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Posts posted by PennyIris

  1. 10 hours ago, SleeverSk said:

    I had weird feelings in my legs too, but it was only my legs from what I remember although ATM I have a numb feeling in my back but I suspect that's from an old back injury. When you say numb does it feel numb when you touch the area or is it just a sensation similar to numbness? My legs felt normal to touch but weird/ numb when I walked. It passed after a few months

    For me it’s numb to the touch. I can’t really feel much pressure from my own fingertips when running them across my skin but it is also an uncomfortable feeling when standing and walking as well. Not painful just feels like my legs aren’t mine if that makes sense.

  2. 5 hours ago, liveaboard15 said:

    Since your profile is not filled out i dont know when you had your surgery... So please try to fill it out. It helps a ton when asking questions. As for the leg issues. I would suggest seeing your doctor and getting a lab order to get a ultrasound of your veins in your legs. I went to the ER about a month after surgery due to swelling, numbness. thinking it could be a deep vein thrombosis... But they checked me out and i was clear. They said for me it was just simply my body going thru the changes of surgery.

    Oh I wasn’t aware about the profile thing but I will fill it out to help with answering questions. Was it only in your legs? Is it cleared up now?

  3. Hello everyone, I could really use some input or info on anyone that has experienced numbness of the body. Where was the numbness? Did it progress? What did the doctor suggest and did it clear? I started to experience some numbness in my legs about 3 1/2 weeks ago. The numbness now has progressed to pretty much my whole entire body except for my head everything is numb and it’s to the point where it’s getting a little harder to walk without feeling like I might fall but I’m thankful I can still walk at this point. I don’t really experience much tingling and it’s not painful even though every now and then I’ll get a little shocks when I am sitting crisscross or stretching my legs out. I will say my doctor to test for Vitamin deficiencies and I am a little low on two of my B Vitamins and Iron but we are working to fix that now.
    I would love to hear from someone who has experienced this or someone who knows about this type of issue good or bad I would just really like some input and ultimately resolution

  4. 11 hours ago, Alex Brecher said:

    I use BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE “1 per Day!” flavorless capsules from https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/bariatricpal-multivitamin-one! BariatricPal has a special offer where it’ll cost you only $99 for an entire year's supply! Check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99

    With just ONE convenient & affordable BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE each day, you can get the bariatric Vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy! BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE was designed and developed by a team of the world’s leading Bariatric medical professionals.

    Please take a Calcium supplement separately to prevent interference with the absorption of Iron. You can view a large selection of bariatric-friendly Calcium supplements at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium.

    You can also find MANY other brands of bariatric Multivitamins at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins.

    Thank you truly!!

  5. 5 minutes ago, SpartanMaker said:

    I do the ProCare Health one-a-day capsule with 45mg of Iron. I have no issues taking large pills, but if you do, you might have to open it and put it in Yogurt or something. They also make a twice a day capsule that I assume is smaller if that's what you need?

    I looked at the specs on eight different bariatric Vitamins and felt like the ProCare Health capsule was the best. (It was also the ones my team recommended.)

    Thank you so much for commenting. No I don’t have an issue taking big pills and I will definitely look those up.

  6. Thank you all very much for the information, I definitely view it differently now. It wasn’t that I am eager to eat sugar but that I sit and think if I would ever be able to enjoy some of my favorite things that may have a little more than recommended to a bariatric patient but I will give this some thought. I really wanna succeed at changing my life around 😫

  7. Hello everyone :) one of my favorite things to drink pre opt was body armor but of course I am not able to drink it currently do to the sugar being too high and don’t want to risk dumping syndrome. Is there anyone that’s months of weeks post op that can now do more than just 6 grams of sugar? Is that something that will stick with me lifelong? Or might I be able to have a body armor every once and again in the future? Any help I would appreciate 💜

  8. 7 hours ago, MissMerryberry said:


    I'm 7 weeks post-op but I clearly remember being 2 weeks post-op, I found Protein2O bottled beverage really helps me get my Protein in! Its Protein infused Water, You get 15g of protein from a 16oz (average sized) bottle of it! It's sugar free and counts as protein AND clear liquid!

    Also, my doctor has me drinking Fairlife milk, its 13g for an 8 oz glass vs. its also lactose free and has 50% less sugar than regular milk! Its pretty popular in my area.

    Yes thank you so much for this info, im buying those protein 20 drinks tomorrow to try!! Crossing my fingers 🤞🏾🤞🏾😩

  9. 6 hours ago, toodlerue said:

    Are you still in the purée stage? It is hard. I
    added unflavored Protein Powder to Soups or mashed potatoes. If I made a roast with veggies for the family I would blend up a little bit of all of it with some of the juice essentially making my own baby food, but it was good! I also ate a lot of soft scrambled eggs or even soft boiled eggs or made egg salad from hard boiled eggs.

    8 hours ago, pintsizedmallrat said:

    Are you able to eat purees yet? Oikos Pro yogurt is 25g Protein per cup...however I would be surprised if you were able to eat much more than 1/4 of the container in one sitting at 2 weeks out. (For some added punch, I like adding PB2 Peanut Butter powder to the banana flavor!, 6 more grams of Fiber in 2 TBSP for 60 calories)

    I am on stage 3 already thankfully😅 I’ve tried a few different yogurts and I can’t even swallow it due to taste. I couldn’t believe it tbh . Thank you for the tip I am looking into the powder !!

  10. Hello everyone :S

    I am a little more than 2 weeks post op and thankfully as far as healing I have been doing good. My first week was awful as I was barely getting any Protein or Water intake because it all felt super heavy on my stomach and I began to panic but even being two weeks out I’ve learned more about my body but it’s a working progress. This being said, even though I am getting more protein I am still lacking! Does anyone have any tips on how to get good amount of protein in? I push myself to do 30 gram shake and thankfully my stomach can take tuna but I don’t think I can do 2 shakes at this time and I don’t eat enough meals to get the rest of the protein in. I tired LiquaCel and it was horrendous! The taste just lingering of fish oil in my mouth has me throwing the bottle out and it was so pricey ugh I really need help

  11. Hello everyone, I have a question that I hate to ask but is there anyone that has experienced at least the step three or four diet that still takes super small bites and waits minutes in between each one or will I eventually be able to eat bigger bites? I have this fear that I might bite off more than I can chew literally when I’m able to eat solid foods and would love some feedback! Thanks I’m advance

  12. On 6/17/2022 at 8:30 AM, Veritas34 said:

    Thank you both for the tips.
    The feeling kind of feels mental not physical… I’m hoping it will pass.

    As far as liquids I am surely not getting enough in. I know this. I just don’t have the urge to drink …

    I’ve been feeling the same and I’m 5 days post op. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone or something and it’s just depressing to say the least.

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