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Posts posted by Heathernyc

  1. Hey folks!!!

    I haven't been here in a while. I got my surgery on October 3rd, 2023. I have lost approximately 75 lbs. I am going THROUGH it mentally! This started because of all the reactions from folks and I hate that my body is the center of attention, it is very embarrassing. I really don't want to constantly talk about the changes etc...I am still in the thick of it!

    My dad has made some pretty disgusting comments and it threw me off so I have been avoiding even visiting my parents right now. I've just been so damn irritable and I just want to hide! I know I am so much more than my body weight and just want to be treated normally. I have always hated that aspect of weight loss. Am I the only one?

  2. Hey folks!

    Happy new year and I hope you all had a great holiday! I was wondering if anyone has had any experience covering their Vitamins, supplements etc... through an fsa account. I know they ask for a medical necessity letter from your doctor. Just curious if this worked for anyone. I added 1k to my account this year and I'm afraid I won't get much use out of it outside of these things.

  3. Does anyone have Vitamin suggestions? I am 5 weeks out from surgery. I used Bariatric Fusion soft chews and the bar is so high now cause it is honestly like candy. I thought of subscribing to it and getting 4 packs at a time but it isn't the best pricing, although if needed I will do it for sure. I initially got them for the first month so I wasn't dealing with massive tablets right away. This week I implemented tablets again and OMG I regret it immediately. I had the WORST nausea since getting this procedure. I was so close to vomiting, my heart was accelerating, and I was shaking. I took it with yogurt in the morning. I haven't had anything happen to me when it comes to my stomach even the first few days after surgery. I am avoiding tablets and capsules for now. My doctor also told me to not use gummies due to the sugar. I am open to gummies if they are sugar free. I would like to eventually buy in bulk but wanted to explore my options before I commit to the soft chews.

    Does anyone also have suggestions for calcium citrate? Those tablets are even worse! I used caltrate chewables but was reminded it was the wrong one! Let me know what you think folks!

  4. So excited to be reading how everyone is doing! So far I have lost a total of about 32 lbs since my pre-op diet and I am 5 weeks out! The weight loss is MUCH slower than I anticipated and mentally that has been easier on me. I thought I would drop 20lbs a week or something but I have been losing about 5-6 lbs a week. My doctor wants me to lose a pound a day and I get pretty close but not quite there, which seems to be ok as well.

    I started working out again but the last week and a half my energy has been LOW. I went on a work trip and when I came back it seems like I could not recover. I think I am just going through some serious fatigue right now. I think it could be that I may not be getting enough Water. I try SO HARD. I have lost track of the amount daily but have started counting again. This work is so hard and I just want to get to a place that it doesn't take that much space in my mind!

  5. On 10/11/2022 at 4:26 PM, Candigrl1 said:

    For me it was the constipation, loose skin and food intolerance. There are some foods I still can't tolerate though I keep trying. I hate the constant Constipation and I have tried so many things. I knew about the loose skin but really didn't grasp how bad it could be. Can't wait until I have skin removal surgery.

    I find the plant based Protein Shakes helps get things moving. They are usually pretty high in Fiber.

  6. On 10/11/2022 at 10:12 AM, KimA-GA said:


    those of you post op: what surprised you after surgery? what happened that you didn’t expect or think of?

    (gas issues, rate of weight loss, tiredness issues, food intolerances, other people reaction, or whatever else you were not prepared for)

    I was VERY lactose intolerant and dairy has not been an issue at all! Maybe I've spoken too soon cause I'm almost 2 weeks since surgery and I will continue to monitor.

  7. 10 minutes ago, raspberrylime said:

    Day 4 post op vsg over here. It hurts less today to walk and move around. I slept in my bed for the first night instead of the recliner. I started my morning off with half a fairlife Protein Shake (this next part is probably TMI, sorry 💩) and about 10 minutes later was struck with the most intense diarrhea of my life! I'm talking doubled over, whole body sweating, crying in stomach cramp agony. It was my first post-op bowel movement, and may have been worse because I also had my gallbladder removed. It was followed by an emotional breakdown where I just sat and cried and questioned every choice that led me to this moment. I don't regret having WLS, but I am having a difficult time reminding myself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. A little tip I found (if your new stomach can tolerate cold liquid) is to freeze gatorade zero into popsicles! I ordered 4oz popsicle molds on Amazon and find it much easier to suck on a popsicle than sip 4oz right now.

    So sorry you are having a tough time! I am also struggling. I'm on day 12 right now. I also had pretty intense diarrhea a few days after surgery! Idk maybe stomach still adjusting. Early days are hard! Hang in there!

  8. 14 minutes ago, Jeanniebug said:

    You're doing great! I've heard to stay off the scale for at least 5 weeks. Your body is freaking out right now and trying to find stability. Your weight is going to be going crazy.

    I've heard that hunger often continues until you're on solid foods. Once you start solids, you'll start feeling restriction.

    This video might help with the portion sizes.

    Thank you! This video was so helpful!!! I had so much information from my doctor that it just overwhelmed me and just seeing this clarified some things!

  9. Hey folks! I am new here but just had my surgery on 10/3 and I'm STRUGGLING! I really misunderstood portions because I'm in the stage 2 diet and I know we can incorporate cottage cheese and ricotta. I fucked that one up and I think I've been drinking Soups up to 6oz. It's very frustrating because I've been trying to do everything right. I have the food scale, a cup I use to measure liquids (its a glass thats used for measuring espresso, up to 4oz). Is anyone having trouble figuring out portions? I think I'm just so anxious about it I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I've gone back to Protein Shakes. I'm afraid of moving on to solids.

    I have also had the most difficult time figuring out when I'm hungry and when I'm full. I had pretty intense mental hunger which made me incredibly miserable. My stomach hurts from a drop. This sucks.... feeling discouraged.

    The scale is very confusing right now. I'm at day 12 and I was 299 and now I'm anywhere from 288-290 because it fluctuates so much. I think I've done it all wrong and want to just hide under my sheets!

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