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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MsTeeTee

  1. MsTeeTee

    Gastric bypass RNY 7/24/23

    I actually weight myself every single morning. It’s a Noom habit that I’ve formed. It works for me so far. I’m just gonna continue with to do that for now. I’ve already hit a weight stall at 3 weeks out. Honestly think it’s poop related. Prior to surgery I use to go 2-4 times a day. Now I’m every 3 days even with proper hydration fiber movement and probiotics. Guess that’s my new norm. If I go past day 3 my stomach bloats and I’m miserable as hell. So far it’s only happen twice. A new routine I’ve done is having most of my hydration in the morning. Water protein decaf tea and coffee. From the moment I wake up till around noon or 2pm. Lunch. Snack. Hydration again and dinner and or snack. Then finish the day with more hydration. If I try to keep the 30 min eat drink interval I don’t get enough hydration and I feel crappy. It works so far. Hopefully I wont have to change anything soon. Does anyone else have a routine they would like to share?
  2. MsTeeTee

    Reheating food

    I’ve decided to stick with liquid and shakes for now. Maybe you can confirm for the both of us that it’s ok. Lol In my past life I was a pescatarian/vegan/vegetarian. Idk. Anything that walked I didn’t eat. Lol And I loved it. I know the booklet from the hospital suggested a Mediterranean diet after and before surgery which is very similar to what I was already doing.
  3. MsTeeTee


    After RNY gastric bypass surgery, when was real oatmeal ok? Nothing against cream of wheat or watery oatmeal but I’m not doing very good with anything else. I’m having major food aversions. Day 29 post op. Week 5. Any
  4. MsTeeTee

    Reheating food

    Oh wow. Maybe it’s just me 🥹
  5. MsTeeTee

    Reheating food

    Oh wow. Maybe it’s just me 🥹
  6. MsTeeTee

    Reheating food

    I read on here that some people did not have good outcomes after trying to eat left overs. I’m doing great with freshly cooked meals and fluids. But once I have to reheat it. All hell breaks loose. I’m so nauseous and also vomiting.
  7. MsTeeTee


    When did you guys start taking your multivitamins post op? I already have BariLife one a day with iron and the Bariatric Fusion 4 a day chewable ones now. But I don’t recall when they told me to start taking these exactly. Maybe I’m having brain fog. But I do take the Bcomplex everyday.
  8. MsTeeTee

    No appetite

    I have no desire for food or beverages at this time. I have 3 days left in my purée stage and I can only tolerate my Bcomplex vitamin for the day. Everything else just looks gross. Even the smell of food does not smell good to me anymore. Any ideas friends? Am I the only one?
  9. MsTeeTee

    Unflavored protein powder

    Ok cool. Thank you!
  10. MsTeeTee

    No appetite

    Glad to know I’m not the only one. I’ve been forcing myself to eat my protein instead of drinking it. Hasn’t been the greatest. Struggling to get enough hydration because of the food. But im working on it. And I will improve. I believe in myself 💪🏾
  11. MsTeeTee


    Thanks for the advice everyone. I found that im actually not doing a good job with the chewable vitamins. They taste like poison to me. I’m doing BariLife 1 pill a day. But I’m going to add biotin, vitamin D3, more iron, and calcium. I have a liquid d3, iron, calcium, and bcomplex. Waiting on this website to send my liquid calcium. I will give an update soon.
  12. At what stage can I juice and or blend vegetables for consumption? Juicing fruit will have too much sugar obviously but what kind of other things or vegetables do you guys blend with besides protein powder?
  13. MsTeeTee

    Juicing or Blended drinks

    I love these ideas everyone. Thanks for the input. I got a new list of food to try for week 4 along with foods to avoid. Spinach is a go. But no fruit with seeds or skin. I will look into a good juicer but it may be more cost efficient for me to buy it organic no sugar at this time and just add a creamy or clear protein. I will update everyone soon.
  14. MsTeeTee

    Gastric bypass RNY 7/24/23

    What about adding benefiber to your shakes when you blend them to help you poop? My doc approved me to chew gum and for some odd reason it helps me go potty. Also a lot of walking helps too. I do a lot of chores in the house to stay close to a toilet but waking at a park helps me with the fluid retention too! I can tell because I sweat like a pig. Lol Please keep in mind these are only things that work for me/been approved by my doctor and may be totally different for you. Check back with your doctor or nutritionist. Make a list of things to discuss before the call. And then go thru the list. That’s what I did. Lol
  15. MsTeeTee

    Unflavored protein powder

    Amen friend! Lol Once the protein2o started to taste a lil funny to me I started to add half a crystal light pack to it and pour it over ice to get it down. Other days I can drink it regular. Protein2o also has one with electrolytes in it and one without but I purchased the regular one from Amazon first. My next one will be the one with electrolytes in it to try it out. I was adding my zero sugar vitamin water to it for a lil bit and that also helps with the extra vitamins and electrolytes that our body needs. Mixing stuff helps me reach my hydration goal all day.
  16. MsTeeTee

    Unflavored protein powder

    It is very expensive! Be careful purchasing it on Amazon some of those companies do not allow you to return. I learned the hard way or course. Try to find like sample size stuff to try in regular stores first. That’s helps you save too. Thank goodness.
  17. MsTeeTee

    Gastric bypass RNY 7/24/23

    Gained two pounds? Are you pooping less than normal? Maybe you need to poop? I haven’t gone up or stayed the same yet. I wonder why you gained 🤔 I did read that on another post about not weighing yourself all the time but to measure because you may be starting to lose inches for right now instead. And it’s hard not to weight yourself everyday. You want to see progress. I feel the same way. I totally get it. But it will make you crazy. Choose peace my love. Lord I took a water pill and ozempic prior to surgery and was told to stop taking it. I would check with your doctor before restarting anything because of how your new body may react to it. It could make your pressure to low and have you pass out somewhere. Something weird. Be careful dear. I’ve also been walking a lil over two miles every other day. Are you exercising yet? Maybe this will help sweat out the excess water weight you think you have? Good luck on our new adventures dear. We are gonna be alright. 🤗
  18. MsTeeTee

    Gastric bypass RNY 7/24/23

    I’m finding out that i no longer love food the way I use to anymore. I just flat out don’t enjoy it as much as I really use to. Kinda annoys me a lil bit. Maybe it’s because of the purée stage. Maybe it will get better during the soft food stage. At this point I’d rather go back to liquid tbh. Idk. Just my opinion. As for weight loss I’m doing ok and I enjoy exercising now. So far just walking. Compression on my tummy makes me feel better too because my tummy feels like jello or pudding lol I like to be out all together in my opinion. I’m down 25lbs post op. If I add the 2 week liver reduction diet weight loss a total of 34lbs. How about you?
  19. MsTeeTee

    Unflavored protein powder

    @Shanna NYC I actually will waste product. I’m sorry. If it gives me dog food vibes I can’t. Lol so far I like isopure. Thank god. I went thru at least 6 before finding one I like. Lol Pray for my wallet. Lol
  20. My 1st post op appointment went great. I got to ask all my questions. He gave me answers with no attitude. Very attentive. Freaking love my doctor. I’m cleared to go back to work, chew gum, drink from a straw, exercise a lil more and go to the chiropractor! Still liquid phase for a few more days. Then semi soft, soft, firm, and then real food. Im so excited. And Im also 17 lbs down 11 days post op. 💪🏾
  21. MsTeeTee

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    @Traci-Lynette I sent you a private message friend 🤗
  22. MsTeeTee

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    @Traci-Lynette I sent you a private message friend 🤗
  23. My sugar is dropping. Dangerously low. Hard to keep it up without actually eating sugar. What are my REALISTIC option’s please.
  24. MsTeeTee

    Type 2 Diabetic

    It really does feel good. I’m so happy. And thanks. Your turn is coming soon too!
  25. MsTeeTee

    Type 2 Diabetic

    My levels have been perfect. Like I’m no longer a diabetic type perfect. I’m so happy. For now I still wear my Dexcom to help me monitor and and old school test to calibrate. It’s been great. Trust me the feeling of reducing my medication intake is amazing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
