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Posts posted by Sleever123!

  1. On 3/8/2023 at 6:43 PM, hills&valleys said:

    Good luck and congratulations on taking steps to improve your health and quality of life. I am less that one week post-op (3/3/23) from VSG. I feel great. I have had no nausea and the only pain I have experienced is similar to a muscle soreness as if I had been doing abdominal exercises. You got this!

    **my saving grace during the pre-op diet was Kosher pickles**

    Muscle soreness, really? Thank you so much for this. I am really afraid of the pain but this is a relief!

  2. 1 hour ago, RaiderRhode said:

    I had the full bypass last month. The pain when I woke up wasn't that bad, for me it was a max of 6 on a scale of 10 and as soon as you tell your nurse you're in pain they're very quick to make you more comfortable.

    I won't lie, I got an IV. Thats of course to be expected, however it was entirely painless. I literally didn't feel it at all, when it comes time just look the other way and talk to someone or watch tv or look at your phone. Distract yourself and it'll be over in seconds. Even when they put me under, they gave me gas first and I just gently fell asleep. It was all in all not a bad experience, but I understand your anxiety. Its totally normal!

    Thank you so much!

  3. 2 hours ago, fed-up said:

    Hi Sleever 123 , you don't know much about the surgery .You are given the anaesthetic to knock you out and when you come round , it's all over .They keep you comfortable with pain killers and I don't think I had that much pain .I just kept it nice and simple in my head - I was getting a smaller stomach so I would eat less .I was happy to say goodbye to my old stomach ! you will be able to walk better , feel healthier , your life will change for the better .I don't like hospitals either but you aren't in there long .I think it's natural to be scared .Good luck and come back on and tell us how it went X

    Thank you so much!

  4. 35 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    pain is all across the board but most of us seem to have little or none of it. I had hardly any pain and never even opened the bottle of pain killers they sent me home with. If you're one of the ones who has pain - never fear - they'll send you home with pain killers. Just take them on schedule and you should be able to keep on top of it. But again, most of us don't have much pain with these surgeries.

    get used to needles - I had follow-ups with blood draws about every three months the first year, I think (I had my surgery almost eight years ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy). After the first year, I only had to come in once a year unless I was having issues (I haven't had any issues), and I have to go for a blood draw before that appt, too. They like to see what your various levels are so they can adjust your Vitamins or whatever. I never found the needles very painful - I just look the other way.

    I am so glad that you told me this.. Thank you so much! Have u lost weight and did u keep it off, was it worth it?

  5. Hello everyone,

    I hope you guys can help me a bit.. I feel so scared. I am having my surgery in a few days. I have a fear of needles and medical things.. I know i really need this surgery, it is my last chance of getting healthy. I am still really scared. I am having very bad Dreams, i feel tired all the time..

    I am having gastric sleeve surgery. I am afraid of the surgery (the idea of surgery), needles and i am also afraid that i will be in lots of pain..

    Could anyone please tell me how the procedure went, the pain etc.? It is about the sleeve surgery.

  6. 3 hours ago, Alleycat20032003 said:

    I had my surgery yesterday and so far so good. I’m drinking 1 oz of Water 2x an hour and at 10 am will move up to 4 oz water/liquids an hour. I’ve gone to the bathroom 3 times. The hardest part is moving, but sooner you start moving the better.. oh and the hospital stay.. the came in like every hour from 3:00-7am , so kind of intrusive, but they were doing this job and giving me meds and taking labs. Biggest thing for me is nausea, making sure I don’t throw up. Oxygen levels, walking and if I can take liquids.
    You can do this!! On a side note, my stomach is loud today! She’s mad at me.. lol

    Thank you for your reply! I am glad that you are not in pain or something!

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