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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MaRosie

  1. Hi Jazzy, wow that is a long time.....I haven't been told that I have to lose any weight before banding, but who knows what is coming.

    I am 224 lbs and 5'1.....I also have back problems leg problems, in fact my whole body hurts.... I am on oxygen, it use to be just when ever, now it is most all the time.....No matter what I do I can't breath. I am hoping that once i start losing this weight I will be able to breath, and walk and ride a bike and play with my grand children, my body feels old but my mind and heart are not...I can't believe that I had never heard about banding before this year......what ,do I live in a bubble? My doc. is the one that told me about banding and so now I wait for my prince charming to slip that little ring on!

    I sure enjoy this lapbandtalk, and am so glad to meet everyone.....


  2. Hi Karen, I also was in I F on aug. 13 and at the band classes, I had my psych eval that same day and also my doc. appt. I though that I would get my date that day but they said they would call with an appt. how did you know that you pass you psych eval? did they call you? well I don't know much right now.....but maybe be it's faster when you are self pay.....My daughter was with me and she said that she talked with a lady that was self pay and she gave her this web site, was that you? Well good luck on your coming banding...

  3. Hi everyone,

    Well my name is Rosie and I am from Montana, 67 yrs and had my first appt. in May, thought I would be banded by now, but this is a long process I am finding out.

    My primary ins. is medicare, and my second is blue cross and blue shield....I am told my insurance will pay for the lapband because I have medicare as primary. but just when I will be banded I don't know. I have been to all the classes and Aug. 13 I met with my doc. for my pre op......So I guess it's hurry up and wait.

    I am so tired as I spend alot of time on this web site, there are so many didn't stopics........I have been to lots and lots of them, until I can't see any more.

    I haven't gotten around to working on getting pic. and such but am enjoying reading your comments and advice.......:angry:

  4. HI Dionna113,

    Well I am retired and on medicare so there is no problem there as they are my primary and i have Blue shield/Blue gross for my supplement and I called them and they said if madicare covers it so will they. what I was told why I called the other day( last week I went into see my surgon, and had my classed ) and they said it takes time to get my report back from the doc. who made sure i wasn't crazy, once New U gets them, they then send them on to my doc. he then goes over them, sends what ever to the ins. once he hears back from them, he will call and set up a visit to put me on the liver diet, then labs and surgery date.....by then I think we will be into winter and that means dealing with snow ....but I think it must all be worth it.

    It is just such a long wait and I am not getting any younger. lol

  5. It is so nice to connect to people who have been or are going to be banded.

    Like so many of you everytime I went to a meeting or class I thought this is it I will get a date for my surgery, but not so. This last time I made the trip to Idaho which is a few hrs drive for me, my appt. started at 8:30am and my last one was 3:30pm. I had thought that I would get my date when I met with my Doctor, but all he did was go over the whole thing about the band. It was almost like I was talking to a salesman. Then he said he office would call me for my date. Then I had the long drive home and I was really tired.....I really want this to be done but I guess I will just have to wait. :smile2:

  6. .....I am still stumbling around here, so any help would greatly be appricate...I have tried to upload pic to my album but guess i am missing the boat also wondering how you get your pic for your post. I was able to get a pic for my profile, but after that I am lost.

    Did you have to wait along time after you went to all your appt. and classes and mmet with you Doc.? They said they would call me for a date, which i thought would be pretty soon. Today I call to see about how long it would be befor i get a date...They said that first they needed the paper work back from the Psychological Eveluation and then the doc. would have to go over them and then he would contact the insurance co. and he would call me with a date. Then I guess I have to go on a liver diet, to shrink the liver, and then I don't know what else.....I started this in May....is this the norm

  7. I am so glad that I found the "50 & over gang........I am 67 and am waiting for my date, which I thought would be in a wk or 2 but have been told it could be 2-3 months still. Well I would like to hear from some of the older women as to how they are doing. I am alittle scard because of my age, but am excited also. I had to get a letter from 2 of my doc. to have this done because I am over 65. Well i am looking for any info that will be helpful.

    Thank you and can't wait to be banded and join all of you that have been.

    Ma :thumbup:

  8. you are looking good, I hope i will see some same results when I have my lapband...I am still waiting for my date......I am new and not sure this is the place that I should post...i have tried to find out how and where to post but I am losing the battle...I stayed up ontil 5 am this morning messing around on this site and got no where, did read alot tho....Good luck


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