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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by liteweighttrina

  1. hey gurl! congratulations! I'll be glad when i make it to 2erville! lol1

  2. Hi! Just saw ur profile on someone else's so just wanted to say hi


  3. Hi! Don't look like u been on in awhile? What's up wit that? N E ways, have u had ur surg yet?

  4. Congratulations! u look great! How do u feel? I've been really upset because weight loss is slow but i am losing a lot of inches. Any sugestions?

  5. congrats on being banded! I really hope ur exxperience is good. Remember to chew, chew, chew!

  6. U Look Great! Im jealous!, u've lost more weight in a month or so than i have in 5! U Go Girl! Haven't heard from u so was wondering how u were! Hope life is being good to ya. ttyl!

  7. Hellooooooo!? :) U O K out there? Just kiddin, but fo real how ya doin gurl? Gurl, i went joggin, yeah, me. I survived, but could've shot myself but will try it agin this mornin! it's so freakin cold though! I ran outside because i didn't want people at the gym to make fun of me or worse, i could break the treadmill! lol. I did work out my usual 1hr before runnin, i did 45min on the eliptical and weights and then went to the park. SO MUCH FUN I COULDN'T STAND IT!!!!!! Well let me know how things are with ya! ttyl

  8. Hey gurl! how's every thing? Well, i started back workin out from my "brief" illness. that damn eliptical has been tearing me up! I went JOGGIN yesterday for the first time. I did alright but my side is sore as hell! Hope u doin ok! ttyl

  9. Girllll, u look great! I can't wait to be were u are! How much did u start out at and where r u now if u don't mind me askin?

  10. Hey girl! how do u like ur realize band? R U doin ok? Well i hope everythin is goin well for u and hope u meet ur goal. My name is trina and i was banded in june and have only lost 42# because i keep fluctuating but i think it is because i lift weights. I do the eliptical at least 4x a week and weights. i just started runnin this week but i have lost a lot of inches! i was in a 26-28 and can wear a 22 comfortable and a 20 if i don't like breathing. lol But since i like to breathe, i'll stick to 22's untill next month hopefully! TTYL!

  11. Yeah, I've been told i was SPECIAL a time or two! :) How's ur band treatin u? I hope ur doing well. Cute profile pic! TTYL

  12. Yeah, been told i was SPECIAL :) but didn't realize HOW special i really was untill now! How's things going for ya?

  13. just wanted to stop in and say hi, congratulations and all that good stuff! U look good girl! keep up the good work!

  14. just wanted to say hi and happy belated b day! we have the same 11/11. Congratulations on being banded!

  15. Girl!, where u at and what u doing?! Hope ur ok! I have the lapband.

  16. Girl, ive been a little sick, not feeling good, ears hurtin, throat hurtin n all that stuff, so i haven't been to the gym. im going today and i know im gonna die!!! I said i was not going to weigh until i go back to the doc on dec 8. I went to a play, Tyler Perry's the Counselor sat and it was great!! My first play ever! I also wore some apple bottoms and i looked cute! Girl, I just knew i brought sexy back!LOL!!!! Hope things r going great wit u. TTYL!

  17. Hi! how r u? My name is trina and I have been banded for 5 months. weight loss is slow but, slow n steady wins the race right???

  18. Gurlllll, naw! That gas will follow u 4 the rest of ur days! LOL! Hey, it will get better! Just wait until u start gettin fills and everytime u open ur mouth and u make these noises! U have to warn ur friends cause it sounds like ur gruntin or maybe burpin or ur stomach growlin but u go to take a bite of food and its audible! FUN-NY! I had my band in june. Long story, Ill have to tell u about it. TTYL

  19. Hi and congratulations! How much have u lost? How much did u weigh? Saw that ur in nursing and im a RN charge nurse. How old r ur kiddos? Do u have any regrets from doing the band?When did u have it done?

  20. hey! ur pics are beautiful! congratulations!

  21. Girl, just had to tell someone this., hold on, I woke up this morn (off this weekend) and before taking the kiddos to school i weighed myself, i was 325.1. I went to the gym and stayed on the elipitical for 50min and burned 803 cals and came home and weighed and it was 322.7! WTH?! Is this even possible? or this evening when i wake up and weigh before going to work will i weigh 330? Confused and it ain't good!LOL! Well, happy n e ways! Have a blessed day girl!!

  22. Hi! saw ur profile and that u will be banded, ummm, wed.? congrats! look me up if u have any questions!

  23. Hey! Just checking the lbt and thought i'd drop by and say hi. Have u been banded yet?, if so, when? Is everything going ok 4 u? well, maybe we can chat sometime. Be encouraged!

  24. Hey girl, how r u? My name is trina also. Just came from the gym and wanted to say hi since i saw ur profile on a mutal friend. Good luck to u and hopefully encourage eachother on this journey!

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