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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam

  1. bambam

    Hello from Iowa

    Mrsteacher - That's exciting that you are waiting for your approval!! Keep us updated on when you do hear. I'd love to keep in touch with all the Iowans who are on here!
  2. bambam

    Hello from Iowa

    Mahotey - Welcome to the boards. I've just started the process and am scheduling some of my evals, hope to have surgery in March of 2009. Where are you at in Iowa? MissChloe - I live near Des Moines now, but lived near Mason for many years (didn't grow up there). It's nice to see some more Iowa people here!
  3. bambam

    whats everybody reading?

    Great post - it is fun to see what other people enjoy reading. I like a variety of books as well - although you can't tell from my current book reads: - Stephen King's Lisey (I usually buy a hard copy of each book he releases but wait until they are on the clearance table!) - Will to Murder - A true story about the murders at Glensheen mansion in Duluth in the 70s. This is a re-read. My husband and I love Duluth and tour Glensheen every time we are there. Just finished a Dean Koontz book.... I'm really not as psycho as this post makes me sound. I also like Sandra Brown, Jackie Collins, etc.
  4. Hi Jennifer - I just attended my seminar 2 weeks ago. Like you , I wanted to get as much lined up ahead of time as possible. However, my surgeon hands out a packet of paperwork at the seminar which gets the ball rolling. In fact, I had to sign a form stating I had attended as that is one requirement. Anyway, the packet of information was very helpful. It included the extensive history form, a timeline of what to expect following the seminary regarding calls from their office, their process of filing with insurance to see if your policy covers it, etc. I'm guessing many programs do something similar to this and will let you know when they need what information. I would love to speed this process up a bit, but am quickly learning I will need a lot of patience (which I am really short on!). Not sure if this will help, just wanted to let you know that you may receive the answers to a lot of your questions (even those not related to the surgery itself) at your seminar. I think we are all just as curious about the process, etc., as the procedure. Best of luck!
  5. Gentyl thanks for your response. The center just called and I have a nurse phone appointment next week to go over all my information. They said if everything went smoothly it would be about 4 months as I am going through my insurance. At least I know a time frame for the next thing on the docket! Your surgery isn't far off... you must be excited! bambam
  6. Hi everyone - I went to the seminar last Saturday (the first step!) and had my paperwork with my history, diets, etc., all done and submitted by Monday. They said to be patient as it would go through a preapproval process with our insurance company and a nurse would call to go over the form with us, but it may take some time for the nurse to go through it all. I know I'm going to have to get a lot of patience through this process (something my husband says I don't have a lot of!). Can anyone give me an idea of how long it may be before I hear from the nurse about receiving the form and the next steps? Thanks! bambam
  7. Lisa - I just read your post and have to thank you for posting and tell you CONGRATS!! on doing so well. I have just started the process but am so anxious to get the band. I've never been more ready mentally to make the changes I need to make and reading your post gives me encouragement that I CAN do this! Again, you have dome awesome!! bambam
  8. bambam

    Snail's Pace

    Thanks for the posts Restless Monkey. I've read a lot of your advice - in fact I think you were the one who suggested Dr. Sewell's book on lap band, which I just bought and finished. Thanks! I did tell my hubby that while the surgeon will make a suggestion on what surgery he feels is best for me, in the end I'm paying and as long as I understand that lap band is not going to yield results as fast as bypass... as well as all the risks, complications, etc., and have a good grasp of the concept of it I would think it would be my decision in the end. I have a BMI of 43 with comorbidities and I wondered if my PCP thought I might be better suited to a bypass, but she may just have been making a general statement that it's not up to her. My SIL just had lap band and her weight was higher than mine with similar comorbidities, so I don't foresee any problems, just kind of surprised me when she mentioned it I guess. Sorry for the long response.. it's just nice to talk lapband with someone who understands! bambam
  9. I'm not banded yet so take this for what it is worth - but my sister-in-law just had the same issue. Her dietitician wanted her to avoid certain foods, but her doctor told her that was nuts - "you need to start eating normal food and get back to real life." She did what the doctor said. To me the doc trumps the dietitician every time :biggrin: If they have different plans for you I would let the dietitician know and ask her to fax her plan for you to your doc - let him review it and make the final call. JMO. bambam
  10. bambam

    A link to my Interview

    Hollie - Congratulations on your AWESOME weight loss and on your willingness to speak up about your surgery. I'm 47 and have just come to the realization that the lap band is for me. I've never had a doctor suggest WLS to me (which dumbfounds me as I have a BMI of 43 and have had for decades). A family member recently had a lap band placed and that has given me the "permission" to think I can have a healthier, longer life too. I have done a lot of research on it and will be seeing my family doc this week to discuss it with her. So having the insight and willingness to commit to surgery at your age is something you should be commended for. You obviously take your health and your goals for the future very seriously. Way to go!! bambam
  11. Melboyd - I just bought and read the same book by Dr. Sewell. I think Restless Monkey may have recommended it?? Anyway, I thought it was an awesome book - I like that it specifically is for lap band surgery (although it briefly explains all of the bariatric surgeries). I had hoped to attend a seminar in August then found while the physicians were covered by my insurance the hospital where they operate was not, so looked at October dates with a different set of surgeons (the hospital they use is a bariatric center for excellence) and the seminar happened to be the day after my husband's surgery, so now have a November date picked out so we can both attend. By the time I am able to get to a seminar I will be so well informed! I've read 3-4 different books and am on this site daily. In addition, my sister-in-law just had surgery and has already lost 75 pounds. She has been great to share her experience with me. I am so thrilled for her and just want to get this process started myself. bambam
  12. I'm just starting the lap band process but wonder if my smoothie maker would serve the same purpose as a Magic Bullet? Thanks for any responses! bambam
  13. bambam

    I think I'm in trouble

    You can't set the machine yourself to your own setting. You have to take it to the medical supplier for them to set it for you, so I don't think borrowing one to actually use would work. I would just call back and say you misunderstood, that you don't have a machine and be honest about it.
  14. MRSA is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a strain of Staph infection that is resistant to treatment with antibiotics. It can be passed from patient to patient if proper hand washing, etc., (basic healthcare cleaniness guidelines) is not done by your health care team. Patients with open wounds, weak immune systems, etc,. are more susceptible to it. It's just something to be aware of and is one of the risks that goes along with surgery. Hope this helps. bambam
  15. I viewed my health insurance policy and the requirements are pretty basic but one states "no sustained weight loss in 2 years." I had lost 40 pounds but have gained about 15 of those back (same old story) so have lost about 25 in the last 2 years. Has anyone else had a similar loss and not been approved for surgery? I hate to intentionally gain more of it back. I had planned to attend a seminar next week, but while the physician was covered under my insurance the hospital where he operates was not (odd) so now I'm hoping to get to a seminar with different bariatric docs (who operate at a center of excellence facility - so probably a good move) in early October. Also, I've seen many posts about the testing requirements before surgery (colonoscopy, upper gi, etc) - were those required by your insurance or doctor? Appreciate any input. Thanks! bambam
  16. Heather - thanks for your response. My BMI is about 43, so I wouldn't think it would be an issue, but with insurance companies you just never know. I've gone off my diet and am just trying to maintain my weight until I am able to have my consultation, etc. I don't mind going up a few pounds, but worked hard to get off the weight I have. I've put myself in a holding pattern until I am able to meet with my doctor for a consultation. Again - thanks for your response! bambam
  17. bambam

    Inexpensive Bras, A Simple Tip

    You guys are killing me with this thread - especially the size long and nipples going south!!! Simply becase I relate to both and I haven't even had lap band surgery yet but like everyone else I've lost and regained weight... and my age is a big part of it too. Have to share - one day I was looking in the mirror and saw a bump on the "underside" of my boob - thought what the heck... do I have lint in my bra??? Then realized.. it was my nipple - dang - REMINDER TO SELF - take the time to situate the girls correctly when getting dressed in the morning! I'll definitely need a lift and implants when I lose weight - heck I could use them now :thumbup: bambam
  18. I work for a medical clinic and there is no excuse for not calling you to let you know your appointment needed to be rescheduled, or for having to reschedule that often. It sounds like your doc needs a more reliable person to do the fills. I would talk with your doctor. It may be he isn't aware of how often your appointment has been canceled due to these "emergencies" - especially if it is someone else who is going to be doing your fills. If you are frustrated I'm sure he has other patients who are too and he needs to address the issue of why the followup care is being treated so offhandedly. Trust me the last thing he wants is unhappy patients. I'm trying to remember if you had visits with absolutely no services received. If so, you should not be charged. Bring this up with him as well. His office should have made sure there was no charge and nothing filed with insurance if you received no services at all. You really need to have a talk with your doctor IMO. bambam
  19. Kaytie - I'm SO GLAD you posted this! I haven't even been to the seminar yet!! - Oct. 1 is the next one I can attend. I have checked with my insurance and the surgery is covered. The only "requirement" they seem to have" (other than age, BMI, etc which I meet with no problem) is a mental health eval. Of course my doctor may require more. Financially I can't have surgery until next year... but I am so anxious to get things rolling. I too feel I am obsessed with this surgery!! I've read various web sites, checked out books from the library, and am reading as much as I can on here to make sure I am well informed. I feel I'm in limbo. My health insurance requires that I not have a sustained weight loss in the last 2 years, so I've gone "off" my diet and am trying to just maintain my current weight until I can meet with the doctor. Presently I'm down about 20 pounds from my highest on my doc's scale... so feel I don't dare lose more weight which is a really odd concept for me to grasp. For someone who has been on a diet constantly for the last 1-1/2 years the thought of not dieting is just plain odd. Good luck to all upcoming bandsters! bambam
  20. I have to hijack this thread briefly - Ladies - you have all done such an amazing job!!! It is so fun to read about the little things that make such a big difference in our lives. I'm just starting the process but have all the things you have mentioned to look forward to. Leslie you started at the weight I am at now and it is so encouraging to see what is possible.... thank you all for posting and keeping my faith and hope in this process going!! Sometimes I slip into the "I've failed at everything else" mentality but then I tell myself I will NOT fail at this! I think when you get to the point where you consider surgery and all the work it entails - you want it more than ever before. bambam
  21. bambam

    Ahem...very personal :)

    This is my first visit to the powder room - I gotta hang out here more often!!
  22. I'm glad your surgery went so well and that you are really feeling nothing other than tired! I bet you are so excited to be on your way!

    I am excited FOR you!


    I checked with my insurance company in more detail today. They will cover the surgery (at least my policy does) . They listed the requirements and it doesn't look like they require a preop diet, specific testing, etc., other than a psych eval (maybe the dr will require more?) Anyway, the seminar I was planning to attend next week the doctor is covered, but not the hospital where they operate... so now I'm going to a different seminar probably early next month for a dr/hospital that are both covered by my insurance. According to my policy you have to have no sustained weight loss in the last 2 years. I have lost 40 pounds, but gained about 15 back and I worry that they consider this a sustained loss -yet I hate to intentionally gain it back! AHHHHH such mind games!


    Please keep me posted on how you are doing... again... I'm so excited for you!!



  23. bambam

    Ames IA anyone?

    Hi Paula - After seeing xgrl's post above I did some research and saw that Ames had a surgeon doing the full gastric bypass (not what I want). You must be so excited about your surgery next week! I've heard great things about Dr. Glascock. (sp?) Thanks for talking about the process you went through and letting me know you worked with a dietician here in Ames. I am going to the seminar in DM next month at Iowa Health and am anxious to learn more and see if I can get the process rolling. Part of me worries that I don't be approved by the doc (I already know my insurance covers it) because I gain and lose weight - then I think DUH - we wouldn't need the surgery if we had no problem losing it and keeping it off!! I'm so ready to make the commitment - too many people my age (who appear to be healthier) are dying of heart attacks and it scares me. But still part of me worries "will I fail at this too?" Maybe that's normal - I'm sure we feel we have all tried every diet known to mankind. I just keep reminding myself that the band is there to help me eat less and if I listen to it I'll do fine. Thanks for letting me ramble! Best of luck on Tuesday and please keep us updated on how your surgery goes. You'll be in my thoughts!! bambam
  24. bambam

    Ames IA anyone?

    I'm in Ames but just starting the process with my seminar next month. I'm looking at DM. Didn't realize Ames had a bariatric surgeon? Best of luck to you and please keep me updated on how you are doing, etc.
  25. bambam

    Hi from "River City"

    Hi Amelia - I'm just learning about the process and have signed up to attend a seminar so I don't have any helpful information for you, but wanted to say hello! I lived in CL for 20+ years having moved to a different part of Iowa just a few years ago - am still employed by a River City business. Good luck to you in learning more about the process (it seems pretty overwhelming!). bambam

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