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Merri Beth

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Merri Beth

  1. On 12/28/2022 at 12:46 PM, baribetty said:

    I had a VSG through Kaiser, and my partner had theirs through MBC

    tldr: MBC falls short in care and cleanliness, Kaiser is cheaper but takes 4-5 months.

    With Kaiser, I took 16 weeks worth of classes, did pre-op tests, EKG etc, waited a couple weeks and then had surgery for about $700. Kaiser is certainly the longer but cheaper pathway. I also think there is a lot of value in getting your head in the right place before surgery, and committing to 4+ months of pre-op does the job. It is annoying and hard to wrap your head around at the beginning but it went by quickly for me, even having to drive 1.5 hours each way to classes. I’m glad I used Kaiser so we have the resources given to me for him to use as well.

    MBC: Surgery is scheduled 2 weeks out from pre-approval (website form) and deposit, as thats the timeline required for the pre op diet. This is VERY fast and convenient. We paid about $5000.

    We are all familiar enough with US standards for hospitals, so here is where MBC falls short on that front:

    - his incisions bled through his gown after surgery, they would not give him a clean gown and told him he should just put on his street clothes. So, he wore a bloody gown for 2 days as the waist band on his sweat pants would’ve been super uncomfortable.
    - bandages/tape on floor of recovery room from previous patient.
    - Less than ideal bathroom cleanliness in room
    - Broken toilet for the entirety of his stay (he requested it to be looked at, at least 6 times before just pleading for it to be turned off at the Water so it would stop running so he could sleep. There was urine and vomit in his toilet for his whole stay.

    Care comparison:

    Kaiser: I was on a morphine drip and could push the button every 10 minutes if I was experiencing pain. I was given injections for nausea. Lots of room to walk the halls. Attentive nursing staff. It was overall great.

    MBC: any time he asked for pain or nausea medication the nurse would say “I will check” and leave the room. Then, he’d wait an hour and have to ask again, only to hear the same response. You’re pretty on your own during recovery. He found that this was also the case for the other patients he drove back to San Diego with after surgery. It was not simply a bad experience, but the standard.

    Technically MBC contracts with the hospital to use their facility, and the nurses do not work for them directly. They have no skin in the MBC game when it comes to patient satisfaction and it shows. We hoped that tipping would help, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.

    My incisions with Kaiser were glued shut. His were open and we changed the gauze every day. It’s a little scary looking and you’re left wondering, “is this normal? Are these infected?”

    Kaiser: no drain, no leak test
    MBC: drain and leak test.

    Kaiser: you get a full binder of pre and post op instructions with diet guides for life.
    MBC: all of their instructions are on their website. What you see online before surgery is generally what you get in that regard. It is convenient to google quick answers to things like how many Fluid ounces I should be having, etc and accessing the info easily on their website however it is no where near as comprehensive as Kaiser.

    Feel free to ask me anything, I’m sure there’s more for me to add and I will in comments.

    If you go with MBC, you should have low expectations and be willing and comfortable advocating for yourself.

    Ultimately, both work but the cleanliness and lack of care from MBC made me uneasy.

    i had my surgery at Desert Springs hospital in Las Vegas, the surgeon was from the Surgical Weight Control Center. I cannot say enough good things about the SWCC and the care i received. Everything went smoothly and I did not have the need for any pain meds after surgery. Hospital stay was one day and the care at the hospital was was wonderful, I would highly recommend SWCC and Desert Springs for anyone considering bariatric surgery.

  2. 21 hours ago, bwohlgemuth said:

    Three weeks post surgery on my revision to a distal gastric bypass and my urine output keeps dropping. I drink 80-100oz of Water a day, but am barely peeing like I did before. scale hasn’t moved since the first week of surgery either. I’ve called the doc and they said since I’m not having problems breathing or swelling in my extremities, it’s just a stall. My pee is getting darker and it’s starting to get me worried.

    I would definitely go get checked out. I ended up back in the hospital with dehydration and one of things that i noticed was decreased urine output.

  3. 2 hours ago, Purple Pride said:

    60 yo male HS chemistry teacher from Cedar Park TX. Went to Puerto Vallarta and had the surgery on 12-20. Home now and feeling great. So this is Day 7 Post Op. My only struggle is my mind keeps telling me I need to eat something. No real issues with getting things down. Sip by sip :)

    I am a couple days shy of one month. My struggle is getting all the fluids in I feel like I am drinking constantly but when i check my intake it seems like it is never enough!

  4. 36 minutes ago, Meemsville said:

    What inspires you to do this?

    I have been thinking of doing this for the last 5 years after seeing co-workers go through it.

    Some, I have to shake my head about. I realize that I must 'remind' myself however many times a day

    my reasons for doing this. It is for me, I want a better life in which I can enjoy what life has left for me.

    I want my total independence back, be able to walk and run and go do all the activities I never felt strong enough to do.

    YOLO. Good Luck to all of us.

    You listed the reasons i went through with the surgery. I am glad i did it. Big adjustment for sure but worth it. I am two days shy of one month so i am in the learning process. I already feel about no carrying so much weight. I have a long way to go but i am on my way!

  5. 2 hours ago, blackginger said:

    Hello. I'm am scheduled for VSG 12/28. I think I'm having second thoughts. I have been reading posts and I'm getting discouraged with the preop diet.

    Sent from my SM-G986U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Don't get discouraged! I felt that way too just prior to starting my pre-op. I was on the liquids for two weeks prior to surgery, I went through the thanksgiving holiday on liquids and I made it, you can too!! Just focus on your goal. I did a lot of praying to get me through that phase. I had my surgery on Nov 29th and so far things have been working out fine. I am now at the soft food stage and the liquids are but a memory. My focus now is making sure i am eating healthy foods with Protein and getting my fluids in, you can do this!!!

  6. On 9/18/2022 at 1:18 PM, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    Puree was a no go for me. I ate a lot of hummus, avocado, scrambled eggs, refried Beans, string cheese (watch the fat content in them, some cheese is higher than others), etc... I followed more soft foods than puree.

    I did do the puree either. I was told by my medical team to begin soft foods 15 days post op. I started the soft foods on Dec 13th. So far so good, have had eggs, spinach, salmon, chicken, carrots, and today i made a ground beef vegetable Soup so far tolerated everything well.

  7. I think we all have the tendency to go back to what we know when we get stressed out. I am still new after surgery but i understand what you are saying about not having it around. I cleaned out everything before my surgery and am just reminding myself how sick i was before i had the surgery and that if i buy things i will eat them. I also have a support group here at home that i can call when i feel tempted. I commend you for recognizing what was happening and taking steps to get back on track that is awesome.

  8. 57 minutes ago, justaguyincanada said:

    Hey everyone,
    new to the forum, and to even really understanding what the sleeve is all about!

    I am a 385 lb male, 6'1...
    Been big my entire life (since about the age of 18)
    Weight has fluctuated my entire life but not massively , always been around the 350 - 390 lb range.
    Until 2018 when I did Keto for 6 months and lost about 70 lbs.
    Gained it all back and then some during covid with parenting and work stress and probably a bunch of other excuses.

    Ive always stayed away from the surgery but met someone who had it and then I started looking into options.

    Pretty nervous.
    But excited at the same time.

    i did the same thing for a long time avoided the idea of sugery, until finally I had to look at that as an option because nothing else was working, i tried everything. After three Dr. suggested I do the surgery I started to look into it. I had the gastric sleeve on Nov 29th. so far i am doing well. It is taking some time for my energy to come back but otherwise i am feeling good. Already seeing some benefits, my blood sugar is in a good range finally, I am type II diabetic and today got my meds lowered by endo so that made me happy! It is highly personal decision and journey but I am so glad I made the decision to just do it. The weight loss center I went to offers support groups and nutrition classes which are helpful too. I start on soft foods tomorrow, a little apprehensive about that because i don't want to do anything wrong LOL. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery so far so good and I am sure you will do fantastic.

  9. 5 hours ago, SleeveDiva2022 said:

    I can't believe it. As of today, 7 months and 1 week since my surgery, I have officially lost 100 pounds!!!! I was 388 the day of my surgery. I cried this morning when I weighed myself. My next goal is to hit 270, which is what I weighed when I met my husband. After that, my last goal is to get to 200. Once I do that, I'll have to maintain it for a while and then SKIN SURGERY!!!!!

    There's no magic cure, no pill or food or drink that just magically makes the weight melt off. This is the result of the sleeve surgery, Keto, working out 5-6 days per week (and alternating between cardio and weight training), and staying on track with what, and how much, I eat.

    No one thing works for me, it all has to be combined into a partnership for my mind and body. Surgery alone isn't enough. Keto alone won't work (at least it didn't for me). Working out by itself helps a little, but not enough. It ALL has to work together, and the key is to stay motivated and dedicated. Stalls suck, and they get frustrating. But as long as I keep my eyes on the prize, I'm actually gonna get there!!!! I never thought this was possible, but here I am :)




    Congratulations!!! That is wonderful and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing

  10. 39 minutes ago, Bariatric BRE said:

    Hi I got my surgery yesterday and ive tried walking, burping and nothing is taking away this gass. Im in so much pain please help. I got the sleeve and i can barely sip any Water because of this pain.

    Sent from my motorola one 5G ace using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had horrible gas right after too, i made myself walk, walk, walk. They had us up and walking at the hospital a few hours after surgery and i was miserable with it but kept at it and now the gas gone for the most part. If i sit too long i start to feel the build up and get up and walk. I was scared it would never get better but is has by a long shot. Hang in there it will get less and go away.

  11. 2 hours ago, Caitlyn130 said:

    Hi guys,

    My name is Caitlyn, I’m going in into my fourth week post op from gastric sleeve surgery. I start advanced purée tomorrow but I’ve been struggling so hard with my depression and having mental breakdowns as well. I’m off from work for 8 weeks as I’m a RN, and being home alone is hard, I’m getting tired of drinking so many fluids, and even though I’m only taking in 1 Protein Shake a day, I get periods were I don’t want to drink anything at all. I’m somewhat regretting the surgery even though I’m seeing good results, any advice on how to fight this?

    You got this. I also have been home with just my cat since the surgery and for me what works is praying. Not to say that is for everyone but it is what works for me. I had my surgery on Nov 29th. I go out and walk or do something else for self care each day. I just came from my post op appointment, so far down 22 lbs. When i start to feel sad i pray and log onto to this site and enjoy the posts and support. You are not alone.

  12. 54 minutes ago, smc124 said:

    Gas pains are unreal. I’m taking gasex as prescribed how long will these last? Every hiccup and burp is excurciating

    The gas pains have been the worst part of this for me. The gas is finally subsiding for the most part. I still get some pains in left shoulder area which i was told is a common area for the gas to settle, however the pain is less intense and is coming in longer intervals and lasting less time. Thank God! I am one week and one day post op. I was told not to take anything for it though and to walk it off, which does help.

  13. I was so relieved to get to the otherside too! I just had gastric sleeve on 11-29. Tomorrow is one week post op. Each day has gotten better. Just don't forget you have to sip. I drank too big of a drink of Water today and whew did i pay for that. Felt terrible for about 30 minute after. You will do wonderful and congratulations for getting to the otherside.

  14. 14 hours ago, Bee kami said:

    The Struggle is real but with the proper tools and determination the job can get done!
    I’ve struggled with being overweight the majority of my life. Growing up the fat kid at school and in the family was not easy. I always had the love and support of my family but sometimes people were really mean and made assumptions about fat people that weren’t necessarily true. I don’t remember a time growing up when I was not on some sort of a diet. 20 years ago I made arguably the best decision I’ve ever made regarding my weight. I underwent Bariatric Surgery! It was the tool I used to maximize weight loss ,change bad eating habits and understand Portion Control. Over the course of those years I’ve lost 170 Ibs. I’m a tiny girl at only 4’11. My highest weight was 296 Ibs, lowest weight 126 Ibs and current weight 145 Ibs.
    For years it’s been difficult for me to discuss this journey because of past trauma. I decided recently that it is more important to share my story because someone might benefit from it. Someone might need help, or information. Why not help people? It’s time out for being embarrassed of photos when I was really obese. It’s time to Celebrate and be proud of my success.
    My story is one of Success by God’s Grace. Having Bariatric surgery in 2002, at young age, was good for me. It’s been a Positive weight loss journey through dedication, discipline, and accountability. Ultimately, I Desire to function as a weight loss surgery guide. I’ve contemplated writing this post for a few weeks now. I hope this post inspires someone in a positive way.



    Thank you for sharing. Your story is definitely inspiring and sounds a lot like my past. Congratulations

  15. 9 hours ago, Lizgastricsleeve said:

    Hello everyone! I got my surgery 11/23 and I’m getting pain on my left side by my stomach radiates to my back. The pain does come and go, is this normal?

    I am having similar but mine is in my left shoulder. I was not aware that gas could settle there so i have been paying attention to when it comes and goes, i am pretty sure mine is gas pains. Once i am able to pass the gas, i notice the pain goes away but then comes back when i consume my liquids if i am not sure to slow waaaay down on the consumption rate. If you feel uncomfortable about what it is i would definitely contact the Dr and see what they recommend.

  16. 51 minutes ago, Kelseydawn said:

    Hi everyone,

    I just had my gastric bypass surgery and hiatal hernia repair on Tuesday. Getting into the groove of drinking Water every 15 min but did a bad job yesterday. I’m really struggling with this liquid diet and can’t wait until I can eat soft foods after my doctor clears me on Dec 12 for my follow up appt. Any tips on making it through the liquid diet? I’m getting tired of Soups and Protein Shakes only. I’ve lost 5 pounds since my surgery so far so I’m on the right path also 15 pounds since starting my liquid diet 3 weeks ago. One day at a time.

    I had the sleeve on Nov 29th. I also had hiatal hernia repair, which I did not know I even had the hernia so glad they found and repaired that while i was under. I have been on the liquids since Nov 14th. I go back to Dr for check up on Dec 8th. So its liquids until at least that time. The thought of the Protein Shakes was almost too much, they were so sweet, I had to figure out something. I haven't been told I can have Soups. The only addition to the pre-op diet us 1% milk and greek yogurt, non fat, zero sugar. So I was feeling desparate for a change. My friend who is a nurse, put together this mixture for me and it is so much more tolerable and keeps me full. It is one half cup of the unflavored yogurt, one half cup of milk, one Protein Shake, one scoop of unflavored Protein Powder all blended in blender. The cosistency is good, the flavor is so much better, the sweetness is cut more than in half. I feel so much more satisfied with this "potion" than any I have tried yet. Once i finish the amount in the blender, I know I have hit 87 GM of Protein for the day. My friend did the protein calculations for me to make sure i was getting enough. As for getting through it each day, I pray a lot, and keep my mind focused on the end goal. I am also making sure I rest a lot. I have learned from past surgeries that pushing things to fast always backfires. I am practicing positive thinking and positive meditations as well. This might sound crazy but so far it is working to get me through the days of liquids. Plus, I figure if i made it this far i can do another day, as you said one day at a time, seems to be the best solution! You can do this, you are doing it and that is fantastic.

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