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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandfun4me

  1. bandfun4me

    Running Weight Loss Totals by LBT'ers

    I ahve lost 62.5 lb since banded in jan 18,08
  2. bandfun4me

    Sex addiction?

    We talked about this (addictions) in one of our support groups. It was really on target, we are trying to get one addiction under control and another pops up, so we mentally are looking for something to replace our old food addiction with. The phsycologists said this is perfectly normal. We just have to treat it like that food addiction to be able to keep it in check. Sometimes we give in, sometimes we have the willpower. So to Speak. But yes, I think it has to do with the tetesterone in our bodies. it is a good thing, yes. Burn more calories. Add that to a CPap machine and deep sleep, and the dreams are all night long. We have two teenagers in the house, so our alone time is few and far between. Unable to be as spontaneous as we would like to be right now. So things just build up and etc. We all know how that turns out. I am almost 11 months out down 62 lbs. and loving my band....:biggrin:
  3. bandfun4me

    North Carolina bandsters

    Hi Stephanie, I had my surgery in Pinehurst, Dr Raymond Washington and Kenneth Mitchell. Moore Regional Firsthealth. Good luck
  4. bandfun4me

    1 day post op stomach ache

    I kept a blended frozen protein shake (pitcher made and pured into plastic cups)in the fridge all day and drank some once an hour, Since I could not lift anything over 5 lbs, my husband did the pouring and I mixed enough to last me through the day,at meal times I did the warm broths. This is constantly for the first ten days post op. Walk around the house, don't sit still the pain?gas will only go away if you are moving. it rises upwards in your body, mostly to your shoulders. I think between the fozen shakes and the warm broth really helped wiht the internal swelling. So my advise, walk , drink and repeat, every 45 minutes or sooner. Good luck! I was banded in Jan 08, down 62 lbs. luv my band. This is your healing time. Give the band time to set. Increase your walking everyday by 5 minutes. You will get stronger and feel better faster than you can imagine, but you need the protein to get the healing done.:drool:
  5. Try working in just 10 minutes every 4 hours at your breaks. I was gettign up at 4:30 am for the entire summer and walking on treadmill for 45 minutes, then driving 50 min. to work. Too hot in the summer to get out In the evenings. Now that it is cooler. I sleep a little later in the am walk 55 minutes at lunch, we have created a walking buddy at work. Some days we have 6-8 people walking maybe the parking lot, sometimes around the corner to get to the sidewalk. I remember I signed on for this and When I feel lazy and don't get moving in the a.m. I feel really guilty. Every chance you can get out and walk with the kids and DH, It will tire them out faster and maybe give you time to do 30 minutes dancing before bedtime or some quiet hand weight lifting or yoga. Turn the tV off when you get home. ASk DH to help so you can have extra time for exercise.Anything to get that heart rate up is cardio. Small children love to jump around with mom. include the entire family in your new lifestyle. Let them know you are really serious about your new life. Good luck hang in there.08 is not over yet...
  6. bandfun4me

    What am I doing wrong?

    You may have hit your first Plateau. Make sure you are getting enough protein grams. My dr told me to keep my protein at 70 g /day (height)and keep the calories up (avg 900 day/month post-op) and fluids up. Still alot of swelling or may be subsiding by now. Exercise is the name of the game twice a day, 2 weeks out you should be walking, nothing else, cardio will burn the fat faster, so when you continue to get in your proteins and not sugar, no white carbs. The activity will burn the fat first. You are in the healing time now, main concern. let the band get set along with the stitches around it. Walk and walk some more. Soups shakes and fluids.Drink then drink some more. I was banded in Jan 08, down 62 lbs. I've had 7 fills, total of 7 cc in 10 cc band. As your stomach walls thin out your appetite wil increase. Once you start mushies, make your menus, keep your food journal, we have to make ourselves accountable for what we eat and watch over and ask ourselves, Am I tummy hungry or head hungry. Good luck hand in there, use that brand new tool, let it build a brand new way of eating and living for yourself. I see alot of good posting on this website, so keep reading.:cursing:
  7. I just ran across this post. Interesting enough I was also banded in Jan. I had this same feeling for avout 5/6 months. I thought I was just not chewing and eating slow enough. So on the next fill my doc uses the syringe to pull out the entire 5cc(most of it) and re -injected with my additional .5 cc for that fill. What I thought was restriction all that time,(discomfort when eating) must have been what I told my doc was "wrinkle" in the silcone the saline goes in. I have not felt the same "restriction/discomfort since then" BUT, I have not had the weight loss as much as then either. last few months anywhere from 0-4 lbs per month. I feel like I have no restriction. Now it feels more like I am FULL, so I have to be careful not to overeat. He thinks I am getting to my "sweet spot" I am also 10-15 from my goal wt. I thought I was eating a little more than I should and started measuring for sure, 1/2 to 3/4 cup. so I guess I,m right in line where I should be. Banded 01/18/08. Anniversary is right arounf the corner, after I make it thorugh the Food push time of the year. Good luck to you all Jan bandsters!!:smile2:
  8. bandfun4me

    height x weight = dress size?

    I am 5'2" and weigh curently 146 size 6/8/10, depending on who made it. They fit differently each week. my muscle % and Fat % change, this is a good thing that exersize does. My goal is 135, which will still put me in to top end of the normal,140 is still in the overwieght for me according to all the "charts" you see. I am healthy, started at 206. Tops is either a small or med. All my old tees are so long on me whenI put one on. I am still amazed. I have had 7 fills, 7.0cc in 10. Pretty satisfied with my eating now. I do dread the Food Push season coming up on us. It will be a test of courage. I am sure I will be dragging one leg off of the wagon, but I will pull my self out!! I have come too far to blow this good thing. I would not give up my band for anything.. Good luck all on your goals.:tongue2:
  9. bandfun4me

    My name is Jen and I'm addicted to...

    I agree, I am addicted as well, My weight changes from time I get up, after treadmill and after shower. never get on it at night. I am getting better after 10 months down 62 lbs. More days I just see it move back and forth. Such a waste of time. Once a week would be a good thing. maybe I will ask my DH to do the same. It does keep me in line as far as eating.I think. We love to see that scale go down, don't we.Another little game we have to play, the band, the food we don't like anymore, and now the scale. What is next, geez... Goal weight here we come...
  10. bandfun4me

    re: post op 8 months

    Slow down on your eating and cut your food into 1/4 inch pcs. and chew at least 20 times before swallowing. I had this problem at one time. I guess by now you have got this one figured out. older post.
  11. Healthysue, remember the band will not do all of the work for you. You still have to try and have some restraint. Instructions form our nutritionist were, don't eat anything you have to take a bite from, such as pizza, hamburger, hot dog, sandwiches. We don't realize how big a bite we take when we do this and sooner or later we are going to get in trouble trying to chew and swallow this "bite". We were told not to eat any "white" carbs such as breads and pasta. Most, if not all of your internal swelling has gone down and it allows more to pass through. But we need to realize the proteins need to go in first, another rule of thumb, not to eat anything that is not to put anything that is not at least 7 g protein in our mouth. We have to retrain our brains, I have been there and done that too, once those fills start doing the restricting, and something is "hung up" you will wish you planned ahead. I have had this happen a couple of times and then you learn. I signed up for this and I must follow the rules. I was banded in jan 08, had 6 fills total of 6.5 cc in 10 cc band. 62 lbs down and have gone from a 16/18 to a 6/8. It is a wonderful feeling. But the band needs help form you. exercise every day if not twice a day. You are three months into this journey, the old ways will try to creep in if you dont fight those demons early on. Good luck:wink2:
  12. bandfun4me

    A Better Me

    Congrats! I was also banded in Jan (18th) I have lost 62 at 144 now. A few more to go.Of course they seem to be the toughest. Any tips on losing that last 10-15 lbs. I have 6.5 cc in a 10cc I have had 6 fills. How many fills have you had, I am not quite at the sweet spot. I am also on the short side only 5.2. We crry our weight so differently it seems. Are you on maintenance or still working that band?:smile2:
  13. Hope all is going well. When were you banded? How did you find out that you were low on B12. THey did not do a full blood panel on me ttil 6 months. Only thing off was the synthroid had to be cut in half. other thatn that all other items looke fine. But I do take B complex, Omega complex and chewable on most days. I am now takin the ferrous sulfate for iron. I finally made my first red cross Blood doantion after 1year. last month iron was .2 too low. We are good to go now. Good luck, drop a post when you can.have a great week.

  14. bandfun4me

    Side Pain

    I was banded in Jan 08 and have some pain form time to time on the left side. Sometimes it worsens with exercize. I have found that if I drink water, it goes away most of the time. I just wonder if it is some kind of cramping that may be associated with dehydration? Maybe gas, I don't know. It has never been a constant pain. It feels different from the gas pain I get on my lower right side. I would tend to say more like a cramping pain. Just my feelings.
  15. bandfun4me

    Measuring up...or down!

    I agree, It was suggested for everyone at our support group (dr required to attend pre-op) that along with the weights and numbers from our Tanita scale that measures our fat % and muscle % mass and etc. to also do Our measurements on a "monthly" basis. The months that the scale moves only a little or none, the most chnage shows up in my measurements. It is amozing. Even this month one lb less from Dr appt last month. but my clothes fit differently almost every week When I wear the same pants or shirt or whatever. I hike 3.5 miles on my lunch from work almost daily, 1 day week I do the run / walk for 90 minutes( this is always on the day after my "day off" from workouts (only housework, cleaning raking for this day). So the fat lbs move over to the muscle side. I am 9.5 months out banded in Jan 08, had 6 fills total of 6.5. . So just because the scal does not move every week, where it used to move at least an .5 lb per day, now it is 1 week. hopefully. I only have 15 more to go. Love my band, I would not give it back for nothing...It is mne and I intend to make it work for me.
  16. bandfun4me

    Since Banding I noticed...

    Did they diagnose you with Sleep apnea and recently get a CPap machine? I notice after a couple months of having my CPap I notice really vivid and strange dreams. The Resp therapists said due to me going into that deep sleep more that I would actually have more tiem in that dream state. After a year and half, I am sorta used to it now. It could also be the anethesia. :thumbup:
  17. bandfun4me

    Protein Powder Smell

    I like the EAS and addeither a crystal light orang or another flavor. Using Fruit does the sma never notice any smell. My dr just makes a point of makin sure we dont use the proteins shakes as a meal replacement, only to keep our protien grams up, most days I have one after my 5 am workout, frozen slush to take in the car for my 50 ile commute. for my height proteins should be at 70g /day. They figure based on height iam only5'2". The more fat you loose you will need to make sure you get the protein in to keep you r body balanced.
  18. bandfun4me

    OK...I'm in a PANIC

    I would go back to the liquids and then mushy again. You most likely have irritated your tummy with the upchucking. I have heard that to keep "Accent " tenderizer on hand and do a tiny little ball to swallow and it will dissolve with all the slime in the stoma area. It has probably happened to all of us. I had an incident like that after I had a fill my 3rd day I had some fish and wheat bread and something got stuck and I slimed and heaved for a coiuple of hours till my throat was very sore, I had to use Chloroseptic spray to ease the pain. So now whenI get a fill 2 day shakea and 2 days mushy then back to regular food. I have found that it takes about 6/7 days for a fill to add more restriction to my band. I have had 6 fills, total of 6.5 in a 10cc.Banded in Jan 08. I wish I had known about this website whenI first was banded. If would have been a lifesaver. A lot of good info and good suggestions from bandsters just like me, they all want to eat just a little more to get more satisfied. No-no, don't do it. slow down and take your time.:smile2:
  19. bandfun4me

    Eating Normal/Why???

    Okay you new banders, Stick to the program. the band wont work by itself. You have to use a little restraint. No drinking 30 min before a meal and wait as long, even 45 minutes (if possible) after you finish eating. Take a timer and set to 30 minutes, measure your food out, set timer, set your drink on another place ,counter or whatever. You are getting hungry due to washing your food down by drinking with your meal. IF by chance when you put too much food in and not chew well enough and you drink something, it will be coming back up like a fountain spewing. So if you can get a handle on this now, early on. It will make your life much easier down the road. I have been there and done that. I was banded in jan 08, we have a tendency to learn the hard way. So Try to space your main 3 meals out. If you get hungry eat something wiht a min 7 g protein. Example - 2 slices sandwich ham rolled with a slice 2% cheese. My drs dietician told us nothing in the mouth unless it has min 7 grams protein. Sometimes falling out of the chair will be good for you down the road. I have lost 62 lbs and 20 to goal. Loads of energy, let that new tool help you on your new journey. Good luck and hang in there all you new banders. You have just taken on a new job, getting yourself fit & healthy!!
  20. I have BCBS and all of mine have been covered under follow -up, not even having to pay office co-pay. They bill the insurance 250. for each one. I am 10months out, have had 6/7 fills. about every 5weeks.
  21. Sounds like you may have irritated your stoma and is probably a little swollen and now it feels tight again. I would wait as well. Make sure you cut your protein meats up in tiny pieces, example, look at your thumbnail divided into quarters, and cut your protein in quarter pcs the same size. and put that fork down after every bite. slow down, no fluids with your meals, it make it worse. wait aslong 30-60 for fluid intake after any meal. Good luck
  22. bandfun4me

    Different bands, advice?

    I have the Lap-Band AP, down 62 lbs in 10 months. I have a band buddy that has the realize band, which actually has a wider silicone pouch inside the band and allows for more coverage on the tummy itself ,m she is about 8 weeks poat op and down 27 lbs. I think alot depends on what the dr 's use , they may give you a choice or see which one may work better for you. The realize had an interactive website and your band would give you a special number to access the site. Good luck. No more dieting for me only good food choice and lots of exercise. move that body, Oh yeah!
  23. bandfun4me

    Doctors in Greensboro, NC

    Lapbandtalker that is wonderful, how long ago were you banded? And Where.
  24. bandfun4me

    Doctors in Greensboro, NC

    Hi, I had my Surgery at Pinehurst, Nc. They are a "Center of Excellence" under BLue Cross Blue Shield. 10 months post op Banded in Jan 08. down 62 lbs, 20 to goal. I would reccommen Dr Raymond Washington or Kenneth Mitchell at the Bariatric center At Moore Regional Firsthealth. Good Luck.
  25. That is typical with the weather we have here in Cary, 50's the last few days is crazy. I would think they would not change your date. theymay just push that spirometer use a little more to make sure nothing else goes on. Where are you having your surgery, Rex, Durham or Pinerhurst. Good luck. Im local to you,I work in Cary.I had my dietician in Cary Surgery was in Pinehurst.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
