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Posts posted by WVU-FAN

  1. I emailed Jeannie last week about it, but havent heard anything from her.

    I didnt take any of the M.O.M last night. I figured I'd just wait for a few more days since im not as miserable after taking it all weekend. Maybe she'll get back with me before I end up miserable again.

    See ya Monday! How did the meeting go last night?

  2. Mine looks like its yellowish...im not sure I'd call it green. I havent tried putting it in anything to take.

    It really doesnt work for me. Im taking 2 large medicine cups full and all it does is make me bloated and gasey. (Lovely!!)

  3. Hope all went well Whitwolf!

    Im having problems with Constipation. They have me on lactulose and it is HORRID! Jeannie upped me to double the dosage and it still isnt working. UGH!!!!!!!! That stuff takes so awful....it makes me nauscious even thinking about it!

    Im also having a problem getting enough calories in...im averaging 600-700/day. Lindsey said I had to at least shoot for 1000/day. Its really hard though....

  4. I got a cookbook I puicked up at Ollies title diet after bariactic surgery. I been looking at some of the recipes in it and it tells you what stage they are for.

    Thats cool! Are the recipes pretty good? And did they have any more of them? Im ALWAYS looking for new recipes...in fact...im a bit obsessed with it. Im a die hard food Network freak! lol :thumbup:

    They should have a recipe section on here somewhere......maybe they do and I havent seen it. (?)

    I go for my first fill and my weigh in on Monday. I am super excited. I havent weighed myself since the 1 week post op visit with Dr. Kaplan.

  5. Whitewolf - It is horrible!!! Im so glad that is over!! Good Luck with your diet and hang in there.....cause it will get easier. It doesnt seem like it and it feels like hell the first week...but its much better the second week. You are almost there!!!! :( We will all see you at the July meeting!!!!

    Kyla - Good Luck with your port revision!!

    I get my first fill next Monday.........I cant wait!!!!

    I am starting to adapt to the diet. I did get a green bean stuck........who'd a thought?! It apparently wasnt steamed long enough...IDK? I've also noticed that my tastes have changed some.....I really do not like ketchup anymore. And I was one of those...I like a little fry with my ketchup. :biggrin: I also dont care for salt. (which I suppose is a good thing) I dont know why my tastes changed....maybe so many weeks on bland foods. ??

  6. I get my first fill 6/29. :rolleyes: Cant wait!!!!!!!!!

    Started Blended foods today...........MUCH BETTER!!!! I was sick of liquids................ bleh!!!

  7. Goodluck on your port revision Kyla!! Will you have to stay the night?

    Elizabeth - I had one stitch that had stitches. The others were glue. The one with the stitches was super sore. I was glad to get them out.

    My post-op appt with Kaplan went well. I lost another 3.5lbs. So I'm at the 20lb mark. I was ecstatic! Un-banded it took me a YEAR to lose that much!

  8. Hello Everyone! Im back and finally joining the living world! lol The first week out is a little rough....I literally slept the entire week away. But im starting to feel "normal" again. I just wish I'd get all of my energy back. I dont like feeling kept down....im used to being so active....and I just feel so...lazy and exhausted. :)

    Im having some issues with getting down all the stuff im supposed to be getting down so far... but each day seems to get a little easier.....either I can eat a little more, consumer a little more liquid, have a little more energy or am a little less sore. That is definetly encouraging. I just wish I could rush through this time.

    I see Dr. Kaplan today for my post-op check up. Im hoping I've lost some more weight!! And that he removes my stitches....I cant stand them poking through my shirt!

    Cant wait to see you all at my first Banded Support Group Meeting!!! :thumbup:

  9. I just had my pre-op weigh in..........I lost 16.5 lbs!!!! YEAH!!!!! :lol: I am SO excited!!!!

    Im good to go for surgery tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

    And you all were right...the second week of the liquid diet..got MUCH easier....... My body adjusted to it. Not that I didnt WANT food but I wasnt starving per say. lol

  10. I was told when it was submitted BCBS takes 3-4 wks to make a decision. But then they sent a letter for me to sign around the 3rd week. A week later I called BCBS as to the status and they said they had 2 weeks to make a decision after the "new information" they received. So I asked if by new information they meant the letter I signed stating I know all the risks...and they said yes. (Ridiculous) It was still 2 more weeks before I got the letter. They gave Jeannie a verbal approval before I got the letter though...thankfully! BCBS was so irritating. You know they had to have made their decision by the time they sent me a letter stating I knew all the risks... So frustrating....but...thats in the past now...thankfully!!! I just feel sorry for anyone else who is at that point..I know how anxious you are and how frustrating it is.

    As for the diet...it is awful...I wont lie to you. However, the 4oz of chicken and 1 cup of veggies at the end of the day..is the best food you've ever tasted!!! lol People keep telling me it will get better after the 4th day......im on day 5 now...the only thing that keeps me ticking along....is the countdown...9 more days!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! It will be worth it...but this is hard.

    Good Luck!! I hope you hear from your insurance soon!

  11. My approval letter from BCBS was almost 6 weeks after being submitted! RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!

    The good news............I do have a surgery date - May 29!!! :smile2::redface:

    The bad news.......im now on the 2 week liquid diet and it is what I assume hell would be like. :crying: Im on day 4 now and according to my scales I've lost 4lbs! Yay!!!!

  12. Ok..so I emailed Jeannie freaking out...as I was in the post before. And she scheduled me with Dr. Kaplan. I feel 10x better. A little less freaked...I so do not want to go over my June 1 renewal on my insurance! Susan with Kaplans office said my surgery would be May 28 if all goes well. Keep your fingers crossed...............

    And I have to say.......THANK YOU JEANNIE!!!!!!!! She is wonderful!:thumbup:

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