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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by stacyrtl

  1. Hi Stacy! Welcome to the super sized bandsters board!

    I'm also a patient of Dr. Singh's and was banded on 3/21!

    I'm slowly adjusting to life, but I'm sick and tired of clear liquids :bolt:

    Hi lilnena. I hear ya! But you'll be done with them soon. Dr. Singh is wonderful, I love him, he's great! Who knows, maybe someday we will see each other in his office, hehe. Good luck to you!!

    Maurdan...thanks for your reply. You weren't kidding, they really are pricey...WOW!!


  2. Hi everyone!! I just had a question to ask about challenges. I have noticed in the signature of some other Bandsters that they have (I think) monthly challenges. I may have missed it somewhere on this thread, but I was wondering if there is going to be any "challenges" for our group for April since March is almost over?

    Just a thought. Just wondering if anyone is interested?


  3. Hi everyone!! I too was banded by Dr. Singh. He's great!! I have nothing but nice things to say about him. Those of you considering him as your surgeon, I say...go for it, you won't regret it.

    I live 2 hours away from Albany Medical Center, but it is worth the drive.


  4. Hello everyone!! :wave: :hug:

    I finally finished reading all of the posts here! It took to FOREVER!:faint: It has been great reading all of your successes! I mean, WOW!! I can only hope to have the same success. At times I can't believe how hard it has been. Old habits certainly die hard! But I would do it all again without a single hesitation. Except I would have done it a lot sooner, that's for sure.

    Well as for introductions, my name is Stacy. I am 5'4", and I started out with a BMI of (embarrassing, but here goes) 61.8, which as far as I know was my highest. On the morning of my surgery it was 59.4. Currently my BMI is at 56, I am SOO happy to say that I have lost 34-37 lbs (my weight fluctuates about 3 lbs. throughout the day, depending on what time it is I swear...it sucks). I lost really well at first, 15 lbs. within the first 2 weeks, then only another 5 lbs. in the next 2 weeks. Since then I have basically been at a horrible stand still. I'm a little frustrated. But I understand that my body is going through a lot right now, so that eases things some what.

    Good luck everyone!!:clap2:


  5. Honestly, I can't eat pureed foods. Just looking at them makes me sick. I made some homemade black bean Soup the other day, then put some in the blender. One look at it and my appetitie was gone.

    I just take tiny bites of things that are on the mushie diet, chew it about 30 times until it's pulverized, then I swallow. I'd rather do the pureeing in my mouth.


    I am soo with you no this one!! Just the thought of LIQUIFYING some foods makes me sick. Can't wait until I am past that stage.


  6. Hi everyone, I too am just now at about 4 weeks post-op. The first 2 weeks I felt so great (other than the pain). But on the other hand, for the past 2 weeks I have felt so hungry. My post-op diet for the first 2 weeks was Clear liquids, and the past 2 weeks it has been full liquids. I have my 1 month nutrition apt. tomorrow and my diet will probably be advanced to mushies/purees. I just can't wait to get this hunger under control and to feel as though I actually have a band. I am scared to death about screwing up.

    Another thing that might be contributing to my increased hunger is that I have unfortunately started my period (not wanting to offend anyone) within the last few days. I pretty sure that also had something to do with it. I can't wait until I am done, I hoping it will be a lot easier for me to judge my actual hunger. Because I know for me that I am always a lot hungry during this time.

    I feel bad saying that it makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one feeling this way and having the same issues as I do, but the truth is it does. But we wouldn't be of any help to one another if we couldn't relate to one another. It definitely helps me to know that there is support out there when I need it. I have support from my family and friends, but it is not the same. They don't and can't understand what I am going through.

    Even with my struggle to get through the hunger, I have lost about 20 lbs. since my surgery. In the last week I have been at a stand still. I must be in starvation mode or something. Can't wait til it passes and I start to loss again.

    Good luck everyone!!:clap2:


  7. I forgot about the Special K Protein Water!! Thanks for the reminder! Does that stuff taste any good? What kind of Protein is it?

    Unfortunately, I tried the Special K Protein Water, and I thought it was gross. Sorry to say. The Tropical Blend flavor, to me tasted like vomit. The strawberry Kiwi wasn't as bad. I haven't yet tried the Lemon Twist. But everyone's taste is different, so it would probably be better to try it for yourself. Good luck.

  8. Hopeful,

    After surgery I would get the hiccups also, and they would hurt like he... uh crazy. Now that I am 3 weeks post-op tomorrow the hiccups don't hurt any more. I think it hurts so much because the diaphram sets above the stomach, so until you have healed a little more you will have some pain.

    Just know that it will go away.

    Good luck to you!!


  9. My doc said about 6 to 8 weeks for my first fill. My doc and nutritionists seem to move a little slower than others from one phase to the next. Two weeks for liquids, then two to three weeks of full liquids, then two to three weeks of purees/soft foods, then on to solids. They said this insures optimal healing and recovery, and to be sure the phases are not rushed. Up until three or four days ago, I was fine with all this, but now I am feeling a little more hungry and craving things. But I think it is more head hunger than actual physical hunger.

    Good luck to all of you out there!!!! :clap2:

  10. Ok, coming to the ones that can really identify. I was banded on 2/5 (one week ago), and I am struggling with the recovery stage. I generally feel week, but the worst seems to be the soreness and tightness in my belly. Probably port site. Feels fine to walk or lay down, but to sit at my desk, it feels awful. I have had laparoscopy before and two c-section deliveries. Didn't expect to still be struggling thru the recovery part one week out. I realize this sounds terribly whinny, but I am so frustrated. Still haven't come to terms with the band... I refer to him as "Bandit" for now. I am sure in time I will grow to love him, but for the past 7 days, not so much. I am also still attempting to adapt to the food. At this point, still on Soups, broths, and liquids. Cottage cheese is as thick as it gets. I tried a few smashed Beans the other night - and that was a no go! Could my stomach still be swollen after a week? Come on, when does this get a little better? NEED SUPPORT!!!!!!


    Hi Kim,

    I too was banded on 2/5. I also still have a little pain in my belly. I have noticed that if I am sitting up straight, that it becomes quit painful and I need to lay back in my chair. I still can't lay in my bed though.

    I am still on the liquid phase of my diet; broth, tea, 100% fruit juices, popsicles, etc., and skim milk. I will be on the liquids for an other week, then I will beable to move up to full liquids, then mushies, and so on. Amazingly, I am not hungery at all.

    Yeah, your stomach is definately still swollen.

    Don't forget, everything you are going through is normal. We will be doing great in no time at all. This whole experience will be worth all the pain and inconvenience. I can't wait!! :clap2: :clap2: :gluck: :whoo: :hug:


  11. OK... Here's hoping I got everyone: :)

    Greg - 2/2/07 <O:p</O:p

    Susannah - 02/02/07<O:p</O:p

    Staceyrtl - 02/02/07<O:p</O:p

    Babygrl1234 - 02/06/07<O:p</O:p

    HeatherPA -Pending

    Chris - Pending

    TracyKS - (psyc & nutrition 1/17 & 1/22)


    Hi Tracy,

    I just need to up-date you on my surgery date. It is now scheduled for the 5th of February. It sucks that it was changed yet again, but its still on. Thank you for this thread. I wish you all the luck and success in the world!!:clap2:


  12. Hi Tracy, I'm scheduled for the 2nd of February!! :high5: :dance: I was originally scheduled to have my surgery on the 29th of January, but my surgeon's office called yesterday afternoon to tell me that he has had a personal matter come up and will not be able to do my surgery on that day. It's really disappointing ;), but what can I do? At least the surgery is still on. I can't wait! But I know it will be here before I know it. :faint:

  13. Well, yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from my surgeon's office telling me that he has had a personal matter come up and won't be able to do my surgery on January 29th. It is now going to be on the 2nd of February. So needless to say I am no longer a January Bandster. It sucks, but what can I do. :cry

  14. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Stacy... which is the first part of my username, the rtl stands for: ready to loose. Like everyone else, that is what my goal is. Kind of boring, but it is what it is I guess.

    This has been a nice thread to read thru.:clap2:

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