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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by snowflake21al

  1. snowflake21al

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I have been working out for a while now but it's so hard to find time b/c I work full time(w/ OT right now) and go to school full time so during the week going to the gym is almost impossible. I really wish I could find a protein mix that I like but the good ones are so expensive and I hate to buy it and hate it also...I tried the canned shakes from the Apothecary but they are horrible and I don't stay full but for maybe an hour and then I'm looking for something else...But I have been doing good as far as getting in my protein by just eating but that might change when I actually have some restriction...
  2. snowflake21al

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone, I don't think I have posted in this thread but I do check in every now and then. Aprilapple, I am so envious that you got your fill...my surgery was on Sept 11 and I was never told that I needed to call so far in advance to make my fill appt. I called about 2 weeks ago and they couldn't get my in until Nov 5. I'm sorry but I think that is absolutley insane. SO now instead of having to wait 6 weeks, it will be 2 months for me...:eek: I called today to see if I could go ahead and schedule my next fill appt but they told me I have to wait to see what Dr Miles says...I know I shouldn't feel like this but after having so much anticipation for the past year leading up to this and now it's like I never even had surgery and all this stress and headache was all in vain. :eek: This past month and a half has just felt like a lifetime and I am wishing I never told anyone that I was getting the band b/c all I get asked is "How much have you lost?" There is this expectation of quick weight loss so everytime I get asked that, I have to explain how the band works b/c most people are ignorant in that fact... Sorry for the rant but I am really getting frustrated... I am also tired to thinking about food all the time...I am constantly trying to plan what I am going to eat so I can make good choices b/c I am extremly busy, I HATE the protein shakes, and I usually have to grab something quick. Thats not a good combination with the band...lol I guess I feel like it will be easier when I have some restriction...I hope...
  3. snowflake21al

    Hey Yall Alabama Here Roll Tide

    Hi Brenda, I'm Monica, I'm from Birmingham. Roll Tide...Welcome to the site, It is very good for pre banders to come here a get some of their questions answered by people that are going through it. I was banded last month on Sept. 11 so if I can help you with anything let me know...Welcome and Congradulations on your decision. :w00t:
  4. snowflake21al

    What about the loose skin?

    That sounds like a good reason to buy a hot tub...:thumbup:
  5. snowflake21al

    What about the loose skin?

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since I posted but I am coming along with my recovery. I am about 1 month post op and have had no major problems so far. I know that I am really not to the point to worry about this just yet but I have been researching what you can do about loose skin. I have found so many things but I want to hear from my fellow banders about what has worked for you. I have heard about skin brushing, silica compound(supplements), lotions, and of course exercise and PS(which would be a last resort). If you guys could give me some advice about what I can be doing now and once I really start to lose to help tighten up that loose skin...Any input is appreciated...Thanks!
  6. snowflake21al

    What about the loose skin?

    Thanks Laurigee for the encouragement and Congradulations! :thumbup: I am pretty discouraged because all I see is people that have lost weight but are now having to deal with loose skin. I watched a PS show on The Discovery Channel about this girl that had the bypass and I felt so bad for her because even though she lost all that weight she still felt terrible about herself b/c of the loose skin. She didn't even want her husband to touch her. I just don't want to end up in that boat, I have already spent too much time hating my body and not enjoying life due to my weight...I am glad to hear that there is somebody that lost weight and didn't have to deal with loose skin!
  7. snowflake21al

    What about the loose skin?

    Here is one description that I found but there are millions out there: <CENTER>DRY SKIN BRUSHING</CENTER> <DD>It is WELL known that the Skin is the LARGEST Organ in the Body, and is responsible for one-fourth of the Body's Detoxification each day, also making it, one of the most IMPORTANT Elimination Organs! The Skin is also known as the "3rd" Kidneys and the Lungs are known as the "2nd" Kidneys. TOXICITY can gather beneath the Skin's Surface from such COMMON Influences such as IMPROPER pH levels in Body Soaps, Skin Creams and Anti-Perspirants, plus Synthetic Fibers worn NEXT to the Skin with ANY of them contributing to a variety of Skin Problems and Conditions. <DD>When you do Skin Brushing, you HELP your Lymph System to CLEAN itself of the TOXINS, that COLLECT in the Lymph Glands. You use a Simple Technique to IMPROVE the Surface Circulation on the Skin and KEEP the Pores of the Skin OPEN, encouraging your Body's Discharge of Metabolic Wastes, and resulting in an IMPROVED ability to COMBAT Bacteria, plus HELPING your Skin to look and feel HEALTHIER and MORE RESILIENT! Skin Brushing is a PERFECT Treatment for SELF-HELP Enthusiasts. Benefits: TIGHTENS Skin. HELPS Digestion. REMOVES Cellulite. STIMULATES Circulation. INCREASES Cell Renewal. CLEANS Lymphatic System. REMOVES Dead Skin Layers. STRENGTHENS Immune System. IMPROVES Exchange between Cells. STIMULATES the Glands, thus helping ALL of the Body Systems to perform at PEAK EFFICIENCY! </DD> How To Do Skin Brushing: Buy a NATURAL, NOT synthetic, bristle brush, since it does NOT SCRATCH the surface of your skin. Buy a brush with a LONG handle, so that you're ABLE to get to the areas of your body, that are NOT EASY to reach, when doing your own Skin Brushing. Skin Brush, before showering or bathing, at least ONCE per day, and TWICE, if possible. Do NOT wet your skin, since it will NOT have the SAME Effect, because this stretches your skin. Do LIGHTER Strokes over and around your breasts, but do NOT brush the nipples. Brush each part of your Body several times VIGOROUSLY, COMPLETELY brushing your WHOLE body. Brush the soles of your feet FIRST, because the nerve endings there affect your WHOLE body, next Brush your ankles, calves, and thighs, then brush across your stomach and your buttocks and lastly brush your hands to your arms. ALWAYS skin brush towards the heart. Do circular counter-clockwise strokes on your abdomen. Take a WARM bath or shower, which should always be followed by a COOL rinse at the end to INVIGORATE blood circulation and STIMULATE surface warmth. Wash your brush every few weeks in Water and allow it DRY. You can google dry skin brushing and thousands of hits come up about it, I haven't tried it yet but I think if it might help, then it's worth the 3 or 4 dollars on a brush and 3 minutes before a shower...lol But I did read that you don't see results right away, it takes months to really see significant results.
  8. snowflake21al

    No caption

    From the album: My Pics

  9. snowflake21al

    No caption

    From the album: My Pics

  10. snowflake21al

    My Pics

  11. snowflake21al

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    From the album: My Pics

  12. snowflake21al

    No caption

    From the album: My Pics

  13. snowflake21al

    No caption

    From the album: My Pics

  14. I can completely understand why you want to keep it private because once you tell everyone there is this expectation of losing a ton of weight in a short time frame(because most people are ignorant in regards to gastric banding vs bypass). They don't realize that with the band you aren't going to lose weight as fast. Since I was banded back on Sept 11 all of my coworkers ask me all the time how much weight I have lost and I hate to keep telling them the same number because I have hit a plateau. It's embarassing when people think you should be losing but your not, but they also don't understand the banding process. I pretty much had to tell my coworkers because of all the doctors appts and everything leading up to getting approved by insurance...I wish I didn't though so I wouldn't have this high expectation hanging over my head everyday...
  15. snowflake21al

    My new tattoo

    From the album: My Pics

  16. snowflake21al


    Hi everyone...I was wondering... Has anyone else used the birth control inplant called Implanon? I had it put in back in July and I was wondering if anyone else used it while being banded. :shades_smile:
  17. snowflake21al


    I had mine put in back in July and I read that you could have irregular bleeding, but that's really with any birth control, but I was on the Depo shot before and I really hadn't even had a period in a while. I had my band placed on September 11 and after I lost my first few pounds( about a week) I started. Full blown period, which I haven't had in years. I thought that was interesting. No other problems so far... the weirdest thing is being able to feel it under the skin...:girl_hug:
  18. snowflake21al

    Any September Banders?

    Hi congradulations :thumbup: , I was banded on 9/11 and I got the Realize band. My doc said he liked it a little better than the Lap band b/c it took about 25 to 35 mins to put it in compared to about 50 with the Lap band. Other than that he said they were both good bands. I know I was in and out of surgery pretty quick, I couldnt tell you exactly how long but I think about 30 mins. Have you gotten on the Realize My Success website yet?
  19. snowflake21al

    Any September Banders?

    Hey everyone, my surgery was Sept. 11 and since about Sept 5 (2 weeks today) I have lost 23 pounds. Do ya'll think this is normal? I am worried that I am going to have some problems from dropping so much weight in such a little time. I really just haven't been able to eat a whole lot due to some stomach issues but the doc said it was perfectly normal.
  20. snowflake21al


    Ok, so here's the deal, I had my surgery on Thursday of last week. The surgeon told my family that I did great in surgery, a text book case etc. I did ok from Thursday till Sunday on my clear liquids except I was starving, that's normal I suppose. I was having a lot of gas pressure and pressure in my chest but it had mostly subsided by Monday and I felt like I was good to go back to work. And even as a 'treat' I let myself have some cream of potato soup Sunday night even though I wasn't suppose to start full liquids until Monday. I felt fine after I ate it and better b/c I was starving. Well Monday I fixed myself some SF Carnation Instant Breakfast to drink on my way to work, I drank all of it and felt ok, then I got to work and about a hour later I started to feel this weird feeling in my stomach, almost like really strong hunger pains, so I though, hmm maybe I'll have some yogurt, thinking that I was just really hungry from being on clear liquids so long. I took a good long time eating that (45 mins) but the feeling persisted and maybe even got worse. I thought maybe I just wasn't used to having the full liquids after being on clear for 5 days. So about 2 hours later I thought maybe I would try drinking half a protein shake. That didn't help. And then about an hour later I fixed some tomato soup and sipped on it. I was in tears from the 'pain' , if thats what you want to call it and I couldn't stay at work so I came home and called my doctors office, they said that it was normal to feel that way after starting full liquids. I also called the office coordinator who does all the seminars and nutrition classes and she also has a band. She was concerned because once that feeling starts I really can't drink anything because it makes it worse. She though that maybe I was trying to eat too much also, which that could have been but she wanted me to talk to the nurse in the doctors office so she had her call me. After I explained to her all of this she said well maybe your band is a little tight from the swelling due to surgery, I could give you a steroid pack but I really don't want to if you are still able to drink. But she said to call if I didn't feel better and let her know. But later on that night I got up the nerve to try some more soup so I fixed some very thin cream soup. Ate with no problems and felt ok. So today I got up and drank about 3 oz of low sugar oj and when I got to work I just sipped on water all morning. I started feeling this 'pain' around 11 but it was not bad, just barely there. So for lunch I thought maybe I can have something since I hadn't ate all day. Well I ate some chicken noodle broth and by 2 I was doubled over in my chair at work. The only way I can describe the pain is to tell you that it feels like bad stomach cramps or really severe hunger pains. My stomach grumbles and growls like if you have an upset tummy. The pain also kind of pulsates, it gets a little better but then comes back worse. The pain is in the lower part of my stomach not where my band is supposed to be. This has lasted from 2 until now and still going and it's 10:30 my time. Also earlier I felt like I was having some pain start in my throat towards my sholder. I am really getting to the point where I just can't take it anymore. If anyone has any idea of what this might be, please let me know. I plan on calling the nurse back first thing in the morning but I am just reaching out to see if anyone else has experienced this b/c I have never heard of anything like it. Please help if you have any ideas....
  21. snowflake21al


    Thanks so much, I am feeling pretty nauseated this morning but not the pain that I was having thank God. My surgeon told me yesterday that some peoples stomachs react differently when introduced to full liquids so I hope that is just the problem. Thanks for the good wishes! I hope your surgery goes well...
  22. Hi, thanks for the request, I'm doing pretty good, I've been pretty sick to my stomach this week but losing a lot of weight because of it. How has your weight loss been?

  23. snowflake21al

    Both my dogs, Zeke and Ali

    From the album: My Pics

  24. snowflake21al

    No caption

    From the album: My Pics

  25. snowflake21al

    My dog Ali

    From the album: My Pics

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
