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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ChunkCat

  1. ChunkCat

    Questions for pre surgery

    I'm currently on the liquid part of the pre-op diet. I haven't had any accidents. In fact, if anything, I'm a little on the constipated side... I have to pee more but that's normal with more fluid intake and as long as I listen to those messages in enough time I don't have to run to the bathroom! LOL Catwoman7 is right, if you can drink blends you can get those at Amazon, Target, or even Costco. Pre-surgery I'm supposed to drink the Premier Protein ready to drink ones, but after surgery it is only whey protein isolate so I bought some sample packs here on BariatricPal, as well as some from Unjury, and a bag of unflavored Genepro since I can put that in anything. Make use of the sample sizes!! That will save you a lot of money in the end!
  2. ChunkCat

    8 days post op

    When we have surgery a lot of nerves are cut that take months to regenerate. The ones that send the message that you are "full" haven't healed yet, that's why you aren't getting the signals. Odds are in two to three months you will notice your signals for fullness are different from what they are now. "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." definitely applies here. Don't worry, your restriction is there, you just can't feel it. And fluids are way different than restriction from solids...
  3. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    It's really great for your workplace to give you so much time to heal!! This will make it much easier to transition through the stages and get into a new routine! Thanks for the well wishes! Day 2 of the all shake phase. My partner warmed up chili this morning and I had to leave the kitchen because it smelled so good. LOL
  4. I have chronic fatigue and fibro. I'm having surgery Nov. 1st. The surgeon said the surgery may help in terms of being less weight to carry around and less inflammation in the body, which may result in less pain, but it really depends on the person and the cause of their disease. I'm hopeful things will improve a little, even if it is just letting me move better on my good days, you know? If I can be more productive on my good days then I can accept my bad days on the couch with a little more grace. LOL
  5. ChunkCat

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Aww, this is amazing and made me tear up for you! Great job!! You are going to LOVE this! Congratulations!!
  6. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Oh good choice!! I've heard they are good over there! I was admitted to Rex hospital once and the nursing staff was fantastic, I felt really cared for. You'll be in great hands!
  7. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Hi Sarah, welcome!! I know, my brother was like "You'll be on a restricted diet through Thanksgiving? Why would you do that to yourself??" 😂 So I know I won't end up gaining! Hahahaha! I agree about the charlie horses, definitely get an electrolyte powder!! I was miserable the first night after I started the diet until I remembered I had a box of them. Lifesavers man... I drink one a night and haven't had anymore leg cramps! Congratulations on getting married!! You sound like you've had a busy few months! I hope you've built in some time to rest after your surgery, based on past surgeries I know it takes more energy to heal than we anticipate!
  8. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Dr. Pilati down in Cary at WakeMed. How about you?
  9. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Good luck on a swift approval!! I bought some sipping broths and some protein soup broths so I'd have plenty of variety. I don't want to have to rush and order things afterwards. Propel powder is probably good to have on hand for hydration. I have some of the ArmorLyte drinks too, you can order them on Amazon and they are pretty tasty. We were also told we can strain any of the Campbell's heart healthy soups, so I may get a few of those eventually. I've made a grocery shopping cart for the pureed stage on Amazon so my partner can either order it for delivery or use it as a shopping list for going to the store, since I don't expect to feel like walking around getting groceries. Luckily we don't have kids, just cats who act like kids. LOL
  10. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    I feel you!! I started all liquids today after two weeks of a modified pre-op diet. I'll be on all liquids until the surgery and for a few weeks afterwards so I might as well get used to it! This is gonna take a bit of willpower...
  11. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Ohhh, I don't have any suggestions for a water bottle, but hopefully someone else will! I've just been using insulated cups with tops that you sip out of instead of using a straw. I have a belly band but I can't recall where I got it from... I got it for my hysterectomy, it was great. My surgeon says I don't need one for this surgery but I'll probably still try it. The key is to not cinch it too tightly, you want to be able to breathe and move freely! Mine looks kind of like this: https://www.amazon.com/ORTONYX-Breathable-Abdominal-Postpartum-Postoperative/dp/B07CW2TFRQ/ But it isn't that one so I can't recommend it! Still, you want one that is long enough to cover a plus size abdomen. Be sure to wear a layer of clothing under it so nothing sticks to your incisions. I wore post partum underwear underneath mine, they come all the way up to my boobs! They are non restricting so didn't press on any of the incisions, I'll probably wear them again since I have them. As for the hospital bag, I think I'm taking comfy, non-binding clothes, slip on shoes that I can wear socks with to walk the halls since they'll have me in compression socks, chapstick is one thing EVERYONE says to have! I'm supposed to take some clear protein waters. Electrolyte powders so I don't get leg cramps. I have a binder with all my surgery stuff in it I'll take, it has sheets for logging fluid intake. A long cardigan that will serve as a bathrobe because I'm always cold. A little pill crusher in case I can't get my pills down whole. Cell phone charger, phone, maybe my ipad in case I'm in there longer than a day. A little pillow for my tummy. That's about it, I aim to pack light! Oh a toothbrush, obviously. LOL
  12. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Welcome!! You'll have to get really good at sipping on the road!! I'd be sure the doc gives you pain meds and nausea meds for the trip even if you don't think you'll need it. Grab a few insulated travel mugs (one for cold drinks and one for warm drinks) so you can decide what works best. A small pillow to put between your tummy and the seat belt so it doesn't press so hard on your incisions. Compression socks and frequent stops to walk around and prevent blood clots. And maybe a bag in case you throw up. Not everyone does but if you are stuck in a car it might be a reassuring precaution. And of course a few protein drinks and whatever you prefer to hydrate with so you don't have to shop for anything... When is your procedure?? Good luck!!
  13. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    OMG, me too!! DS on November 1st! We are true surgery twins!!
  14. ChunkCat

    Cutting out sugar

    I quit slowly, just using things up at home and not buying more. Then once that was done, a few weeks later I started introducing a few artificially sweetened things. Unlike a lot of people, Im not anti-fake sugar. But I need a break from sweets for the fake stuff to taste good. I still use moderation even with fake sugars, but I like flavor packets in my water sometimes, a flavored syrup in my coffee as a treat, or a flavored yogurt or pudding. I don't crave fake sweeteners though so I just use them selectively. I don't find they create a craving for real sugar, in fact, they help me walk by sugary things because I know I have my own safe version at home. But keep in mind I never binged sugary foods so it could be different for someone who did have that issue. Sweet things are not a trigger food for me.
  15. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    I'm guessing post surgery once you are out of the stages you could try a fiber supplement too. My GI doctor is a huge fan of them... LOL
  16. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    My doctor said Miralax and Milk of Magnesia are your friends pre-surgery and post surgery. The way they advised to take it is to take milk of magnesia to deal with things if they are already blocked up, then miralax daily to keep things moving. A lot of our post surgery members here have a capful of miralax every morning or evening, it is safe for longer term use since it is stimulant free. (Milk of magnesia is a stimulant.)
  17. When we submitted to insurance we weren't sure which procedure we were going with (the doctor needed to talk to my gastro doc) so we just submitted for the bigger procedure (DS), knowing we could downgrade if needed and insurance would be easy to run through again. I don't think you'll have much of a hold up unless the doctor doesn't do the bypass surgeries? Congrats on deciding which surgery is right for you!!
  18. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Ozempic is so mean sometimes... Be sure you are getting electrolytes in, sometimes when they get off kilter it creates nausea and vomiting. And these pre-op diets can be pretty brutal to our electrolyte levels. Congrats on your surgery date!!
  19. ChunkCat

    When did you stop losing

    That is such a worthy cause for weight loss, I wish you nothing but success!! I haven't had surgery yet so I can't comment on when losing stops. But I do know you need to be careful not to cut your calories too low after surgery. It will trash that newly reset metabolism and make weight loss even harder. I know it is counter intuitive but you have to fight that instinct to go so low. I'd advise a good heart to heart talk with your surgeon and dietitian. There are options to boost your weight loss if it stops (like meds), but if you keep your calories too low your body is going to start thinking it is starving for real and hold on to every pound to protect you. 💚
  20. ChunkCat

    Want to get surgery

    I have this problem. I'm not an overeater. I eat very carefully and about 1200 calories a day. I get exercise. I don't binge. I drink water. I gained 60 lbs in one year when I was about 16 and the weight has done nothing but go up ever since. No one could tell me why. My diet and activity level didn't change. The best they could guess is it was my thyroid but those levels were normal until my 30s. I did develop an autoimmune disease at 14 though and it could have contributed inflammation. I became diabetic a few years ago and have steadily climbed to over 300 lbs. At this point doctors say it is inflammation and metabolic disorder that was probably subclinical for years. Some of the weight is definitely med related and now Im physically disabled which contributes too. All this to say not everyone who gains weight has an eating disorder but it's rare and doctors will have no clue what to do with you! With the extra weight you should qualify for surgery, right?? I wish you the best of luck. I'm halfway through my pre-op diet and true to form my body hasn't lost a pound. 😂
  21. ChunkCat

    Before and After Pics

    OMG you guys look awesome!! Every time I get annoyed with this process I come here and look at a few pages and remind myself why I'm doing this, it helps a lot... You are all inspiring!
  22. ChunkCat

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Have you tried something like the unflavored protein from Genepro? You can add it to anything you are eating or drinking and it will boost your protein count, so you can alternate between protein and non-protein drinks. 3 weeks of liquids post op?? And I thought my 3 week pre-op diet sucked. LOL Good luck to you, I will have 2 weeks of liquids which is pretty standard for the more progressive bariatric practices. I bet that extra week of liquids will help your suture lines heal suuuper strong!! Are they letting you have sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello? That helps break up the all liquids a bit.
  23. ChunkCat

    Sandwiches and chips

    Don't you hate when your own words come back to get you?? LOL But I aim to take your advice and stay away from those foods as much as possible, as I have seen that creeping back into them really slows/stops people's weight loss or leads to regain. Just because you can eat a thing, doesn't mean you should I suppose... When I had to go gluten free for about 5 years I found that focusing on what I COULD have and what would nourish me was much wiser than focusing on all that I could NOT have. It became a game to see what new, interesting thing I could try to expand my palette. I discovered a lot of things that I wouldn't have ever tried in my old way of eating. Like charcuterie boards! OMG I love those things, so many little bits of things to try. I found that a few bites of a few things was much more satisfying than a large volume of one thing. I think remembering that post surgery will help a lot...
  24. ChunkCat

    Post Op Coffee

    My program says no regular coffee for 6 months. 😭 I am a huge coffee and tea drinker. I ordered a box of assorted decaf coffee pods for after surgery and I have decaf black tea, but it won't be the same. Everyone's program is different! I'll follow what they want though because I know they have my best interests at heart. I need to find a good decaf jasmine tea!
  25. This has been on my mind, not because I doubt my relationship, but because I see so many people on these forums and groups who are struggling with this. When I ended up with an autoimmune condition a few years into my marriage it definitely stressed things. Becoming disabled is hard on any relationship. But therapy helped a lot. When I got cancer my relationship became solid like a block of iron. I realized then that it wasn't about if someone could endure things with you, it really is whether someone can walk through the darkness with you, embrace who you are at any given moment and roll with the changes life brings. We all change in life, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in big ways. I found that having someone who could care for me when I was sick and yet make spaces for how I changed physically and emotionally AND still see me as WHOLE was a very big deal. We humans resist change in general, our reptilian brains don't like it. Being resilient enough to integrate change and make space for it is a huge gift in a relationship. This surgery will change me, it can't not, but I trust that my partner will roll with those changes because above all else they want me healthy and happy and this is the path I believe will give me that. It's nice to see some others have that gift in their relationships too.

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