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Melissa Lea

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Melissa Lea

  1. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I agree Hootiebelle, So far this has been easy. I want to use the word "easy" lightly though as I know it still takes will power and self discipline, especially until we reach that "sweet" spot with our fills. Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/06 self-pay
  2. Melissa Lea

    Self-Pay Question

    Hi there! I just had surgery with Spivak on June 9th and I too am self-pay. The 15,000 includes the cost for everything. If you get a "low profile" port then that is an additional $700. Melissa Lea Spivak 06/09/2006 self-pay
  3. Melissa Lea

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hi July Bandsters -- I wish you all the best with your upcoming procedures. I'm from the June 2006 Band Crew. I'm 10 days post-op and feeling great! Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/2006 self-pay
  4. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok am I weird..... I've never felt pain at my port side . I know it's there because I've felt it. But I've been able to sleep on my side since day 1 and back to sleeping on my stomach 1 week post op. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering if something is wrong with my port since I've had no pain? Melissa Lea
  5. Melissa Lea

    Problems with vision?

    The gas hit me really bad several days after my procedure (in fact 6 days post-op). My right shoulder especially :faint: . The gasX didn't offer me much relief. Doing arm exercises (raising above head and back down), deep tissue massage, and heating pad helped the most. But this too shall pass (no pun intended). Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/2006
  6. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Cindy -- Sorry to hear about your first sliming episode. I am so terrified of that. I'm trying to be so careful. But I know that it is destined to happen to all bandsters :faint: . I am so happy to report that my gas in the left shoulder has subsided. Woohoooo!!!! I can not tell you how relieved I am (no pun intended). How are all the early month bandsters doing? Melissa Lea:hippie:
  7. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Everyone -- I've just sent out an email with the updated email address list. If you asked to be on the list and did not receive the email, please private message me your addy so that I can add you (or correct typo:think ). Also, Our 2006 Junebies have been very active in the forum :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: . If you are not on the Surgery date list and you posted your date, please private message me your date so I can add you. I'm trying to keep up!!!!! Best wishes to all of you having procedures this week. Melissa Lea:hippie:
  8. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    :clap2: Surgery Dates the week of June 19 to June 23, 2006 :clap2: June 2, 2006 Jude (Jude 048) Kim (Kimsretro) Salemkitty Sissi Zipota13 Julia (Hulia_Goolia) June 5, 2006 CutieRN (CutieRN) CindyCam Poodles Reeneea June 6, 2006 Karen (Mrs Sabre) Rebndave Juliegeraci June 7, 2006 Maria (Maria 75) Hedwig Aimee (warmmorningsun) AnneMarie jlogantx June 8, 2006 Regina (rroswelltx) Devnerbrodie Gladdy June 9, 2006 Melissa Lea (Melissa Lea) Mary Ann Barbara12375 Pinkylee June 12, 2006 Hootiebelle June 13, 2006 Barbara (Barbara465) Amus71774 JulieLu hate2w8 June 14, 2006 Kelly (KellyLuvsDave) Leila June 15, 2006 Rvillelegs June 16, 2006 Sparkey 1995 Juliyisra J-Ro June 19, 2006:clap2: Lasonyadj Jen (Time4Change) Lasonyadj June 20, 2006:clap2: SunnyDee Texasterry Tracy (Bubbyville) RandyL Lucymann June 22, 2006:clap2: ChakoLady Janelle (Chako_lady) Violet (Plainsneech) Terri (IBLoser) Darrub (DScgeudke) Divanita2006 June 23, 2006:clap2: Ndbeekeeper & Husband June 26, 2006 BeacheeGirl Lizzie (lizziegrace) June 27, 2006 Dancing Queen Blj5362 June 28, 2006 Laura (Housecatgirl) June 29, 2006 Christa94 Socalgal3 Nannepuddn Devana Please keep each of us in your thoughts and prayers as our surgery dates near. Best wishes to all -- Melissa Lea
  9. Melissa Lea

    Problems with vision?

    Oreilly -- I typed this big for you because I understand. It's a side effect of the anthestia. If you look closely in the mirror your will most likely see that your pupils are dialiated. It will get better day by day. It took me about 4.5 days. Be patient. Melissa Lea
  10. Melissa Lea

    Insurance questions (getting insurance after the band)

    Well, I am a self pay patient because my insurance had an "exclusion". Since I was self pay, I never needed my PCP referral for the procedure. Think I will not say anything to prevent it from being documented in my medical record until this insurance stuff gets straightened out. Really sad that some companys approve for you to have the procedure then deny you care if you move/change. Melissa Lea
  11. Melissa Lea

    Insurance questions (getting insurance after the band)

    Hummm, this is the first that I have heard of an insurance company denying benefits to overall healthcare for a person with the band. I can understand perhaps if it's anything band related. If they deny the band then you think they would have to deny people with RNY and people with other procedures (breast implants, etc) --all FDA approved. I hope someone will have some answers ....very interesting topic. That's something I don't think anyone really thinks about going into our procedures. Melissa Lea
  12. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Everyone -- It's been 1 week to the day that I had my surgery. Wow, I still can't believe it. Returned to work on Day 6. First 2 days were a little rough for me. Thus far, I've had excellent restriction, down 11 pounds. My only complaint has been gas. The gas has settled into my left shoulder and it has been extreemly painful. I don't want to scare anyone getting ready to have surgery. For this particular gas, the gasX didn't work :phanvan for me. But laying down flat on a heating pad relieves it and moving my arm/shoulder as much as possible. My energy feels like it's back to it's pre-op status. I started my chewable mutlivitamin 3 days ago. I'm looking forward to my walk tomorrow morning. I usually would walk a couple of miles a few days a week pre-op. We will see what I can accomplish tomorrow. I feel sorry for the person that walk behind me (kidding --:cry i think). I hope everyone else is having a quick recovery. Happy to be on the banded side Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/2006
  13. Melissa Lea

    Gas Pains. . . Ouchies

    MiniMandy -- I know exactly how you felt. Last night I had a friend give me a massage and then my aunt gave me a deep tissue massage. That helped a bit. But laying flat on the heating pad gave a lot of relief. I woke up this morning with no pain. Now it's about noon and it's starting to spaz again. Only a few more hours until I get to leave work. And the GasX has given me no relief as well. Melissa Lea
  14. Melissa Lea

    NW Houston Bandsters

    I will let you know Barbara -- Melissa Lea
  15. Melissa Lea

    NW Houston Bandsters

    Hi Barbara -- The Woodlands (North Houston Group Still meets). In fact we are meeting tonight at Jason's Deli. I post the info on the yahoo forum (Houston Area Bandsters). I can start posting here as well?? We typcially meet every other week on a Thursday evening. Melissa Lea
  16. Melissa Lea

    Gas Pains. . . Ouchies

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I've tried everything that you all have suggested. Some things offer a little relief. I guess for me, it will take -- time, time, time:drum: Melissa Lea
  17. Melissa Lea

    Gas Pains. . . Ouchies

    Hi Everyone -- I had my procedure 6/9/06 --so I'm barely a week out. I have gas pains so bad in my left should it hurts to breathe:faint: . It's trying to move up into my neck area so I'm praying it's trying to leave. I've done it all ...the gas x, the arm exercises, walking etc. Not much seems to be helping. I had a lot of gas in the abdominal area as well but most of that seems to have subsided. For thos of you that had this experience post op, how long did it take for it to leave your body? I need to see a light at the end of the tunnel :help: . Melissa Lea
  18. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Cutie -- I didn't get a picture. The camera broke :confused: . I'm the only one that day that didn't get a picture of their band. Guess I'll find out at my follow up. Melissa Lea
  19. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'm curious, does anyone know what size band they have? I was too nauseated after my procedure to even ask. I don't even remember seeing the doctor before I left :confused: . I was reading the information that they sent me home with about my band. It said that the maximum fill on my band is 4cc. Does that mean I have a smaller band? Just curious. I'll research some more. Always been a little confused about the sizes. Melissa Lea :hippie:
  20. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats Leila -- I know how you feel about the gas pains. It will get better. It takes a few days. I had my first burp today (I know TMI) but wow it felt GREAT!! I still can't eat much. I had about a teaspoon of mashed potatoes and about 2 tablespoons of SF/FF yogurt at lunch. I'm as full as can be. I'm not complaining. I'm just scared I'm going to do something to hurt my band. That is my greatest fear right now. I'm sure that there are people out there in bandland that have done far worse things and nothing has happened to the band. Trying to sip sip sip on my liquids. I'm not up to par but I'm trying. I get too full. As soon as you can, walk walk walk ...that will help the gas. It's almost out of my shoulder and still have quite a bit in my stomach area (but I swear it's gone down 4 inches). Melissa Lea
  21. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Dawn -- Thanks for the update. I needed to hear that. I've had absolutely no pain at my surgery sites. But the gas pains, oh my goodness!!! Yesterday was the worst since it was all moving around (I walked and walked so much yesterday). This morning, I am feeling much better. Still only drinking my liquid protein in the mornings. I am going to try some yogurt and apple sauce at lunch today. Took my first chewable vitamin this morning (yuck!! --but that's my psychi, it really wans't that bad). I started to have those feelings Monday night and yesterday, "what did I do to myself" ....but I remembered you all, and all those that have come before me and will come after me. We will be just fine! Got on the scale this morning for the first time ....down 10 pounds. Melissa Lea
  22. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey Cutie -- I wished I could get a little of your hunger. I'm not hungry at all. I'm having a hard time getting in food down me. I went out and walked around for about 3 hours today running errands hoping that would help, esp with the gas. I don't feel any improvment yet. Everytime I get up my body wants to burp but NOTHING!!! If only ..... Other than that, I'm not in any pain. Recovery is going well. Back to work tomorrow (yuck!) Melissa Lea
  23. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    For those of you who need some help with TickerFactory. Cut/paste this link and read the instructions that photonut typed out for the LBTers. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=16218 Melissa Lea:hippie:
  24. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Everyone! I finally got around to updating our list. WooHooooo!!!!! What a great group of people we are among. If you have posted your date on the board and you are not listed --please do not take it personally. I have been recovering from my procedure and not been up to date on the board. Please private message me your surgery date if I accidently missed you and I will add you to the next update. Best wishes to those having procedures this week and for those of us recovering. Melissa Lea:hippie:
  25. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    :clap2: Surgery Dates the week of June 12 to June 16, 2006 :clap2: June 2, 2006 Jude (Jude 048) Kim (Kimsretro) Salemkitty Sissi Zipota13 Julia (Hulia_Goolia) June 5, 2006 CutieRN (CutieRN) CindyCam Poodles Reeneea June 6, 2006 Karen (Mrs Sabre) Rebndave Juliegeraci June 7, 2006 Maria (Maria 75) Hedwig Aimee (warmmorningsun) AnneMarie June 8, 2006 Regina (rroswelltx) Devnerbrodie Gladdy June 9, 2006 Melissa Lea (Melissa Lea) Mary Ann Barbara12375 Pinkylee June 12, 2006:clap2: Hootiebelle June 13, 2006:clap2: Barbara (Barbara465) Amus71774 JulieLu hate2w8 June 14, 2006:clap2: Kelly (KellyLuvsDave) Leila June 15, 2006:clap2: Rvillelegs June 16, 2006:clap2: Sparkey 1995 Juliyisra J-Ro June 19, 2006 Lasonyadj Jen (Time4Change) Lasonyadj June 20, 2006 SunnyDee Texasterry Tracy (Bubbyville) June 22, 2006 ChakoLady Janelle (Chako_lady) Violet (Plainsneech) Terri (IBLoser) Darrub (DScgeudke) June 23, 2006 Ndbeekeeper & Husband June 26, 2006 BeacheeGirl Lizzie (lizziegrace) June 27, 2006 Dancing Queen June 28, 2006 Laura (Housecatgirl) June 29, 2006 Christa94 Socalgal3 Please keep each of us in your thoughts and prayers as our surgery dates near. Best wishes to all -- Melissa Lea

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
