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Dianne Bradshaw

Pre Op
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Posts posted by Dianne Bradshaw

  1. I'm 11 days post op and I'm struggling to get more than 250 calories a day of that I'm getting about 15 grams of Protein. At 9 days post op, I was allowed to start a full liquid diet and I finally tried today a teaspoon of mushroom bisque, stayed down but now I'm trying to do a shake and my stomach is just gurgling. My nutrition gave me a recipe for protein Popsicles, so making them now.
    Has anyone had any problems with liquid intake after surgery.

  2. I am 7 days post-op, had several problems. My gastric bypass went well, but the found a hiatal hernia and liver problems, on top of that the gas didn't dissipate as normal it went into my face, neck, chest, heart and lung. Ended up with a partially collapsed lung and needed a chest tube. I'm on a ton of meds that have to be crushed and taken every 6 hours. I can't stomach anything but Water and I apologize for the gross details but now I'm struggling with horrible diarrhea.

    I just want to feel better, has anyone run into this problem.

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