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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by RnYBabe

  1. Zoloft has always given me stomach issues, pre and post-op. My solution has been to take it with milk/protein shake and make sure you have a few oz of the milk/protein shake in your stomach before taking the pill. That has mitigated all issues for me.
  2. I'm not sure what surgery you've had, but your protein numbers sound good. It's usually best to get as much protein as possible after surgery, especially if you've had a malabsorptive procedure like DS or RYGB. Your fiber number does look a bit high, so I would be careful with that as too much fiber can have the opposite of its normal effect and cause constipation, gas, etcetera. If you haven't noticed any of these symptoms I would keep an eye on it but proceed as you have and reach out to your team for their opinion. I was personally given a goal of 30 grams of fiber per day by my team.
  3. RnYBabe

    6-10 Week Out Restriction Feeling

    I did experience a sudden feeling of fullness that wasn't present in the beginning when I ate/drank. My doctor ordered an esophagogram and let me know it could be the nerves in my stomach healing or a stricture. For me, it turned out to just be the nerves healing and I got adjusted as the weeks went on.
  4. RnYBabe

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    I went with the bypass as bypass patients tend to lose more weight as well as suffer less from GERD. I did not want to develop reflux and have to go through a revision if I could avoid it. I'm very happy with my decision, I only had about 100 lbs to lose and am already more than 2/3 of the way to my goal 5 months in.
  5. RnYBabe

    Can’t eat poultry 8 months in

    I've had issues with chicken from day one. Chicken thighs, wings, legs, breast, didn't matter they all settled like a rock and gave me the foamies. I still struggle with this, but like others have said gravies/broth help a lot. It's surprising because my team said most have issues with red meat and I have none.
  6. RnYBabe

    B12 + MIC Injections

    If your levels are low then I would definitely recommend adding the injection and seeing how you feel afterwards. Do you take a bariatric vitamin?
  7. RnYBabe

    Capsule Vitamins?

    I was only required to use chewable vitamins the first month, after that, I switched to capsules as I couldn't stand the taste of chewables and knew that would eventually result in me not taking them. I've had no issues. I take a pill form of calcium that is large but surprisingly easy to swallow (citirical)
  8. RnYBabe

    How did you get your water in???

    I'll be honest with you. I'm 5 months out and it's still a struggle. I've found that a dash of lemon, and sitting down for drinking (in the same manner you sit down and focus on a meal) really helps me to get my water in. I still don't love the way liquids feel in my stomach, but if I exclusively sip throughout the day I don't hit my goal. I would also recommend setting little timers on your phone/smartwatch/computer so that you are constantly being reminded to drink. I don't experience thirst in the same manner I did before surgery so these reminders are really helpful. Lastly flavoring the water helps immensely with drinking it.
  9. RnYBabe

    Any last suggestions?

    Don't bring a ton of stuff to the hospital, you'll spend most of your time trying to drink and walking. No need for a ton of entertainment items or toiletries. I spent two days (9/25-9/27) in the hospital and the only thing I grabbed out of my bag was my phone charger. Invest in a vitamin/pill organizer. I tried taking my pills straight out of the medicine bottles and was constantly forgetting. The organizer keeps everything in one place and is a better visual reminder. Ask for a binder in the hospital, it helps immensely when changing positions. I wore mine religiously for the first two weeks.
  10. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Crazy to think that surgery was 4 weeks ago. Finally started on solid foods, I return to work next week (thank god I wfh) and I'm nervous but excited to get back into a routine. Also thinking of buying a mini stepper to get my steps in now that my days will be consumed with work.
  11. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Day 18 postop, trying to get down these purees and guys 🤢 I'm so over them. I know my stomach needs time, so I'm considering going back to Pro-Stat until I'm cleared to have normal food on the 23rd. I have hated everything I've tried. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad, ricotta bake, taco bake (with refried beans) etc. I was picky prior to surgery texture-wise so I knew this would be difficult but was unprepared for just how nauseating it would be. In other news, I'm down 15 lbs since surgery day and 25 lbs since starting the liquid diet. I am quite pleased.
  12. I had my surgery done at Bellevue by Dr.Saunders. Would highly recommend Bellevue.
  13. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    So sorry to hear that, it's good that you had it checked out and discovered what was wrong before it got worse. Hope you're on the mend ❤️
  14. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Hey fellow 9/25ers. Also still in the hospital as my liquid intake wasn’t where they wanted. I’m supposed to be discharged this morning after a pretty successful evening/night. This gas and drinking pain has been no joke. Surgeon said surgery was textbook. No suprises. Looking forward to a gradual improvement. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  15. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Hey fellow 9/25ers. Also still in the hospital as my liquid intake wasn’t where they wanted. I’m supposed to be discharged this morning after a pretty successful evening/night. This gas and drinking pain has been no joke. Surgeon said surgery was textbook. No suprises. Looking forward to a gradual improvement. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  16. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Good morning everyone, getting ready to head into the hospital for my surgery. See you on the losers side
  17. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Just got a call from my surgery clinic, my surgery is being moved from the 27th to the 25th. I'm so excited!
  18. Unjury protein soups are my recommendation. I'm currently 5 days into a 14 day liquid diet and the soups are a life-saver. I don't like artificial sweeteners either and unjury has saved me when i would rather be hungry than have another shake 😂 My surgeon recommended the brand.
  19. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Yesterday was the first day of my liquid diet and boy oh boy... I knew it was going to be intense, but I hadn't realized how fierce the hunger pains would be. Good luck to those who have had their surgeries, I can't wait to join you guys on the losers bench! And to those on the liquid diet with me currently, we've got this!
  20. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Met with my nutritionist about the preop diet today. My diet is 3-5 shakes a day with 2-4 cups of nonstarchy green veggies allowed. Not looking forward to it at all. Can't believe surgery is less than a month out
  21. RnYBabe

    NYC Area Recommendations

    I started my process at Maimonides, but the team wasn't responsive and I didn't feel I was going to get the best care, they basically handed me a paper, and told me I needed to schedule and complete appointments (no doctor recommendations or anything) and then come back when I had done all of those steps. I transferred to Bellevue and the process has been amazing. All of your appointments are scheduled for you on the first day you go in after they confirm you are a candidate (they take your height and weight, no self-reported anything). My surgery is Sept 27th, I started the process with them on July 14th. The surgeon, nurses, and surgery coordinates have all been so helpful. Would definitely recommend you check them out. They are really popular, so you may have to wait a bit before your initial appointment. I called them and maimonides the same day. Maimonides was able to get me in 2 weeks before Bellevue. Edit: My surgeon is Manish Parikh
  22. I have NY Medicaid through metroplus, my consultation was on the 14th of July. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 27th. Could have had it early-mid September but needed the time for work to process loa + std and fmla. Your mileage may vary, but often insurance is what determines how soon you can have the surgery and what pre-op appointments they want you to attend beforehand.
  23. RnYBabe

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Hello, great idea. There is a previous thread labeled September also for Sept 2023 surgeries but this may be easier to search due to 2023 being in the title. I'll be having the gastric bypass on the 27th of September.
  24. RnYBabe


    I received my surgery date Friday, looks like I'm looking at Sept 27th as the big day 😁 I could have done the 16th, but wanted to leave enough time for my job to process my FMLA and short-term disability (have heard stories of how they drag their feet.) Time is simultaneously dragging and speeding away.
  25. RnYBabe


    I received my surgery date Friday, looks like I'm looking at Sept 27th as the big day 😁 I could have done the 16th, but wanted to leave enough time for my job to process my FMLA and short-term disability (have heard stories of how they drag their feet.) Time is simultaneously dragging and speeding away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
