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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Andrew6

  1. poor girl how else will you get your Protein now?
  2. no problem, we all are learning. I just get alot of free time to do internet searches and alot of trial and error.
  3. Andrew6

    Where is everyone from????

    my father was stationed there for about a year when he was in the Air Force back in the late 90's have to get you to send me some gold lol.
  4. your body can only process so much protien at a time. If you read up you will find that if you digest more than normal you will develop gas. Try cutting the amount of protein mix you have in half. Also avoid mixing with milk period. Get a mix that you can use with water. Isopure alpine punch is a very good one. Also try getting liquid amino acids. It has protein and you can mix with water and has a flavor similar to that of OJ. It also helps your body to absorb protein better and helps with loose skin.
  5. Andrew6

    Where is everyone from????

    from all over but live in League City Texas outside of Houston now.
  6. I got banded 2 monthes before my 27th birthday and just turned 28, I'm getting old. :thumbup: High school reunion next month.
  7. Andrew6

    I've lost my focus

    I remember reading an article several years back about Roseanne Bar. She had lost a lot of weight and folks kept asking her how. She finally told everyone. She said that what she would do is eat her meals in front of a mirror naked. Maybe try that and see how your focus goes? I can tell you all day long that nothing tastes better than the way thin feels etc... but the truth of the matter is you've got to change your ways and if you trip don't stay down. Get your butt back up and continue on course. Remember the band is nothing more than a tool to help you along on your weight loss and shouldn't be used as a crutch. If that doesn't help just send me your address and I'll bring a big stick w/ me. JUST KIDDING maybe. . . Either way don't let the small things get you down. I won't lie I enjoy a beer every now and again (Dark ales ie. . . Guiness, Smithwick's and Shiner Black seem to have less carbonation so less gas pains). Also I enjoy a starbucks too (I have a weakness for a salted carmel hot chocolate). That being said take the things that you love or can't live with out and make them something special to you. Enjoy them once a week or when you reach certain goals. It makes that one thing that much more special. Bon chance', I wish the best to everyone and remember the mirror for your next focus loss.
  8. Andrew6

    Any Martial Artist or MMA guys

    I use to do combative jui jitsu and sedakon many years ago but I couldn't see going back to that training 2 weeks after surgery. I didn't even turn big valves at work for 6 weeks. They say that you can go back to work pretty much immediately after but if you're in a high stress or job that requires more physical activity than an office job I would recommend waiting. I was told after the healing etc... that you could go back to all things normal no matter stress level.
  9. saw this thread and got to laughing. I'm not gay so can't really say on the gag reflex on that aspect but when I am brushing my teeth/tongue I've always gagged pretty bad. After the banding I don't gag near as much or atleast as hard as I did before when brushing. Wife was reading this thread along with me and is a nurse. She worked in a fertility clinic for a while and said that if a man ejacu-loads' (I added that), that he should probably see a doctor. Usually men that have mass loads tend to have low sperm counts. Either way enjoy the protein:drool:
  10. Hell I thought my user name alone would have given that away lol.
  11. uhhh I'm the one in the Tux not the dress.
  12. 06/28/2007 5/28/2009
  13. Andrew6

    wedding 06/2007

    From the album: 345 to 220

  14. Looking good, Keep it up ! ! !
  15. Andrew6

    Hgh skin?

    Havn't talked with a doctor yet about it. I've been on straight nights for a few monthes now. I've lost over 120 lbs and have some loose skin and even with running and weight lifting hasn't done anything about my thighs and stomach region. My arms however are very nice lol. I'm going to check into it and see what I can find out and if anyone else finds out some info please share.
  16. Andrew6

    Hgh skin?

    I've done a little research on it and it is highly expensive if you can't get a perscription for it. It will however help with loose skin and help create muscle. I think its better for older guys as it will help give them younger more elastic skin. My wife is a nurse and I've had her looking into it and I'm doing some more looking into it when I find time off of work. I'd rather do something non surgical for loose skin and this seems to be something that might be worth looking into.
  17. Andrew6

    Hgh skin?

    human growth horomone. the thing clemens got in trouble for .
  18. Andrew6

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I wish the best of luck to you and walking has always done well with me. Especially in this god awful Texas heat lol.
  19. Andrew6

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I guess you would have to define plateau. I've been 225 for about 3 weeks to 4 weeks now and I went in for a .2 cc fill yesterday. That last fill I had was in April and I weighed in at 238. I'd lost 13 lbs in 3 monthes so I guess I wouldn't count that as a major plateu. I weighed in today at 222 and usually drop anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs when i do the liquids for 2 days and softs for 1. I usually hold at that weight for a week or so and then drop off a few more. If your plateuing and eating more might just mean its fill time.
  20. Protein will help you from having those " sugar cravings" when the body craves protein it is what most folks call a "sweet tooth". We just don't understand what our bodies want/need. Don't get discouraged, just get a fill and continue to do like you're suppose to. you'll generally lose 10 or more pounds right after a fill just by doing 3 Protein drinks a day for the first 2 days and then start back slow on the 3rd day by throwing in some light Soup. I usually do an egg drop soup.
  21. You look years younger in your after photo, keep it up every pound is an extension to your life.
  22. Andrew6

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I have a 20 dollar deductible and I also have a medical spending account that I put in to cover my fills. I pay 20 but that is 20 dollars that is not taxed and it comes back to me.
  23. I wasn't aware that there were a bunch of photos of me that folks where talking about. I can send you the link to my myspace that has a bunch of photos.

    www.[url="http://www.myspace.com/andrew0522"]myspace.com/andrew0522[/url] if it doesn't work let me know.

  24. thats cool. you should go back to school now then.

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