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Posts posted by MasonMoonGirl

  1. Hey everyone!! I just wanted to share with everyone some things that have been helping me pre-op and if anyone wants to share what helped them! I am so happy that I have three weeks before my surgery to take the time to really prepare myself. I'll start with In my down time now I have been reading the Big Book on the Gastric Bypass by Alex Brecher. I got it on Amazon Kindle for $8.99 and it has been an amazing source of knowledge that has helped me feel way more at ease about my surgery. It touches on pretty much everything! What are some things you guys are doing to prepare or did prepare? Would love to hear it ❤️

  2. Thank you for your response, I've realized through this whole preop process how addicted to food I really am. Thankfully, I am taking the right steps and joined Betterhelp for therapy. There is a group session for Bariatric patients where I met a therapist who is a bariatric patient and food addict herself and I felt a weight lifted off of me talking to her yesterday and am going to continue with her twice a week. I feel like this is going to be a huge key to my success.

    I was having a breakdown when I posted that, but I feel much better now 😆 my fiance and I have decided to go to benihana that day as a date night,we've never done teppanyaki together and I'll get to have some yummy meat and vegetables and not cheat on my preop! I am feeling more hopeful now than ever and I'm sorry if that post came off as negative to anyone. My health is number one and I will be getting this surgery because we are all worth it!!

  3. Same here except I am the one that people always go to for the food recommendations, although I don't know where the biggest portions or all the buffets are, I do know where the best restaurants are 😆 I relate with the out doing each other of food. It is important to me to impress my significant others family with my cooking every time they come over and have a new dish that tastes better than the last. It makes me happy to see their reaction and the kids ask their mom why they don't make that for them 🤣🤣 my sister in law makes the best salsa so I damn well will be the one who makes the best enchiladas, its like a competition for us 🤣🤣 . I will make something amazing and then my brother in law will bbq something better and say "see, you're not the only one who can cook!" And then I'll have to outdo him next time to show him I'm better. Reading this it sounds sooo stupid haha 😄 😆

  4. Same here my original surgery was supposed to be on April 26th. I've lost 22 pounds since my heaviest from following the preop diet before. About 2 weeks before I freaked out and cancelled. Too many people were telling me not to do it, horror stories and I barely had any support. This time I have not told anyone I'm doing it yet except for my sister and best friend. My pre op isn't as restrictive, they didn't give me a set calorie count and liquid starts 2 days before surgery.

    I did Keto diet on my own before this from 2019-2020 and lost 90 pounds naturally, but I gained it back when I met my significant other and went off that diet. I feel like i dont like to exercise so that worries me and haven't found the motivation to start. I keep telling myself it's not important for weight loss and I'll do that x amount of weeks before or after the surgery.

    It doesn't help that my significant other isn't really supportive. They are worried for me and is the type that if I say I'm depressed and start crying about the surgery, instead of talking me thru it and saying it will pass, they will start crying too 🤣🤣, blame themself for not stopping me, say they dont want to see me suffer and convince me I'm not ready to do it and they won't be able to stand seeing me suffer after. Although I know it's good intentioned again, I need someone who's not as soft. I should be able to say I'm feeling depressed about it without them being the one that gets sad and emotional, I'm the one that should be sad lol.

    Last time was the second time I cancelled the surgery after going thru all of the motions. Now I'm telling myself third time is the charm and the office is going to think I'm nuts if I keep freaking out and canceling then saying just kidding the next week 🤣🤣

  5. Thank you guys so much you don't know how much it means to me to have this support and know that I'm not the only one feeling like this.

    Going back and reading my post and your responses has made me realize how much food controls my supposed happiness when its just food!! There's no reason I can't go see my sister and enjoy her company or go to freaking comic con and see all the amazing things and take a rain check on the Cuban food! I clearly need to change my thinking and am happy that I just scheduled my first therapy session on my own to address my all or nothing thinking. I know I'm going to have a lot of experiences like all of you throughout this journey coming from a big Mexican family where there's always a quinceanera or a birthday with lots of food and friends that love to eat. And I'm also going to have to say no like 10 times before they get it 🤣🤣 taking my food with me is great advice and go to places for the company not the food! all of these tips are so helpful thanks again i feel a lot better🫂

  6. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to vent how I am feeling and see if anyone else feels this way or did feel the same before surgery. I already started my preop diet so I am fully committed to doing things right so I can have a safe recovery.

    Today was hard in that I got a lot of invitations for food related things that I'd usually be so excited about. My best friend called me and told me a new Cuban restaurant (my favorite food) was opening in San Diego and that we should try it as my "goodbye" meal before surgery. I know the intentions were good, but I politely declined and told her I already started my preop surgery since I am 3.5 weeks away from surgery.

    Later this same day, my sister who has been on vacation in Puerto Rico the past two weeks called me and told me that she brought back some delicious food she discovered there and if my fiance and I to would like to come over and try it. Again, I declined.

    The last straw for me today has been that a foodie club that I've been a part of and built friendships in has invited me to San Diego Comic Con this weekend to try out the new Sonic the Hedgehog popup Cafe. Food menu items are being paid for by the club so basically free food and meetup with some friends. This was the hardest for me to say no to, I even rsvped knowing damn well I can't go.

    As you can see, food has been a major part of my social life and source of happiness for the past years that I guess I am the go to that people call when they want to eat 🤣🤣 All of these invitations happened today and I can't help but feel really depressed right now and like I'm missing out. I am so done with the health problems I have and the chronic pain I'm in because of my obesity

    . I have been so excited that I've committed to this weight loss journey and my new diet for the past week talking nonstop about it and being hopeful and now this feeling of depression and feeling sorry for myself has hit me like a pile of bricks and I haven't even done the surgery yet which makes me feel hopeless like I've already failed just by feeling like this. Sorry for the long post, just feeling down and needed to vent

  7. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to vent how I am feeling and see if anyone else feels this way or did feel the same before surgery. I already started my preop diet so I am fully committed to doing things right so I can have a safe recovery.

    Today was hard in that I got a lot of invitations for food related things that I'd usually be so excited about. My best friend called me and told me a new Cuban restaurant (my favorite food) was opening in San Diego and that we should try it as my "goodbye" meal before surgery. I know the intentions were good, but I politely declined and told her I already started my preop surgery since I am 3.5 weeks away from surgery.

    Later this same day, my sister who has been on vacation in Puerto Rico the past two weeks called me and told me that she brought back some delicious food she discovered there and if my fiance and I to would like to come over and try it. Again, I declined.

    The last straw for me today has been that a foodie club that I've been a part of and built friendships in has invited me to San Diego Comic Con this weekend to try out the new Sonic the Hedgehog popup Cafe. Food menu items are being paid for by the club so basically free food and meetup with some friends. This was the hardest for me to say no to, I even rsvped knowing damn well I can't go.

    As you can see, food has been a major part of my social life and source of happiness for the past years that I guess I am the go to that people call when they want to eat 🤣🤣 All of these invitations happened today and I can't help but feel really depressed right now and like I'm missing out. I am so done with the health problems I have and the chronic pain I'm in because of my obesity

    . I have been so excited that I've committed to this weight loss journey and my new diet for the past week talking nonstop about it and being hopeful and now this feeling of depression and feeling sorry for myself has hit me like a pile of bricks and I haven't even done the surgery yet which makes me feel hopeless like I've already failed just by feeling like this. Sorry for the long post, just feeling down and needed to vent

  8. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to let everyone know that doesn't that today is the last day of Prime Day on Amazon for all Amazon subscribers! Yesterday, I was able to score amazing deals on some Vitamins and Premier Protein shakes! We all know these things are expensive so im very greatful to save some money! Not everything is on sale so look for the Prime Day Tag and price compare, but this was a blessing to get 30%+ off of some items I need for the big day! 🙏 Happy shopping 😊

  9. My office is really relaxed, maybe too relaxed I wish I had more support from them. I never had to go to any weight loss seminar. My nutrition classes consisted of me texting any questions I have to the nurse and she doesn't get back to me unless I remind her a day later. Haven't been offered any nutrition or counseling services aside from that. They emailed me a list of foods that I can eat right now but no portion sizes. I'm learning how to eat by reading gastric bypass books and on youtube. All I have to do is blood tests a couple days before and did my ekg test and heart xray already. I'm seeking therapy and joining the gym on my own. Mine is pretty much just the dr performing the surgery it seems and the rest is up to me. I'm so thankful for this group and hope that they offer more support after. Never had to do any in person weigh ins or lose a specific amount of weight they just said don't gain weight. I wonder if the lack of requirements for me is a good thing or a bad thing. No nicotine test but I'm not a smoker. I believe my liquid diet is 1 or two days before the surgery

  10. Hello! My surgery date is 08/07/2023 and I'm very excited but also very nervous about getting gastric bypass! I'm wondering what are the most common types of complications and what are my chances of getting them? When should I call a doctor? Is the pain REALLY that bad after and do the doctors give you real pain medicine? Also any advice on where to find a reasonably priced nutritionist and therapist that deals with gastric bypass patients... thank you!

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