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Posts posted by Lcubed

  1. Hello Everyone! I have been reading some of the posts for this thread and you all seem like such wonderful people. I would like to join your discussions if you wouldn't mind. I am scheduled for surgery on Nov. 10 and start my preop diet next week. I live on Long Island, New York. I am very excited and so nervous.

    I want to offer my condolences to IndioGirl55 - Janet. I am so very sorry for your loss. It is my hope that, with time, the pain is overpowered by wonderful and cherished memories.

  2. Hi Capricorn32: I hope you remember me. We wrote a few times. I see you don't have your "Notorious Novembers" image in your signature. Did you get my message about how to do it? If not...or if the instructions weren't clear...I am certainly still willing to help you. Hope you are well!

  3. Hello Everyone!!!

    Wow! It's getting sooo close now...Nov 10 is right around the corner! I am so excited and I am really getting nervous now. I start my preop diet in exactly 1 week! I just received all of my shakes and Vitamins so I am ready to go. Medifast also sent me a free week of meals along with my order. I got some Soups, oatmeals, puddings, hot cocoa, etc. I'm sure it all tastes like crap but ... oh well!

    Candle: You are doing so well. Even though you are much further along than most of the rest of us posting, I hope we can meet at some time since we all live so close. Keep up the greyt work!

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! Thank for the info, as usual! I appreciate it. Did you notice any changes in reflux (if you had any before surgery) since he fixed your hiatal hernia? I have been on Prevacid for reflux for many years, but I never knew I had a hiatal hernia. I am assuming that is why I have the reflux. I am hoping the reflux will go away after it is fixed during surgery so I will not need the medication anymore. I am happy you like the idea of forming our own support group at some point. This does not necessarily have to replace the "official" one...but ours would be free and there seem to be enough of us to be able to share info and meet in mutually convenient places.

    Ajoneen: Hi Amanda. Thanks for the info. I am going to ask those questions at the educational meeting also...and hopefully I will also learn more then.

    FatgirlinNY: I am so happy that you have joined us here. The more support, the better...that's how I feel. This thread has been so helpful for me and it is so nice to have met and continue to meet such wonderful and supportive people. Don't listen to what others tell you about having surgery or not...I went thru the same thing. I have been told that I am at the "lower end" of needing surgery and why do this, etc...but it doesn't help me to hear that. I am doing it for ME...because I know when I am comfortable and uncomfortable with my body and I want to both resolve existing health issues and avoid future ones. Only YOU know what's best for YOU...so do what you feel is right for you. I have told some people about my surgery and gotten mixed reactions. This is why I have not told that many people. So I am not making a big deal of my surgery to anyone other than my few closest friends and family who are very supportive. And, of course, this is also why it is so wonderful to have this group on this forum!

    Cappy: I am looking forward to seeing you on Tues afternoon! It will be wonderful to meet you in person! I am also looking forward to meeting anyone who will be there on Tues at the educational meeting. I am a little confused...is Chris or Sue129 also attending? See you then.

    Speak to you all soon!


  4. Hi Everyone!

    Cappy: I am so looking forward to meeting you at the meeting next week. It will be nice to finally put a face to the name! And, yes, I have been thinking about the foods I will not be able to eat...at least not for a very long time. But I keep remembering what Chris, the nutritionist, told me...this is not a diet but rather a new way of eating for life. She said there is no reason to feel deprived or that we can never eat something again; but we will not ever eat as much of it or as often. We only have so much room in the pouch and have to remember to fill it with healthy Protein, etc. So we don't have to feel like we can "never" have pizza or whatever again...we will eventually be able to have a little sometimes. So that makes me feel better. But we are all ready to do this...and I know that other things ... rather than food ... will take precedent in our activities! And think of all the new friends we have made here! We will continue to support each other and I just know that when we meet we will enjoy each other's company...so all the better!

    Shrinkinmom: Hi Chris. Yes our days are almost here! How exciting! And you are right...finding things that we like to do will occupy us in a healthy and happy way...rather than eating. I am looking forward to participating in more activities...like I used to do. Bicycling, walking, tennis, running, swimming are some of them. And, of courses, after losing weight, there's always shopping...lol! I know it will be colder out but it will be nice to even feel the cold more...rather than always being hot from carrying around the weight. I also love to walk my dog, believe it or not, and find that relaxing and invigorating at the same time. I am sure I will think of more things as time goes on.

    Amanda: Thank you for the suggestions about the shakes. I didn't think of that.

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! It's always greyt to hear from you! You are doing so well...without the fill! And, it must be nice to know that if you plateau, you can have a fill then, so you won't worry about it. I still hope we can all meet at a support group meeting. Then if we feel it is not helpful, maybe we can form our own support group and meet somewhere for free! There seem to be enough of us going through this that live near each other...so maybe we can pick someplace mutually convenient and get together on a regular basis. That might be more fun also. I find that having you all to talk to is so very helpful and takes so much anxiety away from me.

    So far the only questions I have for the educational meeting are:

    1. I was told I have a small hiatal hernia. Will it be fixed during surgery? I hope so.

    2. Which band will I be given? How does the doctor make the decision? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds?

    3. Do I take my regular meds before surgery? If not, what are the instructions? Is it true that I can never take ibuprofen after surgery? What about acetaminophen or aspirin?

    4. How much fill does the doctor start with?

    That's all I can think of now. I can't believe that there is only 2 and a half more weeks til surgery!!! I am so looking forward to it and my new life!!!

    Enjoy the day!


  5. Hi Everyone! My computer has been down for the past few days...so I'm sorry I missed you all this week. How is everyone? Wow...it's getting closer and closer...just 3 weeks from tomorrow! I'm getting very nervous, but so very excited!

    Sue129: Congratulations on insurance approval! I knew it would be fine. Dr. Geiss's office knows how to do this. I also live on the south shore of Nassau County...Oceanside. Where are you? I really didn't tell many people other than my family. I have a pretty small family and they know and have been very supportive. I also told a few friends...pretty much only people that I know would be supportive.

    Slim2be: Hi Lisa P. 52.1 pounds! Wow! That's amazing. You are doing greyt! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to be there, too. You must be so happy! Thanks for the suggestion about unjury. The only problem I have with it is that it contains aspartame. Unfortunately I get Migraines and have had them for many years. Aspartame contributes to this for me so I stay away from it. I can have splenda though. Oh well, I guess I will have to try to "doctor" up the Medifast with flavorings as much as I can, and hope for the best.

    Elisa: You are doing greyt, too! 23 pounds in a month and a half is amazing! Congrats!

    Shrinkinmom: Don't worry...you are still considered a Notorious November...lol. 3 days doesn't matter! Yes I understand how you feel about the holidays. Fortunately we always have them at my sister's house. My sister is extremely supportive about my surgery, and in fact, helped me decide to do it. So she and family are prepared for my lack of eating...I will be in the mushy stage. Even though it's one of my very favorite meals...and my sister is an amazing cook...I will be fine with it. It's all about being together and we will have fun anyway! Hopefully I will be able to eat a little regular food by the time the December holidays come around. And, yes...I can't stand those Brooke Shields commercials also. Maybe if they came up with an affordable and accessible car that runs on alternative fuels with better gas mileage, they wouldn't have to try to sell them this way...lol!

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! How are you doing? I can't wait to hear how your first fill goes tomorrow. Good luck and I'm sure you will do greyt!

    Cappy: Hi! I wasn't able to change the date for the educational meeting because I have other appts on the 28th. I have been trying to change all of them around so it's still a possibility, although a small one. I am going to call the office on Monday. I will let you know for sure then. I would really love to meet you also!

    Msjessy: Hi Jessenia! Nice to meet you. I'm glad the fill didn't hurt at all.

    FatgirlinNY: Hello and welcome! Congrats on beginning your journey.

    Ajoneen: Hi Amanda. Thanks for the tips on how to "flavor" the medifast shakes. I will definitely use them since it looks like I will have to rely on medifast instead of Unjury. Medifast uses splenda which I can have.

    I hope everyone else is doing well! I love this forum...you are all so wonderful and supportive!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend,


  6. Hi again!

    Cappy: Hi Fran! I'm sorry about the educational meeting also. When I got my surgery date Liz gave me the choice of the 21st or the 28th...now I wish I picked the 28th. Looks like both you and Sue will be there on the same day. Maybe I should try to change my date...

    Sue129: I'm glad both you and Cappy will be there together. I heard from my insurance company the day after I got my surgery date. Unfortunately I heard from them because they did not approve the inpatient stay and want me to be an outpatient only. You only hear from the insurance company if there is anything they won't approve; otherwise it is fine. In my case, this means that I have to be out of the hospital in 23.5 hours. I called Dr. Geiss's office and Lisa told me not to worry. They appealed it and it was denied again but Lisa told me it would be worked out between the hospital and the insurance company. Apparently once you have surgery, they can reapply if there are any complications. By the way Lisa and my insurance company explained it...it sounds like this is usual for my insurance company and they can say that I need more pain management or something like that and the inpatient stay will be approved. At any rate, Lisa told me that I would pay ZERO and I shouldn't worry. So, don't worry Sue...they know what they are doing and how to do it so it will be approved. If they didn't think you would be approved, they wouldn't have given you a date. :crying:

    I, too, have been eating more than usual...or the wrong foods anyway. I guess I feel like it's my last chance to eat this stuff either ever or for a very long time...and definitely never as much again. I did that for a few weeks and now that I am getting closer to the day I am getting nervous and not doing that anymore. I keep remembering what the nutritionist told me...it is not a diet...it is a different way of eating altogether. There are no foods that we can never eat again; rather we will never eat as much of them again. It seems as though the only things that we can never have again are carbonated beverages...and that is not a big sacrifice, especially considering the benefits.

    Anway...I may call Dr. Geiss's office tomorrow and see if I can change my educational meeting to the 28th. Then I can meet both of you.

    Take care,


  7. Hello Everyone! I'm really getting nervous. 3 weeks from today I start my preop liquid diet...4 weeks from tomorrow I have my surgery! I'm feeling like I have only 3 more weeks to eat food as I know it...life will change drastically in 4 weeks...but it will change for the better!

    Shrinkinmom: Hi Chris. They did give me a choice of 2 dates for the educational meeting. I hope you can go to the one on Oct. 21 like me.

    Cappy: Hi Fran. I also hope you are going to the same educational meeting. There is also another one on Oct. 28. That is the last Tues of the month. But I am going on the 21st.

    Amanda: Hi and welcome!!! You are doing greyt!!!

    Slim2be: I am looking forward to meeting you also!

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! I guess I will just let Dr. Geiss decide about the band on the day of surgery. It really doesn't matter which one I get...as long as it's the best one for me. I also have to find out if he will repair the small hiatal hernia I have. I found out about it when I had the upper GI series...I never knew I had one but they said it was a small one. It would be nice to have it repaired as long as I'm in surgery anyway.

    Hi also to Elisa and Candle and everyone else reading this.

    Have a greyt day,


  8. Hi Everyone!

    Slim2be: You are doing greyt! Yes it will be so good to meet everyone in person in December. I am looking forward to it!

    Cappy: When are you going to the educational meeting? I am scheduled for Oct. 21 at 2:45. Maybe you can go then also. I hope so. By the way, I know you are trying to put the Notorious Novembers into your signature. Copy the BB Code from whatever graphics site you are using into the signature box. That should work. If not, let me know and I will help you.

    Candle: Keep up the good work!

    Susancarole: Hope all is well with you! Which band do you have? Thanks for the info about both bands...I'm sure I will hear more about it when I go to the educational meeting.

    Shrinkinmom: Which educational meeting are you going to?

    I hope everyone is doing well! The days are flying by...my surgery date will be here soon!!!


  9. Hi Everyone!!!

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! I can't wait to hear what it's like with saline...but it sounds like you are doing fine just the way you are. Tennis is greyt! I used to play a lot years ago...maybe after surgery I will be able to get back to it. I always loved the sport! I never thought about the port but it's a good question. Where is it placed...above the belly button or to the side? Can you hit it if you bump into something? And...30 pounds already!!! That is amazing! Congrats!

    Cappy: Congratulations on your date! It will be here before you know it. I think Sue's suggestion about telling everyone at Thanksgiving that you are on a temporary liquid diet per the nutritionist is a greyt idea. And...look...it turned into a sunny rest of the day today. Crazy weather!

    Amy: How is it going?

    Candle: I don't know if Dr. Geiss uses the Realize Band. What is the difference between the 2? Is one better than the other?

    Shrinkinmom: I'm sorry we won't be hospital buddies...but your date will be here soon also. It would have been nice, though.

    I hope everyone else is doing well. Can we all plan to meet at the December meeting? I think we will all be finished with our surgeries then and it would be nice to get together. What do you all think?

    By the way, my name is Lisa. I don't think I mentioned it before.

  10. Hi Everyone!

    Susancarole: Hi Sue! How are you doing this week? I hope you are feeling GREYT and progressing as planned. I'd love to hear what's going on with you. And I would definitely want to meet at a support group meeting right after I have surgery. Do you know when they are held?

    Elisa: How are you feeling? What's it like for you?

    Twiceblessd: Hi Nicolle! Our surgery dates will be here before we know it! Just 4 more weeks til we start our liquid diets.

    Cappy: Did you get your surgery date yet?

    Amy: How's the preop diet going?

    Musicmir: Did you hear anything new yet? Did you get your date yet?

    Shrinkinmom: How about you? Did you get your date yet? I'm still hoping for a surgery buddy!

    Hope everyone else reading is doing well also! I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.

  11. Hello to Everyone!

    Twiceblessed aka Nicolle: I'm happy to hear you have a date! Based on the materials I got when I saw the Christine, the nutritionist, I start the preop diet 7 days before surgery. I can have full liquids during days 1 thru 6, but only Clear Liquids on day 7, which is the day before surgery. I have mine on Nov. 10 so you are right behind me...lol! Good luck!

    Elisa: It sounds like you are doing greyt! I can't wait to be at the point you are already!

  12. Hi Everyone! I hope you all are having a GREYT weekend!

    Amy: The 6 months will be over before you know it. I am lucky that my insurance did not require that. I had my initial consult with Dr. Geiss on 8/1 and started scheduling appts immediately. I had to go back to the cardiologist for extra tests, and the pulmonologist wanted me to be tested for sleep apnea (which I apparently do have) so that required more appts at the sleep center...but it's all done! I did not use their psychologist because I have my own therapist...so avoiding scheduling another appt. was good. It will all be finished before you know it! Please keep us posted!

    Cappy aka Fran: Hi and welcome! Liz is the scheduler in the office and she will give you a date when she calls you on Wed. She is very nice and patient so it should be a pleasant conversation. It would be so cool if you had your surgery on Nov. 10. That's my date! I would love to meet you. I did not have to attend the Tues meeting that you are referring to. I do have to attend an educational session on Oct. 21 at 2:45. But that's it...other than the preadmission testing a week before surgery at the hospital. Liz will tell you all about that when she calls to schedule the surgery.

    Musicmir: I'm sorry to hear what happened with the psychologist. I would be pissed off also. But they can get the info from her easily since she works there with them. Good luck with the "pee in a jug"! I'm sure it will work out fast and you will get your date quickly. Here's a group hug for you...:thumbup:.

    Susancarole: Hi! Sounds like you are doing GREYT! How are you feeling? What's the diet like? When do you move to the next phase? Maybe we can all meet at the support group meeting sometime! I would love to do that after my surgery!

    Shrinkinmom: I'm surprised that Jennifer said you could have a date in mid-October. They told me that October was all booked and they were booking for November only. I spoke with someone named Lisa. I do hope we have the surgery on the same day! Susancarole is right...I could use a buddy to go thru this with.

    I hope everyone else is doing well!

  13. Hello Everyone!

    Xraigal: I hope you are feeling well today!

    Sugarbear: Welcome! Sounds like you are doing greyt!!! How long ago did you have your surgery?

    Purplerose: October 3 will be here before you know it. Are you on a liquid diet this week before surgery? That's what I have to do. My surgery is Nov. 10 and I can't wait. Good Luck! Let us know how you are doing!!!

  14. Hi to everyone!

    Susancarole: How are you doing? I hope you are feeling greyt!!!

    Amy: How are you progressing? I hope things are moving along well for you?

    Musicmir: Anything new with the change in doctors? I hope you get a surgery date soon.

    Josie: Congratulations! I am happy you are doing so well.

    And I hope everyone else is doing well also. I am looking forward to hearing more from everyone!

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