just need to be more careful about what I eat and the bites I take.

    I think I am going to call my doctor tomorrow for an appt. My doctor is 7 hours away. It sucks to go that far and I haven't been there since April. I guess that is what I need to do.

    Any advice from any Smashing Pumpkins? All comments welcome!

  7. 10 pounds away from goal!! Im at 168 pounds :scared2: I am so happy!!! Here is apic of me today, heading out to work :tt1:

    I am so jealous Lovely! You are doing great. I went on a plateau and then tried matenance. I am back from vacation and trying to get back to losing. Great job and keep up the great work!

  8. Hi Everyone

    I have not posted on this thread in ages but i only have 7 pounds to goal! Damn its hard but i am getting there, i am in a uk size 10 which i think is a us size 8?

    I love my band!


    That is amazing to almost be at goal. Great job. I am jealous and proud of you!!!

  9. Okay, so I decided to try maintanence until I get back from my trip on August 5th. So I have stayed exactly the same for the past week. That is GREAT news! I am still under 180 (barely...but that counts) I see my family next week and can't wait to show them my weight loss.

    It is so nice to hear from everyone. Things have been quiet on the Smashing Pumpkins board.

  10. I have heard that too. I am the same weight I was when I graduated from high school 17 yeras ago. Hard to believe! I need to be happy that I am maintaining and not gaining! I'm going to the gym right now!

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