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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SassCie

  1. Jodi said it correctly . . . every doctor is different in what they expect from their patients pre-surgery. Most want you to lose some weight in order for the liver to shrink, and to get you accustomed to being on a liquid diet for the post surgery stage. I found the first 2-3 days the hardest . . . after that it was a cake walk. I read alot with big tall glass of liquid at my side. I also slept alot the first couple of days when your body is purging all the sugar and toxins from your system. By the third day I felt wonderful. Consult your physician and see what he or she recommends. You can do it. Just keep your surgery date in your mind as your goal. I wouldn't let anything stop me from having my lap band . . . I waited close to a year and half for it . . . I was PUMPED up and ready!

  2. I like my caffeine carbonated . . . and was told no carbonated beverages after surgery. I call it "insubordination" or refusal to follow the rules:mad2:.

    I started with sips of diet coke or diet pepsi . . . worked my way up to those cute little shorty cans (8 oz.) :) and now I am able to tolerate a 20 oz. bottle once a day.

    I think we are all different and each of can handle things that others of us cannot. I agree that all of our doctors vary so much in their instructions to patients.

    I was not about to give up my carbonated caffeine and therefore I did not. I don't abuse it . . . but I am able to enjoy my caffeine when I desire to.

  3. Miss Diva,

    This is totally normal. Some do feel a restriction after their first fill, however; many do not. I am like you and feel no restriction after having had my first fill last month. Some of us take a second, third or even a fourth fill before we begin to feel like the band is working. I am imapatient and bummed myself . . . but we must learn to be patient . . . and trust that the band will be the tool we signed up for when we had our surgery.

    Stayed tuned . . . it will get better!

  4. This is really strange . . . but ever since I was banded on 7/16/08 I have not been able to burp or belch :thumbup:

    I can feel the bloating but the gas will not come up. Although it is not painful it is uncomfortable. I just want to burp again.

    I asked my doctor about this when I had my first fill and she really didn't seem to have an answer for me.

    Any suggestions? :party:


  5. It takes 2 to 3 fills before your lapband actually becomes the tool you signed up. These words are according to my physician who did my lap band on 7/16/08.

    I have been able to eat just about anything even after my first fill. I swear I could get a whole hard boiled egg through my band. :party:

    They tell me this is completely normal . . . that our bands are not fully restricted yet . . . and therfore we do feel hungry and are able to eat more food. This will all change after a couple more band adjustments or fills.

    Hang in there . . . they swear the band does work . . . if we give it time and be patient.


  6. The only way I can make exercise a part of my life is to do it FIRST before my day begins.

    I do swim aerobics Mon. thru Fri. every morning, then I go home get dressed and face the day. I would be too exhausted to do it any other time of day. It starts my day off on the right track and I feel good about myself for having dragged my azz out of bed and to the pool.

    Try getting up earlier than you normally do and go for a walk in the brisk morning air before you day begins.


  7. The liquid diet is not easy . . . but keep your eye on goal (your surgery date). I found the first three days of the liquid diet the hardest :thumbup: so I drank a lot of Water and/or crystal light inbetween the Protein Shakes I was allowed to have. sleep and good book also helped to take my mind off eating. Sip liquids and read something really good and exciting. You know the kind of book that you just can't put down :party:

    After the first few days . . . it got easier . . . hang in there . . . you can do it!


  8. I just had my first fill last Friday . . . it was not painful at all. The doctor told me that from much experience . . . they always go slow. This is why it takes 2-3 adjustments before the band actually does what it is suppose to. I was given 2.5 cc of saline . . . some people are given 3 cc on their first fill. I go back for my second fill the end of this month . . . I am looking forward to it. I want this band to be the tool that I signed up for . . . and presently it is not.

  9. I have a two questions (for now) . . .

    1. How do I add a weight ticker? I went to the site . . . created the ticker . . . then didn't know which of the boxes I was to copy and then where do I paste?:thumbup:

    2. Do I have to choose my font and ink color every time I post? Is there a way that it will remember style selections?:laugh:

    at least I managed to get an Avatar on correctly . . .

    Hey at least I managed to get an Avatar on correctly . . . I am learning . . . I am learning . . .

  10. Although I am a newbie myself . . . I was banded on 7/16/08 . . . I want to throw my 2 cents in the pot. The milk diet that everyone is referring to . . . was a liquid diet consisting of Protein Shakes made with milk. I was allowed one frozen "Healthy Choice Meal" a day in addition to my "milk diet" i.e. Protein shakes. I was allowed Water, Crystal Light and even diet soda prior surgery. I did not find this diet difficult because mentally I knew it was so I could have my band. I lost an incredible 19 lbs. in three weeks prior surgery. :thumbup:

    The first two days were the hardest . . . I slept a lot and drank a lot of water inbetween the protein shakes . . . by day three . . . it was a cake walk. Just keep your eye on the goal . . . your surgery date. I waited close to a year and half to have this surgery :cool2: so needless to say, I was fired up when it came time to do the pre-surgery liquid or "milk" diet. Actually, I am more disappointed post surgery . . . as I have only lost 10 pounds since my surgery. A total of 29 lbs. yippeee but remember . . . 19 of those pounds were BEFORE surgery.

    Hang in there and keep your eye on the goal . . . it gets easier after the first 2 or 3 days.:laugh:

  11. Hello out there . . .

    I was banded in six weeks ago in July :smile: and there are no support groups here on the beautiful central Oregon coast. I would love to start a support group in Lincoln County, Oregon . . . I am struggling with this new life change and have no one to talk to :frown:.

    I had my first fill of 2.5 cc last Friday and of course do not feel any differently. I swear I could swallow a hard boiled egg whole and it would go through my band . . . this is disappointing.

    I am going to explore this site for infor and hopefully band friendly recipes although at this point, I swear I could swallow a watermelon! :frown:

    Holler Back . . .

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