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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam

  1. bambam

    Any Central Iowa Bandsters?

    Linda - Hope your appointment went well! Keep me updated on how you are doing. I just found out yesterday BCBS approved my surgery and within an hour I had a surgery date of March 10 - I am so thrilled! I have about 2-1/2 weeks before I start my preop diet - it doesn't seem possible! I live in Ames. I haven't attended the support meetings yet (seems things have been bonkers just getting through the process and I've been meeting myself coming and going) but am planning to go once I have surgery. Barb
  2. I just talked with my insurance company, BCBS Blue Access and I've been approved for surgery!!! Bless their hearts for being patient with me, I've been calling almost daily to see if a decision had been made - didn't want to wait to receive the letter!~ Now my doctor's office will verify I've jumped all the hurdles then will schedule me for an appointment to schedule surgery. YEAAHHHH!!!! I'm hoping to have surgery in March.:bananalama:
  3. bambam

    Woo-Hoo Approved!!

    Thanks for all the congrats and encouragement. Within an hour of posting I was scheduled for surgery March 10th. They asked if I was interested in Feb 17 or 24, but I need to wait til the 10th so I have the time off I need. I still can't believe I'm finally scheduled - I'm so anxious to get my band and get healthier!
  4. Just got my approval and my surgery date is March 10!!!! Yeahhh~~~ I can't wait!
  5. bambam

    Any Central Iowa Bandsters?

    Hi everyone - I'm going through Mercy Center for Weight Reduction as well. I am waiting to hear on my insurance approval at this time and hope to be banded by Dr. Smolik in March. I agree - their staff is wonderful and very thorough. It's great to see some more people on here. Would love to keep in touch to see how everyone is progressing. bambam (Barb)
  6. Hi Gabi - I'm not officially on the schedule yet but I hope to be a March bandster, just waiting to hear on insurance approval. As far as names... Losin' Leprechauns Melting March __________ Magnificent March _______ I'll be curious to see what other ideas come up.
  7. I have a history of sleep apnea and have used CPAP in the past. Last year I got to the point where I wasn't able to use it because of nose obstruction and had nose surgery - deviation repaired, polyp removed, turbinates worked on, sinuses cleaned out - and have had a pretty good airway since then. Of course I haven't been able to use my CPAP because the pressure would have been too great. Had anticipated UPPP then finally decided to quit Band-Aiding my health problems and treat the real issue - my weight - with LapBand. I had to have a sleep study 2 weeks ago to see where my apnea was at. They didn't put CPAP on me that night as I didn't have enough episodes to warrant it. The tech told me the physician who read the study may ask me to come back for a study with CPAP - he just wasn't sure. Went for my results with my PCP yesterday - and no repeat sleep study requested!! WOO-HOO!! I anticipated having to have another study - a month of compliance, etc. Now it appears I may have just cleared the last hurdle! My doctor's office has submitted my paperwork for approval. I went to my seminar Nov. 1 so it has been a crazy 3 months getting all my appointments in, but I think I may be on the brink of being able to schedule surgery! I'm hoping for mid March. Know I could probably get in sooner, but I want to take a full week off and March works best for that. Sorry for the long post... just so excited!
  8. bambam

    Bloody stool?

    Spudgirl - Don't brush it off as nothing. I had blood in my stool twice a year ago (minor amount). I went to my doctor and ended up having a colonoscopy where a large precancerous polyp was found. My GI doc praised me for having it checked out. He removed the polyp and 3 other small ones but said if I had ignored the symptom we may have had a completely different result. I recently had a repeat study done (1 year later) and there was no recurrence - so I can wait 2 years for my next study. It may be nothing, but you just don't know. Better to have it checked and be relieved that it is nothing than to take risks with your health. I'm not trying to scare you, just inform.
  9. Hi Jennifer - I haven't been banded yet, but from what I have read as you lose weight you also lose some of the fat around your organs which can cause the band to fit differently - you may just need a fill to get the proper fit and the proper restriction again.
  10. I've been on the boards for several months and have read 3-4 books on lapband procedures as well as talking to a relative who had it done so I know that it is a long tedious process to actually get to surgery, but I think that finally sunk in yesterday. I went to see my PCP to tell her I was interested in the surgery and will be attending a seminar in a few weeks. She was very supportive of it and spent a great deal of time talking with me about the risks and benefits of the surgery. At one time I was considering changing PCPs as she hasn't always spent the time with me that I would like and I have occasionally felt rushed. I saw one physician I was considering switching to and asked if he would support me in lapband surgery and he said he would prefer I tried to lose through diet and exercise (duh - me too! but I'm 47 and don't see it happening!) In his defense, he didn't know me from Adam. Anyway, I'm glad I stuck with my current PCP and even talked wth her about feeling rushed at some visits. As informed as I feel I am, I feel I finally have accepted that it will be middle to late 2009 before I am able to have surgery and that's okay. I want to be prepared for this so will do whatever it takes. My PCP said when I need a referral letter written she will do so, but said she can only suggest WLS, that it will be up to my surgeon to decide what kind is best for me. I really have my head wrapped around lapband so I hope that is the route the surgeon will want to proceed with. I know gastric bypass has improved, but it's still more extensive and riskier than I would like to go with. Anyway.. thanks for listening and for sharing. I have been soaking up everything on these boards that I can! bambam
  11. Rania - I am so sorry to hear about your father. My mother passed away last Wednesday. I don't know about you, but now that I've returned home to work and to "normal" life, there's just a huge emptiness, especially when I realize that "normal" has now been complete redefined. My mother's passing was fairly quick, in the hospital on Monday and gone early Wednesday. Prior to that I was so focused and obsessed with my lapband process. Now this week I'm in the midst of 4 appointments for it and I find myself overwhelmed and to be honest it is hard to have that same level of enthusiasm I had before. I know I want the surgery, but my head and heart are just in a different place right now. I have to push forward, my mom would want that, and I know that when I finally get past all the hurdles and am approved for surgery I will be back to where I was emotionally and mentally and be ready to move forward. My sincerest sympathies to you.
  12. bambam

    Four years today!

    HarleyNana - Not only have you done an amazing job with your weight loss, but you don't look almost 60!!!!! I'd like your secret to both!! Gentylwind - Great new pic!
  13. UGH!!! I just found out I have to take a 2-hour computer test (am assuming the MMPI) and then a week later meet with my psychologist for a 3-hour consult. I know I need to answer all questions truthfully and that I am pursuing this because I have food issues and can't keep the weight off on my own. But honestly it's hard to get used to the thought that we are assumed to have food issues. Did anyone else struggle with this concept? I have to keep reminding myself that the psychologist will not be surprised that I do have food issues. I hope this makes sense!
  14. bambam

    Psych Eval

    Texas - I'm glad your eval went smoothly!! Mine seems to be getting more involved all the time. I received paperwork to fill out prior to my appointment - about a 15 page questionnaire very similar to what I filled out for the doctor's office. In addition to that I have forms to fill out regarding symptoms of anxiety, ADHD (and about 10 other psych issues). I even have to complete questionnaires about bypass surgery (the receptionist said because they are so similar - I guess they are in the emotional aspect), so I'll definitely be well evaluated. That's the positive spin I'm trying to put on this anyway!! :whatchutalkingabout
  15. bambam

    Psych Eval

    The receptionist said it may not take the whole 3 hours but they set that amount of time aside to be safe. I do love to talk and I love food, but I'm not sure even I can talk about food that long! I'm just glad I only have to make a small copay for each visit, otherwise the two would add up fast. It amazes me all the differences people experience throughout this process, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get my band. Thanks everyone for your responses!
  16. bambam

    Psych Eval

    Hi Texas - I read of so many who just had a "chit chat" with the psychologist so I was hoping for the same. It sounds like yours will be long as well. Good luck and keep me informed on how it goes! Whatever it takes to get through the process!
  17. bambam

    Psych Eval

    Thanks for the reassurance Jodi! I'm glad you understood what I was trying to say. Big sigh of relief - onward and upward.
  18. I'm just beginning my process but have made some changes already (no soda, no water at mealtimes, etc). I really like having something hot to drink. I have given up my Tastefully Simple Chai (sigh) and hot chocolate, etc. I love skinny decaf lattes (will those be okay occasionally?). I'm an okay coffee drinker - about one cup of decaf a day, not a hot tea drinker. For those of you who like a hot drink especially with the winter weather coming up, what are you drinking? Would appreciate any ideas.
  19. bambam

    Warm Drink Ideas?

    Thank you everyone for your kind responses! I've tried the sugar free cider and some fruit teas. I also bought the individual Splenda to mix in a cup of coffee so I'm enjoying my decaf coffee a bit more - and will definitely try the chai mix! Thanks again ladies!!
  20. bambam

    Warm Drink Ideas?

    Spendi & luluc - Guess I need to get more adventurous with my teas!! The flavored ones do sound good! Thanks so much for posting. :drool:
  21. bambam

    Warm Drink Ideas?

    Georgiagirl - thanks for your response. The chai I drink has caffeine (only 9 grams) but quite a bit of sugar - it's really more of a spiced milk-based drink than true chai tea. My hot chocolates are definitely not sugar free! - will look to see if I can find some that area bit healthier next time I go to the store. Thanks for your ideas!
  22. bambam


    Hi Angelia - Welcome to the site. I'm not banded yet, but will try to answer your questions. I'm sure someone a little more experienced will follow and can offer their advice too! You aren't too young for the procedure. If it was an insurance issue they usually require you to be 18 (at least mine does.) I wish this had been available when I was your age! My surgeon did say he lets his patients know they should wait 1 year after surgery before getting pregnant. About drinking at mealtime, surgeons seem to vary somewhat in the time frame given, mine says no drinking 30 minutes before or after a meal . I've already made that change and it really isn't a big deal. You get used to it. If you drink during a meal you wash your food through the band too fast and it doesn't leave you feeling full - which is the whole purpose of the band. About the steak- you'll find as many different answers as you find people. Some say they are able to eat it, others can't. My surgeon said to plan to give it up, that if you can eat steak you don't have enough restriction. Again, I'm not banded yet so can't tell you my personal experience with that. I'm not a big steak lover so that one doesn't bother me a bit. However, the band does mean giving up certain things including soda. Otherwise, after surgery it seems to be a lottery as to what foods each individual is able to tolerate. You just have to go into it realizing there are things you may not be able to have again (best to think worse case!) but the trade off is a healthier you. Hope this helps some.
  23. I wish your husband was supportive of you. When I first talked with my husband about lapband he wasn't thrilled. I think he equated the risks with those of bypass surgery. I kept plugging away and talking with him about it, letting him know new things I was learning about it. I also told him how it feels to be overweight (he never has been) - I told him about my health issues that seem to be growing each year, how self conscious I was when it came to simple things like going to an amusement park and wondering if I would fit on the rides, having to be embarrased to ask for a seat belt extender when flying, all those things that affect your self esteem. He is now 100% behind me and wants me to do this for my health. I can't imagine going through this without his support. This is just my opinion, but you could have some real challenges ahead if he isn't all for this. I'm counting on my husband to back me up when I struggle or feel weak - if you don't have someone to do that for you it could be even harder. This is the second marriage for us. While we are aware of the concerns a lot of spouses have and the marriage problems that can arise from one partner having increased self confident and self esteem, I'm 47 and the only male's attention I want is my husbands and he knows that. Encourage your husband to attend some classes with you to see if that will help. I wish the best for you.
  24. bambam

    2009 Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone - I'm just starting the process and my surgeon said if everything goes smoothly it would be about 4 months so I'm looking at March or April 2009 as well. I'm sure the time will go faster than we think and before know it we'll be coming up on our surgery dates. Good luck to everyone!

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