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Posts posted by Ashley3104

  1. Anyone struggling with major depression? I'm so sad all the time. Just haven't felt well since surgery so I know that plays a part of this sadness. People say I'm mourning food but honestly I couldnt care less about food. I'm struggling with the discomfort and side effects of the surgery. I sometimes just get this overwhelming feeling of sadness.

  2. I had Gastric sleeve with Hiatal Hernia repair on June 1st. I've had a few different issues like a skin rash, numbness in my legs, but the biggest one is the Acid Reflux. I've had it on and off for a few months. The last 2 weeks it feels like a lump in my chest and throat as well as feeling like there are chunks rolling around in my stomach. The heartburn is truly awful. I'm on omeprazole and take tons of Antacids. During my endoscopy they found out I had gastritis but without h pylori. My doctor is having me go back to liquid diet for 5 days and double my omeprazole during that time but it's not working. Has anyone experienced this? I need advice or things to ask my surgeon because I don't think I'm being taken seriously!

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