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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hugs
    Nissi88 got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Pain after surgery?   
    Hi All, today is my 6th day after surgery, no more gas pain, still feel weak. Today I did good meeting all my goals. Protein 64, Water 48-56. Leaking how to make the full liquids more filling and good. Thanks you all for sharing, it helps when we need to refer somewhere with how we are getting through this. By the Grace of God, I don’t feel Hungary all the time just eat what I need too. I hope it’s always like this.
  2. Like
    Nissi88 got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Pain after surgery?   
    Hi All, today is my 6th day after surgery, no more gas pain, still feel weak. Today I did good meeting all my goals. Protein 64, Water 48-56. Leaking how to make the full liquids more filling and good. Thanks you all for sharing, it helps when we need to refer somewhere with how we are getting through this. By the Grace of God, I don’t feel Hungary all the time just eat what I need too. I hope it’s always like this.
  3. Hugs
    Nissi88 got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Pain after surgery?   
    Hi All, today is my 6th day after surgery, no more gas pain, still feel weak. Today I did good meeting all my goals. Protein 64, Water 48-56. Leaking how to make the full liquids more filling and good. Thanks you all for sharing, it helps when we need to refer somewhere with how we are getting through this. By the Grace of God, I don’t feel Hungary all the time just eat what I need too. I hope it’s always like this.
  4. Sad
    Nissi88 reacted to anonymb in August surgery buddies!   
    My surgery is August 23rd ! Currently in the liver reduction diet
  5. Like
    Nissi88 got a reaction from LewiB in Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet   
    Hi Auggers, my pre-op starts 8/7, surgery 8/23. God Bless you all. 😉
  6. Like
    Nissi88 got a reaction from Vicky82 in August 2023 Surgery Buddies!   
    Hi Auggers, my surgery is Aug 23rd, I start my pre-op on 8/7. God Bless to all of you!☺️
  7. Congrats!
    Nissi88 reacted to kayhay0714 in August 2023 Surgery Buddies!   
    Got my surgery date for August 15th! 10 day all liquid diet starts on the 5th and I am nervous about it, but mostly excited because it means surgery is right around the corner. Any other August people in here? How are you? What are you doing to prepare for the big day? Look forward to hearing everyone's story

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