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Posts posted by RaiderRhode

  1. I haven't lost any more weight. I've been going to the gym and even got a walking pad for Christmas that I use but it's just not coming off.

    I lift weights at the gym 2 to 3 times a week an hour at a time and do at least 2 miles 2 times a week while I'm at home.

    The last three weeks I cut my calories way down which sucks with how much I work out. For example I did an hour of intense weight lifting today and only consumed 1104 calories and 104 grams of Protein. On average I'm only consuming 1300 calories and getting between 70 to 100 grams of protein.

    My food through the day consists of small meals or Protein Shakes from 6 am to 6 pm. Like a Protein Shake for Breakfast, one after the gym on my lunch, some low cal Soup, Jerky, piece kf fruit, etc

    For dinner (around 7 pm) I have a majority of my calories, usually baked chicken strips or shrimp, etc with a side and then bed at 10pm..

    It's just not coming off. I get I could've tried harder through the last year but man this is just tough. I can't even say I've gone down in clothes sizes any more. I just don't know. I do have a one year post op appointment on Tuesday and I'm terrified and ashamed that I have virtually nothing to show for it.

    What am I missing?

  2. As the title suggest, I'm having what I assume is very severe gas pain. After dinner last night I started getting gas pain around my sternum/pouch area. I thought it would resolve after some chore and sleep but it persisted and even woke me up at night.

    It continues to persist, I've tried walking, massaging the area, etc. Unfortunately I work 22 miles from home in a rural area that has no stores where I can buy some gas x but as soon as I get back to town that is my first stop.

    Has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to relieve the pain? I've never had such bad gas pains!

  3. 1 hour ago, longhaul68 said:

    Hi - Could you tell about your Hair loss experience after surgery- when/how much/ and when it tapered off? Also, did it all come back eventually? I’ve lost hair in the past after a stressful time and it came back in a few months so wonder if that will be similar. Thanks for your replies!

    I'm only two and a half months out, but I've noticed its gotten a bit thinner. Nothing serious, but I make sure to hit my Protein goals as my dietician and doctors said that would be the best way to help prevent more major Hair loss. Either way I think it's normal to experience it to some degree as our body is going through some major changes and recovery. From what I've seen on this forum and with the people that I know personally who've gone through the surgery, its not permanent and tapers off. Everyone is different.

  4. On 4/14/2023 at 10:24 PM, Arabesque said:

    Wisdom teeth pain is terrible. Keep ringing your team. I have a sleeve and my surgeon allowed me to have a NSAID occasionally (one at a time & not continuous days) from after my second year. But I believe the no NSAIDS rule is stricter for bypass & you’re only such a short time post surgery.

    You could always try a shot of vodka or scotch. I mean, shockingly now, they used to give teething babies a rum soaked cloth to suck until mid the last century. What about freezing a wet cloth & applying it to your gums or freezing fruit. Try googling natural baby teething remedies for other ideas. Your wisdom teeth coming through is really the same experience.

    On 4/16/2023 at 8:52 AM, RickM said:

    Yeah, as Arabesque said, NSAIDs are a big no no with your bypass, but better tolerated with a sleeve (our doc doesn't even restrict it to occasional use like that, though it's still a good idea to restrict it.) It is definitely a check with your surgeon thing, as they will differ as to what their experience tells them - some are OK with NSAIDs for an occasional day's use and many aren't, but a month would very likely be a big NONO. There are COX2 inhibitors like meloxocam that might help, they tend to be somewhat better than common NSAIDs on the stomach, but not entirely safe. The narcotics are a lot more restricted than they used to be, even at low doses, so those may or may not be appropriate these days.

    The warm rinses help with open tissue problems (like recent incisions or cavity) but this is likely more inflammation which tends to respond better to cold - try ice packs (or a bag of frozen peas) around the area for 10-15 minutes at a time in addition to the Tylenol until you can get a reading from your surgeon.

    Thank you both for responding! Just an update! My team responded and they recommended curcumin and sucking on ice chips.

  5. My wisdom teeth decided to come in finally, and my gums are so swollen I can't close my mouth. Its painful to talk, chew, and swallow due to how swollen it is. I was seen at our rural dentist, and she said I need to have it removed but she couldn't do it there. I have to wait a month or more for my referral for oral surgery 250 miles away can go through. She gave me antibiotics, I'm on day two of taking them, but thats it.

    I'd been managing the pain since yesterday with tylenol and warm saline rinses, but it doesn't seem to be helping and the swelling is pretty bad. I contacted my team to see what else I could possibly take, but they haven't responded yet.

    Does anyone here have any recommendations?

  6. On 3/20/2023 at 7:58 AM, Sigh said:

    Totally agree- go by measurements— and take some pictures. Compare that vs scale.

    On 3/19/2023 at 11:05 PM, Jeanniebug said:

    If you're into bodybuilding, then you know that muscle is heavy. If you're going to be lifting weights, you have to let go of the scale. Go by your size (and it sounds like you're getting smaller). Why does your weight matter? If you're not wanting to be skinny, but you want to be muscular, then the scale means nothing. Your measurements mean everything. Remember, a bodybuilder can easily be classified as "overweight" on the BMI chart, but have very little body fat. So, stay off the scale. Stay in the measuring tape. As long as you're seeing progress, you're doing the right thing.

    Solid solid point. I think I just expected to still lose weight while gaining muscle, I have been pretty rotund so I wanted to be able to see muscle as opposed to just my own roundness. I have decided I'm not going to weigh myself till next month and maybe check every two weeks after that.

    On 3/19/2023 at 10:23 PM, Arabesque said:

    Yeah, avoid the Facebook groups. I’ve never heard of or read a favourable or supportive one ever. I don’t go near them.

    One thing you can be certain of is that everyone’s experiences will have some similarities but also differences & there’s no one right way just a right way for you.We are different people, with different bodies, ages, gender height, build, needs, health status & issues, on different meds, etc. so it can’t be exactly the same. Look at the advice & suggestion people give here as ideas for you to consider, maybe try &/or discuss with your medical team.

    I’m glad you’re seeing your surgeon soon. They’re going to be best placed to assess your progress in relation to you & your situations & needs. And have a chat with your dietician as well for alternative food suggestions & portion recommendations - you never know what may help. And yes, take body measurements. The scale doesn’t always move especially during a stall which you could have had or be experiencing (they usually last 1-3 weeks).

    PS - Two eggs at 7 weeks?? I could just about eat one by 6 months & at almost 4 years I can almost eat two eggs. See lots of differences. Neither right or wrong. 😁

    Yeah, Im thinking I'll leave the groups. Seeing other peoples posts and the responses in them is really disheartening.

    I will say that I took a picture at the gym and compared it to my 1 week pre-op picture and I can definitely see a difference (I'll attach it cause Im so pleased)! I'm still going to talk to my doctor next Monday and get his opinion to make sure I'm going about things the correct way.


  7. My nutritionist said not to be too concerned with spacing out my Protein Shakes and Water, that I mainly wanted to space out liquids and puree/soft/solid foods.

    I'd definitely recommend some of the Protein "shakes" that are more juice like. I used premier's juice, but I liked Isopure's dry mix more. I just ordered some Seeq to try out. I'll put links below. While I didn't fully replace my protein shakes, these helped me reach my protein goal because they went down easier than the shakes.




  8. 39 minutes ago, mcipanda said:

    Im sorry the Facebook group was so harsh. Maybe everyone is having a rough week or something. I’d brush them off :)

    I’ve learned the body needs a base level of Protein to function and more if you want to build muscle while working out. Based on what you’ve said, it’s possible you need more Protein to support your workouts.

    You didn’t mention Vitamins or supplements. Are you getting all of those in as well?

    The sleuth in me would keep a daily journal (for at least a week) of everything you’re eating and an honest assessment of calories and such. I’d also start taking body measurements with a cloth tape because you could be trimming up even though the scale isn’t moving much.

    Finally, make sure you have a dietician or time to review your food journal with your doctor so you can work together to understand what combination of macros would be best for your new lifestyle.

    Im always a little bothered when people try to sum things up in black or white (”it was the bbq sauce”, “you’re eating too much” or “you’re working out too much”). Our bodies are just too complex for that kind of minimization. Anyways, I’m sure others can weigh in here too. There’s so much experience on these forums :)

    I'm getting my multi and Calcium as my team prescribed. I keep a journal on baritastic and I have a follow up with my surgeon next week. I do think I've lost .. girth? I've had to tighten my pants up (been wearing jeans with a drawstring since surgery). It's just been hard seeing everyone lose so much more in the same time, ya know?

    19 minutes ago, Jonathan Carlson said:

    I agree that you could be building muscle. Measurements might help allay your concerns.

    I had my bypass 2 days after you. I don't mean this as a criticism at all, but I am wondering how you can eat 4-5 oz of chicken? The most I can get down is 2 boiled eggs, or half a can of chili (200g). In terms of your Protein it's a good thing, especially since you are working out so much. Calories probably don't matter too much either, even though i think that's more than a standard serving size.

    When's your next visit with the nutritionist? I'm curious what they might say?

    Hang in there!

    I've been following the surgeon and dieticians plan, they say at this point that's how much I should be getting and taking 30 minutes to eat it. Admittedly I don't always finish the whole meal, so my pups have been very happy about it. I think I'll try to get more protein though, maybe switch to just powdered in the coffee instead of pre-made shakes.

  9. I had bypass on 2/13, I've always followed the plan very closely. I managed to lose 70 pounds pre-op on the dieticians plans and working out and then 20 pounds on the liquid diet. Since surgery I've only lost 5 pounds. I thought I was doing very well but I guess not?

    I stick close to the diet plan, though I admit my calories can go over but my main goal has always been to get to my Protein goal before anything else. I've been working out 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. I do a lot of strength training because I am into strongwoman stuff, so its been weird staying in the weight restriction.

    I also hit my Water goals alongside my protein goals.

    I made the mistake of posting this on a Facebook support group and.. wow. I don't think I've ever felt worse about myself, there was almost no support and a lot of telling me I'm doing something wrong obviously. A lot of people there were blaming the scant amount of BBQ Sauce I use or the single string cheese. Most were telling me I'm eating far too much. Others were telling me to stop working out entirely? I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy and I want to be strong.

    Am I eating too much still? When I don't work out I get 600 calories, and when I do its usually more around 800 to be honest. I don't feel like I'm making the wrong decisions.

    Meal 1: Oikos Triple Zero yogurt to take my meds with. Meal 2: Fairlife elite core protein in my coffee. Meal 3: 3 oz turkey lunch meat 1 oz of cheeze and mustard. Meal 4: 1 String cheese. Meal 5: 4-5 oz of chicken with bbq sauce (its not sugar free, I live in the country and the rural grocery store doesnt stock sugar free and the next closest is over 50 miles away).

    I'm so confused and heartbroken.

  10. I had the full bypass last month. The pain when I woke up wasn't that bad, for me it was a max of 6 on a scale of 10 and as soon as you tell your nurse you're in pain they're very quick to make you more comfortable.

    I won't lie, I got an IV. Thats of course to be expected, however it was entirely painless. I literally didn't feel it at all, when it comes time just look the other way and talk to someone or watch tv or look at your phone. Distract yourself and it'll be over in seconds. Even when they put me under, they gave me gas first and I just gently fell asleep. It was all in all not a bad experience, but I understand your anxiety. Its totally normal!

  11. I had really bad diarrhea the first couple weeks, it did eventually solid up. It was B.A.D. As in, it would come on and if I wasn't in the bathroom when I felt it coming on I'd have to be in the shower and doing laundry. My doctor did tell me that if it lasted any longer they'd want me to call them, just in case something was up. Definitely reach out to your team to check with them.

  12. Definitely hormones. I had switched from the pill to the Nexplanon insert about a month and a half before surgery. I bled for a month after I got it implant and then the day after surgery I started spotting again. My spotting lasted.. a long time. Between the hormone changes from the implant and the surgery, doc says its all normal.

  13. I had this Feb 13! While I was in recovery the surgeon came out and warned my husband that I would be quite sore on my left side due to it. While I had additional soreness, it was tolerable and I was sent home with typical non-narcotic pain meds and tylenol. In my opinion the tylenol helped significantly more than anything else so stock up on the liquid stuff if you can because grinding the tablets up and drinking it down with a little Water is so gross.

    My incisions were all painless, except my side was quite tender for some time. Even now, when I bend certain ways or lay funny, it can be a little tender.

  14. I've been very open about my surgery, mainly because I live in a very rural area where gossip reigns supreme. There are a few people I know who have had the surgery and didn't tell many people, so now rumor has it they lost weight on the 'meth diet'. I don't want that, or any other controversy so I'm just being an open book.

  15. 11 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    I had a period of time I was ‘doughy’ in the head. Poor concentration, etc. I put it down to the surgery (anaesthetic can do odd things), reduced calorie intake, low energy & tiredness & low blood pressure (was pretty woopsy woo at times). It improved over a month or so.

    Oh, & are you on any anti nausea meds? They can often make you forgetful … well they do me. I suffer from vertigo & had a bad bout so was taking stemitol frequently for two days. Returned to work & a man started chatting to me in the lift. I had to ask him who he was & it turned out we’d had a two hour meeting only three days before & there was only three of us in the meeting. 😱 Felt so terrible.

    That's what I'm thinking too. Fortunately I haven't had to take much of my anti-nausea meds, but I have been worried about vertigo occurring since I've had a few bad bouts of it (Hoping weight loss will prevent it from happening again).

    Hopefully you can look back at that experience and laugh at it in the near future! I've forgotten so many meetings and phone calls. Yester I had just talked to a manager about a meeting we were having in an hour, he asked how it went that afternoon and I literally face palmed cause I'd forgotten that quickly and missed it.

  16. I had bypass on Feb 13, and I've never felt so forgetful! I've missed due dates for papers and meetings for work, or even just forgotten to pack something when I leave the house. I've never been this forgetful! I was a little forgetful around a week into my pre-surgery liquid diet, but now its gotten so bad. My boss has been very forgiving but my professors have not. They see it as an excuse, which isn't very nice.

    Has anyone else experienced this forgetfullness or mindfog after surgery? When does it go away or what do you do to get over it? I'm hitting both Protein and Water goals now so I'm hoping beyond hope that helps.

  17. I had bypass Feb. 13 and like many people have already said, don't weigh yourself right away!

    My surgeon and team told me not to weigh myself for a while (I still do of course, but I don't hold my breath) because your body is going to be holding on to your IV fluids and everything. The scales not gonna move for a bit, is what I was told. Not only that, but we're going to be hitting plateaus off and on in our first few months but that once we get past it, we'll be losing well as long as we're following our diet restrictions properly.

  18. 55 minutes ago, kla7403 said:

    Can I ask how you have been so successful dropping weight already? Is the majority of your 71 pound loss from your pre op diet?

    I started my weightloss journey Jan 1 2021, so it's been 2 years of work. I started by cutting out soda and doing some of Chloe Tings youtube workouts at home. I lost 40 pounds there. After that I went into a calorie deficit and lost another bit. My doctor prescribed my Ozempic for weightloss and I lost all but the last 18 which was from my pre op liquid diet.

    I've actually been stuck at the same weight for the last 5-6 months, which is what pushed me to get the bypass. I'd been going to the gym 4-5 days a week for an hour each and just wasn't seeing any progress on the scale or in measurements.

  19. I had surgery Monday (2/13) and was doing well and got discharged on Tuesday. The pain had been tolerable, so they only prescribed me some light pain relievers.

    I'm just curious how long the pain/soreness lasts? I can handle it but it definitely puts a damper on things. I'm home from work for the week, and I can take another week off if needed. My biggest thing, as silly as it is, is that I'm a side and stomach sleeper and I can't do that right now lol

    How long did the soreness last everyone else?

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