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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sunset01

  1. Nope, as a matter of a fact I tell everyone, especially those who are unhappy with their weight, gay or straight. I am very proud of my hard work and my decission. I now work out every other day for two hrs and then my treat is a nice warm swim for 30 min afterwards. I am proud to say I am a happy healthy lesbian who made one of the best decissions in my life as far as my wreight goes. I have had a huge success with support from work, even HR tells me they are proud of my for taking that big step in getting healthy and loosing weight to better my life but most of all I am proud of me! and you should be too. So from one to another...you have another supporter who is proud of you too!!! Things are already getting better...keep up the great work! Lisa

  2. Good for you chris, that is wonderful news. I had my band done in july 2008, I am so happy that I have already lost approx. 50 pds. i work out every other day now. I also breathe easy, no more pain in my knees and I never feel bloated. I am sleeping so much better at night too. Thank you for sharing your story. I have another 65 pounds to go and I will reach my goal weight. I have never felt better. So...heres to all of us GLBT who have taken a huge successful step in getting healthy, looking great and sharing our stories regardless of the biggots! :D (who will have to find somthing better to do with their time) Huggs to all the GLBT lap bandsters!!! WAY TO GO PEOPLE!!!

    Lisa :thumbup:

  3. I have been looking forward to all the changes (positive one's) I have herd so many discuss, not realizing there are (negative as well) I for one love ice cream, and choc. is my strength and I do still have those things in small amounts. I have never herd of the Hair loss, or the other things I am now hearing about? Is this common for all bandsters? Why are we not also told about these things? I am on a high protien diet so to speak, I use a protien powder that a friend has been using for years and I eat exactally what I am suppose to per doctors orders, well... then I have choc. and ice cream once in awhile...I agree the doctor should also tell us of the negative side of the band use. I for one have had two friends before me do this surgery and still today has not had any of the things I have read here but I know that doesn't mean they don't exist, I am sorry for you experiancing such, but I also know that we are to follow the correct eating procedures with the band. I have a facilitator that helps answer all my questions and I chose a fill doctor that is a naturapath doctor who is an expert on natural healing and is great with Vitamins, minerals, and such but before that she was chemotherapist. She reccomended I take "Seroyal" Genestra Brands-Multi Cal Mag liquid Supplement. I only take on-two tablespoons, two times a day with meals. It is full of all the vitamins and minerals that you really need and it has an Almond taste. When mixed with an ounce of OJ it's really great. I sure hope I don't loose any of my hair, but if I do I will surley call my doctor right away and ask why this is happening since I am doing everything they told me to do and that I was never told about those things...It just may be someting later on they have to add to the list of possibilities that could happen? If not for me but for all those new bandsters who have to hear it after the fact. Thank you for sharing... I am going to talk to my doctor personally to see why, if this is such an issue we are not being told by them before we choose to have the surgery? and I will also talk to the facilitator as well. Have a great day, I hope all is going much better for you? Please let me know as I am new and would love to have info from others so I know what to watch for or expect?

  4. Lapband works when the person who had it takes good care of themself, and learns to make better and healthier choices when it comes to eating the right food. Nutrients, vitimans and minerals play a major role in staying healthy while loosing weight. Good luck to all of you. Lapband has been the greatest choice for me and I am learning to make better choices for my new life, so that I can stay my goal weight once I arrive there. I have noticed my complection has changed and my skin is very smooth and clear. I feel great...no more anxiety, heart trimmers, indigestion, tiredness, shortness of breath and so on...I have a very good weight traineer at my local gym who is also a nutritionlist who helps me with the right amounts and kinds of Vitamins. I take a liquid vitaman with minerals and protien daily.Peace.

  5. Hello everyone!:mellow:

    My First Fill tomorrow!!!

    I am so pleased...with my band... so far I have lost 43 pounds, this includes my two weeks prior to my surgery...my goal weight is another 65.

    My first fill is tomorrow, what should I expect and what should I watch for?

    What was it like for you with your first fill? I am a bit nervious about the experiance to come?

    Thank you for sharing and good luck to all. "Be true to YOU!!!:thumbup:

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