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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LAPBANDFREE

  1. I think we all just have to remember - there are going to be potential complications with any surgery. ANY surgery. We could talk about C-sections gone bad, or screwed up laparascopic knee surgery. Or people who die on the table due to anesthesia complications. There are always risks with any type of surgery.

    It's good to know the pros, and even better to know the cons, that's why this forum is here - for us to learn the good, bad, ugly, amazing, results of this life-changing surgery, and decide for ourselves if it is something we choose.

    For me - a lifetime of being morbidly obese, the complications both mental and physical that arise from that disease, and the societal judgements from being obese far outweigh (pun intended) the risks associated with LB.

    LAPBANDFREE - I'm sorry you had the complications you did, and I'm happy for you that you were successful in losing weight after the band. I'm glad you posted your opinion, because if anything - it gives people something to ponder and discuss with their own surgeons.

    Two out of twenty got it!!! YES!!! There's hope

  2. To be fair, if that's possible, it was posted in the "Life After Lap-Band Removal" section and if a newbie wants to go there so be it. I never really even starting going to this section until I was considering getting my lap band removed. I don't think if a person has a problem with their lap band that they need to be called a troll and blamed for all the inadequacies of the band as if it's their own fault. This forum tends to do that. Nothing in life is perfect, the band maybe for some but not all! JMHO, Nancy:smile:

    VERY TRUE - and of course, the obvious was initially missed by most - It was MY experience and MY opinion....

  3. The people you just quoted aren't even living with the band. They can't give you an honest opinion unless they have been there.

    OK - so here're quotes FROM THIS FOURM:


    Registered User

    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Posts: 21


    Originally Posted by oasiskel viewpost.gif

    Hi all,

    I went to Mexico in Mar 05 and got my lap band. At first I loved it. I initially lost about 40 lbs and those came off pretty slow. Since then I have played around with another 15 pounds up and down and back and forth.

    I've had several fills. All done with the scan and a barium swallow. I've never been over-filled. But each time I got a fill I had serious issues with my esophagus. The last time was about a year and half or more ago, and the problems with my esophagus have only increased. So, I never went and got another fill. food gets stuck and I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest until it finally passes and sometimes can take a while. I take small bites and chew, chew, chew. I can barely tollerate meat or anything soft or sticky or dry. Pretty much leaves ice-cream right?

    Several months ago I woke up in the middle of the night with major chest pain. I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. It turned out it was my esophagus going through some kind of spasm.

    I just had an endoscopy with my gastro doctor and he informed me that on the inside there is no evidence that I even have a band! Looks like nothing is wrong with my esophagus that taking my band out won't correct. And my port bothers me a lot!

    I have decided I want it out! I have to find a bariatric surgeon who will remove it or go back to my dr in mexico. (Who I loved by the way.) Either way I am sure it is really going to cost some money. Unless the insurance I have now will pay and it's a global insurance so that may be a possibility?

    I wanted to find out if any of you have had these same issues. What exactly you found out was wrong and what you've done to remedy your situation.

    And yes I would consider the MGB at the same time.

    Sorry this got a little long.

    I had the same problem with my esophagus and after 3 hospitalizations my doctor and I opted for removal. I am still having some spasms which according to some specialists due to the band. I am working with an esophagus doctor to remedy the situation. I hated to lose the band but it was best formy health. Good luck to you.

    Private Dancer 7

  4. OH - and here are some posts from OTHERS......

    friendsm_u.gifdanceswithforks mailto-small.gif 17:11my best friend is a nurse and she says it's bad to get a lap band.

    It's not fun to deal with either. You just need to join the rest of us who are dieting and exercising and not be in a hurry. We are a microwave society. You have to diet with one of those on so you can't escape dieting. I wonder what kind of complications they bring on? maybe you pass gas or you feel sick. No thanks. It's not normal.

    I'm trying to encourage you to do it the old fashioned way.

    friendsm_f.giftinav mailto-small.gif 16:19Unless you are at deaths door any weight loss surgery is not a good idea. Thats my thought on the subject. I have watched many tv programs and read a fair amount of information on these surgeries. As most of you already know, there are cases where the person has lost the weight and is as happy as can be. Others where they have lost the weight and now need a whole series of surgeries to remove skin. Some have replaced their food addiction with alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. Thats just too many risks for me. Besides that, Im a chicken and wouldnt opt for any surgery unless it were absolutely necessary. As beachwalkers friend said, if you can stick to the diet after the surgery then why not stick to it before the surgery. I think so many people in todays society want everything yesterday and they want it easy. Fast lifestyle, fast cars, fast food, fast fix. The faster we go the more we miss, the more we miss the less we learn, the less we learn the less likely we are to make good life decissions.

    friendsm_f.gifbeachwalker mailto-small.gif15:31Let me say this. I met a woman who had the proceedure. They gave her a diet to follow. Her exact words were "If I had followed the diet to begin with, I wouldn't have needed the surgery."

    friendsm_f.gifshekitty mailto-small.gif13:36I am generally against weight loss surgery of any kind. I know four persons who had bypass and all but one of them has gained back a significant amount of weight. All of them had complications after surgery. I girl who works for me had lap band surgery about 7 months ago. She too has had complications and has had to have the band "redone" twice because it doesn't stay where it is supposed to. She has also only lost 30 pounds in the 7 months, which she could have done through traditional dieting. It is a diet surgery myth that these procedures will fix the problem. Unless you are experiencing a life threatening health issue and your doctor is suggesting lap band, I would try to lose weight without it. For the record, I started here at 280 pounds and am currently at 260. I am considered morbidly obese and a prime candidate for these procedures. Personally, I would rather be fat than to go through the hassles the folks I know have gone through after their surgery.

  5. How long did it take before you felt like "normal" again after it was removed? Also are there other issues besides the scaring? Sorry you went through this as you are not alone. Hope you're doing better, Nancy.:thumbup:

    Hi - I felt pretty much normal right away - after the post operative pain and swelling was gone, other than the scarring, there are no other issues. Good luck to you!

  6. First of all - I lost a total of (60 on, 63 off) 123 pounds - second, when you throw up for 3 years, the acid eats away the enamel to the back of your teeth, if you're throwing up on a daily basis, then you NEED to see your dentist - third, the ONLY food that I did not throw up was the cheetos, chocolate and the ice cream (I did not say I subsided on those only).......how did I figure that out? I didn't, I read the posts in this forum and others, that's how I found out these are the three foods you don't throw up.

    You people need to READ some of the other posts in this forum - are you blind?!

    Oh - and the reason I didn't reply right away??? Since I've had the lapband removed - I HAVE A LIFE -

    There are 100s if not 1000s of posts, just in this forum ALONE, from people who are miserable and trying to figure out why, and trying to get help, for their vomiting, spastic stomachs, lack of sleep, port pain, bad reactions to the lidocane shots for the fills, bands that have slipped, bands that have deteriorated, bands that have failed, ports that are in the wrong place, ports that have leaked, ports that have traveled abcesses in their stomachs, bands that have worn through their stomachs - people who've been taking protien for their hair loss, and it doesn't work, people who have rashes, people who's social life is zero because of vomiting, people who carry 'vomit cans' around the house - and ad nauseum!!

    Before you question my experience, drag me through the dirt, call me names - take a good look at whats going on - just in this forum - and if the lapband is SO "JOYFUL" (yeah, right) why are SO many people having them removed? Why are there SO many miserable people? The complaints outweigh the non complaints by over 100 to one - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out folks.

    We've been sold a 'bill of goods' - and we're swallowing it - and chewing, chewing, chewing and STILL throwing up.

    There is no one so blind as they who will not 'see'

    If just ONE person doesn't get a lapband, because of this post - thank you GOD!

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVYXk_ZPis8]YouTube - The Failed Lap Band:10 Years Later[/ame]

    go here - I rest my case - have a nice life, I am :thumbup: (I think I will go meet some friends and have some salad and tea) - OH...and NOT throw up! OR have pain while it's going down - OR - well ... you get the idea

  7. First of all - I lost a total of (60 on, 63 off) 123 pounds - second, when you throw up for 3 years, the acid eats away the enamel to the back of your teeth, if you're throwing up on a daily basis, then you NEED to see your dentist - third, the ONLY food that I did not throw up was the cheetos, chocolate and the ice cream (I did not say I subsided on those only).......how did I figure that out? I didn't, I read the posts in this forum and others, that's how I found out these are the three foods you don't throw up.

    You people need to READ some of the other posts in this forum - are you blind?!

    Oh - and the reason I didn't reply right away??? Since I've had the lapband removed - I HAVE A LIFE -

    There are 100s if not 1000s of posts, just in this forum ALONE, from people who are miserable and trying to figure out why, and trying to get help, for their vomiting, spastic stomachs, lack of sleep, port pain, bad reactions to the lidocane shots for the fills, bands that have slipped, bands that have deteriorated, bands that have failed, ports that are in the wrong place, ports that have leaked, ports that have traveled abcesses in their stomachs, bands that have worn through their stomachs - people who've been taking protien for their hair loss, and it doesn't work, people who have rashes, people who's social life is zero because of vomiting, people who carry 'vomit cans' around the house - and ad nauseum!!

    Before you question my experience, drag me through the dirt, call me names - take a good look at whats going on - just in this forum - and if the lapband is SO "JOYFUL" (yeah, right) why are SO many people having them removed? Why are there SO many miserable people? The complaints outweigh the non complaints by over 100 to one - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out folks.

    We've been sold a 'bill of goods' - and we're swallowing it - and chewing, chewing, chewing and STILL throwing up.

    There is no one so blind as they who will not 'see'

    If just ONE person doesn't get a lapband, because of this post - thank you GOD!

  8. - i had the worthless lapband removed months ago

    i no longer throw up - at all - after 3+ years of doing it daily

    my hair's growing back - it isn't lack of Protein - it's restricting the most oxygen rich organ in your body

    i am pain free - the stupid doctor placed the port up against my ribs and wouldn't fix it because 'he's never had a complaint before'

    i can eat in public again -

    i can go out again

    i survived for three years on cheetos, chocolate and ice cream - the only foods i didn't throw up from - i hated them all

    i am now back on a healthy diet and have lost more weight in the last four months than i did in 3 years with the lapband

    my blood pressure is back to normal - they were getting ready to place me on bp meds for life

    thank god i've only lost 2 teeth to the constant throwing up - i've met others who have lost them all

    my belly looks like i've been clawed with-in an inch of my life by a bear

    think before you do it - you're surgically implanting foriegn objects into your body - as you lose weight - the port starts to be a protruding bump

    i could go on - but who's going to read this anyway

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