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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Maranda

  1. Call your dr. Don't play around. If you have pain with urination or pain in general you may have something going on or nothing significant. Typically there is no bruising as it is a latex/rubber of sorts tubing. You may have some inital discomfort when inserted and removed but otherswise be ok. Call your Dr. There are no embarrassing questions in a Dr. office.

  2. I guess one of the reasons I posted this was I see so many post about people being disappointed with their weight loss number. How about being joyful for the courage it took to get the surgery. The optimism to know your future is brighter. And to enjoy the ride. I have had my moments of "why is the scale not moving" but you know what. When I see the pictures.. the proof is in the pudding. Its not a number. Its how you feel. I had this surgery to give myself a healthier me. I only hope others who are discouraged know that there are hills to climb but keep climbing. Im climbing too, but man the view along the way is pretty awesome too!

  3. I just uploaded a few photos from a wedding I attended over the weekend. I know I have lost weight since my surgery last Sept but not really noticed. After uploading I was looking at my picture the day before my surgery. I see how unhappy I looked and my size. Now I see a confident woman who looks pretty good. I am not trying to be cocky so please don't take it that way. I have lost almost 50lbs and still have a ways to go. I suddenly see the changes by uploading a few photos. Everyone should have photos every couple of weeks/months. What a difference 10months can make. Wow.

  4. Ashley, I can understand your frustration but you must be patient. I know you have heard this before but the band is tool. I had my surgery Sept 30, 08. I am almost at 50lb loss. Some people have lost that amount in 3 months. Our bodies are different. You just keep doing what your are suppose to do and the wt will come off. Keep your chin up.

  5. At little confused. I am starting to get compliments.. Wow Maranda, your looking good. Today my mom said to me Maranda you are getting skinny. Now I still have a long way to go. But Here is where I am confused. I am still in the same size clothes. So how can people say this to me and I believe them. Someone reading this I know is ready to type : Why would your mom say that to you and you not believe her. I know I ask myself this as well.

    Then there are people like my neighbor.. He was telling a story about older women playing softball, he is an EMT. He said to me.."Maranda, they make you look skinny." How do people think that is nice, polite or even a compliment. I told him bluntly.. F.U. Tom. I was so p.o. I said it 2x. I dont think he realized it was hurtful because he cont. his story. I have worked hard to get where I am. He and his wife know I had the surgery. So why say that to me.

    ok Im done ranting.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh breathe.

  6. Update.. I think this may sound a bit crazy. But I think it was anxiety. I am a supervisor and I had the task today that I had to council someone for insubordination. I think it was just anxiety festering itself. After I did what I had to do although I was weak in the knees (this employee scares me she has a few screws lose) but by dinner time I was starving and I have not felt like that in probably 4 months. But then again it could of just been a bug. Thanks for all the advice.

    Maranda :)

  7. 2 days now very very little appetite. My stomach is just rolling. No nasuea, vomitting or diarrhea, no cramping. Just constant churning. And before anyone ask.. NO I am NOT PREGNANT. You gotta do something to get that bug! :rolleyes2:

    So anyone else experience this, is this part of good restriction it is the band or do I perhaps have some bug?

  8. ok so I am just sharing my experience here. I like many others LOVE LOVE LOVE MY BAND. This is something that I AM EXPERIENCING. I have had some of these slip out. Like when I am talking they just come out with very little to no notice. I had a fill about 6wks ago and noticed it moreso lately. It is a small thing that someone else may be going thru. I tried to add some humor to it. I highly doubt someone would not get the band based on my thread. The philsophy is the more you know the better educated you are. This is something that could happen. For example, I kept reading about the horrendous gas pain in the shoulders and chest. I was terrified of that. Guess what. NO gas pain none. Not even a little after the surgery. Did it make me want to not get the band. No, I was just aware this is something I might I have be prepared for. That is all I was trying to say in my thread.

  9. I too have told 90% of the people in my life.. the one person I have not told out of my dr's is my podiatrist. Its funny. He was a big guy and about 2yrs ago joined a gym got a trainer and lost a ton of weight. I just can't tell him I had the band. His office is laid back. I am very close to his secretary and the 3 of us chat it up while he waits for his next appt. I am embarrassed to tell him. Funny to me that I just can't/won't. So I think the point is everyone has a reason for telling or not telling people. You have to find your own reason why. :smile:

  10. Just had to post this.. Got banded in September. Since then I now can belch/burp whatever you want to call it with the best of them. I am not proud of this at all. Here is the deal. These loud/long/deep suckers just pop up and out with no warning at the most inappropriate time. If you embarrass easy you may want to be aware. I don't mind it too much at home but my goodness anywhere else is not appropriate. Not ladylike at all. Suppose the upside is I am not PB! Gotta find the silver lining somewhere.

    So if you are a southern belle or a woman of high society.. be prepared to lose the dignity and grace you have always known to have withyourself.. unless of course I am an anomaly? That would figure I would be the leader of the pack for this too in my life!

    And for the men.. well I am sure this is just a good thing anyway a man looks at it.. Burping is part of obtaining and keeping your mancard.. right?


    P.s. if you live in the Hudson Valley and feel a small tremor in the earth.. its not a earthquake, one of the suckers slipped out again! OH MY!

  11. I too like many others was/is in your shoes. I had my surgery on 9/30. I got my 1st fill in Nov. This month was the first month (March) that i finally feel restriction. I can still eat more than 1/2 cup which i think. BUt I get satisfied, and I dont get hungry or cravings. Since my fill which was march ? I have lost over 5lbs in less than 4wks. I canceled my appt today. Don't need a fill want to see how I do. Am I pulling high numbers like some people. No but I know my wieght will come off during my time. I will get MY numbers in my time. I am down almost 40lbs. Its taken awhile.. and you know what.. I am enjoying the ride. Hang in there. I am so often more than not in your frame of mind. Good luck.


  12. I am wondering if anyone else or how typical it is that after you get a fill you don't notice restriction immediately it is more like 2-3 weeks later? I am in this boat. I mentioned this to my dr yesterday and he said that I am a perfect example of why he is so conservative with his fills because if you don't notice restriction immediately and then get another fill and get restrictions week later it can be too much.

    So anyone else in this boat? Or am I paddling alone?

    Maranda :)

  13. Hi all. I am actually in week 2 of training for the MORE marathon in NYC last Sunday of April. Today I did (with a group) a little over 4 miles in 1 hour. That was walking, Outide at 8am in 11-14 degrees. This is a very exciting time for us. This will be my first 1/2 marathon. Good luck to everyone one. :thumbup:.. remember Put one step in front of the other. That way you are always a step ahead of yourself!

    Go Banders!

    Good luck & Best Wishes


  14. I recently found a warehouse outlet nectar Cappiccino for 19.99 (in most stores starting at 35.00) thought what the hell I will try it. OMG I love this. It taste like an international coffee. I do half Water and half fat free milk. I heat it up. It is hot coffee. I LOVE it so much I bought all they had. Finally a Protein drink I love that I cannot taste the Protein or whey whatever it is that I can taste that is not appealing to me. This flavor does not have that taste to me. Give it whirl.

    I could drink this all day long. Likely because it is hot. Who knows. Good luck in your endeavour finding the "one" that works for you. :thumbup:


  15. bad things.. hmm I now have this amazing ability to have the longest deepest burps I never could do. And they sneak up on you. I also tend to get a runny nose after I eat which seems to be pecular to me.

    Everyone is right it doesn't stop the other issues that may have lead you to why you ended up having the surgery.

    Fills: I am incredibly ticklish (beyond normal) and each fill I have had (all 3 of them) I get light headed when the dr finds my port with his finger then inserts the needle in. I don't feel the fill, I barely feel the needle. Afterwards I have not noticed anything until about 2wks out. I have had the vomitting, the spitting.. I have had very little gas pain if any. I have gotten stuck I have resisted the urge to drink I do not eat the things I am not suppose to as I know me and I know I will go right back to doing what I should not be doing. Sorry if my post lacked the gross factor. Good luck. REGRETS:... wish i had done this yrs ago.

  16. Prior to my surgery I was going to the gym faithfully about 5-6 times a week average 1-1/2hrs a visit. Since my surgery my time at the gym is pathetic. I seem to have no energy, no get up and go Like I use to. I am not sure if this is laziness that has kicked in or what. I am for lack of better words.. pooped. I know I need to go to the gym. I can squeeze it in my schedule like today I am off. I should be at the gym instead of home in front of the computer. I just seem to have no drive. And believe me, reading peoples post about #'s they are losing and I don't recall what number I started at but know I am not down as much as the average from my surgical date (9/30) I wonder if anyone has felt this. Or (BE HONEST HERE) from what you have read.. am i Just being lazy?

  17. Thank you Brad for the insight. I don't know if it makes them uneasy or what is the case. I also know it is so much easier said than done about finding validation within myself. That just seems to me being self centered and concited. But then again hoping for validation and compliments is also self-centered and concieted. I just want my famly to be proud of me. Yes I did this to get healthy and for me only. I guess I have issues I should look into more. Like 1. Why do I feel I need the validation?... hmm things to ponder.


  18. Thank you to all who have replied. I guess this is just another hurdle I have to accept and quit looking for validation from people. I need to remind myself I did this for me. Its a hard pill to swallow. I was really disappointed. Maybe I put my expectations too high. Just let it go... just let it go... just let it go.. my mantra this year.

  19. Ok so I am not one to feel the need to be the center of attention. I enjoy making people laugh and smile but I don't have to be the focus. So the family gathered at my sisters house which is 3hrs away. I had my surgery Sept 30th. I had seen my parents about 1 week after my surgery (my parents only live about 25miles from me) since then I have been in suclusion so to speak. I worked Thanksgiving so I missed that gathering. So Christmas day I was excited could not wait for everyone to see me. Mom, Dad, my sisters the whole family. When everyone arrived NOT ONE person looked at me and said "wow, you look good" you loook great" NOTHING. NOTHING WAS MENTIONED. Short of me almost in tears I mentioned it to my family I said Do you all not see I look different. Yeah we see.. but otherwise nothing. I really felt let down so to speak. I was not expecting a grand entrance but a little something from my family. A double take, a pat on the back.. I know this seems shallow but I was really hoping they would see changes that my coworkers see and tell me. Maybe this is one of the many reasons I got to the size I did. Being the middle child and looking for validation that I never seem to get. Nope that is not it.. I just ate to much. Maybe next year I'll get that moment I was wanting/wishing/waiting hoping for. Thanks for listening.


  20. Hey all. Had my first fill today at 5wks out. It went well. No pain at all. I am extremely tickleish so that was a major problem for me more than anything. I did feel a bit nauseaous for about 45mins after then fine. Doc put me on soft foods for today then tommorow back on the regular stuff. Still cannot lift weights at the gym :) I want to tone, tone, tone.. gotta try to keep ahead of my body. I have lost approx 20-23lbs since 09/30 feeling good.

    My questions are : the last 2 days I have been so incrediably tired. I doubt it is related to the anethseisa. I came home 2 days in a row from work and just passed out. I could of slept from 4pm thru the next morning if I let myself. Has anyone experienced this? Or am I just "tired" or should I be sucking it up and keep trucking thru the day? I forgot to mention this to my dr today.

    2ndly: I found out I have a smaller band in. It holds up to 4cc of Fluid. I am curious how many people have the smaller band and the success/ and or failures with it. I would suppose it depends on how you use your tool.. just curious.

    Thanks for any info in advanced


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