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Posts posted by sleevedinthe817

  1. Once I knew how my stomach would react, I stopped doing the 30 minutes before rule. It didn’t bother me to drink prior to eating and it didn’t seem to impact the amount I could eat either as long as I wasn’t gulping down Water right before a meal. Cutting out that 30 minute block really helped to get in more fluids. Other than that, it’s just a matter of carrying the water everywhere you go and sipping constantly. If your stomach isn’t ready, no worries. Work up the best you can. I wasn’t hitting my goal right after surgery, but about 2 weeks later, I was up to 80oz. My sister had the sleeve and she still can’t drink that much 2 years out. Just go at your own pace and watch the color of your urine closely.

  2. My kids are a bit younger (10 & 6), but I just came right out and said it. My son (the oldest) has seen me struggle a lot too. Fortunately, my sister had the procedure done before me and he’s come into the room when I’ve watched 600lb Life in the past and saw what those people went through. I explained it back then so bringing it up prior to surgery wasn’t too much of an issue. He understood that it was about health, but also me wanting to look better and feel better about myself. I tell him about how my life growing up as a chubby kid was difficult and I don’t ever want that for him or his sister. My daughter doesn’t really get it yet. She just knows that I had surgery and it’s helping me to ‘get smaller’.

  3. My kids are a bit younger (10 & 6), but I just came right out and said it. My son (the oldest) has seen me struggle a lot too. Fortunately, my sister had the procedure done before me and he’s come into the room when I’ve watched 600lb Life in the past and saw what those people went through. I explained it back then so bringing it up prior to surgery wasn’t too much of an issue. He understood that it was about health, but also me wanting to look better and feel better about myself. I tell him about how my life growing up as a chubby kid was difficult and I don’t ever want that for him or his sister. My daughter doesn’t really get it yet. She just knows that I had surgery and it’s helping me to ‘get smaller’.

  4. I woke up this morning and got on the scale for my weekly weigh-in. I hit my first weight loss goal! Finally under 300lbs. 40lbs total since my preop diet started on June 12th. This is usually the point where my body starts fighting me and I struggle to lose more, but knowing that I have this tool now is so comforting. I’m under 300 and now I can actually STAY UNDER 300.

  5. This is exactly why I didn’t tell anyone other than my husband and mom before my surgery and I still won’t say anything unless the person asking me is also obese. Skinny people will never understand. They think it is a laziness problem and if we would just exercise and eat less then maybe we could lose. Okay. Right. Like I haven’t tried that since I was 10. I’ve abused my body and treated it so harshly to lose weight all so people like that would accept me until I got to the point where their opinions and acceptance no longer matter. This was MY choice. I did it for ME and my children. I did it so I can see them grow up and have kids of their own. I don’t need anyone’s negativity ruining my mental health and progress. Brush it off and do you! Who cares what anyone else has to say about it.

  6. During the school year, I wake up at 5:30 to get my kids ready and usually drink a Protein Shake on the way to drop off around 7:30, 8. This is when I would have my coffee + collagen mixed in. The shake is my breakfast. I get home, do my exercises and cleaning and then eat lunch around noon. dinner is usually on the early side around 5:30. I like giving my body enough time to digest before bed. If I get hungry between meals, I have a little cheese, yogurt or mixed nuts. Water consumption starts first thing in the morning. I have no issues drinking before I eat, but I wait the 30 minutes after.

  7. I was able to start walking right away and got cleared for weight training at week 4. I’ve been swimming and doing a lot of Walk At Home with Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube because it has been 105+ degrees here and my electrolytes will tank if I’m out in it for too long. I alternate leg and arm day for my weight training. I’m still a little too heavy for HIIT training, but I can’t wait for that. I’m also going to try some sessions at Hotworx.

  8. 7 hours ago, renae97006 said:

    Good morning, has anyone switch to the once a day Multi Vitamins yet? I’m trying the fusion ones but they are so big and make me gag everyday. Any other options out there?

    I use vitamin patches because the bariatric Vitamins are so rough on my stomach. Fingers crossed they’re working. I feel pretty good. I do take chewable Biotin and Calcium. My surgeon was perfectly fine with the Patches and even said they’re good early on because of sensitive tummies.

  9. I had something that sounds sort of similar to this yesterday. I’ve consistently been eating my yogurt and a Protein Shake in the morning to wake my stomach up slowly, but I had a small bit of an omelette instead and it felt so strange right after. Last time I do that. I got back on my normal routine today.

  10. Early on, I was eating maybe two tablespoons of yogurt for breakfast, a couple bites of refried Beans or Soup for lunch and usually the same for dinner. The last few days (5 weeks out), I can get down maybe 1/4c of yogurt for breakfast and 1oz ground turkey + a few small bites of zucchini and squash for lunch / dinner. Not too much, but everyone is different. I can drink a lot at one time. I was consuming 70-80oz of fluids pretty quickly.

  11. I didn’t really have any pain after surgery other than tightness in my muscles from being in the terrible hospital bed. I took a few muscle relaxers for that and maaaaybe one pain pill a day for 1-2 days. After that, I was fine. My surgery was robotic and apparently that minimizes pain quite a bit.

  12. I didn’t take much at all. I stayed in the gown while I was walking the hallways. I wore the sandals I showed up in. I took a change of underwear and a comfortable maxi dress to go home in because pants don’t feel good with the gas pains after. Other than that, I don’t think I used anything else.

  13. I did not have this issue, but I think I read someone mentioning vision changes with anti-nausea meds. Zofran specifically, I believe? Have you taken that?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
