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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by snowflake21al

  1. Hi, just thought I'd check in. Well I was supposed to go back in for my fill yesterday but Ashley called me monday and told me that Lisa was not going to be there and would I rather see Dr Miles. I said I don't think so...he's the reason that I'm having to come back in the first place. I'm still bruised where he was digging around.

    So raz, she gave you an appt next week? She told me there was nothing until March 9, I told her that I really needed to get in next week cause I am going to Gatlinburg for the first week of March and I really need a fill. If I have to wait till then it will be 2 months since my last fill and I still am not close to my sweet spot. This is so frustrating. I am really thinking about changing doctors. Anyone know of any good doctors around here that would take me?

    Congradulations on the weight loss everybody...I can't say that I have lost any in a couple weeks now, and on top of that I am getting sick so I just can't get anything going right...:eek:

  2. Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted but I had to get on and see if anybody had an experience like I had at the doctors office today.

    Well I went for my 4th fill today and it was horrible. Dr. Schmitt and Lisa were in surgery late so Dr. Miles was seeing all the patients. He was my surgeon but Lisa has done my fills in the past. Well beside sitting in the waiting room for and hour and thirty minutes, I then waited in the exam room for another 25 minutes. Dr. Miles comes in and asks me how everything is going and then preps me. Well he jabs that needle in and starts moving it around...can you say ow...after about 5 minutes he kept saying I don't even feel your port. I had tears streaming down my face. Well apparently he had taken the needle out and stabbed me again and I didn't even realize it(when I got home I saw 2 puncture holes). After about 10 minutes he said well maybe you need to come back and let Lisa do it. All he said was sorry in a very dry and unconvincing way. So after waiting for 2 hours and 10 minutes of unbearable pain, I got no fill. I also had to leave work early for the appointment and am missing school tonight(b/c of the pain) all for nothing. I am so upset and my stomach hurts so bad, could it be possible that he damaged something while he was digging around?

    I don't even know what to think...I had to schedule an appointment to come back next week. Has anyone else had a visit like this?

  3. Hi Mike, hang in there and don't get discouraged...I had the same problem. As you can see by my stats, they were pretty aggressive with my first fill but I was still getting hungry between meals and still able to eat as much as before as long as I chewed well. My doc waits a month in between but it was actually 5 weeks before I could get another appointment. I did lose about 10 pounds in between but with what I have to lose it's a miniscule amount. I definately feel a difference in restriction since my fill on Thursday so hang in there. You didn't put it on overnight, that's what I keep telling myself anyway...

  4. I am so glad that someone else is going through what I went through. I mean I'm not glad you are in pain but people thought I was crazy when I was having this same problem and said that it was just gas but from what my surgeon told me was that I was on liquids for about 5 days, pre and post op, and once I switched to full liquids, my stomach was not used to the nutrients and whatnot. Also when you go on liquids the ph balance of your stomach gets out of wack and somethings just won't digest well. I would have these terrible stomach pains but it felt like a cross between hunger pains and really bad cramps. It would last any where between 2 to 8 hours sometimes. After seeing my surgeon and he insisted on everything being normal I felt better. I seemed to do better with mushy food so I switched a little earlier than advised and after about a week it totally went away. I hope this helps...I know exactly what you are going through...Good Luck!

  5. I live in Remlap - just over the Blount County line on 79. Not that far. We will have to meet up sometime!



    I grew up just down the road from you, my parents still live out there. If you are coming from Pinson to Remlap they live on Wilson Rd, just past Massyline Church and over the bridge. I live in Clay so still not far from you guys...

  6. Thanks Diane and Susan. I have my finals for these classes this week so I will get a 2 week break from school, that will help with the stress level tremendously. I know the vomiting is from eating to fast, but since I'm so strapped for time it's hard for me to take 30 mins to eat. And I have also realized that I just can't have bread or tortilias. Everytime I try to eat them, even if I chew really good, I get stuck but I guess it's just like sodas. I know I just can't have that. I really appreciate the encouragement, sometimes you feel lost on this site, I know I have posted several times, on this thread and others where no one even responds to you so I really appreciate the advice. Oh and Susan, I'm glad your surgery went so well.

  7. Hi everyone, I am so glad to hear that all of you who had surgery are doing well. I remember my surgery all too well so I know what you are going through. Everyday it gets better. I have been doing ok, I've lost another couple pounds but I am still having episodes where I end up vomiting after getting stuck. I am starting to get discouraged. I know no one told me it would be easy but I thought it should be a little easier than this. I feel like I can still eat as much as I want as long as I chew well and I am having a hard time controlling that. I guess it boils down to being really stressed out right now with school and work and I guess food has always been that comfort for me. I have been so busy I havn't been to the gym in about two weeks and I am very disapointed about that. I really wish I could have made it to support group this month cause I really need some encouragement. I did get my new school schedule and I don't have a Saturday class next quarter so I will be able to come to support group, thank God.

    Jason- I can totally relate to the crankiness, I am so there also but I am really just super emotional about everthing.

    I'm glad everyone else is doing so good...keep up the good work!

  8. Hi guys, I like this thread, My name is Monica. I am married but have no kids. Me and my husband work full time and go to school full time. Can you say busy? Some weeks I feel like I don't even know where the days went...lol. I was banded back in September and am finding it hard to find things that are easy for me to eat and fulfilling enough to keep me satisfied on the run. I really don't like Protein mixes and find that they just don't stick with me very long. I'm getting my protein in just by eating but I have had a few sliming episodes and have also gotten stuck several times. It's a little irritating because I don't have 30 mins to eat all the time...Anyway, it's nice to see there are others like me on here...

  9. I have type 2 diabetes and have not taken any oral medication since my surgery. I was put on a sliding scale (insulin shots) in case my sugar spiked after surgery but I have not had to give myself and shots. My sugar ranges from 100 to 150 depending on when I test it because of course it gets higher after you eat. My doctor gave me a list and if my sugar got over 200 then I would have to give myself some insulin. I would not worry about it unless your sugar starts getting over 200 and staying there. Before I was diagnosed I had an average blood sugar of 350 over a couple months (which is scary) but since the surgery it has been great.

  10. Hi Guys, Just wanted to check in with ya'll. If you don't know my first fill was last Wensday and I had been doing pretty good untill a few minutes ago..lol. I ate too fast and threw up..:ohmy: Up until today I have been doing so good with my portions and eating slow but when I got home from class I was starving(which was my first mistake) and then tried to eat too fast. Well I learned my lesson...besides that I am very happy with the way things are going. I weighed this morning and I'm down another 2 pounds so I am very excited about that. It makes 28 pounds since Sept 11. :) I am definately feeling some restriction now so I think I can really get focused on my weight loss. I wish I could come to support group but right now I have a Saturday class that last until 1:00 so I can't make it but my new school schedule starts after Thanksgiving so maybe I can start coming. I would love to meet all of you guys...:blink:

    Oh yeah for those of you wanting to know about costs for the surgery...I just got my claim statement from BCBS for my surgery and it said I owed $744 and some change. I already gave them the $300 so I guess I only have to pay $444. I have not got the claim statement for my fill yet but I will post it when I get it. Oh and I have BCBS of AL PPO.

  11. I knew that if I had will power that I wouldn't need a lap band. However, my band came with no will power and my loving husband eats ANYTHING in front in me. Sweet huh? I would love to eat only 2 -6 ozs and 3 meals a day but I can't. I am trying and havn't lost a pound since my preop diet. Going for a therapist in couple a days. Any advice to curve hunger pains. Beating up husband sounded real good but he makes more than I do and I don't need anymore problems. hehehe!:)

    I know exactly how you feel, my wonderful husband was eating pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers while I was in the liquid phase and I honestly wanted him to choke on it...lol but I felt like it was really a test of my will power and I didn't give in (well at least not until my mushies phase) It will get better but you have to find the strenght inside you to overcome and just remember the outcome. I try to keep those things that I want to be able to do in the back of my mind and set goals for myself...for example be able to shop at regular stores, ride roller coasters, fit into booths comfortably, etc. You might also want to talk to your husband and try and get him involved with your weight loss. I know in my case, my weight loss will greatly benefit my husband too...:) Just try and stay focused and positive! Good luck!


  12. Hi everyone, I did go for my first fill today, It was a good experience. My appt was at 2:15 but I got there at a few mins till 2 and I was out by 2:30. Lisa did my fill and it was a pretty weird feeling :smile2:...lol. She had a little bit of a hard time getting the needle in the right place but besides that it went well. I'm definately going to be bruised tommorrow. She gave me 4 cc's in my 9 cc band and I was a little suprised but happy since I have had no restriction. So I guess now I really feel like I have a band...lol :tongue2: Any words of advice for a first fill?

  13. Hi everyone, just checking in with my fellow Alabamians...I'm glad everyone is doing ok. Jason I'm sorry you're having problems with your fill, I go for mine on Wensday so I'm a little nervous...I remember all too well how I felt after first being banded and I hope I won't feel that way after this fill...I really need this fill though, so I can be a little uncomfortable if it means that I will feel some restriction. I have been able to eat anything, bread has been problem but I am still able to eat it...Despite being able to eat like before I have still kept off the 23 pounds I lost on liquids and have lost a couple more for a total of 26. I'm excited about that but don't really feel like I have lost any...I imagine that one day I will look at the scale and it will all be back...:blush:

    Is anyone else going in Wensday?

  14. I have been working out for a while now but it's so hard to find time b/c I work full time(w/ OT right now) and go to school full time so during the week going to the gym is almost impossible. I really wish I could find a Protein mix that I like but the good ones are so expensive and I hate to buy it and hate it also...I tried the canned shakes from the Apothecary but they are horrible and I don't stay full but for maybe an hour and then I'm looking for something else...But I have been doing good as far as getting in my protein by just eating but that might change when I actually have some restriction...

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