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Melissa Lea

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Melissa Lea

  1. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Goodmorning everyone! Congrats on the H2O challenge. I'm trying to get there. I have increased but not up to 64 ounces yet. Well, I have had no weight loss in 10 days. Bummer!! I've been so strict. I scheduled an appoinment for another fill on August 3. Will see how it goes before then. I can always cancell it right!! Melissa Lea
  2. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    TexasTerry ---that makes sense, thanks!
  3. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    PAB --I've only had one fill (1.1 cc). I don't think I'm at my sweet spot. But I do think I needed to re-evaluate some of the calories I was taking in. I will see how this week goes before I schedule another fill. I too will be going out of town in 2 weeks and do not want a fill directly prior to my trip. Melissa Lea
  4. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks for your feedback regarding my fill. I think I will give it more time. I seem to always be tighter in the evenings. I lost 2 pounds a few days after I got my fill but haven't lost anything since (about a week). I think cutting out my milk will help with the calories. Liquid calories add up quick!!! Also, I have been exercising more so maybe I am building some muscle. I know that muscle is weighs more than fat ---which actually never made sense to me because a pound of mucle and a pound of fat, it's still a pound. Melissa Lea
  5. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone! Seems to be the theme this morning, a new week, new start. I'm going to focus on more water intake. I gave up my milk drinking today :phanvan . Post op with my protein I needed that. But I LOVE milk. I think I go too many calories from that this past week. So no more milk for me :phanvan . I'm still debating on the "to fill or not to fill". I had mexican food last night for dinner, yummylicious!!!:hungry: I opted for a 1/2 order of nachoes (crispy goes down good). All I was able to eat were 4 nachoes (regluar chip size) and I was stuffed. Do you think I need a fill??? Well I guess I will see how I do today at lunch and maybe call for an appointment. It's so hard. I've not been filled quite 2 weeks. I am feeling hungry right now but I think finally I'm battling the head hunger vs real hunger. I haven't had that until now. So, I'll keep my mind busy and try not to think about food. Melissa Lea
  6. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Poodles --I know how you are feeling. I am going to look at my calendar and schedule a fill. I will be going out of town in about 2 weeks so I hope to get in before I go out of town. If not, then right when I return. My portions are within the bandster servings but boy have I been hungry this weekend. Melissa Lea
  7. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    BeacheeGirl ---that's comforting to know that I'm not the only one that thinks the port is moving around. And it makes perfect sense with the healing process. I know right after my surgery it felt like a huge knot under my port incision. When I got my fill, I read my post-op report and it said that I had a low profile port and from what I gathered it was placed pretty deep. I'm going to try not to fret about it because there is nothing I can do if it flips. Pinkylee --My doc too said keep between 4 to 6 ounces for meals. I think that I am doing pretty good. Today I am very hungry, got a bit weak also. But, I've also been very active today. I did a 3 mile walk this morning the walked through Sam's club, then walked through the mall, then ran a bunch more errands. I actually had to get a snack because I felt so weak. This is the first time since my surgery that my blood sugar dropped low. I am not diabetic but my sugars seem to always run on the low side. I had my second NSV today :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I had to go to Lane Bryant to get some new jeans. My one and only pair were getting too big (size 22). I tried on an 18 and they fit very good!!! These should last me a couple of months until they get too big. I hate to buy too many clothes right now.....I have plenty of shopping to do in my own closet. Have a great Saturday everyone!! Melissa Lea:hippie:
  8. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinkylee -- Sorry to hear of your problems today. I hope that it gets better for you. No, I can't say that I'm getting hungry between meals,. My meals hold me for 4 to 5 hours. Today's lunch: ate the lean cuisine baked fish (did not eat the broccoli in cheese sauce, just the fish) and a 1/2 cup of canned manderine oranges. I'm feeling fine. Is that too much food?? Melissa Lea
  9. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Everyone is doing great with the water challenge. I can't speak for myself since I haven't jumped on board yet :think . I do fine with water on the days that I walk because it's so hot outside. But on days I'm not walking I tend to grab other SF beverages like crystal light or something. I am going to go to Sam's club this weekend and buy a case of water. I do much better when I have a bottle I can carry. I hope to jump on next week with the challenge. Right now, I'm just trying to figure out if I need another fill or not? I am not eating the amount of food I was eating prior to the fill and I've not had a PB episode. I have lost 2 pounds since my fill so I'm on the right track. I think I will wait another week before I schedule a fill. Try to figure out if I need one or not. Keep up the great work on the water challenge. I hope to jump ship next week! Melissa Lea
  10. Melissa Lea

    northwest houston bandsters meeting

    Hello There! The North Houston Bandsters will have their their next meeting on July 27,2006 starting at 6:30 p.m.; Jason's Deli 1340 Lake Woodlands; The Woodlands, Texas 77380. All are welcome! Melissa
  11. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Carol -- Sorry to hear that your stitches around your port area tore. Did you feel it when it tore? Am I the only one, but I am so worried about my port flipping. I've have nutured the area where my port is allowing for scar tissue to develop etc. But it seems each day, that area feels a little different :think . Maybe I am just freaking myself out? Melissa Lea
  12. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    LOL Barbara for the egging. Very cute! Hey, we have to have a little fun. We are all in this together. Jude --you hang in there and do not get discouraged. This is not failing you, and you are not failing. We have to remember that this is not a "quick" fix but rather a journey. With any journey in life comes peaks and valleys. (((((you've been hugged)))) Poodles --the girl that did my fill told me that sometimes the first fill gets absorbed into the body and that I may need another fill in 2 weeks. I think I had a delay in my fill and I am feeling pretty restricted. I can certainly eat more that a few bites, but I'm not so tight that I'm PBing like Barbara (which I'm glad to hear your getting a slight unfill). I think I will wait another week or 2 to see how this fill goes. Melissa Lea
  13. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Heather. After 2 weeks post op I too had a complete stand still on the scale for almost 2 weeks. I didn't let it bother me. I had lost about 12.5 pounds the first 2 weeks. I figured that my body just needed to catch up on things and to heal. Towards the end of the two weeks the and my 5th week post op the scale started to move again. It's been slowly nudging down since :clap2: . I agree Barbara --they need a good egging. Melissa Lea
  14. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Christa --congrats on your NSV. It's the smallest little things that bring the greatest amount of joy. I know that larger scale victories are yet to come . Christa --as for being able to eating pre-band portions, I have not been able to do that. Now don't get me wrong, the week of my fill, I probably could have but I used willpower. Went to bed hungry one night. After my fill I am able to eat more than a few bites and eat until I get that "satisified" feeling. Eating slow has been a challenge for me. Since I'm single, I will work cross-word puzzles between bites or read a book. It forces me to slow down. Work a few clues or read a page or two, then take a bite :hungry: . I've never heard of anyone getting a fill at the time of surgery. But that goes to show you, each surgeon is different. Barbara --your right! I think we've been TP'd by the July band crew. Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/2006 Self-pay
  15. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi everyone -- I had my first NSV this morning. A small one but huge in my eyes. I was able to put a ring on my finger I haven't been able to wear in about a year. I didn't think twice about it when I grabbed it out of my jewerly box and slid it on my finger. It was about 5 minutes later when I realized what ring I had on. Whoppee!!!:clap2:. My hands have been so swollen this past year, I pretty much quit wearing rings. I hope my NSV is motivational to others. Sometimes you have to forget about the calories your taking in, the number on the scale, and look within yourself for the small victories. Anyone else have their first NSV? Melissa Lea:hippie: Spivak 06/09/06 Self pay
  16. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Randi don't get discouraged or jealous. Be happy for everyone that is losing. I know that it is so hard :faint: not to compare your success to others. I'm just as guilty of it. But each person is different and each person will lose at a different pace. Your time will come. Compete only with yourself by setting mini-goals. This isn't a competition. We are here to support one another (and yes we all know easier said than done). Barbara so sorry to hear about your horrible PB experience. I must say, I am not looking forward to that experience. I had one small PB episode with pasta --will not be doing that again soon. I had my fill last Thursday and I'm finally starting to feel some restriction. I've noticed a decrease in portions from pre-fill. Am I at my "sweet spot", I'd so not yet. But I'm happy where I am at thus far. Good luck to those having fills this week. Melissa Lea
  17. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I had my fill on Thursday. I too only feel mild restriction. I am trying so hard to fight the hunger. I did go to bed hungry last night. :faint: I guess the attitude that I'm trying to maintain is --I can fight through the hunger for a few months until I reach the "sweet spot". I guess another motivation for me being self pay is it's costing me $120.00 per pound to my goal. That makes me think twice before putting empty calories into me :speechles . I took up a new hobbie last night. I finally learned how to use my digital camera. I'm also creating online photo albums from all the picture CD's I've gotten over the past few years with my photos. That's keeping me busy and my mind off food. I've also been reading a lot of great books! Hang in there with me!!:help: Restriction Bound............. Melissa Lea
  18. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Wow Christa --3 cc's is a lot for a 4 cc band. I had my first fill today under fluoroscopy (yipppeeeeee :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: ). I started with 1.5 cc (4 cc band) --but the barium just sat there, would not go through. Then they took out .3 cc and the barium went through very, very slow. They took out .1 cc just to be on the safe side incase there is swelling. So I guess I should just say, I got a 1.1 cc fill . Melissa Lea Spivak 06/09/06 self pay
  19. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats to all of you who had your fills thus far this week. I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well. Especially since I have mine today :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: . I so need a feel right now :faint: . It could not have come at a more perfect time. Welcome Miguel and welcome back to banded life. I know together, we will all have great success. Melissa Lea Spivak 06/09/06 self-pay
  20. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi There ! So glad ot see everyone posting and very happy that everyone is doing well. Laura (Housecatgirl), I understand about the hunger thing. I fight off the head hunger. My rule of thumb has been, if my stomach isn't growling (and it has), then I'm not eating to eat. Yesterday I was so hungry. I actually went to bed hungry. I'm so ready for a fill. So glad that I have it tomorrow (yippeee!!!). July5forme ....it took me a good week for the breathing to return to normal. Keep doing your breathing exercises and that helps. The mornings were always the worst for me. Keep up the great work Junebies ....so glad I'm on your team!!! Melissa Lea Spivak 06/09/06 Self-pay
  21. Melissa Lea

    Dr. prescribed diet before surgery..?

    My doctor recommended a low carbohydrate diet pre-op to shrink the liver as much as I could. However, I didn't follow that very well :faint: . I did just fine in my surgery and now on my 5th week post op. Melissa Lea Spivak 06/09/06
  22. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats Reeneea and Cutie RN on your fills. I didn't think that they would put that much in at the beginning. That's great to get that kind of restriction right out. I hope I can get the kind of restriction I had post op ...that was great! I'm doing pretty well with my appetitie. It has picked up since week 3 post op. I have used old fashioned will power to keep my portions small. Still not eating anywhere near pre-bandster portions which is a victory for me. I wish every good restriction with their first fills. I go in on Thursday for mine !! Melissa Lea
  23. Melissa Lea

    July Bansters

    Here is the link to the July 2006 Bandsters http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=19235&page=12 Best Wishes! Melissa Lea
  24. Hi Julie -- I love your attitude. It's great that you are getting into the gym. I have been walking 3 to 4 times a week, the past 2 weeks (2 to 3 miles). I have a gym membership but haven't gotten back into that yet. I've wanted to get my endurance back up to where I could comfortably walk. As for your weight loss, how many people pre-banded can say that they lost 12. 5 pounds in a month?? I don't know too many. You are doing great!! I think the hardest thing for us is to not compare your weight loss rate to others. We are all different in that aspect. But ultimately, we can ALL reach our goal. It make take some a little longer than others. But isn't that just how life is to begin with?? Keep up the great work. Melissa Lea
  25. Melissa Lea

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good morning everyone! I can relate about the appetite. Mine is starting to pick up some. I'm using every ounce of willpower I have to control myself. I've had no problems with any food going down. I agree with cutieRN --the dark meat chicken goes down much better than the white. I've been stuck at 15 pound weight loss for 1.5 weeks. I'm not complaining. But it was sure nice to see the numbers going down so fast. I have my fill next week. I'm looking for some restriction (fingers crossed). I have a smaller band, maximum 4cc fills. I'm so happy that I have you all to talk to, complain to, vent to, you name it :confused: Melissa Lea

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