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Status Updates posted by amberstar

  1. Where are you going for spring break?!


    I'm finally done cleaning! My house smells like pinesol now, haha. Now I gotta give Zoe a bath, she's a dirty girl!


    I'm getting my hair done tomorrow, if it turns out good I'll take a pic and put on here so you can see, lol. I'm going red!

  2. Just got done eating a lean cuisine dinner for lunch, wasn't very good! luckily i couldn't eat much of it! ha


    I'm cleaning out closets today too! I found 2 pairs of pants I could fit into! yay!


    Today is great so far, I'm contemplating taking my lab for a walk and burning some calories. We'll see... You been working out???

  3. Yes all is peaceful here! I'm cleaning house today to get ready to leave. So I'll prob be home all day, so exciting! ha


    I'm loving this thing called restriction! :)

    I'm geting so full


    Hope you have a fabulous day! Nurse your bruise and take it easy!

  4. I'm so sorry you fell! OMG! Did anyone see?? ha. I hope your poor port is ok!


    My day was great. I haven't done much!


    I'll be in Dallas Jan 30, if you're not busy we should do lunch or something!

  5. I am feeling better! I talked to my nurse today, she is super sweet & one of those people that just makes you feel better ya know?! She calmed my nerves. But I'm still meeting with surgeon on 30th. But my restriction is great today! Getting fuller faster!


    Well I hope your doc appts went ok today, they are usually no fun, lol. I'm getting ready to pack for my trip to NM. I'm leaving on Sun. So I've been tanning and I"m getting my hair done on Fri. Gotta look hot for my hubby! haha


    When do you get to start on solid foods?


    ;) I lost another pound. that's 25 total, yay!

  6. Aw thanks. I'm feeling better today. I'm starving!! haha. Was on liquids all day yesterday. But I get food today! I'm crossing my fingers for good results, trying to stay positive!


    What you doing today pretty?

  7. I've been so sad today, I'm stressing a little. He thinks if it is a leak it's small and he doesn't want to do surgery. I dunno, I was just talking to the physicians assistant. I'll talk to the surgeon on the 30th. BUT I am filled to 7.2cc today, and I really feel restriction so far with just my liquids! So I'm trying to stay hopeful, maybe it was just en error in paperwork and they wrote down my cc's wrong. ugh


    Thanks for caring, I needed some love today!

  8. Hi Kar! Glad the pups are better!


    Today was aweful... it was the worst fill ever, well for me anyway. Cross your fingers my band isn't leaking! I go back jan.30


    Talk to ya later girlie!

  9. Sorry to hear about your doggies! That's so sad! I would be freakin out.


    Yeah it's really cold here today. I've felt so bad today... I'm cramping. So I've stayed in my p.j.'s and put up my Christmas decorations :(


    Gotta get up early and head to the big D tomorrow for my fill! I need some more cc's!! haha


    Have a great night!

  10. Aww sorry about your pups!! Let me know how they do.


    Talk to ya soon

  11. Good Morning! It's raining here again! And it's cold *shivers*


    So did you stay up too late last night miss chat room?! haha


    Well I'm off to make breakfast! Have a fabulous day pretty!

  12. Aw your mom sounds fun!


    I can't believe you stayed up until 5!! Ah I miss the days sleeping in till noon, now I have a pesky chihuahua waking me up at 8:30 wanting to go potty, lol.


    My legs are sore today! That is so pitiful! I only did 30 min of cardio, shows how out of shape I am, hehe


    Oh, hey, I meant to ask you, are you on myspace??

    You could be my friend ;)


    Bye girlie!

  13. Hey! Well your mom must be a smart lady, hehe. Those games are awesome.


    My bacon was wonderful! ;) I forget you just had surgery, the mushy stage was so much better than liquids! But really the turkey bacon is good, I can't really tell a difference. I just had some tuna and crackers for lunch, def not my fav! But it'll do in a pinch! lol


    I'm not doing anything today! I took a shower, put on some comfy clothes, and I'm watching Dog Whisperer now, lol.


    Do you have big plans today? When do you have to go back to school?


    Talk at cha later lady!

  14. Good Morning! It's raining here! Yay! So I'm sitting on my loveseat with the curtains open watching it rain. I love this kind of weather....


    I'm so sleepy tho! I stayed up too late playing those darn games! ;) I play Text Twist and Word Mojo. I guess I'm a nerd who likes to spell, hehe.


    So what kinds of foods are you eating? Are you on a strict diet or are you just trying to stay away from certain things?


    Well I'm off to make breakfast! Turkey bacon and an egg, yummy! I love my turkey bacon!


    Have a fabulous day!

  15. It was 78 here today! I couldn't believe it! Hot there too?


    I had a weak moment today... I almost broke down, got in my car, and drove to the closest fast food place for something horrible! I was craving something! Don't know what, haha. BUT, instead I made some sugar free pudding with a little fat free whip cream. Ugh, the sacrifices I make ;)


    Don't worry about the gym, it'll always be there tomorrow... or Monday, hehe


    Sweet Dreams! I'm finally getting off the computer! I've become addicted to yahoo word games. Good night girlie!

  16. I'm not doing much of anything today! It's too HOT outside!


    I'm fixing to pack up my Christmas decorations, finally! lol. Got me some totes and going to pack it up. And that's probably all I'm going to do... but I might give my pup a bath too. :)


    I am so tired too! Maybe it was all that vicious cardio I did earlier, hehehe. I'm going to take a nap and then figure something out for dinner, hopefully it'll be healthy!



  17. So you must be a Miss Smarty Pants! :) Yeah that degree sounds hard, but I bet it would be an awesome job.


    I did work out! yay! I just did 30 min of cardio. Baby steps... and I was so hot and tired when I got home I treated myself to a fat free ice cream, lol.


    And I got me a toboggan and gloves for my sledding adventure coming up! lol


    How's your day going?

  18. Glad you reminded me about working out! I saw your message this morning, I had forgotten! I was getting too comfy on my couch, lol.

    I had never heard of that major before! But it sounds so cool!

    Well I'm not too excited to move. I love Texas and I don't want to leave! :)

    But at least we both have family there and it'll be good for his job. I just don't want to live in the desert! BUT there is a ski town 1 hour away and when I go visit him next week he's promising me snow and sledding! My fav!!


    Well I guess I better feed all these animals and get my sweats on and head to the beast I call the treadmill!!


    Have a great day pretty girl!

  19. I just got home! I'm soooo tired! No I didn't work out, I shopped! haha. Saw 7 lbs, I did not like it. The last 15 min were good. But it took SO LONG to get to the point. Did you watch Yes Man?

    Love the pics! Those are some cute puppies!

    Yay for you for working out! I'm definitely going tomorrow, you might write me tomorrow and remind me I said that, lol.

    I don't work right now. And it's great I must say! I've always always always had a job. But my husband got a new job in New Mexico (i'm moving there soon) so he said I could go ahead and quit my job here and take a break since we'd be moving anyway and I'd have to quit eventually. So I'm a housewife, haha. My husband is already in NM working. I can't move there till Feb. :( I miss him.


    My Doc is Dr. Veninga. He's a goofy character but he did a great job. But it's exactly a 3 hr drive, so long! And I have to get on the stupid tollway! haha.

    So have you decided your major yet?


    Have a good night girlie!

  20. Aw I love the Bichions! They're so cute!


    I've been to Denton lots of times, a good friend of mine went to school in Krum and I think the towns are kinda close?


    So did you go work out? You can always put off till tomorrow, I won't tell... :)


    I'm from Texarkana actually, but had my surgery in Dallas because there was more docs to pick from and it was cheaper. There is 1 doc here that does the surgery, but the price was ridiculous to me! It sucks having to drive so far for fills, but it's worth it.


    I'm sitting here watching the clock waiting for 5... thanks for keeping me so entertained today! ;)

  21. What kind of doggies do you have? Hopper is my little chihuahua, then I have a shihtzu Zoe Jane (named after my fav Staind song, hehe). She's a year and a half, she is my princess and my fav snuggle buddy! Then I have a lab mix named Jimmy, he's almost 6. And my male cat Fefe ( yes i know it's a girls name, everyone thinks I have a gay cat, lol) and he's almost 8!

    Do you live in Dallas or do you just go to school there?

    I would go to the gym today, but I"m filling in at my old job today, they needed some help and I guess I'm super secretary :) But tomorrow I'll try 30 min cardio and 15 min weights, that should work right??? I don't know about the bikini part, I don't think I'll be that brave yet, but you rock it girl! I'll say "size 12 by summer, size 12 by summer" while I'm walking it out the treadmill!!

  22. Yes Man looks so hilarious! Let me know if it's good!

    My liitle pup is Hopper, he's 6 months old now. I have 3 dogs and 1 kitty. I love love love animals!

    So since you're working out so much... I guess I'm gonna have to drag my butt to the gym tomorrow! I'm so glad your working out, that's the key! :)

  23. Nah the fills aren't bad, I'm sure there are horror stories tho! My doc just sprays some freezing spray on my skin, I close my eyes, and never know a thang!


    My week is good so far, since I lost another 2 lbs! Yay for me. I'm going to the movies tonight to see 7 lbs, it looks so good. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

  24. I"m so jealous! haha. Sounds like yours is moving fast, good for you! And don't worry about the fills, they're not so bad, I just close my eyes and it's over before I know it! I go for ANOTHER one next tues... *Crossing fingers for more restriction* Have a great day girlie!

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