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Posts posted by Cappy

  1. My 11 month Bandiversary is coming up on the 23rd, and I just wanted to share how great of a ride this has been so far!

    Some of the many good things:

    This past weekend, for the first time ever, I participated in a 5K race (Race for The Cure) and ran it, instead of walked! This is HUGE for me, since at this time last year, I was physically unable to run due to a co-morbidity called "compartmental syndrome."

    I recently noticed that my legs no longer touch when I walk!

    I fit in regular sized clothing and am finally able to shop in normal stores again! As a result, shopping has become fun again, and I actually enjoy shopping with my friends (since now I don't have to pretend to look at accessories while they try on all of the cute clothes that were too small for me)!

    I actually LIKE how my body is looking these days. That's surprising & interesting to me because when I was gaining, I felt huge at this weight.

    I am not uncomfortable on airplanes any more (well, not more than the average person anyway) and no longer am terrified of getting stuck in a middle seat!

    Some funny observations:

    Sometimes I look at a pair of pants and think "There is NO WAY these are going to fit!" and they do! It's hard for me to really understand what I look like right now.

    I had some anxiety about getting rid of my "fat" clothes until I realized that -- unlike after any "diet" I've ever done in the past -- I'm not going to need them again.

    The other day, a woman I know at work (who I don't work with or see all that often) INTRODUCED HERSELF TO ME IN THE ELEVATOR because she didn't recognize me! How crazy is that?! :lol:

    Just wanted to share these things! We all have a lot to look forward to!:blink:



    Awesome story! You are an inspiration to many! Congrats on your weight loss and for feeling fabulous!

    I was banded last November...unlike you, I haven't lost as much weight and do get depressed about it at times...I have been stuck at the same weight now for almost three months...not by fault of the band, only my own doing...like most people that are overweight, I struggle with the mental part of weight loss...I've had trouble with over eating, still wanting the larger portions even though I know I can't finish them...so what I do is, I eat what I can and then an hour or so later I eat some more...I eat too many slider foods and too many foods that don't give me any restriction...I thought by this point, almost 10 months into this, I would have this under better control...did you have any struggles throughout this past year? If so, what were they and how have you managed to handle them? I need to start journaling my food and exercising more...I know that this is key and I will stay stagnant if I don't make these change...the band works great, I just need to focus less on the food...I was afraid of this issue before I was banded, thinking "how am I going to handle the mental issues I have with food...the band has no control over that!" I still haven't figured this out...I'm proud of myself for the 36lbs I've lost and I know that eventuallly, I will get to where I want to be...I'm NOT giving up...but it has been a struggle and although I know what I have to do, I'm struggling with actually DOING IT! Can you relate to any of this? I would love to hear your thoughts...what motivates you, how do you stay focused?

  2. Hi Lovinglapbandliving!

    I am just starting the 5-day pouch diet today....I would love to join you and do this once a month! I need to be accountable! I was banded Nov. 08 and have only lost 36.5lbs...I could be so much further along but haven't been following the bandster rules very well!!! A little disappointed in myself, but whatever...I'm not gaining, just stagnant! Anyway, I'm hoping this will give me the kick start that I need!

    The first of the month works for me! I go on vacation September 26th through October 3rd...so I won't be able to start until I get back from my cruise....would you mind waiting until the 3rd to start??? If not, no biggie...I just start when I get back and we can keep tabs on each other!

    Looking forward to doing this with you...and whoever else wants to join us!!!

  3. Restlessmonkey and glorybee are right. According to my doctors, if you get stuck and PB then you have to go on liquids for the next 24hrs because you need to let your stomache heal...so trying to eat more food just irriated you even more. I just got my third fill this week and I'm having trouble eating most food...this morning, for example, I had ONE bit of a Breakfast sausage and ONE bite of a western omlet and I felt like I was slightly stuck, like it was having trouble passing through...it took about a 1/2 and I finally can eat a little more of my eggs...with this fill, I really have to eat TINY pieces, something I'm still learning and working on and I've been banded since November 20th.

    Go on liquids for the next 24 hours and then eat some soft foods after that and see what happens...if your still having a problem, call you doctor! Hope this helped!

  4. Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go


















































  5. I, too, weigh myself almost everyday...I need to be accountable to myself, so weighing in each morning helps me do that...I don't get upset if I don't loose anything, but I know when I've eaten a little too much and I put on a little weight, the scale will let me know! That helps keep me in check, it brings me back to reality and helps me get my a-- back in gear...its been working for me, you have to do what works for you!

  6. Hey Cappy,

    Thanks for all of the information. I did expect to be sore but its nice to know around how long it will last.

    34 pounds is great! Even if it's just a little bit at least it is closer to your goal. Good luck with the fill.

    When you were talking about how it doesn't work on your mind, is it that you still have cravings? Do you get hungry at all after you just ate? I know one of my problems is I can eat a meal and know physically I am full but in my head I might crave something else or want more and thus overeat. I figured that doesn't go away but you at least get full faster so you can resist easier?

    I am like you, an overeater...even when I was full I would still eat...the band definitely helps with this because when your full you KNOW it and you can't eat more or you can hurt yourself...the thing that I found myself doing recently though, was waiting a little while and then having something sweet...that I can do...its not that I was hungry, but I wanted something sweet (usually when I'm expecting my period, cravings are really bad then)...so I waited about a 1/2 hour and when I didn't have that "full" feeling anymore I would have my sweet treat...I wasn't hungry, just "wanted" it...this is why for the past 5 weeks I wasn't losing any weight (kept gaining and losing the same 3lbs)...I just got my 3rd fill on Friday...since then I've already lost

    4 1/2lbs...the past few days I'm feeling fuller faster then I was with the last fill...the thing is, those cravings are not just magically going to go away...I still desire sweets, its just that I have to always consciously make better choices and if I desire a sweets, maybe have some fruit or maybe have a little fruit juice...I'm much better than I use to be, but its a work in progress and I can't expect to change in a few months...I just know that if I give in and have that cake or Cookies or even my coffee with LOTS of sugar, then I want MORE sugar as the days go by...I really have to keep my sugar intake to a limit...so with that, and adding in exercise, I should see some dramatic differences over the new few weeks. Baby steps, that's all I can do!

    If you have any other questions, please just ask! Hope this helped a bit...good luck!

  7. Hey all. I'm getting banded this Monday and I was wondering if anyone had it done at St. Catherine's of Siena on Long Island. Just wondering how the process went; like after the surgery. I was told I have to stay overnight. Im really excited but of course a little nervous.

    Hi Manda!

    I wasn't banded at St. Catherine's but I am a fellow Long Islander, banded by Dr. Geiss (North Shore) on November 20, 2008...I had to stay overnight also...everything went well, the worst day for me was after I got home...by day 3 I was in considerable pain but it really only lasted a full day...took me a full week to feel "myself" again...my weight loss has been slow, but that is my own fault...not always following the bandster rules and haven't done much exercise, so I need to work on this...I love my band, its doing what its suppose to...but it doesn't work on your "mind", that part you have to do on your own which is the hardest part for me. But overall, I'm down 34lbs and I'm very happy about that...just had another fill yesterday so hopefully this will be the jumpstart I need to start losing consistently again.

    Just wanted to say hello and wish you all the best on your upcoming surgery! I was very nervous but excited, just like you, when I had my surgery...don't worry, you will be fine! For me, the band has been well worth all the struggles! Best of luck to you:biggrin:

  8. So can I ask you "pro" bandsters what do you eat on a normal basis after your liquid/mushy phase?

    I feel like I was not given a proper nutrition guideline and really have no idea what to do.

    For Breakfast I either have cream of wheat (with 1%milk) or one egg with cheese...sometimes I'll have a 1/2 slice of Arnold Sandwich Selects Whole Grain bread with the egg (its pretty thin and only 100 calories for the whole thing)...but I can't always eat that first thing in the morning; for lunch its either chicken salad, grilled chicken breast or a turkey burger/hamburger (no bun) and veggies; dinner is either some kind of steak or chicken, a veggie, and if I can fit it, I'll have some kind of starch but only a little. If I need to snack in between, I have mozzarella cheese stix or wasabi peas (I've been a bit addicted to the wasabi peas) or even some cashews or almonds. My weight loss has been slow...frustrating at times because I go through these periods where I start to loose and then I hit a plateu...then I will gain and loose the same couple of pounds for WEEKS! But it will come off, I know it will...so I'm trying to be very patient!

    Best of luck to you!!! Keep us posted on your losses!

  9. Hello my fellow Long Islanders:lol:

    Im officially 3 days post op and feeling pretty good, the anesthesia has me feeling a bit groggy and tired but really the pain is minimal. stopped the pain killers yesterday:tongue:

    I really could use some advice on what to eat, Im not getting enough Protein.

    Any advice would be great

    Oh and the best part is Im down 11 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused::lol::w00t:

    Congrats!!! Welcome to bandland!

    It took me a full week to feel myself again, its good that you have minimal pain!

    I drank a lot of tomatoe Soup from Trader Joe's...its in a carton, tastes very good! I also added some Greek yogurt to the Soup to give it some extra protein...but its hard at the beginning to get all your Protein in, so do the best you can...I pretty much lived on soup and shakes until mushies! I did have Cream of Wheat a lot also, but that was after a couple of weeks. Good luck to you...your off to a great start!

  10. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo

    *****:cool2:***********:thumbup:*************:tt2:***********:)* ********* :)***










































  11. Hi Guys...its been a long time! Just wanted to jump in here quick and say hello.

    AllThingsArePossible: Sorry about your stomache virus...its pretty scary now that we are banded, to have to vomit for any reason, especially for a virus...I've had a couple of "stuck" situations that were just horrible and had to vomit and was SO afraid to, so I can only imagine what you must have went through...I hope you are feeling better now and can get your 2nd fill soon! I was doing the South Beach Diet for some time last year...the first couple of weeks are hard but then it gets easier...but there are some carbs to this diet, just not a lot...maybe you could look into that?

    You guys are all doing really well, very proud of you! My weight loss from January through most of February consisted of losing and gaining the same 2-3lbs...it was so frustrating! Then I got my 2nd fill on Feb. 8th and doing much better now...down 7lbs since that fill so I'm finally seeing the scale move again...now I just have to move my a-- and start exercising more!!!

    Keep up the great work, everyone!!!

  12. Wow everyone on this site is so awesome and inspiring!! I was banded Nov 17th 2008 I have lost a total of 50lbs . I feel so much better already. Although it is going slow as Dr Geiss likes it I see some of your weightloss numbers and what am I doing wrong..I have not yet had a fill as they said if I am maintaining a weightloss then I do not need a fill....



    Bobbi, your doing AWESOME!!! 50lbs lost since Nov. 17, 2008 with NO FILL??? I think that's pretty incredible and definitely not slow...I had my surgery with Dr. Geiss on Nov. 20th and I'm down 29.5lbs...I wish it was 50lbs!!! I'll get there, in time...I've already had two fills, but my first fill really didn't do anything for me...I would loose and gain the same 2-3lbs from January through most of February, it was very frustrating...but after I got my second fill in February, I'm now down another 7lbs, so I'm very excited! My next appointment at Geiss's office is coming up in another week..so we'll see what they say!

    I just wanted to say that I think your doing FANTASTIC and must be so proud of yourself! Keep up the great work:thumbup:

  13. Hi Everyone!

    Its been a while since I've posted! My weight loss is slow, but its finally coming off...I've had two fills so far, this last fill (Feb. 8th) has helped me loose 7lbs over the last few weeks...all of January through most of February my weight flucutated by two or three pounds...I would gain it, then loose it, then gain it again! So this last fill has really helped...I go again in a couple of weeks, not sure about another fill though...we'll see what the nurse says!

    My current weight is 230.5.

    Your all doing so great!!!!! Congrats on all of your weight losses!

  14. thanks fran for your well wishes. I am 4 days post-op. port site is very tender and still have a lot of gas, but feeling much better today than yesterday. do you get a fill in the operating room b4 your surgery is complete? of do they do an assesment at your first appointment post-op?

    I remember that first week post-op all too well! It does get better, so just hang in there! The doctor never spoke to me about any fill in the operating room...I found out at my first appointment that they did put a small amount in (didn't tell me how much)...I had restriction for about a week or so then started to get hungry...I didn't get my first fill until January 2nd (surgery was 11/20)...again, not sure how much was in there to start but I ended up with 3.7cc's in my band...that fill didn't do anything for me and I only lost about 1lb between that visit and my second fill, which was February 8th...at that time they put in another 1.5cc's so now I'm up to a total of 5.2cc's (in a 10cc band) and I definitely feel restriction now...I'm down 7lbs since February 8th...so I think I'm done with fills for a little while!

    I hope each day your feeling so much better and before you know it, you'll be well on your way to losing all your weight! Best of luck to you!

  15. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo

    *****:cool2:***********:mellow:*************:tt2:***********:hurray:* ********* :party:***




















    kimaly.............194............191.........160.......31 Lindar172..........246............228.........150.......78



    Long2BThin.........216............199.5.......169.......30.5 lotzasunshine......270............262.........180.......82

















  16. Fran, we want you to come too, so we can make it another time! When besides tomorrow is good for you to meet?

    Sue, sorry I'm getting back to you so late on this...I haven't been able to get to this site as often as I'd like. Anyway, thanks for wanting to include me for dinner...I feel bad, I really don't want to hold you guys up....my hubby's schedule sucks! Anyway, if you guys are interested in meeting this week, I can make it Tuesday night (7:00ish), Wednesday night (8:00ish) or Thursday night (7:00ish)...if this doesn't work, then you guys just pick your dates and let me know what they are and the time and hopefully I'll be able to make it! Sorry this has been so difficult!

    Maria, wishing you all the best on your surgery today! Everything will go just fine! Let us know how your feeling as soon as your up to it!

    Candle, sorry your having abdominal discomfort, but glad it isn't your band! Your doing fantastic on your weight loss journey!!! I pray I do as well as you! How many cc's do you have in your band? I got a fill on the 11th of this month and I definitely feel the most restriction now...not sure if this is my sweet spot though...I have 5.2cc's in a 10cc band. Keep up the great work!

    Hi Lisa...good to see you on here again....I haven't been on here much either, I try but there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day anymore! Hope your foot feels better soon!

    Like Lisa, I too hit a plateu from January up until my fill on February 11th...I would gain and loose the same 3lbs during that time...after my fill, I'm down another 4lbs so I'm very happy! Finding it harder to eat Breakfast in the morning now, I seem to be more restricted. But overall, doing well and so happy I'm banded!!

    Hope everyone else is doing great! Talk to you all soon!

  17. Hi Everyone!

    I feel like I have been on here in weeks! I try and pop in when I get a chance, but I haven't had time to sit and post!

    I would LOVE to meet up with you guys for dinner...Sunday afternoon probably won't work for me...hubby has a couple of estimates to go on and doesn't know when he'll be home...so next week I'm available on Monday and Tuesday nights...does that work? I don't care where we go, I'm flexible!

    So, I just had my 2nd fill yesterday...she put another 1.5cc's in so I think I'm up to 5.2cc's now...wow, I just realized it was that high...I don't feel any different at the moment...on liquids for now and tomorrow I will start mushies...I'm at a stand still with my weight loss...still at 23lbs, I've been at this weight now for all of January up until today...but its my fault...I'm not exercising like I should be and I've been snacking in between...although I am eating very healthy and weighing out my Protein, I guess I'm still eating too many calories and not burning them off since I'm not exercising! So, my goal this month is to MOVE MY ASS!

    I haven't had a chance to read all the back posts...so to all the newbies out there, welcome!!! Maria, I did see your post...congrats on your 2/23 surgery date! As far as the pre- op diet, I actually started mine an extra week early...I knew it was going to be hard so I wanted to give myself some extra time to get use to not chewing...its really important to follow the diet exactly as it will help shrink your liver...I had read some scary stories on here about people whose liver didn't shrink enough so they couldn't proceed with surgery...and believe me, when you KNOW you have to do something strictly, you just do it! It was hard, I'm not going to lie, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...I love Soup, especially tomotoe Soup, so I drank lots of this...I also found a Protein shake that I liked...its called Pure Pro and I got it at GNC...as far as chewing, I agree with the gum suggestion...that definitely helped me! It didn't make me hungrier.

    Okay, I gotta run for now...I will come back on here later and check to see if we came up with a date for dinner! I hope everyone is doing great and losing...talk to you all soon!


  18. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight___Goal______ToGo
















    kimaly.............194............191.........160.......31 Lindar172..........246............234.........150.......84



    Long2BThin.........216............201.........169.......32 lotzasunshine......270............265.5.......180.......85.5











    vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76


    Rhea2d . . . . . . . . . . 283. . . . . . . . .33. . . . . . . 185 . .58

  19. Its funny you should ask this question because today was the first time I had a toasted english muffin since I've been banded. I had no problems eating it...however, I'm only banded 2 months and I'm not at my "sweet" spot yet, even though I do have restriction. The only bread that has given me a problem so far, and as sad as it is that I will probably NEVER eat it again, was Italian bread! HOLY MOLY, did that hurt--I never want to feel that pain again! I've been able to eat whole grain breads, wraps and even pizza (which was always one of my favorite foods but I rarely eat it anymore) without any issues. I just have to always remember to take small bites and chew.

  20. Hi Hope09!

    I just wanted to add that I've been banded since Nov. 20th and overall, I'm happy with my band. I would say that the hardest thing for me has been the mental issues I have with food. I still have a hard time recognizing when I am satisfied as opposed to being full, which is probably something most people that are overweight will struggle with when it comes to the band. When I'm eating something I'm really enjoying, sometimes I don't want to stop even though I know I should, and I've been frustrated by that. But this process takes time and I'm slowly learning to re-train the way I think about food. The band is definitely the tool that I needed to help me, but it won't perform miracles...I need to do my part, and together, I believe it will work!

    Good luck with whatever you decide...I'm sure you'll make the right decision for YOU!

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