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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam

  1. I'm new to this thread. I'm 3 weeks post banding and can have soft/solids, nothing hard or crunchy. I've been focusing on protein and am just beginning to work more at getting in veggies and fruit. I am trying to keep my meals at 6 ounces until my first fill. So far I'm in the honeymoon stage as my hunger has not returned. I appreciate any input you guys have. Once I get the hang of getting in enough protein I'll likely decrease my protein and increase my veggies, fruits, etc. B: 6 oz low-fat vanilla yogurt S: 1-1/2 c. AE Chocolate Milk w/Splenda L: Will be 4 oz buffalo chicken, 1 oz green beans, 1 oz blueberries D: Will be 4 oz pork, 1 oz baked potato, 1 oz green beans Walking 1 mile a day at this point.
  2. bambam

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Hi Everyone - Glad to hear everyone is doing well following surgery and for those with surgery dates coming up soon, I know you are excited! I am down 7 pounds since my surgery date. One woman who had surgery the same day I did was up a few pounds. Remember, this time after surgery is not for weight loss, but for healing. If you are able to lose a few pounds that is a bonus, but really this time is to get everything to heal well so we can make good use of our band before long. Like many of you I have only been able to get in 500-900 calories a day as I have just had no appetite. Yesterday was the first day I got in 1000 calories. I was able to start pureed foods last Friday and I go to soft foods this Friday. That has helped me get more Protein in and increase my calories somewhat. Our bodies have been through a lot. Although the surgery is laparoscopic, there were major changes made. In addition, we are in starvation mode at this point and for some our bodies hang onto every little bit until things return to a more normal state. The weight will eventually come off, we just have to ride out this period between surgery and when we start getting fills. Don't mean to sound like such a cheerleader. I just have to keep reminding myself of this so I don't compare how I have done to others. How our bodies react is truly individual, but if we follow the rules and are patient the results will show.
  3. bambam

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Hi Lucky Losers! I was banded on March 10. I really had no qualms about the surgery, other than my potassium had been low. I was on potassium tablets prior to surgery and they checked it the morning of surgery and it was 3.4 (whew!). If it had been 3 or less my surgery would have been canceled. I was anxious to get into surgery, so happy to finally be at this point. The surgical team was awesome. I've had surgery before but they explained everything they were doing. Once in the OR on the table the nurses told me to have a nice nap and when I woke up it would be all over. Had minimal pain following surgery, rated it at a 2-4. I only had nausea a couple of times, mainly when I tried walking at first and when I was getting ice right after surgery (took too much in too soon). I stayed overnight at the hospital as my surgeon requires an upper GI the next day to make sure everything is in place. In addition, my potassium was again low so I had to have a potassium drip. My upper GI wasn't scheduled until 3:45 and I was NPO from midnight on for that so the day after surgery was a LONG day, but once my study was done, potassium given, blood checked and potassium verified as okay, I was sent home. I have lost 19 pounds in the last 3 weeks (2 preop diet weeks and 1 week since surgery). I honestly have only been hungry once. Have had trouble getting my Protein and calories in (which they warned me would happen). Some days I've only gotten 500 calories in. Today I think I'll be closer to 900. I'm just not hungry, and that is the oddest feeling in the world! At first I struggled to figure out what I was feeling: surgical pain, gas in stomach for surgery, hunger, fullness? I'm now figuring out it was mainly stomach discomfort/pain from surgery. I'm now knowing when I am full - and it doesn't take long, about 8 ounces of Protein shake and I'm done. My stomach made horrible noises 3-4 days after surgery, but that has improved immensely. It now only happens occasionally. My incisions are still sore, but bearable. I was on pain medication for 2 days, then switched to Tylenol for 2 days, and nothing since. I was able to sleep on my side immediately after surgery, but found holding a pillow against my stomach helps. In fact, I still do that every night, it just protects the area a bit when I turn and cushions especially the port site. I had shoulder pain for about 1 hour one day, otherwise no gas pain. My best to all those yet to be banded! I am enjoying reading how everyone is doing! bambam
  4. Kia-Ann - Thanks so much for your note. I hope you are doing well! I'm feeling pretty good other than feeling my stomach has been used as a punching bag! My port incision is sorer than the others of course. Had to wait and have my upper GI at 3:45 P.M. (NPO all day - ugh!), then my potassium was low do have to finish that IV and have my level checked before I could be dismissed. Am glad to be home and resting now. Please keep me updated on how you are doing!

  5. bambam

    Any Central Iowa Bandsters?

    Linda - Thanks for the note. I'm scheduled for surgery at 11 a.m., so my timing is very similar to yours. I'm so anxious to have it done - it seems I've been researching this forever and now it is suddenly here! I've been reading my binder to remind myself what to expect tomorrow. The information they give you is so great. If I feel up to it I'll come down to the support group and will look you up!! I have to get my things together tonight - I'm not taking a lot, just what I need. The preop diet has gone well - have lost 13.5 pounds. I'm not counting tomorrow's weight as the prep I'll do later won't get rid of pounds! (although I know its' mainly Water I've lost on the preop) My creatinine returned to normal and my potassium as well (whew!). Congrats on 43 pounds lost!!! You must be so proud of yourself! I have the same phiolosophy you do - use the band to its utmost right away and get the weight off, then work at maintaining. You are inspiring :confused: If for some reason I don't get down to the support group, feel free to look me up if you have the time. Barb
  6. bambam

    Name your Lap-Band!!

    I get banded next week and I think I'll name mine Lucy (lose-e, loosie, however you want to interpret it) and for the obvious reason that it will be anything but loose eventually! If I named mine after my favorite food it would be Chipster (BBQ chips are my enemy) but I'm afraid I'd be thinking about chips all the time!
  7. bambam

    Any Central Iowa Bandsters?

    Linda - Thanks so much for checking on me! I was supposed to start my preop diet Feb. 24, but I was driving myself nuts with Last Supper Syndrome, so started a day early It hasn't been bad at all. I honestly have not been hungry, but one thing I am hungry for is salmon!!! Go figure!! I'm down 12.5 pounds since starting my preop diet 10 days ago. I can't believe surgery is next week!! Had a bit of a scare this week. My potassium was low, so my PCP put me on potassium to boost that. In addition, she thought my creatinine was a tad high. I called Dr. Smolik's office and my chart was on his desk to be reviewed for that. I thought "oh no....." but they said it wasn't high enough to be of a concern, they are more concerned that my potassium be normal - I have that rechecked by my PCP tomorrow. I've been taking a high dose for 3 days, so am confident it will be fine. They'll check it again the morning of surgery. I'm drinking Water like crazy. My system is not crazy about this diet and has slowed down (TMI I know) so I'm addressing that now. The nurse was surprised it wasn't the opposite, but my digestive system has always been a rebel :crying: I am just SOOO anxious to have surgery next week and begin the healing phase. It sounds like you are doing awesome! I look forward to seeing you at the support groups soon. Please contiknue to keep me updated on how you are doing. Feel free to send me a message. Again, thanks for asking about me... it's nice to have someone who has been there checking on me!! Barb
  8. bambam


    My doc says decaf only. Like RestlessMonkey he says caffeine is an appetite stimulant and a diuretic. I rarely drink coffee - actually prefer it in a skinny decaf latte if I'm going to have it, so I only have a cup of decaf rarely.
  9. bambam

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    Hi all - I am from Iowa and my surgery is next Tuesday, March 10th. I am on my 2-week preop diet (only 4 days left after today!) Am anxious to hear how everyone does.
  10. bambam

    1 week to go !!!!!!!

    Lora - Congratulations on doing so well on your preop diet! I will be banded March 10 and have lost 12.5 pounds on my preop diet so far. I haven't really been hungry, just more bored with the choices I guess. I am sooo craving salmon! You'd think it would be chocolate or chips. Go figure It's hard for me to believe that after all these months my surgery is next week as well. Good luck with surgery - look forward to seeing you on the boards!
  11. bambam

    Insurance Approval submitted

    It's a relief to be through the process, isn't it??? Hope you hear great news soon!!!
  12. I had a colonoscopy 1 year ago and a followup sigmoidoscopy in January. I have another colonoscopy in 3 years. I told my GI doc I was being banded in March and asked about the prep when I need another colonoscopy in 3 years. He told me I would likely not need as much and that I could spread it out over a longer period of time. I just need to remind his office at that time so I get directions specific for my band. There are other options available (less prep, spreading it out, other meds, etc), just talk with the doctor.
  13. bambam

    Question about fees

    My doctor's office charges $300 - half due at the first education appoinment and the other half due today - when I go for my preop testing and final education. This helps cover all the education programs I have attended and will attend in the future. I can handle $300, but $3500 would be difficult.
  14. bambam

    Giving the band the credit

    Thank you so much for posting. I'm on my preop diet and will be banded 2 weeks from today. I really needed the reassurance that this will work IF I work it - but I have to do my part. It has really been sinking in over the last 6-9 months that this is going to take total commitment on my part and willingness to give up control of the old habits that got me to where I am today. Again, thanks!
  15. bambam


    Does anyone own an AirClimber? I saw it advertised and am interested in it but want to have input from anyone who has tried it. I'd love to have some more indoor options for exercise. Currently do Leslie Sansone DVDs. Thanks!
  16. I just started my 2-week preop diet today, one day earlier than scheduled, as the Last Supper Syndrome was getting out of control. I know it is going to be hard, but have to say it's nice not to be thinking about what I am going to eat. My surgery is scheduled for March 10. I was given a list of foods to choose from, could make up my own meal plan as long as I have 60+ grams of Protein and my calories are 1000-1200. I'm mainly having Slimfast shakes, Cream of Wheat, SF pudding and Jello, A&E chocolate milk with Splenda and we are allowed to have Slimfast Optima bars to satisfy the need to chew so I'm having one of those a day. Going to drink decaf coffee and Water like crazy to help keep me feelig full.
  17. Hi Granny -


    It's nice to see someone my age from Iowa! I am having surgery on March 9 in Des Moines. I'd be interested in keeping in touch with you. Congrats on your band - hope you are doing well.



  18. TXpatter and Louie Louie - My surgery is March 10th also. (Hope I got your names right!) Hal - You worded it perfectly. I go on my preop diet the 24th. I've had some last supper syndrome. I dd go out for a filet mignon on V-Day. Steaks are one thing my doc said I probably would not be able to eat afterwards - not a big deal for me but did want to have one last one! I gave up soda and caffeine with no problem. My last supper issues seem to be not related to what I feel can't have after surgery (other than the filet) but more about missing the amount of food I have eaten in the past and using food for comfort. Luckily I've only gained 1.5 pounds - by the grace of God. But hopefully realizing it ahead of time will make it a little bit easier. Until the last year I'd never put much thought into what I eat or why.... so far this has truly been an enlightening journey and I truly feel no amount of food that I can shovel in to comfort myself will feel as good as being healthy and giving myself the chance to live a long life with my family. Best wishes!
  19. bambam

    I'm Just Getting To Know Me!(long)

    Niterun - Thanks for the post. You should be proud of yourself! I am scheduled for surgery March 10 and I have to admit, since it was scheduled a week ago - it's definitely last supper syndrome. Not that I'm eating everything I think I can't have after surgery, I'm just overeating, about 1800 cal a day. I know it could be worse, but I set out every day intending to stick to 1200 calories - was doing well and down 10 pounds until my surgery was scheduled - talk about crazy! I'm up about 3 pounds from my doctor appointment a month ago. I might try what you are doing. It may help me get in the mindset that surgery really is right around the corner. I just started a routine exercise program - gave up the gym - it just wasn't for me. I enjoy walking, have some exercise videos, etc. Im doing okay on my Water and don't have caffeine or soda, but I really need to practice chewing like crazy. That's something I really have to work hard at remembering to do. I've wolfed my food my whole life. Again, thanks for the inspiration and congratulations!!! Please keep me posted on how you are doing. Send me a message anytime.
  20. bambam

    March 9th!!!

    Congratulations! I'm scheduled for the 10th so we aren't far apart. Less than a month!!!
  21. Ditto the Miralax. I haven't been banded yet but this has always been an issue for me. My doctor, GI doc (post colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy) and my lapband surgeon have all recommended Miralax. I take a full dose some days, a half dose others, it has been easy to figure out how to adjust it for me. As another poster mentioned above, my docs reassured me this can be taken for life. HTH!
  22. bambam

    First appt. to surgery

    My BCBS did not requre a 6-month diet and my surgeon didn't require me to lose a certain percentage of weight prior to surgery (just couldn't gain anything). I went to the seminar Nov. 1, and was approved February 5. I'm scheduled for surgery March 10, but could have had it in mid to late February - I just didn't have the time off I needed that early. So for me the process was approximately 4 months - pretty much what the surgeon said at the seminar.
  23. bambam

    Submitting to Insurance

    Hi Jen - BCBS received my paperwork on 1/26/09 and I received approval on 02/05. I called daily for a week to see if a decision had been made. I was too anxious and impatient to wait for the letter.:smile:
  24. I too have a seizure disorder - with a remote history of seizures in my teens, although I still take medication daily. It was a nonissue and I can't imagine it keeping you from surgery either. What your doctor WILL note is that you have a medical condition and stay on top of it! Best of luck!!
  25. bambam


    Hi Cochisse - My process started out with a free seminar given by my surgeon's team. I received paperwork to fill out after that which I mailed back and that got the ball rolling for me. (In his practice it isn't possible to make an appointment to see him until you have gone to the seminar). Your surgeon's office will let you know what the steps are you will need to go through, it varies somewhat by doctor and patient. If you have insurance and haven't checked already, check to make sure your insurance covers the surgery and make sure the surgeon you are seeing is covered, as well as the hospital where they perform surgery. I was set up to go to a seminar with one group of surgeons and found out while they were covered by my insurance, the hospital they use was not. My insurance company actually directed me to a Bariatric Center of Excellence in the same city. Best of luck on your journey!

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