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Merri Beth

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Merri Beth

  1. 46 minutes ago, NP_WIP said:

    Great to hear! Have you tried gas x, some say it doesnt work for it but I used it a couple of days and felt better

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    My surgeon told me not to take anything for a few days but to continue walking. He said that it takes a few days after surgery for things to get moving again, which makes sense. I am doing my best to follow their orders to a T. Everyone is different I am glad it worked. I am hoping it warms up a little more today so i can walk outside without freezing

  2. 24 minutes ago, UnicornR'Us said:

    Hi friends,

    I’m new. My sleeve surgery was on 11/22. If changing your lifestyle before Thanksgiving isn’t a commitment, idk what is!

    Hi, I had the sleeve on 11-28. I totally agree with the whole change at the holiday. I was in the middle of the pre-op liquid diet on thanksgiving. I just explained to family and friends that it was best for me to not be around all that temptation because i know myself. I did well. I am now two days post op and so grateful i stuck with the pre op plan to the T! I am doing well so far with getting in my liquids but i get full so fast. I have to be super mindful to pace my sips. So far so good. I am praying recovery continues to go this well.

  3. On 11/30/2022 at 9:58 AM, NP_WIP said:

    Had my 1 week post op appointment, everything went well. I have been doing good with my Fluid almost at 55oz and I'm taking in about 40g of Protein. Pain is small on that incision and only when I do certain movements. I'm cleared to start pureed on Monday.

    So glad to hear you are doing so well. So far so good over here as well. I am doing well with my fluids. I keep walking and walking finally the gas is passing so i am feeling much better.

  4. 3 hours ago, lark60 said:

    I haven’t been online in years and had my sleeve procedure in 2013. My weight has become a concern again. I am up to 181 and have been looking at the GOLO release supplement. Has anyone tried this post sleeve?

    I haven't tried golo but I have a friend that does that and she said it works great. I just had my surgery two days ago so i am brand new in this process.

  5. Well the time is upon me. My surgery is tomorrow. I arrive at the hospital at 8AM and will go from there. I appreciate all the support from the people on this site. I am grateful that I did no go crazy on the liquids the last two weeks and feel prepared for what is to come next. I am a Christian, I know that I didn't get through the last few weeks on my own and am relying on God to continue to help me do the things the right way. I know not everyone has those same beliefs and I respect that and hope that people will respect my beliefs as well.

  6. 15 hours ago, Merri Beth said:

    I have been on the two week liquid diet since Nov 14th surgery is the 28th and I agree its hell. Not so much because of the no food, i have adjusted to that pretty much but he sweetness of the shakes geez, i couldn't do it anymore so i go the unflavored Protein Powder and am just mixing it with Water. I cannot do another sweet shake ughhhh. I m so grateful surgery date is in two days.

    Update-Surgery was pushed until the 29th. I know its only one day but it seems so long LOL

  7. On 11/8/2022 at 10:35 AM, summerseeker said:

    I can't add anything that others have not stated before me. We all suffered through it the best way we could, its brutal. You will do it with the end in your mind at all times. I believe we are all frightened to deviate because of the few people who have had their operations stopped mid surgery because their livers were still too large to do the surgery safely. It is your last week; the time will fly. Good luck

    I have not deviated at all from the liquid diet but i still have a fear that my liver is going to be to large. I wonder if that is even possible though. I am doing exactly what you have suggested keeping the end goal in mind which is better health! thank you for the post

  8. On 11/22/2022 at 6:08 AM, liveaboard15 said:

    Yes its normal. Its all based on your weight, height. SOme are only on it for 1 week. some 2 weeks some more than a month for the bigger people. and some only 1 day before. Consider yourself VERY LUCKY. I did 2 weeks and it was hell lol

    I have been on the two week liquid diet since Nov 14th surgery is the 28th and I agree its hell. Not so much because of the no food, i have adjusted to that pretty much but he sweetness of the shakes geez, i couldn't do it anymore so i go the unflavored Protein Powder and am just mixing it with Water. I cannot do another sweet shake ughhhh. I m so grateful surgery date is in two days.

  9. 22 hours ago, smc124 said:

    Looking for folks to follow and build with who are o a similar surgery timeline.

    I’m getting the sleeve on December 5.

    Let me know if you’d scheduled similarly and would like to share experiences and support here. Please feel free to introduce yourself in the comments. I’ve included my own intro below.

    I’m Sarah, a 40yo woman from nyc.

    I have a senior level professional job as a consultant and work from home most days of the week. I hate failing and I think that’s why weight has been such a hindrance for me, it’s feels like a personal failure.

    Im pretty active and close my Apple Watch rings most days. I love to swim and do swim laps 30-60 minutes/day - 4-5/days a week. Outside of swimming I love to read, wander the hiking trails in Central Park, volunteer for campaigns and causes I care about, writing, and travel anywhere are everywhere in spite of dreaded airline seats :)

    My WLS decision:
    I’ve been overweight most of my life but for a few years after a prior 120lb weight loss associated with disordered eating about 10 years ago. Needless to say most of that weight was gained back in recovery and then some yo-yoing down 50 and up 60 every other year to follow. I imagine many of you can relate to this story.

    Though I’ve thought about wls surgery for sometime my blood panels and other levels were still in healthy range only my weight was an outlier. But then COVID came and especially terrified me - I was scared if I caught it I would be at risk to lose my life. I made efforts on my own to lose weight and like past attempts I shed 50lbs and was really good for 6 months but then something happens at work and I prioritize that above myself and before I know it I’ve gains it back. This last year I found myself of the gain side of the yo-yo and for the first time being afraid to sit in some chairs, after break a plastic deck chair. I noticed I was keeping myself in bc I was disgusted with myself, holding myself back from dating, from living, and carrying myself with little confidence, with little to look forward to.

    The tipping point:
    I went to my nieces dance recital and could barely squeeze into the auditorium seat. I needed to make a permanent change. Two months later I had my first consult for surgery and here I am ready Dec 5 surgery.

    One of my tipping points was when we went to a fancy italian restaurant for a family dinner and i barely fit in the booth so embrassing! I am scheduled for gastric sleeve in two days, Nov 29th. I have been on the two week liquid diet since Nov 14th and i am so ready!!!

  10. 2 hours ago, NP_WIP said:

    Discharged and at the hotel. I'm having some soft stool, that could be from the liquid for the GI test or that greasy broth i got. So far keeping liquids down, have had 12oz of Water, broth, and half a Jello.< br>
    Have issues with my prescription, was only able to get one since the pharmacy is closed tomorrow. We will see..

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Glad to hear things are going well, and were discharged. I am sure they will work out your prescription so happy for you. I just got some not so great news. My surgery date has been changed from the 28th to the 29th due to assistant not being available on the the 28th ughhhhh its only one day but it seems like forever!

  11. On 11/21/2022 at 8:22 AM, naynay77 said:

    Hi all! I bought the LiquaCel unflavored Protein in preparation for my surgery on 12/2/22. I was hoping to be able to add them to broths or Soups in order to get more Protein during the liquid phase, however, they are really sweet to me (no flavor but sweet) and I'm pre-op so I'm concerned that they will be even more sweet after the surgery. Does anyone have a recommendation for an unflavored protein, even if it's powder that isn't sweet?

    The dietition at the weight loss center recommended Isopure unflavored Protein Powder. I went and got it right away. When I went into GNC i told the girl that i was looking for unflavored protein powder and that i was in pre-op for gastric sleeve. Before I could tell her what he dietition recommended she said I will show you the one everybody seems to like and she came back with the isopure. I tried it with unsweet tea and it was great to not have the sweetness. I couldn't hardly stomach another sweet Protein Shake yuck! So I will experimenting with some other liquids. I am on day 8 of 14 pre-op. I cannot wait until next Monday which is surgery day!

  12. 13 hours ago, liveaboard15 said:

    Yes its normal. Its all based on your weight, height. SOme are only on it for 1 week. some 2 weeks some more than a month for the bigger people. and some only 1 day before. Consider yourself VERY LUCKY. I did 2 weeks and it was hell lol

    I am on day 8 of 14 on the liquid diet and yes it sucks!! I got the point that i cannot stomach the sweet Protein Shakes. I had my seminar today at the weight loss center, they suggested i get Isopure unflavored Protein. I ran out and got it right after the seminar, I am going to survive this, whew that was close, just thought of the sweetness made me sick. I had some of the unflavored protein in unsweet tea and it was great!!

  13. 56 minutes ago, NP_WIP said:

    My hospital bag only has a robe, earphones, charger, 2 spare undies, face cream, toothbrush/paste, wallet and phone.

    I'm going in with a dress and slip on sandals and plan on using the same when I get out

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Sounds like you have got it all ready! Wishing you the best and please keep us posted. So excited for you

  14. 52 minutes ago, NP_WIP said:

    Thank you, some days I was hungry others not much, but its finally over!

    Had my first insurance presurgery drink tasted good but Idt the load of carbs is sitting right with me or maybe I'm starting to freak out that I may forget something at home lol

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I am one week into the pre-op and these Protein Shakes are tasting so sweet I can't hardly do it! I have another week of this until surgery and then a few weeks after. I go tomorrow for my pre-surgery appointment so hopefully they can help me find some that are not so sweet ughhhhhh

  15. 3 hours ago, NP_WIP said:

    Day 14th of preop starting today. I have been feeling hungry the last 2 days at night, could be that I decreased my veggie portion without notice or my cycle messing with hormones. But no cheating allowed. Tomorrow I'm supposed to eat light and hydrate, so I will have scrambled eggs and keep the rest of the day with liquids only and after 8, Clear Liquids.< br>
    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Good luck on your surgery. I have a week and day to go!d I have been on nothing but liquids for a week and have another week to go on the Protein Shakes, broth, Water, Jello and sugar free popsicles. I would love some scrambled eggs LOL! I had one day when i was starving but after that I have been feeling really full on the liquids. I drink a lot of water anyway so i glad i got into that habit a couple years ago. You are going to do fantastic, keep us posted please

  16. 3 hours ago, Mary Hale said:

    I wasn’t much of an eater to begin with, but not being able to eat anything and watching other people eat is a little hard. But mostly I keep going back and fourth if the sleeve was a right option or should I have tried harder. I knew a couple people that also had the sleeve and they told me too that in the beginning you regret it but as soon as you see results and start getting used to eating normally, a lot of them wished they had done it sooner. I think its just the beginning, I am positive it will get better!

    I understand and that makes sense. I do know that I have tried everything and nothing has worked so I feel like this is a good alternative for me to trying to do it without the help and support. I keep thinking that if I can make through this two week liquid pre-op I can do it. I believe it will get better for you and hopefully for me when i am at that stage. I thank you for your response. Please keep us updated!

  17. 34 minutes ago, Mary Hale said:

    I just had my sleeve surgery on November 15, 2022. I don’t feel bad, no pains only pressure from the gas. I have been in a constant back and fourth mentally since I did the surgery. Regretting it sometimes. Hopefully it gets better.

    I am scheduled soon. Do you know what the regrets are or what is making you have regrets? I am worried I will feel the same way.

  18. I am one week into the pre-op and the Constipation is making me crazy. I read somewhere that it is okay to take colace but I am afraid to take anything without my surgeons approval I plan to call them on Monday but this is day 4 with no bowel movement so it will be 6 days by the time I call them. I don't know if I am over reacting or if i need to do something now. Any suggestions are appreciated!

  19. 4 hours ago, smc124 said:

    I’m scheduled for December 5. I’m skipping thanksgiving with my family bc we can’t seem to make it out if a family gathering without a COVID outbreak and I do not want my surgery delayed.

    I’m going through the emotions as well. It’s the first time I feel nerves about the procedure and long term after effects.

    Not nervous about the liquid diet so much. I just had my 4 hour nutritional class Thursday and was surprised we aren’t on liquids only longer. I’ve been able to do a juice cleanse for 21 days in the past so I know I can get through the liquid only portion of this.

    Right now I’m particularly fixated on concerns around Hair loss which I am just learning is a potential side effect.

    I am scheduled Nov 28th. I am not going to thanksgiving either not because of covid (I have a really small family, just three of us) but because I know myself and the temptation to eat might be too much, and I am not taking any chances either! I got for my 4 hour nutrition class on Nov 22nd. I will have a week to go ont the liquids after that.

    I am with you on the Hair loss. My hair is baby fine now so this is a real concern. My surgeon said to expect some hair loss but that it will grow back, which is some comfort. In the meantime, I will go buy a wig if it gets too bad :)

    I wish you the best, you will do great!!

  20. 23 hours ago, Kryska33 said:

    I’m on the same boat mine is November 28th this two weeks of liquid is hard

    My surgery is the same day. I started the liquid diet on 11-14. It hasn't been too bad except for day 3. On day 3 i was so hungry for some reason but I made it past and it has gotten better. I was told to drink 4 Protein Shakes a day and that has been difficult for me, i so full after 3 shakes i struggle to get the 4th one down but i am doing it. We have come this far almost on the downside so hang in there, we can both do this and the 28th will be here before we know it! Wishing you the very best, it will be so worth it!!

  21. 15 hours ago, NP_WIP said:

    Thank you, I'm going from Tampa to Coral Springs Fl, its almost a 4hr drive, but a 50min flight and flights were $40 each way.

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Flying does sound the best option. I am so happy for you, date is so close. I have another week and couple days. Please keep us posted on how everything is going. You will do fantastic!

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