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Posts posted by jacquelynn22

  1. 25 minutes ago, SkyeBlu99 said:

    I was also instructed to lose 10 lbs before surgery. I did initially lose that so my surgery is scheduled for January 30. Now I have monthly appts and if I regain the weight they will postpone my surgery. I have an appt on January 2 and I have gained like eight lbs back!! I am so mad at myself because I really don’t want to postpone surgery. I still have 18 days before my appt and so I’m being super strict now. Similar to what CarmenG said earlier: two Protein Drinks and a Factor meal in between.

    it’s so hard though and I totally relate! My post-op friend said it’s much easier right after surgery because you don’t feel like eating so this pre-op weight loss might be the toughest to get through! But we can do it. I’m just trying to look forward and remind myself how much I want this change in my life. I’m so close to getting surgery, and I don’t want to push the date back. I want the surgery more than I want that (unhealthy food). Hang in there!!

    You got this. I had my surgery Oct 11th and successfully lost and kept off 15 pounds. It was a struggle but I did it, you can too! You got this. Best of luck!

  2. On 10/21/2023 at 09:52, BeanitoDiego said:

    I am 10 weeks out from surgery and felt a lot of pain for those first 4 weeks. Could not bend over to tie my shoes, felt like something was pulling in one area on my left side, dull aches everywhere in my abdomen. A giant, flat ice pack was my friend... the kind that you would find in a physical therapist's office. I have a couple on had for an unrelated knee issue. Here is where I got mine:


    Looks like there are some on Amazon, too. I was fortunate to be able to lay around for those first couple of weeks at least. Truly hope you feel better soon!

    Thank you!

  3. On 10/18/2023 at 19:39, Arabesque said:

    You’re a week out from what was a pretty major surgery. You’ll be healing & recovering for a few weeks & will feel random spasms of pain or discomfort during this time. Sometimes it’s simply moving in the wrong way or bending or lifting that can cause what is like a muscle pull. There are often internal sutures to support your tummy & intestines which are easy to ‘pull’ or ‘strain’ if you do a little too much, too soon, or move too quickly. Same with feeling tired & having little energy. If you feel tired it’s your body telling you to rest so it can heal. It does get better & you’ll start to feel like your usual self soon.

    Of course if the pain gets worse, is stronger than you have been experiencing or is persisting, get in contact with your surgeon or go to your nearest medical centre just to be sure everything is okay.

    Thank you!!

  4. My daughter made me laugh last night.

    She was getting ready for bed while I was watching Downton Abbey (a show placed in 1912)

    She stops to watch and goes “wow that’s in the olden days, right?”
    I said yes!
    She goes “like 1989?”

    . . . I died.
    I said, Noooooooo!! Like 1912

    She said “oh so I was close!?”

    She’s 6
    She’s always good for a laugh!

  5. On 10/16/2023 at 13:25, New To This23 said:

    This is freaking me out, I keep seeing people post about how they are cold now that they lost weight. My surgery is not until Oct 27 and I am always cold. I feel like I have been colder as a fat person than I was as a thin person.

    I’ve always been cold as well. I haven’t noticed anything but I’m only 5 days out lol just wanted more info. Don’t let it worry you. You got this!

  6. On 10/15/2023 at 15:12, Akdub27 said:

    I went on day 2 and it hurt like the dickens!! Then last week turns out I had a small bowel obstruction and that caused some Constipation that I didn’t know was happening because I thought the way I felt was supposed to be normal. Now I’m having to take Miralax 3x/day until my post op follow up appointment. Hopefully all is still good and I won’t have to keep taking stool softeners.

    Finally went this morning and I feel you pain, literally lol

  7. On 10/15/2023 at 15:12, Akdub27 said:

    I went on day 2 and it hurt like the dickens!! Then last week turns out I had a small bowel obstruction and that caused some Constipation that I didn’t know was happening because I thought the way I felt was supposed to be normal. Now I’m having to take Miralax 3x/day until my post op follow up appointment. Hopefully all is still good and I won’t have to keep taking stool softeners.

    Glad you’re doing good now.

  8. On 10/14/2023 at 04:50, LittleWanderer87 said:

    My program recommended a positioning wedge to make it easier to get in and out of bed. Also, lying flat can be extremely painful for some post-op and having that little angle makes it a million times more comfortable. They also warning lying on your side can cause pulling at your newly healing incisions and could be painful. I'm the over-prepared type, so I bought the stupidly expensive wedge and ohhhhh man was it worth it! It was a total game changer for me post-op. I was a side / tummy sleeper normally and having that little incline made lying on my back so much more comfortable. It also helped getting out of bed without using my stomach muscles too much. I'm farther out post-op now but I refuse to give up my wedge because it's more comfortable for me now.

    I bought a wedge and was not impressed lol it was too high for my liking. I’ve made my own incline with my pillows. I slept really good last night so I’m hoping I’m getting use to back sleeping lol

  9. On 10/13/2023 at 05:02, Momo G said:

    How are you feeling? I feel good just really bruised in my incisions and second day super soar. I was able to go home the same day. I have been able to get Water and shakes in. I hate the liquids being at room temp I am use to cold. I still have a lot gas want to fart but I can’t. When I take my stool softener i it’s hard to go down! I hope it works soon sorry TMI. I hope you’re feeling good!

    I’m feeling really good as well. I have to knock on wood cause I’ve been doing great. Able to drink and keep liquids down. I did stay a night in the hospital but so glad to be home now. I’m able to move and juts get tried after a bit. But doing great otherwise.

  10. On 10/13/2023 at 04:30, Momo G said:

    Hi I was never told a sleeping position. I had my surgery 10/12 and so I looked it up read that it is preferred to sleep on your back but if you sleep on you side I read to put a pillow between your legs. I tired it I was still uncomfortable so I went to back. I am a side sleeper so this was, but you can sleep on slide with a pillow between your legs! Hope this helps!!!

    Thank you! I had my surgery 10/11 feel free to message me anytime! And thank you for the response!

  11. On 10/6/2023 at 7:39 PM, Wildflower Bohême said:

    My one week pre-op diet starts Monday, and I'm starting to get scared. Not of the actual surgery, really. I mean, I can talk about how great the benefits of bariatric surgery will be and how mindful of my eating I will become, and I'm really thankful that I've come this far and that I am able to do it... but the reality is coming, where I'll be in it, and not just talking about it.

    It seems like maybe the attachment to my old ways of eating is rearing up and trying to pull me back. Like hey, you do realize that you can't stop this train a month in, right? Can't say, oh this diet is too hard, forget it, I'm gonna go eat a pizza now. I mean, that's part of why I want this surgery, because of that restriction.

    But it's scary, because ending diets is all I've ever known. Not to mention the dumping and hypoglycemia that seems will follow for the rest of my life. This is new territory here, and it's serious. I know I'm going to go through with it and that it'll be great, at some point. But now that it's finally here, I'm just freaking out a little 🙃

    My surgery is in two days and I can relate to this so much. Its so scary how food has become an addiction to so many of us. I am actually SCARED of not being able to eat or drink what I want or how much I want. It sounds completely insane, but I get it. We are changing our lives in a big way, but its 100% for the better. ❤️

  12. On 9/26/2023 at 12:28 PM, pintsizedmallrat said:

    I use both in limited amounts, but I still use them. The only cooking oils I use are olive oil, avocado oil, and a blend of grass-fed butter and olive oil. I bought an oil bottle that you squeeze out a specific portion so I can easily monitor how much I'm using as I'm cooking instead of having to mess with a measuring spoon.

    It looks like this. It's very convenient. https://www.amazon.com/KITLAB-Dispenser-Sprayer-Refillable-Measuring/dp/B0BTSJPV9N/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=8SYM6O2A1LBX&keywords=measuring+oil+bottle&qid=1695756449&sprefix=measuing+oil+bottle%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

    Oh thank you! That would be very helpful/fast and easy to use!

  13. 20 hours ago, Sigh said:

    Still use olive oil to roast veg, little butter on occasion on veg, or when frying an egg (rare). Have you tried ghee? In a previous diet where i was told to cut dairy, i remember enjoying ghee— it is expensive though.

    I haven't tried ghee, I will def look it up! Thank you!

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