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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by artistapril

  1. Something else to consider is that you have a new stomach now and things are a little different so you feeling full before surgery could be a completely different feeling after. So try not to look for that old feeling of fullness to gauge it but rather monitor your current body to see how you feel before and after and give it a little time to adjust to the new feelings of fullness. You may just not know how the new full feels if that makes sense :)

  2. So.. tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 7am I go in for my band to RNY revision. I'm excited/scared/nervous/overall overwhelmed by it. I don't know why. I guess I am worried that I'll have difficulties like I did with the band. I'm trying to think of all the positives though. My hubby is a huge supporter and is 100% on board with helping me... and he is losing weight himself so there wont be any good food/bad food struggles in the house or anything. I guess I'm just afraid of the future. How can someone be happy and afraid at the same time? lol

  3. So.. I'm getting nervous (understandable) and excited to finally have a date. I'm having my Revision from Band to RNY next Thursday June 28th. Wondering what the difference will feel like after the RNY versus when I had the band done.

    Have felt discouraged for a while now that the lapband did not work out for me but I'm optimistic about the RNY. I'm really looking forward to finally getting the rest of this weight off and looking forward to having baby #3 after hitting my goal. :)

    Would love to hear the experience from those who have already had a revision. :)

  4. Well.. only a month away! Mine is going to be right around that time too. I'm waiting for my daughter to get out of school and her last day is the 20th of June.. but I don't want the surgery on the 21st because it's a Thursday and Friday/Saturday is the weekend here in Kuwait so I don't really want to have the surgery on a Thursday if my doc is going to be gone the next day.. ya know? So my surgery is either June 21st or June 24th.. depending on if the doc is off that Friday or not. (Most people have off on Fridays here)

  5. I've had them in before and while I'm sure its a little different for a guy.. for me, it didn't hurt. I've had one put in while I was awake even and it was just uncomfortable.. not painful. When they took it out, it was the same.. no pain.. and it was over pretty fast. I've had to walk around with one before to walk to the CT scan machine, that was a little awkward but wasn't painful. I think you will honestly have your mind elsewhere and having one in will be the last thing on your mind. I would definitely not cancel surgery over it. Especially if they end up taking it out before you wake up. It really sounds much worse than it really is :)

  6. Yeah chicken does not work with my pouch always gets stuck!

    Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

    Have you tried ground chicken? I use ground chicken in place of ground beef in my house for nearly everything (chili, tacos, etc). I've had problems with regular chicken breast with my lapband but been ok with ground. Hope I don't have issues after my revision to RNY. I don't always trust the ground chicken in the store so I usually pick out nice chicken breasts, take it to the butcher and have them grind it down so I know what I'm getting. Being in Kuwait, I don't always trust the stickers that say boneless/skinless. Labels out here are terribly inaccurate.

  7. That is so awesome! What a wonderful feeling to have, not only to have lost the weight (and continue to lose) but to have validation in your heath by being off your meds. Congrats to you, I cannot wait to hear more about your journey as time passes. Cheers to your health :)

  8. It's tough when you do not have the at home support that you need but know that once you get healthy.. you will have that much more energy to handle all the things that you do and you will, in the long run, have more time to spend with your babies :) I am in Kuwait and have no family here and not a whole lot of support from the friends that I have here as noone understands really what I am going through. Thankfully my husband is very supportive but he works 60+ hours a week (on a slow week) so he just isn't home for support.. so that is why I came here.. sometimes you have to reach out for support from others who know exactly what you are going through and the great thing about places like this, is they are 24/7 so you can always come here for support and someone will most likely be online at some point :)

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