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Posts posted by JustJovi

  1. Hi there, welcome [emoji847] I know how you feel. My youngest daughter caught me on Google searching for “woman in her 40’s with no friends.” I have acquaintances, but the friends in our lives are more my husband’s than mine. So I get it. That’s why I started coming here. I feel like this is a forum where you can vent, ask questions and commiserate with people who understand you and this decision. Not everyone agrees with WLS. Everyone here is on your side.
    Feel free to jump in, ask questions and make new friends. Especially if there are folks having the procedure around the same time as you. I love chatting with my March 13th buddies [emoji4] Hope you’ll stick around and support us so we can support you!
    Lol at your daughter catching you .... My husband and i always talk about how hard it is to make friends as adults. And working from home doesn't help! I even tried an app called MeetUp which is like a tinder but for friends. You put the activities or hobbies your into and it tells you who else in your area is into that and they have any hang outs planned

  2. I was fortunate as I had a friend who had undergone the surgery & then another did it the next year. Their friendship & support was very helpful. I also made some lovely friends through this forum too. We’re of a similar age, share interests, had our initial surgery within a couple of years of each other.We chat & share what’s happening in our lives (& not just weight related) via our own private group chat now & there is another with whom I email. So you never know who you may meet & click with here.
    You're so lucky!! I know a few people who've had it done and spoke to 2 of them but they live out of state. It was definitely helpful to msg with them!

  3. I totally understand how you feel. Only my parents & brother know & I haven't told anykne else about my surgery. I've relied on places like this site, tiktok & YouTube comments to talk about it. Granted it's not the same as having real life friends but having this place as an outlet helps A LOT. I hope we're able to help somewhat [emoji171]
    Same here! I've used Instagram a lot for research when i was post op. I messaged some of the people buy rarely do they ever reply which sucked

  4. I can so relate. I am 52, divorced and single mom of 18 year old son and 13 year old daughter. I also work from home most of the time, so it’s hard to make new friends. All of my close friends live several states away, and my life revolves around my kids activities, work and helping my aging parents. I have told NO one about my surgery— AT ALL. I was self pay in Mexico, and like many didn't want to hear the judgement about it. I did this for me, and no one else.
    It’s worked well for me to come here for information and advice from people in similar situation, i hope it offers you an outlet as well.
    That was really brave of you! I can only imagine how hard that mist have been with 2 kids to care for. Good for you [emoji122]

  5. This is a friendly, kind, safe and helpful place. We are all really glad that we found it. I have found great help here and hope I pass some forward too.
    I do not know anyone personally who has had this surgery done. I did not tell anyone but my son and husband initially. Women can be really bitchy and I did not need the uneducated backlash.
    Now that I have lost all this weight, I am more mobile and can get out and about. I have started to grow my circle of friends. I volunteer at a charity shop one day a week, its great fun and I love it. Its great to look forwards to some thing again instead of being almost housebound
    You're so right about woman being bitchy....it's why I keep most woman at arms length. I've had some really bad experiences

  6. I have only told my husband and mother and very few close friends about my surgery.

    I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone in depth about all of this excerpt for my husband who has been my Rock during all of this

    I wish i has a group of gal-pals that i could bond with, either one line or in my area.

    I basically don't have any real friends of my OWN (you know, friends that are more my friends than my husband's)

    It's really hard because i want to relate to people around me and make a support system.

  7. I know the title may sound odd....but hear me out.

    I'm 5 weeks post op, so just over a month.

    I don't feel "restriction" as much or as painful as i did initially. I still feel it but i feel like it's not as significant of a feeling as before.

    Also i feel like I can eat more than i should already without pain. I had a piece of cake the other day at a birthday and felt fine, no dumping syndrome or any issues. That was really surprising to me.

    Also, I don't have changed taste buds like everyone else seems to (so far). Everything still tastes the same to me! The only thing is i prefer very cold Water now and before i was fine with room temperature water.

    Another thing about water is I feel like I can take like 2 or 3 gulps without any issue. I know you aren't supposed to and before it would hurt a bit but not anymore.

    I'm still losing weight though. On my date of surgery i was 195 and today I'm 174.

    I'm just worried that maybe I'm advancing too fast? Anyone else been through this?

  8. I have only told my husband and mother (and a few select friends) about my surgery. I'm one month post op and over all have lost 35 lbs.

    My husband's family (i see them VERY often, weekly) doesn't know about my surgery.

    He has an aunt that has always been very jealous of me and is the definition of a "hater" or a "friendemey" friend / enemy

    She's very very over weight and always says she wants to lose weight (i recently found out she was considering WLS about a year ago). Anytime I've lost weight in the past, she's very jealous. She doesn't SAY things, but it's obvious by her lack of compliments or any comments at all about how different i look. Plus you can see it all over her face and then she'll start dieting or exercising for a few days.

    Now that I've gotten my VSG, she once again hasn't commented on my weightloss. Her husband has and her mother has too, but she refuses to even give me a compliment.

    Prior to my surgery i was so concerned about how it would make her feel when i started losing weight but honestly, i did this for me. Not for anyone else.

    My point is, let people be jealous. Let them fester in their own envy. That's their problem. You're finally making yourself happy and that's all you should focus us. Enjoy it!!!! Don't let them ruin it for you, that's what they want! They're just jealous they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

    Sent from my SM-N986U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hello! This is my first time postimg on here.

    I've had an IUD for 3 years now, with no complications. No periods either

    I had VSG on March 1st, and have been spotting here and there.

    Today I woke up and basically am on my period! Super strange!

    So I went to the ER (no gynos had appointments for months out) and they took blood work and said everything was fine. They also took ultrasound and said my IUD was where it needed to be and nothing looked abnormal.

    The doctor suggest it might have been my body reacting to this new stressful experience of having to recooperate from the procedure.

    Has anyone else heard or this or experience anything like it's?

    Sent from my SM-N986U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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