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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Crummy78

  1. I am having the same issue....had mine taken at a physical the other day and it was 88/58....The employee health nurse seemed puzzled and took it several times. I said its always low anymore, but its never been this low. I do bring it up to my doc all the time and he seems to think its not that big of a deal. But lately Ive had a few episodes where I feel like im going to either pass out or throw up for no apparent reason......

  2. Im a little perplexed right now.

    Im 20 months now post op, and feel that my results are minimal...

    I have been filled and unfilled numerous times, and as time progresses and lapband becomes more popular, I feel like Im taking a back seat to my doc and his associates. The personal attention is diminishing as their practice grows and they take on more patients. I was unfilled for 2 months after an ulcer was discovered, only after i complained for about 6months. In those 2 months I gained about 20lbs.:unsure: I now only have 2cc's in a 10cc band. I feel as if I have no restriction, and they are reluctant to put anymore Fluid in.

    I was told when the ulcer was found that there may be a possibility that the band may have to come out. I instantly told him that if I cant have my band i want to have a revision.......That deal has now totally come off the table and basically am being told that if the band is unsuccessful for me, its because of my own doing. AND that he is happy with the result so far due to the fact that lapband usually only has a success rate of patients losing 40-50% of their weight....

    right now I am 212lbs and5'3". My goal weight is 125, which to me is far from a success.....

    But like I said I feel like the intrest level in my case has diminished......

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

  3. Have you had any pain associated with the puking? I am just wondering because I think I may have Gastritis. It used to just come and go sometimes but now it seems to be more frequent and for longer.

    I don't have any acid in my mouth or puking problems (except for PB'ing when not chewing enough). It's like a churning pain in my stomach. Usually accompanied by alot of gurgling and bubbling in my stomach. It feels like a ton of gas, but I don't think it is because Gas-X won't do a thing. Burping and farting help a bit, but not totally. Tums calms it for a little, but it starts right back up.

    I am going to call my doc tomorrow. Last time I saw him I mentioned it, but he didn't seem too concerned because it wasn't that often.

    I am deathly scared that this is what my problem is and I don't want to have to deal with anymore surgeries etc. I hope that I can just get on some meds to make it stop. Today has been terrible. It's been non-stop since this morning and has only gotten worse.

    I did have some pain, I almost felt like I needed someone to massage my actual stomach (not my pouch).

    How did you make out?

  4. ok so i went to the docs yesterday to follow up on why i have been pukin so much stomach acid......well after a brief interrogation, he scheduled an endoscope today to find out whats going on....so they ended up having to do a biopsy while they were down my throat....1st off i have ulcerations on the bottom part of my stomach.......and they are suspecting i have the h.pylori bacteria....which causes over production of acid apparently....but i wont know for sure until next week......

    ANYONE experience this????:biggrin:

    He said worse case scenerio id have to have the band removed.....

    I inquired about my eligibility 4 RNY and he said he wasnt sure cause my bmi is below 35 now......

    im at a loss for words......i havent even reached goal yet:cursing:

  5. I have no idea whats wrong but for the past 2 weeks Ive been vomiting large amounts of stomach acid. There is nothing stuck I am sure of it, I havent really eaten. It happens even with liquids or Soup. Heres the scenerio, I eat or drink a small amout, and about 1.5 to 2 hours later i feel like theres battery acid in my stomach, and I start vomiting, I would say about a liter at a time sometimes more, and its just clear to cloudy Fluid. It tastes like I ate 6 pounds of sweet tarts and then threw up, the burn is intense, usually after about the 6th or 7th round of vomiting, which could be about 5-8 hours later, it is only bile coming up.

    My band is only filled 3cc in a 10 cc band, Ive had it filled more before so it cant be too tight......Im thinking I have something else wrong, i.e. ulcer, erosion,etc. But I have no idea where to start.....I have an appointment on Wednesday but I know hes gonna tell me my bands too tight and take my fill out......I think theres more to it then just that.....pls any suggestions would greatly help



  6. time for an update!

    i've been on my acid reflux medication for over a month and i feel SO much better!! i had no idea that i even had acid reflux... i never felt bad at all except for the PB'ing.

    i've had to fills since my november appointment and i'm back up to 5.0cc in my band. even after gaining a pound during november & december, i feel good!

    Ive had a similar problem, Im also on prilosec, and even though I didnt think I had acid reflux either, the doc explained to me that it will in general reduce the amt of acid in my stomach so that food will go down easier and i will stop pb'n so much.

    In addition, back in july i was overfilled, unfilled, overfilled again, etc etc, it happened about 4 times. I have a 10cc band, I had 5cc in it in july but felt i could handle a lil more restriction, they bumped me to 7 and thats where my problems started....to make a long story short, I only have 3cc in now, and for some reason, even thought I was fine at 5 at one point, I cannot even handle a .1cc more.....not really sure what my problem is, I havent been filled under fluro yet but I go back to see them again at the end of this month. And believe it or not even at 3cc I still pb alot more then I think I should be....

    Anyhow, In all these months of the ups and downs (fill-wise) I had lost 14lbs in one week, then they'd take the fill out and Id gain 10 back in a month, then theyd fill me id lose 7 and gain it back when they unfilled me.....all n all I think ive been losing and relosing the same 10-15lbs since july, it is very frustrating, but the doc said its because im losing water-weight by dehydrating when I couldnt get stuff down and then when i could i would most likely be pb'n it back up....

    so, I know it gets upsetting when we see the scale go up and not down......but dont fret too much, 1-4lbs is really not that bad when ur having some sort of complication.....it will come off Im sure of it.....

    congrats on ur progress so far, keep up with the good work, and I hope everything runs smooth for u from now on

    take care


  7. LOL@ mrgrta with the 7 mos pregnant comment, not that its funny Im not laughing at you, but I have a similar situation......As soon as I started to hit about a 30lb loss, ppl started asking me when I was due.... I was like what the hell, I just loss 30 lbs.....lol.

    And FutureSkinny, Ive had the same thoughts as you, going in and getting some of the work done, and then going back in the future for more.....the cost is what burdens me more then the actual surgery though.

    Ill have to check out what Spanx has to offer...Ive always resisted stuff like that cause anything ive ever used either, prevented me from peeing the entire day cause it was too tight to get off....or rolled down off my already rolly belly, lol......but I did catch interest in it when I saw an episode of Jon and Kate plus eight, dunno if ur familiar with the show but its a reality show of a family with a set of twins and sextupluts.....she humorously called it her underwear up to her bra.....she wasnt dealing with the heavy issue, but had a ton of loose skin, and did ultimately have a tummy tuck.....

    thanks for ur replies ladies....

    ill update ya on how i make out...


  8. Just wondering what techniques ppl have been using to tuck it, flatten it, smush it, and pretty much make the extra skin less noticeable without plastic surgery.....

    I do plan on having some surgery done, but Im not quite at goal yet........but in the mean time I still am having the hardest time buying clothes....

    I need bigger pants to fit my pooch, and then they are swarming on the rest of me.....longer tops to cover the same area, but then my upper body and shoulders looks like im wearing clothes from 65lbs ago...

    its so frustrating........any suggestions would be a great help:thumbup:



  9. Glad to see u are doing better and ur spirit is still alive and functioning......lol. Its definately worth "living" in this world and not just exsisting in it.....

    Ive been keepin up with this thread to see how u are keeping up.....

    And possibly for some inspiration.....

    Im hoping to one day gain the courage u have.........

  10. Mine wasn't actually thinning that I could tell, but I was noticing a pretty big handfull on the sink each morning. My doctor was fussing at me to take my Vitamins, so finally started them. And guess what? The hair loss stopped. <slapping head> I wish I had started on them sooner.

    How long after u started the Vitamins did it seem to stop? I just started specific vitamins for hair the other day......Im so frustrated....:thumbup:

  11. Thank you in welcoming me to the site, can you tell me what complications you encoutered and where was your surgery done?



    Only problem I had was when we were trying to get to my "green zone" or my right level of fill, I felt at 5cc that I needed a little more restriction and actually got an overfill. This is not uncommon when trying to get at the right level, and usually you would just get unfilled. However I wasnt really sure what was going on so I went awhile without telling the doc thinking the puking would stop, but i let it go too long. They had to unfill me totally and I went for a month without a fill. Since then we have been messing around with what level is right and ive had to get unfilled a few times. Only problem with that is, that I either dont lose without a fill in or.....I gain 3-5lbs. So right now we are being conservative with 3cc in. We are gradually putting my fill in so my esphogus doesnt spaz out on me and has time to get used to it......

    Compared to some ppl this minor problem is barely eligible for posting....its really common, and easily fixable.

    I had my surgery at Jeanes Hospital by Dr Christopher Kowalski. I would recommend them to anyone. Their staff is great!

  12. Ok, so Ive come to realize that I need to up my Protein a bit....

    Although I havent had a problem up till now, Im starting to have increased Hair loss, so Im upping the pro's.

    Just wanted to see if anyone had any tips or tricks they wanted to share with everyone....

    I know that my biggest problem is when Im out and about, and hungry. Its a pain in the A double scribble to stop somewhere fast and grab something thats not either loaded with bread, or sopped with fat.........

    Id love to see what everyone else is doing..............



  13. Im also a Philly lapbander.....

    Im 30 yrs old, in school, single momma:tongue:

    Im 14 months post op....have had some ups and downs the last few months and had to go without a fill, which slowed up my weightloss, but Im otherwise happy with my band.....

    If theres anything I can help you with be sure to hit me up....

    Good luck with everything

    and welcome to the LBT family.....



  14. My doc reinstilled in my head the last time I was there that LB is a "tool" and not the only way Im going to lose weight. So Ive been trying to keep that real fresh in my head.

    Its definately a lifestyle change not an immediate change. You might wanna check out the slow losers forum for some tips and tricks....

    I am just as slow so dont get discouraged....

    To be honest Im not sure what to say about the no more room for fill thing. Im at 3cc in a 10 cc band....

    Maybe some others can help you with that....

    Good Luck with everything!


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