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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by julie.ann

  1. BG - my computer crashed and I lost your blog address and email address. I am trying to get back to blogging to help me out.

    Can you email me so I have your info again? - Julie

  2. Don't drink with meals. I started getting lax about this and I have noticed a difference, so it is back to basics of eating and drinking. Wait at least 30min before and after.

    I posted my guidelines in my blog. Good luck. Keep me posted! I really go more low carb/high protein, but when you eat solid protein first that happens.

    I don't eat bread, pasta, rice or potatoes except for a very occasional splurg on thin crust pizza.

    Trust me...if I can do this then so can you!!!

  3. Hey banded! How is your banded life going? I have found that I can't have cookie dough in my house. I can say no to most things, but not cookie dough! I guess it is good that I learn that lesson early.

    Have you had your first fill yet? Second?

  4. Hey girlie!

    I've been wondering how you have been doing since your last fill. Spill the beans..

  5. Hey Sarah,

    Where have you been? How's it going? I haven't heard from you in a while. Let me know.


  6. Hey Smartie,

    I don't really remember being scared of food. What are you afraid of? I was afraid of hurting myself. I was afraid that I wouldn't have restriction. Being worried is normal. I was so happy to start soft food. Ask me anything you want. It wasn't that long ago I was in your place.....Exactly 6 months ago.

  7. Hey there! Thank you for the awesome message on my page. It has been quite a journey so far. I'm sorry you have to wait another 4 months. It is tough. Remember to follow most of the bandster guidelines most of the time and you will get to goal. It is a marathon, not a spint. I am starting to feel tired of the viligence, but I know this is a life long battle against this monster, obesity.

    Hey, why don't you look at www.sparkpeople.com or the daily plate or such. It is the second best tool I have to help my weight loss. I keep track of EVERYTHING I eat on there. You can put in food or choose from the list and it tells you your calories, carbs, fats and whatever else you want to know. Take a look at my blog. It will give you about the best advice I've got.


    You will do great. It was only 6 months ago I has surgery and felt just like you do now. It isn't easy. It isn't a magic pill, but it is worth it!

  8. Hey! No I haven't lost more. I'm sure I gained this week! My worst thing is grazing. I can't eat much if I sit down for a meal, but it is the little eating. I haven't made it to the gym this week because of everything going on. I think I am going today. I've got to motivate myself. I definately don't feel as good about myself and since my workouts have been less intense I'm not as tight and compact.

    Got to get back to it. I think if I can be good the next two days and just eat protein I can get the cravings out of my system by Monday.

    Thanks for checking in. Get back to the gym. I'll think of you when I'm there!

  9. Hey! Sorry for not getting back with you sooner. I was running out of the house when I got your message. I was banded in Denver by Dr. Kirshenbaum. I am self pay and he is great for the low price of only $9950.

    Things are good. I have gotten off course, but am thinking of starting a support group for weight loss in my community. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm thinking about it.

    I have lost with a high protein diet, but need to get back to it. I hit the gym at least 3 tmes a week. I feel great, but want to take off another 15 lbs.

    Keep in touch and keep me informed on how you are doing!

  10. Hey. I see you are catching up my blog. I hope it doesn't put you to sleep!

    Have you gone to the gym this week? Let's promise to exercise 3 times next week. Are you up to it?

  11. Hey. Yep after 6 days I stayed exactly the same!!! Great news there! I am enjoying the gym more lately since I got off my rigorous weight lifting schedule. I don't more of my own thing and concentrate on the areas that I think need it. I can't wait to see them. Only 5 days left!


    I have been thinking I have been pushing the band too much lately eating things I shouldn't. I am just going to chill until I get back. I come back August 4th and I'll be back on the weight loss wagon starting the 5th! I am kind of looking forward to that too!

    Take care! ttyl

  12. Hi cin, I had my first fill scheduled at 4 weeks post op. I rescheduled because I thought I had resctriction. As soon as I resceduled my swelling from surger all went down. I don't really have any. I can tell if I eat really big bites that I better slow down and chew chew chew, but I can eat anything I want. I am still losing weight by following the bandster rules. My first fill will happen on Friday.

    Good luck!

  13. I just saw your post on the Dr K group. Sorry. I don't emials when someone posts there.


    Things went great! Dr. K is really kind and understanding! His staff is great. I have had 3 fills. Banded life can be GREAT!!! Learn the difference between head hunger and real hunger. Start that process now. I think that it has been one of the top reasons I have done so well.

    If you aren't hungry....don't eat. It sounds simple and obvious, but when Dr. K said it, well, It just kind of finally sunk in.

    Good luck. Let us know how things go!

  14. I Minnesota. First of all if you want to ask questions and have people post to your blog you need to let people comment. After your ticker is set up in your signature you don't have to copy and paste. You can change it and it will change it in your signature. You will never need to copy and paste again, even if you change your weight or ticker style.

    Good luck!

  15. I saw your loss on thread. Great job! You don't have to post it on my page. I always just my subscribed threads. It is one of my home pages.


  16. Luna,

    Thanks for the message and thanks for reading my blog. It has helped me through a lot. I marked my page on sparkpeople so you should be able to find me now.

    Have you had surgery yet? Good luck.

  17. My fill went really well. I put it on my blog here: My First Fill....Strange! - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

    I am down a total of 40 lbs in two months. 26 pounds since surgery. I'm so glad your fill went well. That will help so much. Do you have much restriction? I slimed for the first time the day after surgery on my egg beaters for breakfast. It is kind of gross! I did it again for lunch that day, but I have been better since then. Chew chew chew.

    I want to lose 6 pounds by Jan 1st. Wish me luck!

    Keep me posted!

  18. MyMy,

    Hey I have the guidelines posted in my blog. You can find it Here. My Bandster Guidelines..... - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum


    Liquid caloried just run right through the band. If you eat solid food you stay satisfied longer without being hungry. That is how the band worked. That is why you should drink with your meals. It washes the food out of the pouch and you hungry faster. You should wait at least 30 minutes before you drink. I started getting lazy with that rule and I noticed that my hunger was coming much sooner. I will occasionally have a protein drink for a snack to tide me over an hour or so until supper. It is very rare that I have a protein drink and I can expect to be hungery in a few hours.

    Food early in the moring gets your metabolism started early in the day.

    Hang in there and you might need a fill. Just listen to your stomach to find out. Some days are just harder than others.

  19. Nope I can't feel the band at all. I can feel the port pretty easily now and it is much better than feeling fat! I think eventually I will have a tummy tuck and they might be able to reposition the port, but again it is so much better than feeling a spare tire.

    I can't feel the band around my stomach. I don't feel a thing.

  20. Sarah,

    Honey don't EVER cancel because you haven't lost much weight. That is one of the biggest and most important reasons to get a fill. Remember you doctor has seen it all. It seems that they will jump all over you and you story is very personal, but not unique. Remember one of the best things about the band is that it is adjustable for those times that you do fall off the wagon. Bypass isn't and this is one of the best reasons to have the band.

    Hang in there. Jump back on the wagon. Walk for 30 minutes if you don't feel like working hard. That is better than no exercise and it will make you feel better about doing something for your health. Starting up is ALWAYS the hardest part.

  21. Sarah,

    How are things going? I haven't heard from you in a while. Guess what!?!? I told people at work about surgery. They were very supportive and happy for me. Whew....We will see what tomorrow holds!

  22. Sarah,

    I couldn't put a comment on your blog. You changed the settings.


    Hey I just wanted to warn you. I have found a couple of people with streched pouches. They said they don't over eat. Their doctor has said it is from carbonated drinks. I've heard the same thing. Please be careful with that Code Red Mountain Dew!!!

  23. Sarah,

    I hadn't heard from you in a while how are things going for you?

  24. Sarah,

    You are so sweet! I think that is what is so great about this site...it is a circle. You will inspire someone and they inspire someone else and the circle continues.

    You have a GREAT blog. I look forward to reading it!

  25. Sarah, Where ya been? How ya doing? According to BG it sounds like you are doing GREAT! I think about you band-sister. We just passed 7 months Post Op. Can you believe it!!?!?!?!

    Keep in touch.


    To weigh in on the soda issue....I hope you decide not to take the chance. I've heard too many people say they were told no soda - I was told that too. Not worth the risk.

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