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Posts posted by MsTeeTee

  1. 1 hour ago, SaraSara4 said:

    Isopure is nasty it does taste and smell like baby formula! And super expensive. I looked at some Protein Shots but there were so many that were collagen based Protein and since its not a complete Protein I just gave up looking. A truly flavorless protein would be great

    I found one unflavored one but it does have collagen and Biotin in it. I love it for creamy stuff and coffee. Not juice for juice tho.


  2. On 9/19/2023 at 11:39 AM, NCL04321 said:

    It's not just you! I have read that you should avoid the microwave as it dries food out making it harder for your stomach to break down. Its just a matter of how dry the food is, so maybe add a liquid when you can, or cover your items like chicken etc with a damp paper towel?

    I tried it. And it’s still a no for me. I’m 2 months and 5 days post op and my stomach still says hell no. It’s like the food is spoiled the way my body rejects it.
    I can finally do eggs again but only egg whites.

  3. This is the first time my gums have gotten this bloody. Post op day 3 my menstrual started. And I didn’t notice any bleeding gums or teeth pain because I couldn’t eat anything anyway. But now it’s obvious. Once I get an update from my dentist I will let you guys know what’s up. I haven’t been taking natural forms of Vitamin C because it’s too sweet but I guess tablet/pill for will have to suffice.

  4. Did anyone deal with bleeding sore painful gums after flossing and or eating? Mine went away after after my menstrual went off but I’m still concerned. My gums are still sore and the bleeding from flossing and eating but not as crazy as before. I have a dentist appointment next month.

  5. Hey friends. I’m having an emotional time in my life right now and I’m having a hard time coping because I can’t run to food for comfort. What are some ways you guys cope now that food is no longer an option?
    I’m also working on setting up mental health appointments. But while I wait… I thought I’d ask just incase suggestions from others going through EXACTLY what I’m going thru will help me.
    Thank you in advance❤️

  6. I spoke to my nutritionist and I’ve never been so wrong. Omg. I’m focusing on Protein which is right. But I wasn’t paying attention to the carb and fat content on items. 20 carbs or less. 10 grams of fat, sugar or less. And they would like 10 grams or more of protein per meal/product.

    And I’ve gone over the recommended amount of protein once which according to the nutritionist means I’m grazing 🥹 My grazing is work related because I can’t really sit still so I take a few bites and before I know it’s been two hours of taking a few bites. I was told to remind myself to be selfish. I was also told I need a half a cup of vegetables with my 30 minute meal.

    This is overwhelming for me friends. I’m struggling with the getting enough protein in during every meal already. Now I have to include veggies. Take calcium chews and watch out for too much carb fat and sugar. Ever since the last appointment Im only at 30 grams of protein a day. I am completely thrown for a loop.

  7. So I have an appointment with my nutritionist on the 29th. I will make sure to make this a priority question on my list for discussion. I know the “manual” and Google says no snacking. But meals and Protein Shakes are getting old with me REAL fast. And before I force myself to eat a meal or shake and feel crappy after? Id rather a snack like fruit or chickpeas makes me feel better and accomplished for the day.

    I seem to be doing really good with cabbage Beans and peas. Seafood such as shrimp and salmon. And fruit such as melon.
    My current prepackaged snack items have been babybel cheese Protein yogurt pickles sugar free pudding and Jello. I recently added probiotic soda poppi. I open it and wait for it to get flat so I can safely drink it without the gas problems that follow it.





  8. So I won’t be able to always make myself a snack obviously. But I need help with healthy prepackaged snack options.

    What are some of your favorites? If you can please take pictures and post them here so myself and others know EXACTLY what to get.

    Thank you!

  9. I actually weight myself every single morning. It’s a Noom habit that I’ve formed. It works for me so far. I’m just gonna continue with to do that for now. I’ve already hit a weight stall at 3 weeks out. Honestly think it’s poop related. Prior to surgery I use to go 2-4 times a day. Now I’m every 3 days even with proper hydration Fiber movement and Probiotics. Guess that’s my new norm. If I go past day 3 my stomach bloats and I’m miserable as hell. So far it’s only happen twice.

    A new routine I’ve done is having most of my hydration in the morning. Water Protein Decaf tea and coffee. From the moment I wake up till around noon or 2pm. lunch. snack. Hydration again and dinner and or snack. Then finish the day with more hydration. If I try to keep the 30 min eat drink interval I don’t get enough hydration and I feel crappy. It works so far. Hopefully I wont have to change anything soon.

    Does anyone else have a routine they would like to share?

  10. I’ve decided to stick with liquid and shakes for now. Maybe you can confirm for the both of us that it’s ok. Lol

    In my past life I was a pescatarian/vegan/vegetarian. Idk. Anything that walked I didn’t eat. Lol And I loved it. I know the booklet from the hospital suggested a Mediterranean diet after and before surgery which is very similar to what I was already doing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
