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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yayforme

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your family is like that! I get a TON of crap from my family about my weight too...which is why I didnt tell them that I had the surgery either. Its so pathetic that our own familys, who are supposed to love us unconditionally, can be so rude and hurtful! There is a difference between being worried about someones health and being downright rude..and your family seems to have crossed that line (as well as mine..several times)! All of my siblings are thin, and they will never, EVER understand how hard, physically and emotionally, it can be to be overweight..and I think that if they had the slightest idea how it was they would just keep their mouths shut! I'm almost to the point where I want to tell them "if you want to have any kind of relationship with me you need to stop with all the rude, degrading remarks!" ...I hope things will get better for you..it sucks having your family act this way. Just know that there are tons of people here who support you and help you through the hard times.
  2. Yayforme

    I want my life back.

    I just want you to know that I felt the EXACT same way after I graduated HS(and still kinda do!). I'm only a few years older than you (Im 22...today..its my bday!) And I just had my surgery 8 days ago (so im still on liquids...doesnt make that great of a bday dinner!) But just think of how GREAT we are going to look soon! We cant ever go back to HS...but try not to focus on that..just think of all the CUTE clothes you will get to buy and how we will be HEALTHY!! Keep your head up! Pretty soon we will be jumping in front of every camera we see instead of running from them! :thumbup:
  3. Yayforme

    5 days Post-Op!

    I also had my surgery on 9-10! And I TOTALLY agree with you about that gas devil! It KILLS! I had my first bowel movement yesterday, however...it started out with me rushing to the bathroom with horrible diarrhea for a few hours..then everything was back to normal-Thank goodness! ....I never thought I would miss chewing so much! Lol! I cant wait until im able to eat "regular" foods again!!
  4. Yayforme


    Hey everyone! My name is Chelsea, and I will be banded on Sept. 10th by Dr. Atkinson /Dr. Soong. I am so excited! I hope everyone has a great day today!:tt2:
  5. I just had my surgery on the 10th! I had to be at the hospital by 9am, and right when I got there they hooked me up to an iv and I got my heparin shot ( which I was SO scared of..but it wasnt bad AT ALL!). Then around 11ish they took me back into a pre-surgery room,which I stayed in for about an hour. They wheeled me into the surgery room, got me onto the table, they talked to me about what kind of music I like (lol) and then they said "ok, your going to feel a slight burn in your iv, thats the good stuff" then I was OUT COLD! When I woke up in the recovery room I was SOOOOOO groggy! I actually thought for a few min that I still was waiting for my surgery to happen. My throat felt really weird (from the tube down my throat). I fell back asleep and then woke back up when they were wheeling me into my room (my insurance required me to stay overnight at the hospital). I got really nausious (sp??) from the ride up to my room..I almost threw up. I FELT LIKE CRAP!!!!!!! At this point I started thinking "what the crap did I just do?! why did I do this!?!" There was another girl who shared a room with me who had had the surgery a few hours before me, and 2 seconds after I started regretting my decision to have the surgery she said " I know you feel like crap right now, but you WILL feel better soon! Trust me, a few hours ago I felt just like you and I feel SO much better now...just give it some time!" I knew she was right, but being in the moment, I was miserable! About an hour after I got to my room, I decided I would try to go for a walk. ( I still felt really crappy...but everyone was telling me that walking helps...) Let me tell you, walking is the BEST thing you can do! It really does help! A few hours later, and after several laps around the floor, I was feeling MUCH better! The next day around 9:30 I was released and went home. The car ride home made me feel a little sick, and I figured I would feel better when I got home. Nope! I came SO close to throwing up when I got home...After several deep breaths and walking around my house I felt better. I wasnt in a ton of pain, just very uncomfortable! Around 5 I decided to take some liquid loratab, and RIGHT after I swallowed it I started wretching really hard and I threw up a little. I freaked out and called my doctor and told him what happend, and he told me that I was just fine and as long as I could swallow my liquids and keep them down then I was good! (the reason why that happened was because I took the medicine on an empty stomach...whoops) The rest of the night was me doing lots of laps around my house and trying to sleep. Today im feeling MUCH better! Im not in much pain, just uncomfortable. I feel like I need to burp, but cant. And my left shoulder and left side of my neck hurt a little (I have a heating pad on my shoulder which is helping a lot!). I am able to eat a little more today then yesterday. Its still a little hard to tell whats hunger, and whats discomfort from the band. Anways, I am doing great now and am feeling TONS better! I weighed myself this morning and I have already lost 3 POUNDS!!! (i need to change my ticker!) Oh..I forgot to mention..my calves HURT from walking so much! (LOL!) I am SOOOOO glad I decided to do this for myself! And I am SOO excited to be able to go shopping for some CUTE new clothes!!! WOOHOO!!
  6. Hey! My surgery is tomorrow too!! I am SUPER excited! I also have to stay over night at hospital. Best of luck to you! We are going to do great! :thumbdown:
  7. Only 6 more days until I get banded! I am SOOOOO excited! :smile2: I am SO ready for this! I registered at the hospital today and I couldnt stop smiling! Of course i'm nervous, and even a little scared...but nothings going to stop me from doing this! Words cant describe how excited I am to say goodbye to these size 22 jeans i'm in and this 2x shirt! I cant wait for the day I will be able to shop in the same stores with my sister ( who is a size 6 )!!! YAY FOR ME! LOL! ONLY 6 MORE DAYS!!!:tt2:
  8. LMAO!! Im laughing so hard im crying!!!
  9. Hey hokeepokee! I read your post about you being hungry. A friend of mine who just had the surgery told me that she has refried beans mashed up and thinned out with skim milk (so its runny enough to "drink") and she said that fills her up pretty good! I hope that helps! Try to stay strong!

  10. Hey sweetjenn2! Thanks for the compliment and thanks for the add! :)

  11. Yayforme

    I need to rant!

    Thank you to both of you! I've been thinking about it and I decided that I'm not going to tell them. And now whenever I start to get depressed about my family situation, I just think of all the cute clothes and how healthy I will be and that helps! I am so excited for my life to change on Sept 10th and I'm not going to let anyone, even if it is my own family, bring me down anymore! Thanks again for your kind words! I'm so glad I found people who can relate to me with my weight issues and who are so supportive!
  12. Yayforme

    I need to rant!

    First of all let me tell you that I am the youngest in my family. I have 2 older brothers and an older sister..all who are all thin, never been overweight a day in their lives. Anyways, so I with my sister yesterday and she got a call from my brother. Well, with my sisters cell phone you can somewhat hear what the person on the other side is saying. So my sister made a comment to him "my kids are eating me out of house and home" (typical for growing kids..) and my brother says to her "just dont let them end up like Chelsea!'' (...I am Chelsea..). I'm so sick of how overweight people are treated! And its so pathetic how my OWN family talks crap about me to eachother because of my weight! I havent told any of my siblings about me getting surgery (which will be on Sept 10th) because they consider weight loss surgery as a cop-out. It makes me so sad that I cant tell my own family about this exciting change thats going to happen in my life, well..I could, but then I would have to deal with all the crap they will give me about it..and I dont need that in my life right now. *sigh*...I wish my siblings could spend just ONE day having to deal with the physical and mental things that come with being overweight, then maybe they wouldnt be so cruel. Anyways...thats my rant....
  13. Yayforme

    Any September Banders?

    I am scheduled to be banded on September 10th! YAY! I cant wait! Good luck to all of you September bandsters! :biggrin:
  14. Yayforme


    Hey everyone! My insurance just approved me for surgery-HOORAY-:thumbup:! I am scheduled for my pre-op on Sept.3rd and my surgery date is Sept 10th! I am SO excited/nervous/scared (as i'm sure everyone is before their surgery!). I'm 21 (will be 22 on Sept . 18th)(surgery is my bday present to myself!). My doctor(s) will be Dr. James Atkinsen/ Dr. Soong. I have heard tons of great things about both of them! Is anyone on here from Vegas and has them as their doctors? Anyways, I will try to write lots about my experience with the surgery and how everything goes! -Chelsea
  15. Yayforme


    my doctor didnt really give me a preop diet..just for the day before surgery. Thanks and good luck to you too!!! -Chelsea

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