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Posts posted by aravenclawrebel

  1. I've always joked that I came out of the womb with an addictive personality. Born to two parents with substance abuse and alcohol abuse issues, childhood trauma and other things always seemed to point me down the path of poor life choices that resulted in addict type behavior.

    I used off and on from the time I was 9 until I was 21 and then again from 23 to 29. I've been clean and sober now for 10 years and had no idea how heavily I relied on my ability to gulp down fizzy drinks or snack when I fell overwhelmed or overstimulated until after surgery.

    To make things better, I have a depressive disorder and a complete repulsion to my medication. I've tried five or six different antidepressants and the only ones that work and actually help stabilize me emotionally I'll give me serious nausea even just thinking about taking them.

    I guess I'm here to see if anyone else has major addict energy and what exactly you poured yourself into post-op? I feel like my life is falling apart. I am down 75 lb since the middle of September. I feel like I look exactly the same. I'm so overwhelmed with work just logging in makes me nauseous. And today my daughter told me she misses me being a fat mom because I had more energy and wasn't so sad.

    FYI, I am currently on a wait list for a psychiatrist to see if I need to get on any kind of meds aside from what I'm already on and on a wait list for a counselor, but my provider says it could be up to 3 months more before I get in to see anyone. I kind of don't know what to do and I'm tired of sleeping my life away. Help.

  2. 15 hours ago, summerseeker said:

    I wish I had read this two weeks ago. I am currently 9 days post-op and my addictive brain is in overdrive. I am having the absolute hardest time adjusting to taking small sips every 15 minutes which they told me to do for weeks prior to surgery but I didn't listen for whatever reason. I keep getting into situations or going places feeling like I'm all right and then all the sudden see everyone else eating and feeling overwhelming urge to try and eat even if I'm not even hungry. It's a very strange thing our mind. Almost like since the ability to overeat has been taken away for this time hopefully permanently, that is the only thing my brain keeps saying, " hey let's do this."

    You need patience, Getting to grips with the major diet changes either pre op or for about 6 weeks post op, you need patience and perseverance. Neither are easy. We have never had to eat in this way before. Everything has rules to be obeyed. Nobody has the same rules as you.

  3. I just had surgery this past week, but for the last 6 months or so I have been adding Quest on flavored Protein powder to everything liquid that I could think of. I put it in Soups and make shakes with it but then add my own flavors because I also cannot stand artificial stuff. It's a pretty cheap option and get your protein in plus doesn't spike insulin or blood sugars.

  4. 15 hours ago, NettyD said:

    @aravenclawrebel wow what a ride 10 year journey? This is a long time coming and 9-15 is right around the corner. You got this!

    It really is! I've lost (and gained and lost again) 100lbs since I started this whole thing, but I have PCOS and "fat folk genes" as my PCP says 😂

    I know Now that if I had been approved for surgery 10 years ago, I likely would have not done very well or would have been someone that lost the weight but ended up having a drinking problem or something. The last few years has really given me a lot of time to regroup my mind, heel childhood trauma, and figure out exactly why I use food as a coping mechanism.

  5. On 9/1/2023 at 7:37 AM, NettyD said:

    I started my journey 1/27/2023 and 8 months later I am finally having my surgery. When did you all start your Journey?

    After almost 10yrs fighting with different insurances, I was approved for surgery June 2022, took a mandatory 10wk educational course that started that August, and FIIIIINALLY got scheduled mid August of THIS year. I will be having surgery a week from today, September 15th

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