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Ashley Amari

Pre Op
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Posts posted by Ashley Amari

  1. Is anyone else always hungry? All I want to do is eat. This just started a few weeks ago. I spoke to my surgeon about this. I also feel like I can eat a lot more than I should be able to. I don’t understand. I’m not overeating. It’s not slider foods but I feel like it’s taking more and more to feel full. I’m not drinking with my meals. I’m just so confused because this has been so hard. I’m almost 7 months post op.

  2. 11 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    Oh Ashley, I am SO very sorry!! It must be quite rare for that to happen, my heart hurts for you. I'm glad your surgeon was so proactive about ensuring this wasn't being caused by Vitamin deficiencies. hair is one of those things that for many of us is part of our identity and to lose it all so dramatically on top of the stress of bariatric surgery is a huge load. I hope you are being very gentle with yourself. This isn't your fault. I've heard of this happening on occasion with autoimmune patients... Have you thought about seeing a therapist to help support you as you go through this? I've found them incredibly helpful when my body has done rare, weird things that caused a lot of mourning and grief.

    I'm glad you updated us, this is a safe place for you to come vent and mourn. I wish I had wise words to offer you in solace, but some things are really beyond our language. Just know I am sitting here alongside you with a generous measure of empathy. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you. I just want to give you the biggest hug!

    Thank you so much for your most kind words. It’s has been a rough road to say the least. It’s been so hard to focus on the weight loss journey with everything else, but I’m trying. I will definitely take your advice and go see a therapist. Again, THANK YOU 🤗

  3. On 11/15/2023 at 5:35 PM, Ashley Amari said:

    All of my hair has fallen out. Like all. I went to the doctor for my 3 month follow up and he checked labs early bc of how much had fallen out. They all were normal. I did add Biotin but I basically have bald spots. I ordered a wig bc there’s nothing I can do. 😭 I’m 4 months out. This all came out at once and it hasn’t stopped.


    Update***** It’s been an extremely difficult process. I’m emotionally defeated😭. My hair has continued to fall out not shed but completely fall out to the point I look sickly. I have seen derm. Had a biopsy done. Basically all my hair entered the shedding phase at once. On top of that I have some hormonal issues that has resulted in female/male pattern Hair loss as well. Only thing left to do is take the clippers and even then there’s not much left. My surgeon actually looked me in my eyes last week and said he was so sorry I was going through all this. It’s not a lack or Protein, Biotin, or any nutrient deficiencies. I’ve literally done everything right according to my surgeon. I am literally in tears every time I look in the mirror. Just wanted to voice my frustrations in a safe place.

  4. 6 minutes ago, AmberFL said:

    I would take out the IUD. your body needs to stabilize and just do its thing for a while. Just try no BC at all for a month or 2 and see if that helps you regulate.

    Thanks Amber. I took the IUD out mid October. I went from spotting to bleeding. The plan was to go without bc for 3 months but I was over the prolonged bleeding and ended up trying a bc pill. It worked for 2 weeks then the bleeding returned. Now I’m attempting again to go 3 months again without anything and praying my body responds.

  5. 6 minutes ago, AmberFL said:

    I would take out the IUD. your body needs to stabilize and just do its thing for a while. Just try no BC at all for a month or 2 and see if that helps you regulate.

    Thanks Amber. I took the IUD out mid October. I went from spotting to bleeding. The plan was to go without bc for 3 months but I was over the prolonged bleeding and ended up trying a bc pill. It worked for 2 weeks then the bleeding returned. Now I’m attempting again to go 3 months again without anything and praying my body responds.

  6. Hi Viviana,

    I think for some of us, the Hair loss is inevitable. I started loosing at 3 month mark. I’ve always hit my Protein goals. I lost so much hair that my surgeon checked labs early. Everything was basically normal. I think it is a phase. Many people say it lasts a few months and hair will grow back beautifully. That is my hope because I literally have bald spots. I was really upset at first as well but it doesn’t seem to be much we can do to change it for some of us. I just keep up with my protein and collagen. Hoping the shedding stops soon. ((HUGGG)

  7. All of my hair has fallen out. Like all. I went to the doctor for my 3 month follow up and he checked labs early bc of how much had fallen out. They all were normal. I did add Biotin but I basically have bald spots. I ordered a wig bc there’s nothing I can do. 😭 I’m 4 months out. This all came out at once and it hasn’t stopped.


  8. I’ve now been spotting/ bleeding for 100 days straight. As I sit here in tears I’m really wondering should I just had stayed fat with hair or the alternative bald and bleeding. (My hair has now come out also) I’m so tired. I’ve seen 2 different gyno, had three ultrasounds, seen several NP and nobody has an explanation as to why I will not stop bleeding. Ok that’s my rant for today 😭 .

  9. So has anyone had there IUD removed after sleeve? I am miserable and have been bleeding pretty much daily for 70 days. I have had appointments with everyone. GYN ENDOcrinologist, primary, surgeon. I had an ultrasound done also. No one has a real answer or solution as to why it will not stop.

  10. 12 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    I'd hate for you to end up with an ablation for an issue that may just be caused by hormone fluctuations due to weight loss that will ease as your weight loss levels out. IUDs can be fussy things. My guess is that after surgery your hormones surged high enough to overpower the IUD's hormones and that's what caused the bleeding. It is also possible the lining hasn't shed properly either due to those hormones, or those hormones combined with the IUD and now you are stuck with daily breakthrough bleeding. Getting the IUD out might help or it may do nothing for the bleeding, it is hard to say. Did they do an ultrasound to see if the lining is built up? I'm really surprised everyone there is acting like they have no clue what caused this... This sucks! I can totally understand why you are miserable!

    I agree, I think suggesting an ablation was a little extreme. I’m going to wait and hope everything balances out. I am going to request an ultrasound. I’ve been asking is this a normal occurrence. I’m okay if I just need to give my body time to adjust, I just didn’t want to be waiting and there actually be something else going on. Hopefully the labs and ultrasound will shed some insight. Thank you

  11. 3 hours ago, BabySpoons said:

    An IUD is known to cause spotting and irregular bleeding but if you used it before WLS with no problems, I would agree that it's probably a release of estrogen and hormonal changes due to surgery. But it seems excessive. I would make sure you are getting enough Iron or risk becoming anemic.

    I wouldn't be too quick to have an Ablation either. Unless you are done having children. If so, then you would be taking care of two issues at once with no longer needing contraception and hopefully end the bleeding.

    I was told by my OB GYN that I needed an Ablation a few years back but for different reasons. I had an ultrasound that showed a golf ball size fibroid tumor that was causing major bleeding. I was so desperate for it to stop that I scheduled the surgery. But after going home and reading up on the procedure, I quickly found others online who had avoided it by Water fasting. Those that had the same size tumor said it took 40 days for their bodies to rid themselves of it. So I called and cancelled the surgery. Doc didn't argue with me. Said give it a try and then we can re-access.

    I don't think she thought I could do it, but I did. When I went back for a follow up, the gal doing the ultrasound found no trace of it. I told her my story and she was shocked and amazed. The body is capable of some pretty amazing things if we let it.

    I said all that to say this.... I'm not advocating you Water fast. Especially after WLS. But I would have a thorough exam to justify the need, if at all for an Ablation. But before even that, take out the IUD. Stop the hormones/meds. Take Iron if needed and let your body cleanse itself.



    Thank you so much. I definitely think an ablation is extreme. This is my second mirena. I haven’t had any issues before now. I have an appointment tomorrow to get some labs done. I’ve stopped the estrogen after 7 days. It wasn’t helping. I will give it another week or so and if it continues I will have mirena moved and hopefully my body will balance itself out. I will look more into water fasting. I think it may be too early right now. Again thank you so much.

  12. Day 39: I’m miserable at this point. OB suggested having the mirena removed. Idk if I should give it more time to see if it balances out or what. Besides the daily cramping and bleeding, what’s most frustrating is that everyone seems to be at a loss regarding this. I’ve went from daily estrogen to now let’s just remove the iud. Not one times has anyone of my doctors said this was normal. My PCP said I will probably need an ablation. No consistency with responses at all.

  13. On 3/17/2023 at 3:40 PM, Desiyah23 said:

    I had my conversion to bypass surgery on 2/28 and have been spotting since. Has something to do with our hormones and the sudden rapid weight loss. I also have an IUD.

    Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app

    How long did it last because I’m so tired of this? I’m 39 days post op and literally have been bleeding for 39 days. Some days the cramping is bad also. I’m MISERABLE.

  14. On 8/13/2023 at 1:56 PM, Ashley Amari said:

    I’m so frustrated😭😭😭 I am one month post vsg and pretty much have been bleeding the entire month. I have an iud and didn’t have cycles prior to surgery. I went to see OBGYN and was given a 14 day supply of estradiol. It has not helped. This is just the worst. I have literally bled 22/30 days. I just don’t know what to do.

    Update : 39 days since surgery still spotting and cramping every single day 😭 my GYN said that I should maybe have the IUD out. Idk should I give it more time or what. I just know I’m so tired of bleeding. I’ve also been checked by OB and there’s nothing abnormal. Surgeon didn’t have any insight on situation . Some one please tell me this gets better.

  15. 1 hour ago, Jeanne. said:

    Give yourself time to heal and allow the swelling to go down. You’re not far into this. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to loose slow. It’s a process that takes time, patience and willpower to make better choices in your life

    Thank you @Jeanne. I will. Today I’m better emotionally. I was just completely overwhelmed yesterday that the scale didn’t move again. It’s been a few weeks with no change. I’m trying to focus on NSV as someone told me yesterday. It’s been hard but I’m determined to stay positive and see it through.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jeanne. said:

    Give yourself time to heal and allow the swelling to go down. You’re not far into this. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to loose slow. It’s a process that takes time, patience and willpower to make better choices in your life

    Thank you @Jeanne. I will. Today I’m better emotionally. I was just completely overwhelmed yesterday that the scale didn’t move again. It’s been a few weeks with no change. I’m trying to focus on NSV as someone told me yesterday. It’s been hard but I’m determined to stay positive and see it through.

  17. 7 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    I did Keto as the 2week pre surgical diet but my dietician said Keto is a short term diet, best for kickstarting weight loss. It shouldn’t be followed long term. (Check research on effects on diabetes & insulin levels, cholesterol, etc.).

    Most post surgery diets are high Protein, low fat, low carbs so probably closer to Aitken’s if you’re looking for a more formal recognised diet. One of the most important learnings I’ve had is that there is no one diet/way of eating that works for everyone. If there was the dieting wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry.

    Speak with your dietician, do your own research, & listen to your body & needs & the work out a way of eating that works & is best for you.

    As to your weight loss so far, you’re doing fine. The only people who lose very large amounts pre & immediately post surgery are those who began at a very high weight. There is really no right or wrong rate of loss. There are averages which only give you an idea of what you might lose. We all lose at our own rate. How many stalls you experience,how often & how long they last are individual too. And everyone’s’ rate of loss slows as they get closer to their final weight. I decided I would only worry about how much I was losing if my surgeon was upset but he wasn’t ever.

    All the best.

    Thank you. I have made an appointment to speak with the dietician. I’ve also tracked everything I eat so I can print it out and have it on hand. My surgeon wasn’t upset but he was obviously not pleased that I had only lost 7 lbs at my two week follow up. It’s all very new and confusing to me to say the least. Currently I am just making sure I hit my Protein, but I am very conscious about carbs out of habit. I’m thinking maybe I need to increase those a bit. Again thank you

  18. On 8/30/2013 at 6:11 AM, LipstickLady said:

    Normal. The sleeve doesn't stop Water weight. I'm in the same boat! No period for 6+ years with my iud, post op I had one almost constantly for the first two months and now I am at a full three weeks without one. Ahhhh... I gained about two to three pounds for the first few days of it.

    Did the bleeding stop after two months? I have an IUD and have been bleeding (mostly spotting) daily since the day after surgery. I’m 33 days out and my OBGYN suggested we take the IUD out. I don’t want to do that if it will eventually level out.

  19. 2 minutes ago, TRAVELRN said:

    couple things to remember:

    1. you are only 33 days out.

    2. The "keto diet" is a high fat, moderate Protein, and low carb diet. It usually consists of 75% fats, 20% Protein and only 5% carb. Even though you are eating smaller portions the fat is too high.

    3. A baratric diet focuses on smaller portions, high protein, low fat, and low carbs! The fat you are consuming in a Keto diet 33 days out is likely the culprit.

    I would stick to the meal plan that should have been outlined for you after your surgery. I am over a year out and lost 100+ pounds after my surgery w/in the first year. I did think (after talking to my dietician) that I could also try to go back on the Keto diet. I gained weight 10 lbs before I stopped that cold in its tracks and focused on my portions and eating right foods. I am almost lost the weight I gained thinking the keto diet would work for me now. I had done it before making my decision to have gastric sleeve and lost 75 lbs in a short period of time. But it came back on and then some once I stopped eating Keto.

    I was doing keto to loose weight prior to surgery. Since surgery I have been following the diet as ordered. I haven’t deviated once. Even with the pre-op diet I only lost 7 pounds. Mine wasn’t liquid and I could have one salad a day with fat free dressing. I was just discouraged today bc the scales isn’t moving and I have my 6 week follow up coming up. At my 2 week, the doctor seems surprised that I had only lost 7 pounds. Everyone has been so encouraging. It was what I needed today. I will continue doing what I am suppose to do and find other things to focus on besides the scale. TY

  20. 9 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    I lost the same amount (16 lbs) the first month and ended up losing 235 lbs (I've gained back a few since then). Most of us seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month post-op, so you're in the right range. If you're getting your expectations from "My 600 lb Life", remember that those people start at over 600 lbs - that's way above where the average WLS patient starts from, and starting BMI is one of the factors that determines what your rate of weight loss is (other factors are age, gender, how much of your body weight is muscle, whether or not you lost a lot of weight prior to surgery, metabolism rate, other genetic factors, etc). The only two factors that play into the rate of weight loss that you have much control over are how closely you're sticking to your clinic's food plan, and how active you are. If you're doing well with those, you'll lose the weight, whether fast or slow.

    the other thing you may be dealing with is the "three-week stall" that most of us experience. It's not always the third week post-op - sometimes it's the second or fourth or fifth week post-op, but it's most commonly during the third week, hence the name. It's basically the first major stall after WLS. Most of us go through this. It generally lasts 1-3 weeks. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3 (so two weeks). I lost virtually nothing during this time, but once week 4 started, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within just a couple of days.

    so anyway, long way of saying, there's no reason to feel defeated. Sounds like everything is pretty normal...

    This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much. I think the first follow up appointment set the tone and it just hasn’t been a positive one. So as it nears times for my 6 week follow up I’m almost terrified of his reaction. I will continue with the plan. Again, thank you!!

  21. 18 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Sounds like you might just be a little bit of a slower loser, and that's ok. As long as you're losing, and following your plan, and exercising, and changing your eating habits you're doing everything right. If you were at a lower bmi and weight than others on here, you will also lose slower. But again, as my surgeon says, "as long as you continue in a downward trajectory, you're doing great". Stalls happen, everyone's journey looks different, and you're still early in yours. Your body is only like 4 weeks post op. It's still healing. Give yourself some grace, and time, and you'll see the results you want.

    Thank you for the encouraging words. It’s hard not to compare. I’m 5’5. SW 262. Current 246. I know 16 pounds is good. I just feel like the my surgeon thought it should be more at my first follow up visit. And with my 6 weeks coming up I am anxious. I thought the scale would have moved more. I will try to stay positive. Thank you again!!!

  22. 18 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Sounds like you might just be a little bit of a slower loser, and that's ok. As long as you're losing, and following your plan, and exercising, and changing your eating habits you're doing everything right. If you were at a lower bmi and weight than others on here, you will also lose slower. But again, as my surgeon says, "as long as you continue in a downward trajectory, you're doing great". Stalls happen, everyone's journey looks different, and you're still early in yours. Your body is only like 4 weeks post op. It's still healing. Give yourself some grace, and time, and you'll see the results you want.

    Thank you for the encouraging words. It’s hard not to compare. I’m 5’5. SW 262. Current 246. I know 16 pounds is good. I just feel like the my surgeon thought it should be more at my first follow up visit. And with my 6 weeks coming up I am anxious. I thought the scale would have moved more. I will try to stay positive. Thank you again!!!

  23. 18 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Sounds like you might just be a little bit of a slower loser, and that's ok. As long as you're losing, and following your plan, and exercising, and changing your eating habits you're doing everything right. If you were at a lower bmi and weight than others on here, you will also lose slower. But again, as my surgeon says, "as long as you continue in a downward trajectory, you're doing great". Stalls happen, everyone's journey looks different, and you're still early in yours. Your body is only like 4 weeks post op. It's still healing. Give yourself some grace, and time, and you'll see the results you want.

    Thank you for the encouraging words. It’s hard not to compare. I’m 5’5. SW 262. Current 246. I know 16 pounds is good. I just feel like the my surgeon thought it should be more at my first follow up visit. And with my 6 weeks coming up I am anxious. I thought the scale would have moved more. I will try to stay positive. Thank you again!!!

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